"Report My Event" link

Pathfinder Society

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Liberty's Edge

Hi. One simple question. Where is the "Report My Event" link?

Thanks in advance.

Sergio :-)

Coming soon. :-)

Sczarni 4/5

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Coming soon. :-)

In the meantime you can send results to Josh@paizo.com

Liberty's Edge 2/5 5/5 **

What precisely do we need to report in our emails? I've been putting off reporting until the button was working, but I could just do the email thing instead, if I knew what it was I needed to say.


Shisumo wrote:
What precisely do we need to report in our emails

My guess is who you are (PS #), who your players are (PS #), character numbers and factions and faction prestige points earned.

Dark Archive

Shisumo wrote:
What precisely do we need to report in our emails? I've been putting off reporting until the button was working, but I could just do the email thing instead, if I knew what it was I needed to say.

You need to send a report with the name of the Scenario run, the GM's name and PFS#.

You will also have to record each character's name and their respective PFS #, their faction and you will also have to record any Prestige they earn for the the event, usually 0 or 1, though there are Scenarios that hand out a little more.

I'll try to put up my Excel sheet for use and link it soon.

As these reports are getting more frequent (yay!), I'd rather everyone hung on to the results until the feature goes live. Gary is working on it right now, Cosmo has been testing it by entering Gen Con and Gen Con UK results, and I believe we're getting close to making it live. No set date on that, though.

Sczarni 4/5

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
As these reports are getting more frequent (yay!), I'd rather everyone hung on to the results until the feature goes live. Gary is working on it right now, Cosmo has been testing it by entering Gen Con and Gen Con UK results, and I believe we're getting close to making it live. No set date on that, though.

Yay - and I know I'm prolly a bit behind, but congrats on the change in title :)

Liberty's Edge Contributor

I just played in Silent Tide and [u]The Hydra's Fang[/u] Incident today at my FLGS. I would like to download those scenarios, but I want to make sure that I get credit for having played through the scenarios, first.

In case there are questions in the future, I'm assuming that there will be a way to check the reported date of the event (Sept 20th) against the date that I purchased the scenario, right? If so, then I'll go ahead and buy them tomorrow.


It was already said in another thread that purchase of a scenario doesn't disqualify you from playing in an event, but you are under the honor system to not read through the event before you play it.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Oh! I missed that thread. Thanks for the info, KEJr!

Grand Lodge 5/5

People in charge types, question on the same lines. Would it be possible to get tracking sheets or at least a listing of all the information that needs to be reported? I got a game coming up on saturday and want to make sure I get it right.


Michael, email me. josh@paizo.com

Josh, on a related question. How do we get an Event Code? I'm hoping to run Silent Tide in a couple of weeks at a game day, and also have a Slot Zero run for me in the next week or so.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Michael, email me. josh@paizo.com

Done, but I think I'm a tad late :)

Scarab Sages

CLBeilby wrote:

Josh, on a related question. How do we get an Event Code? I'm hoping to run Silent Tide in a couple of weeks at a game day, and also have a Slot Zero run for me in the next week or so.

Same here Josh, I ran Silent Tide today and didn't have an event code to place on the pages.

Actually, Josh, upgrade that. It looks like I'm going to need full, convention level, support. I may be getting as many as 35 players for Pathfinder Society at this event!


Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Coming soon. :-)

Any update on when the "Report My Event" link will be active? Is it active, but I missed it? I organized a Pathfinder Society game day last weekend; I have all the numbers I need, but I need a place to input 'em.

I also told everyone to leave the Event Code blank, and we can fill that in as needed once I have it.

I'll announce it all over the boards, blog, and emails when we launch it. Gary is working on a very important bit of code for the e-store and when he's done with that he'll move back to wrapping up the report my event code. I can only continue to say "soon."

2/5 5/55/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Ohio—Cincinnati

Josh, with the delay on the event reporting code, should we continue to hold off on reporting or should we send the data to your e-mail? I'm currently sitting on 9 unreported scenarios.


Astos wrote:
I'm currently sitting on 9 unreported scenarios.

Our group has a total of 13 unreported scenarios. We have five DM:s and around 20 players and characters. Most of the active characters are second level by now.

Would be interesting to know how many players total there are in the Pathfinder Society, how many gaming groups there are, what the faction distribution is, etc, etc.

Dark Archive

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
As these reports are getting more frequent (yay!), I'd rather everyone hung on to the results until the feature goes live. Gary is working on it right now, Cosmo has been testing it by entering Gen Con and Gen Con UK results, and I believe we're getting close to making it live. No set date on that, though.

Thanks for the update, Joshua.

It's best to hang on to them. Getting the reporting code rolled is Gary's top priority right now. I appreciate your patience and I'm sorry this is taking as long as it is. (And it's not Gary's fault.)

Scarab Sages

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
It's best to hang on to them. Getting the reporting code rolled is Gary's top priority right now. I appreciate your patience and I'm sorry this is taking as long as it is. (And it's not Gary's fault.)

Josh, any news on the Event Code? What should we write in there?

Nothing for now. It's an artifact of a future calendar system.


The Finnish Pathfinder Society is currently sitting on around 15 scenario reports. Most of the active characters are lvl 2 or lvl 3. When will the Report my Event -software and character database go online?

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Navdi wrote:
The Finnish Pathfinder Society is currently sitting on around 15 scenario reports. Most of the active characters are lvl 2 or lvl 3. When will the Report my Event -software and character database go online?

I know that the New York group also has at least this many if not more waiting to be submitted as well. I have three events outside of a store game that I need to submit on top of these and am sure there are a ton more from other players/GMs.

The Exchange 5/5

The answer has been "It will be ready when it's ready".

I have felt impatient too, but I'm sure the constant poking--while satisfying for us--is not constructive for Joshua or Gary.

Everyone is eager to see Pathfinder Society take off, but I'm sure that a false start won't be a good omen. Event reporting will come along, we just have to stop looking for it and suddenly it will appear :)

Sczarni 4/5

Doug Miles wrote:
Event reporting will come along, we just have to stop looking for it and suddenly it will appear :)

SOundsl ike finding a date

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Doug Miles wrote:

The answer has been "It will be ready when it's ready".

I have felt impatient too, but I'm sure the constant poking--while satisfying for us--is not constructive for Joshua or Gary.

Everyone is eager to see Pathfinder Society take off, but I'm sure that a false start won't be a good omen. Event reporting will come along, we just have to stop looking for it and suddenly it will appear :)

No poking Josh, he's reading submissions. Open season on Gary though!

We might have some very good news for people today. *crosses fingers*

Sczarni 4/5

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
We might have some very good news for people today. *crosses fingers*

Great - that means I have to poke those who havn't given me pathfinder numbers to get them to me ASAP...

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Pathfinder Society event reporting is now available on your My Pathfinder Society page.

If you're hosting an upcoming event, or an ongoing home or store game, use the tools on that page to let everyone know about it. Players can find games on the new Find Events page.

Liberty's Edge

Gary Teter wrote:

Pathfinder Society event reporting is now available on your My Pathfinder Society page.

If you're hosting an upcoming event, or an ongoing home or store game, use the tools on that page to let everyone know about it. Players can find games on the new Find Events page.

Great News Gary!

2/5 5/55/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Ohio—Cincinnati

Very slick!

The Exchange 5/5

Nice work Gary! I like it, I like it!

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Gary Teter wrote:

Pathfinder Society event reporting is now available on your My Pathfinder Society page.

If you're hosting an upcoming event, or an ongoing home or store game, use the tools on that page to let everyone know about it. Players can find games on the new Find Events page.

I accidentally made an event when I should have made a single session. Is this a problem? What can I do to fix my mistake (other than mark the event as cancelled)?


There seems to be some problems with the software:

1) I ran two game sessions on the same day. The scenarios were Silent Tide and Murder on the Silken Caravan. I reported these as game session #1 and #2. However, since the scenario-field seems to be linked to the date and not the scenario number, both game sessions show up as having been the same scenario. I could fix it by changing the game date of the latter scenario to, say, the next day, but that would defeat the whole point of having a date set for the game session.

2) Found another bug. The scenario in which a character died is not listed on the character page with the other played scenarios.

3) Entering my id-number in the required field produces my username, not my name. Also, when writing my name in the required field the software does not recognize the letters ä.

4) Ok, just checked back on the My Account. The page now has 3 events listed, two of which are empty. This is probably because of use of the back button on my browser.

5) Also, I'm a bit unclear whether I should report the game sessions under home games I'm currently running or under events that I've hosted.

6) If a character dies during a game session he does not earn prestige points for his faction even if he completed the faction quest before his untimely demise. Is this correct?

7) Ok, now I have four events listed. Delete event and clear all sessions features sorely needed.


Still a bit confused.

I've now marked all the events as canceled and re-entered the game sessions I've run as ongoing Pathfinder Society home games I'm hosting. The event (Pathfinder Society Finland) was assigned the event number 29. My sessions are numbered 3, 4, 11, 14 and 15.

My question is this: The other game sessions in the same ongoing home game campaign were run by different GM:s. Is it possible for said other GM:s to enter results for the same event (#29 Pathfinder Society Finland) or are the games run by different GM:s automatically assigned a different event number?

I'm guessing the answer is no, which would mean that home games in the same campaign run by different GM:s would have to be assigned different "event codes".

Another problem: An event marked as "canceled" is still showing up on character pages. Please consider adding a delete feature for removal of cock-ups.

Sovereign Court 4/5

Yup, I don't know how on Earth should it really create the sessions. Magically it just loses all the player data, and I'm already sick and tired of typing them all the time.

I too demand a delete button.

EDIT: Actually I got all done what I wanted to be done. Still, the delete button would be nice.


Ok, the instructions really need to be clearer. As it stands the whole thing is completely fubar. I can think of at least three-four ways in which I could report the same event and group the sessions, all of which sound like viable alternatives.

Someone please delete everything I've edited using that ugly mother so I can start over.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Navdi, I'm sorry for your difficulties. We'll be rolling out a new version of the code soon (next week, I hope) with improvements based on your feedback. In particular, you'll get a delete button. We'll also try to improve the instructions.

If I understand what you're trying to do, I think what you wanted to do was to first create an ongoing home game, and then report each game session you've hosted.

Sovereign Court 4/5

From what I reckoned in my character's progress, Navdi attempted to make one ongoing event (Pathfinder Society Finland) and add sessions to that, resulting in session numbers that reach 14 or so. I presume the idea is to create separate events (possibly with witty names such as "Bob's Silent Birthday Blowout Tide") for each day or event.

EDIT: Oh and yes, acknowledging umlauts, ä and ö in particular, would be quite good. Maybe even æ and ø, if you have Norwegian/Danish players. :P

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Deussu wrote:
From what I reckoned in my character's progress, Navdi attempted to make one ongoing event (Pathfinder Society Finland) and add sessions to that, resulting in session numbers that reach 14 or so. I presume the idea is to create separate events (possibly with witty names such as "Bob's Silent Birthday Blowout Tide") for each day or event.
I think the problem was that Navdi didn't create an ongoing event but should have. It's clear we need to improve our instructions and our code...
Deussu wrote:
Oh and yes, acknowledging umlauts, ä and ö in particular, would be quite good. Maybe even æ and ø, if you have Norwegian/Danish players. :P

I only had a short time at the end of the day to investigate this issue, so I'm not sure yet what the problem is. Obviously (to me, at least, I hope your display is the same) our messageboards handle the characters properly, so there's something I did on the event reporting page that's not meshing up properly.

Liberty's Edge 2/5 5/5 **

Is there any way players can report events that are not reported by their GMs/organizers?

Liberty's Edge 1/5

How do the Event Codes, Session numbers and event titles work with the chronicle sheet? I noticed my Event Code for my home game is 54, but with the Gen Con stuff there was no event code, just a session number.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Shisumo wrote:
Is there any way players can report events that are not reported by their GMs/organizers?

That's on the to-do list, but for now, bug your organizer.

Liberty's Edge 2/5 5/5 **

Gary Teter wrote:
Shisumo wrote:
Is there any way players can report events that are not reported by their GMs/organizers?
That's on the to-do list, but for now, bug your organizer.

Easier said than done, since it was Dragon*Con... :P

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

I have a question on store/ongoing games. It appears that the current system only allows the creator of an event to report to it. Is this correct? I took the initiative to create an event for a homegame I play in, but I'm not the one organizing it. Am I correct in understanding that I will be the one who needs to report this event in the future? If not, how would someone else go about reporting a session for this event?

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