Six Monks Bar


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Female Half-orc Monk 3

Nice. Now I only need an 16 or so to actually hit.
AoO against Lil'Jackie (1d20+7=8)
And I fumble. By the gods...

Gunnom sees the halfling suddenly come close to her, and out of reaction to her training tries to hit him, but pulls back in the last second, getting herself off balace.

Male Halfling Monk 3

By the furry toes of Desna! Halfling luck! What Irony. :)

Female Half-orc Monk 3

Yeah... Gunnom must really have a crush on that halfling. At least she is female. ... Somewhat.

Karr, now in the water beside Drunk Monk, lashes out at him with repeated blows. One of them connects. -2 to attacks and half damage mean only one blow hits for 3 points of damage. The water is about 4 1/2 feet deep at this point. You get no penalty to AC because you aren't "flailing about" (see PRPG Beta, 321).

Karr withdraws to hide under the platform. Are you moving to 4G?

Gunnom continues to dance with LJ but has begun to get frustrated at the halflings lack of willingness to give her some "skinship". LJ, feeling her pain, offers a blow to her head as evidence of his affection. He then attempts to tumble past her but has to leap back to avoid her blows. 2 points of damage to Gunnom and the map remains unchanged.

Ilil continues to attempt the "Elusive Koi Maneuver". She hears chuckling coming from somewhere.

I think we still need an attack from DM.

H4 Noisy Cricket -- Karr the Choleric 17 (Damage taken = 14)
F3 Leaping Monkey -- Gunnom 16 (Damage taken = 5)
F2 Noisy Cricket -- Lil' Jakie 15 (Damage taken = 2)
E3 Leaping Monkey -- Ilil 10
I4 Conniving Bullfrog -- Drunk Monk 10 (Damage taken = 6)
OUT J5 Conniving Bullfrog -- Tallis Kotellos 21 (Damage taken = 25)

Female Half-orc Monk 3

So, shall we wait for Drunk Monk?

To 4G if it does not provoke an AoO.

Male Human Monk/3

Sorry guys, super busy studying for school. Tallis NPC me, or go on to Round 8, can't post right now.

Drunk Monk sends a flurry of blows at Karr.
5 ft step to Karr, then a flurry of blows.
1d20+2=20, 1d20+2=19, 1d6+5=6, 1d6+5=6

If I can't use flurry of blows, just use the first attack. Also, why do I always seem to roll better for Drunk than Tallis?

Male Human Monk/3
Inebriated Ascetic wrote:

Drunk Monk sends a flurry of blows at Karr.

5 ft step to Karr, then a flurry of blows.
1d20+2=20, 1d20+2=19, 1d6+5=6, 1d6+5=6

If I can't use flurry of blows, just use the first attack. Also, why do I always seem to roll better for Drunk than Tallis?

Thanks Davi, just checking in, then a five-hour energy drink, and a couple more hours of studying :(

Btw, Davi, my Flurry of Blows is +4/+4.

Even with the half damage for being in water, I think that flurry knocks Karr out. Am I right? 6 points of damage.

Karr falls down into the water. His head slips below the surface.

F3 Leaping Monkey -- Gunnom 16 (Damage taken = 5)
F2 Noisy Cricket -- Lil' Jakie 15 (Damage taken = 2)
E3 Leaping Monkey -- Ilil 10
I4 Conniving Bullfrog -- Drunk Monk 10 (Damage taken = 6)
OUT J5 Conniving Bullfrog -- Tallis Kotellos 21 (Damage taken = 25)
OUT H4 Noisy Cricket -- Karr the Choleric 17 (Damage taken = 20)

Just waiting for my turn. But is Karr going to drown? Because Ilil will save him on her turn if necessary.

Female Half-orc Monk 3

Gunnom, taken aback from the coming close of the halfling regains her balance, and punches her fist foreward, trying to hit Lil this time really hard.

Attack in round 8, MW Kama (1d20+7=25)
That should be a hit then.
Damage Round 8 (1d6+4=5)
Nice. Minimum damage.

"Haha! Me hit you! now you go down!"

Male Halfling Monk 3

"Ouch, that smarts!"

I move back, out of the reach of both Gunnom and Illil and drink another potion, conjuring forth some more protection.

Shield potion, raising my armor class to 25.

Ilil wrote:
Just waiting for my turn. But is Karr going to drown? Because Ilil will save him on her turn if necessary.

It does, indeed, look like Karr is underwater. If you want to pull him above water, he won't resist as he is unconscious. (Having no experience with unconscious people drowning, I will assume this to be true.) Doing so will bring you near Drunk Monk.


Alas, poor Karr, we hardly knew thee... then people start to loot his inert body.

Ilil gives up on her search and goldfish-throwing and instead spends her turn pushing Karr out of the water.

Male Halfling Monk 3

We're waiting on drunk, right?

Drunk Monk also helps save Karr from drowning.

Gunnom has finally given LJ a caress.
LJ downs a potion.
Drunk Monk and Ilil pull Karr's head above water.

F3 Leaping Monkey -- Gunnom 16 (Damage taken = 5)
F2 Noisy Cricket -- Lil' Jakie 15 (Damage taken = 7)
H3? Leaping Monkey -- Ilil 10
I4 Conniving Bullfrog -- Drunk Monk 10 (Damage taken = 6)
OUT J5 Conniving Bullfrog -- Tallis Kotellos 21 (Damage taken = 25)
OUT H4 Noisy Cricket -- Karr the Choleric 17 (Damage taken = 20)

Female Half-orc Monk 3

"What ya doin wit him? He not our friend! Why help him?" Gunnom shouts in the direction of Ilil, while defending herself from any attacks the halfling would make.

Total defense, Dodge, AC: 10+4DEX+3WIS+1Dodge+6TotalDefense = 24

Because of my good looks and charming personality. Hahaha

Female Half-orc Monk 3
Karr the Choleric wrote:
Because of my good looks and charming personality. Hahaha

Gunnom is as charming as Karr is, the looks on the other hand...

Male Halfling Monk 3

"Hey you guys are alright!" I call out as I see them lifting my partner out of the water.

Meanwhile, as Gunnom, some ten feet away looks all prepared to defend herself, I quaff my last potion and look down into the water to see if I can spot a glint of the 'prize'...

Healing Potion: (1d8+1=6)
Perception: (1d20+8=23)

F3 Leaping Monkey -- Gunnom 16 (Damage taken = 5)
F2 Noisy Cricket -- Lil' Jakie 15 (Damage taken = 1)
H3? Leaping Monkey -- Ilil 10
I4 Conniving Bullfrog -- Drunk Monk 10 (Damage taken = 6)
OUT J5 Conniving Bullfrog -- Tallis Kotellos 21 (Damage taken = 25)
OUT H4 Noisy Cricket -- Karr the Choleric 17 (Damage taken = 20)



The water is very murky with mud stirred up by Ilil's moving about. You are not able to see anything too clearly.

Female Half-orc Monk 3

AoO for Lil drinking a potion: AoO round 9: (1d20+7=17, 1d6+4=10)I hadn't thought it would work...

Seeing the halfling letting his guard down while getting his potion drunk, Gunnom swings an fist in the general direction of the small one, not really aiming carefully enough to hit him.

"Now what? We fightin' or huggin' us?"
Total defense, Dodge... as above

Male Halfling Monk 3

Attacking Gunnom: (1d20+6=23)

"No hugs... NOISY CRICKET!"

I snap my foot up at Gunnom's face, brushing my hairy foot just past her nose and then move back and away from the half-orc. (E2)

So, Ilil, I assume we're carrying Karr over to the walkway this turn?

Ilil and Drunk Monk manage to get Karr up on the walkway.

Gunnom and LJ continue to spar.

F3 Leaping Monkey -- Gunnom 16 (Damage taken = 5)
E2 Noisy Cricket -- Lil' Jakie 15 (Damage taken = 1)
H3? Leaping Monkey -- Ilil 10
I4 Conniving Bullfrog -- Drunk Monk 10 (Damage taken = 6)
OUT J5 Conniving Bullfrog -- Tallis Kotellos 21 (Damage taken = 25)
OUT H4 Noisy Cricket -- Karr the Choleric 17 (Damage taken = 20)

Let me know of your position DM and Ilil as you may have moved getting Karr up on the walkway or after doing so.

Male Human Monk/3

"Hmmm, I must really be drunk. Saving the man I just punched out..." Drunky can only shrug, much to the joy of the studio audience.

A single handclap peels so loudly that it feels like you've been rapped on the head with a quarterstaff. Looking up, you see an old monk standing on top of the wobbly post that the beam fell off of earlier. Despite the thinness of the post, he stands comfortably on one foot.

"Fools! You are no better than your masters."

Female Half-orc Monk 3

"... Who this man? He really good..." Gunnom lets out, letting her guard down in surprise.

Male Halfling Monk 3

"Ha! It was this brute that threw the prize in the water without a thought for caution," I say and then I snap another kick, over the water at the half-orc.

Kick at Gunnom: (1d20+6=24)
Damage: (1d4=3)

Lil' Jakie wrote:

"Ha! It was this brute that threw the prize in the water without a thought for caution," I say and then I snap another kick, over the water at the half-orc.

Kick at Gunnom: (1d20+6=24)
Damage: (1d4=3)

"Focus!" yells the old man at Gunnom. "You let your guard down for a moment, you let it down for a lifetime."

Female Half-orc Monk 3

Irritated by the old men lecturing her, but getting that he is something of a tutor, Gunnom gets her arms back up to defend herself. Total Defense

"It not hurt much. He hit like mosquito sting."

Ilil is now in I5.

Her head snaps up as she hears the old man.

Tanglefoot bag super-attack!
Ranged touch = 9.

Tarren, could you determine where the Tanglefoot bag lands?

Ilil wrote:

Ilil is now in I5.

Her head snaps up as she hears the old man.

Tanglefoot bag super-attack!
Ranged touch = 9.

Tarren, could you determine where the Tanglefoot bag lands?

You are trying to attack the old man? If so, I'll determine where the bag lands. ;-)

Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
Ilil wrote:

Ilil is now in I5.

Her head snaps up as she hears the old man.

Tanglefoot bag super-attack!
Ranged touch = 9.

Tarren, could you determine where the Tanglefoot bag lands?

You are trying to attack the old man? If so, I'll determine where the bag lands. ;-)

Oops. I realized I did not specify exactly. Yes, the attack is on the old man - which is why I am assuming a 9 misses.

Male Halfling Monk 3

"Hey Drunk," I call out, as I nimbly dodge Gunnom's feeble attempts to defend herself, "Help me with this big lug and... oof... her partner and then maybe we can find those knuckles without their... uhg... goof-ball antics messing us...huh... up anymore. I think if you breathed on them... it would greatly help... incapacitate them!"

Male Human Monk/3

Drunky hears nobody. He is completely focused on the newcomer. His mouth hangs open in appreciation (see alias) If he is right, this is the legendary Mr. Fweng. It would be an honor to meet such a prestigious person... no.. god!

The tanglefoot bag lands in G5.

"I am Gaddara. Your Zhufan once called me Zhufan. You have shown no more wisdom than them. Your heads are too full. Full of need. Full of certainty. You are not wise enough to be trusted with the Brass Knuckles of Troll Smacking. Leave my home."

With that, Zhufan Gaddara, steps off the pole and gracefully slides down to the top of the table.

Female Half-orc Monk 3

Gunnom understands not much of the little speech of the old one, but the last sentence was pretty clear, even to her.
Without further thinking she turns her back on the scene and goes to where she came from.

Male Halfling Monk 3

With a courteous bow towards the owner, I reluctantly trudge over to assist my beaten partner out of the establishment.

"Ooohhh. So he used to be our master's master? I don't want to get a beating, so I'll leave. Sorry about your fish pond. They're cute."

Male Human Monk/3

Drunk shakes himself back to real life. Damn, it wasn't Fweng. Oh well, Drunky looks around for the closest standing thing to hit, and does so.

Flurry of Blows:

Confirm Crit:

A Drunk Monk wrote:

Drunk shakes himself back to real life. Damn, it wasn't Fweng. Oh well, Drunky looks around for the closest standing thing to hit, and does so.

Flurry of Blows:

Confirm Crit:

Zhufan Gaddara slides along the bridge barely touching its surface and knocks Drunk Monk unconscious.

"These posts are very well-crafted. Damaging them in anger is ... lacks ... it demonstrates a lack of maturity. Please take your friend back to his Zhufan."

"How embarassing."

Unconscious here....

"And take your other friend!" calls Zhufan Gaddara.

If you haven't already, see the discussion thread.

Time passes.

Your embarrassment at the 'Full Belly, Empty Head' restaurant would diminish if you didn't realize how much it hurt your master to see you fail in exactly the same test he failed.

Zhufan Gaddara does not communicate with you again so it surprises you when you receive a leather envelope containing a map to the legendary Old Arena, a key, and a set of rules:

(1) No magic.
(2) Do not kill.
(3) Only one may exit.
(4) Tell no one -- the invitation is for you alone.

The Old Arena is in a location known only to those masters who fought there over 40 years ago. It has been closed since before you were born and your master will not discuss the reason.

If you accept this mission, your 3rd level monk can choose the door that you enter the Old Arena by. First come first serve. I will explain more rules once everyone is standing at a door.

Male Human Monk 3

I'll take the door in column D.

"Finally, a chance to redeem myself for my past failures."

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