Korvosa has a Drug Problem!

Curse of the Crimson Throne

The Guide to Korvosa says that the city has a real drug problem, but I wonder who is selling all these drugs. Okay the King of Spiders does. But who else the Cerulean Society, House Arkona, the Sczarni or another gang?

What do you think?

Small-time cookers? Low level experts with a pile of ranks in Craft (Poisons), Craft (Alchemy), and/or Profession (Herbalist). Flayleaf and Cabble-weed seem to be of the correct type to be able to grow on a windowsill or in a dedicated room lit by everburning torches and neither drug really requires a whole lot of processing.

I don't have the guide, but the impression that I get is that such drugs are not illegal. I know there are vice districts, so there could simply be zoning laws that say, "Keep any public use within these districts." But that doesn't say anything about private use.

I'd say that such drugs are completely legal in Korvosa, but public use restricted within certain zones. That means legal merchants, but perhaps ones not considered "proper," can bring them into the city. Organized crime is involved only to protect or monopolize the control points in the vice districts from other thugs.

The Black Fox wrote:

I don't have the guide, but the impression that I get is that such drugs are not illegal. I know there are vice districts, so there could simply be zoning laws that say, "Keep any public use within these districts." But that doesn't say anything about private use.

I'd say that such drugs are completely legal in Korvosa, but public use restricted within certain zones. That means legal merchants, but perhaps ones not considered "proper," can bring them into the city. Organized crime is involved only to protect or monopolize the control points in the vice districts from other thugs.

I thought some drugs are but not others. Pesh for instance - or is that just Absalom?

If you need something, I can hook you up.

Dark Archive

Randal wrote:
If you need something, I can hook you up.

"Sweet! I'll take... hey... wait a minute... Are you a cop?"

Steel Horse wrote:
Randal wrote:
If you need something, I can hook you up.
"Sweet! I'll take... hey... wait a minute... Are you a cop?"

*Shoots random passersby*


My betting would be on House Arkona. From what our characters have seen, the house imports a lot of things from overseas. Likewise, that cash has to go somewhere and the House seems to be doing very well for itself, despite being in crime central.

The drugs issue is an interesting one. My character is part of the Cerulean society and is also Chaotic Evil, a drunk and a womaniser, but he steers clear of drugs.

The theater owner of the Marbledome didnt pay his Cerulean protection money in the last session, so i beat him stupid and robbed him, including taking up his carpet, which was rather lovely. However, when i found his drugs stash, i chose to give it away rather than sell it.

Drug sellers are a bit nasty, even for the tastes of my character and he will have no part in the trade.

The "problem" with the drugs introduced in the Guide is that they are too easily created. No laboratory or such. I was thinking to create a drug maker (don't know the English term on the fly) as a PC in the Second Darkness AP. He should have left Korvosa beause of persecution.

House Arkona really seems to be a good "big one" in this dirty business.

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