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CourtFool wrote:Your a misguide CourtFool!Jal Dorak wrote:Really, they aren't being ironic. They just appear unintelligent, especially over the internet.I am guessing a 'STFU n00b' would be misguided?
I'm sorry, but that seems to be an incorrect use of the term "Court Fool."

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What gets me is when somebody who has a grasp of language and communication uses that in conversation, they are criticized as being elitist or phony. There is a huge entitlement movement these days that people who have undesireable character traits get defensive when they are called on them, as if it is their right to act like jerks but not anothers right to criticize them for it.
Oh, I so agree with this. The phony outrage from someone who is busy calling me a 'grammar nazi' for naively expecting them to be able to communicate their ideas in English like a grown-up is rich.
I'll use slang at times, but I've always felt that you should at least *know the rules* before you are qualified to decide which ones to ignore. Gotta learn to ride the damn board right before you start freestylin,' yanno?

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David Wickham wrote:I'm sorry, but that seems to be an incorrect use of the term "Court Fool."CourtFool wrote:Your a misguide CourtFool!Jal Dorak wrote:Really, they aren't being ironic. They just appear unintelligent, especially over the internet.I am guessing a 'STFU n00b' would be misguided?
how about if i rephrase it as
You are a misguider, CourtFool!

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Hugo Solis wrote:What do you mean by "thread eaten"?There is a bug in the messageboards that Gary cannot find. Every so often, when somebody posts a new thread, or even a single post, it does not appear. You can tell when it is happening because normally the board directs you to your new thread to display your post - if you are directed back to the board display, your thread has been eaten.
People have taken to calling the bug the "Post-Eating Monster". Incidentally, Gary is the Post-Monster General, so there is a possibility that during a solar flare, Gary changes into the PEM and searches for random threads to destroy.
I though it meant he was in charge of an army of Post-Eating Monsters...

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Jal Dorak wrote:What gets me is when somebody who has a grasp of language and communication uses that in conversation, they are criticized as being elitist or phony. There is a huge entitlement movement these days that people who have undesireable character traits get defensive when they are called on them, as if it is their right to act like jerks but not anothers right to criticize them for it.Oh, I so agree with this. The phony outrage from someone who is busy calling me a 'grammar nazi' for naively expecting them to be able to communicate their ideas in English like a grown-up is rich.
I'll use slang at times, but I've always felt that you should at least *know the rules* before you are qualified to decide which ones to ignore. Gotta learn to ride the damn board right before you start freestylin,' yanno?
I love the panda story that they eventually made into a book about grammer. A panda walks into a resturant and orders a sandwitch. The waiter brings it to him and the panda starts to eat it. When the panda is finished, he pulls out a gun and shoots a hole in the ceiling. Then he gets up and starts to walk out. The waiter grabs him and says, "what the hell was that about." The panda opens a nature book and points to a section which states "the panda is an Asian mammel that eats, shoots, and leaves." The title of the book is "Eats, Shoots, and Leaves."

Steven Purcell |

FWIW For What It's Worth - or Saern's version is "Formian Warriors Insurance Waiver"
WoW-World of Warcraft (not sure it needed to be said, but I said it)
BTW By The Way (probably everyone knew that already but one can never be too careful)
TETO To Each Their Own -or- Tarrasque Elf Treaty Organization

Steven Purcell |

Tessius wrote:I first saw nerf used while playing wow, usually some class complaining about one of their abilities being reduced in power. A change that players of other classes didn't always think was a bad thing. I tend to think of them as attempts to balance classes or abilities that aren't usually liked by the affected players.Same, but if i recall correctly i saw it on some DAoC forums before.
(Tessius, what's your server on WoW ?)

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I love the panda story that they eventually made into a book about grammer. A panda walks into a resturant and orders a sandwitch. The waiter brings it to him and the panda starts to eat it. When the panda is finished, he pulls out a gun and shoots a hole in the ceiling. Then he gets up and starts to walk out. The waiter grabs him and says, "what the hell was that about." The panda opens a nature book and points to a section which states "the panda is an Asian mammel that eats, shoots, and leaves." The title of the book is "Eats, Shoots, and Leaves."
I enjoy that one as well.
Eats, Shoots, and Leaves.
Eats Shoots, and Leaves.
Eats, Shoots and Leaves.
Eats Shoots and Leaves.

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CourtFool wrote:What's with all the 1s and ones and exclamation points after your comment? I've seen this a few times and it is a puzzling thing.David Wickham wrote:I think we need to define the term 'be nice/polite' also ;)STFU n00b!!!!1!!1one!!shift+1
The exclamation points are to prove just how seriously the poster takes the comment (extremely) and how seriously the rest of us should take them (not so extremely). The 1s occur because the poster is in such a frothing fury about whatever they are saying that they hit the 1 key without the shift key being depressed and get a 1 rather than a !. They then fail to read what they've written and post immediately, usually in the same frothing frenzy.

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LOL - Little old ladies
LOL - Lots of lesbiansWhat I dislike about them is when they're used in speech.
Yes. I've had people, face to face, tell me they will "BRB."
It is so hard to not reach out and smack them.
You mean you tried to restrain yourself? Why? The gene pool would have thanked you.

Paul Ackerman 70 |

Paul Ackerman 70 wrote:You mean you tried to restrain yourself? Why? The gene pool would have thanked you.LOL - Little old ladies
LOL - Lots of lesbiansWhat I dislike about them is when they're used in speech.
Yes. I've had people, face to face, tell me they will "BRB."
It is so hard to not reach out and smack them.
Oh... I want to. But, letting the judge know why you did it just doesn't seem to work anymore.
Hmm... Oh.. "Freedom Fries" made me want to kill people. For so many reasons.
"I know, right?!" I wish people would combust instantly. That still wouldn't be enough punishment.

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LOL - Little old ladies
LOL - Lots of lesbians
You're closer than you think (with the first)...
Way back in the day, it was a much-parodied cliche that certain DMs would overuse the Little Old Man (LOM) or the Little Old Lady (LOL), who would jump out from behind a bush to read out a box of expository text, regardless of the wishes or the actions of the PCs. They would be immune to interruptions, sarcasm, silence spells or weapon damage, and could attach themselves to the party, even if they teleported.
The female version would sound like one of Terry Jones' hags from Monty Python. The males would sound, depending on the 'skill' of the DM, like Old Man Steptoe, Johnny Ball or Paul Daniels (for you UK readers).

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Hmm... Oh.. "Freedom Fries" made me want to kill people. For so many reasons.
It seemed like insignificant posturing to me and I ignored it, as I chose to become an American citizen decades ago, regardless of my French/Irish/Scottish/etc. background.
Then I got an earful on the phone from my grandmother, who'se been an American citizen for fifty-plus years, and is still married to the WW2 vet who got her out of post-occupation France, and heard her loud and fiery opinion of people who called the French 'cheese-eating surrender monkeys' and apparently forgot which country it was that sent an army to help some upstart colonials shake off British rule*.
I decided that 'Freedom Fries' was a blessing, because it got my Republican-voting family members to stop voting for people who crapped all over them.
*Not that we desperately needed their help, at that point. And it's pretty obvious to any student of French/English relations that the French sent Rochambeau to piss off the English more than to 'help us.' But they still showed up, which is more than anyone else did, making them America's first real ally on the world-stage, willing to commit military force to assist in our nation's founding.

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Paul Ackerman 70 wrote:Hmm... Oh.. "Freedom Fries" made me want to kill people. For so many reasons.It seemed like insignificant posturing to me and I ignored it, as I chose to become an American citizen decades ago, regardless of my French/Irish/Scottish/etc. background.
Then I got an earful on the phone from my grandmother, who'se been an American citizen for fifty-plus years, and is still married to the WW2 vet who got her out of post-occupation France, and heard her loud and fiery opinion of people who called the French 'cheese-eating surrender monkeys' and apparently forgot which country it was that sent an army to help some upstart colonials shake off British rule*.
I decided that 'Freedom Fries' was a blessing, because it got my Republican-voting family members to stop voting for people who crapped all over them.
*Not that we desperately needed their help, at that point. And it's pretty obvious to any student of French/English relations that the French sent Rochambeau to piss off the English more than to 'help us.' But they still showed up, which is more than anyone else did, making them America's first real ally on the world-stage, willing to commit military force to assist in our nation's founding.
Yes, yes, yes, but what have you done for me lately?

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David Fryer wrote:I love the panda story that they eventually made into a book about grammer. A panda walks into a resturant and orders a sandwitch. The waiter brings it to him and the panda starts to eat it. When the panda is finished, he pulls out a gun and shoots a hole in the ceiling. Then he gets up and starts to walk out. The waiter grabs him and says, "what the hell was that about." The panda opens a nature book and points to a section which states "the panda is an Asian mammel that eats, shoots, and leaves." The title of the book is "Eats, Shoots, and Leaves."*cough*
It was a book about grammar, not spelling.

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LOL - Little old ladies
LOL - Lots of lesbiansWhat I dislike about them is when they're used in speech.
Yes. I've had people, face to face, tell me they will "BRB."
It is so hard to not reach out and smack them.
GOD, I hate that. People will often refer to having "lolled" about something.
PERSON: "Dude, did you see that video? I was totally lolling by the end of it."
ME: "Was it really that boring?"
This usually gets a resounding "huh?" from most people, so:
to loll
1. To act lazily or indolently; to recline; to lean; to throw one's self down; to lie at ease.

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The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:It was a book about grammar, not spelling.David Fryer wrote:I love the panda story that they eventually made into a book about grammer. A panda walks into a resturant and orders a sandwitch. The waiter brings it to him and the panda starts to eat it. When the panda is finished, he pulls out a gun and shoots a hole in the ceiling. Then he gets up and starts to walk out. The waiter grabs him and says, "what the hell was that about." The panda opens a nature book and points to a section which states "the panda is an Asian mammel that eats, shoots, and leaves." The title of the book is "Eats, Shoots, and Leaves."*cough*
Point. No one ever accused me of making sense.

Dazylar |

I can't believe that these haven't been mentioned yet:
IDHMBIFOM - I Don't Have My Book(s) In Front Of Me
WOTC - Wizards Of The Coast
COB - Character Optimisation Boards
I guess now we can all have digital copies of our books the first one becomes meaningless... and also links to
IDHMBIFOMBIIRC - I'll let you guys work it out :-)
And the ultimate one that I would have to use if I wasn't so restrained:
NSFW - Not Suitable For Work
Suitable links:
Acronym Finder
Book Name Abbreviations
WOTC COB Abbreviations
The last one is a little heavy!

Charles Evans 25 |

Paul Watson wrote:Point. No one ever accused me of making sense.The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:It was a book about grammar, not spelling.David Fryer wrote:I love the panda story that they eventually made into a book about grammer. A panda walks into a resturant and orders a sandwitch. The waiter brings it to him and the panda starts to eat it. When the panda is finished, he pulls out a gun and shoots a hole in the ceiling. Then he gets up and starts to walk out. The waiter grabs him and says, "what the hell was that about." The panda opens a nature book and points to a section which states "the panda is an Asian mammel that eats, shoots, and leaves." The title of the book is "Eats, Shoots, and Leaves."*cough*
Mr. Shiny. I accuse you of making sense.
There.And Smurf.

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The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:Paul Watson wrote:Point. No one ever accused me of making sense.The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:It was a book about grammar, not spelling.David Fryer wrote:I love the panda story that they eventually made into a book about grammer. A panda walks into a resturant and orders a sandwitch. The waiter brings it to him and the panda starts to eat it. When the panda is finished, he pulls out a gun and shoots a hole in the ceiling. Then he gets up and starts to walk out. The waiter grabs him and says, "what the hell was that about." The panda opens a nature book and points to a section which states "the panda is an Asian mammel that eats, shoots, and leaves." The title of the book is "Eats, Shoots, and Leaves."*cough*Mr. Shiny. I accuse you of making sense.
And Smurf.
I accuse you of making change!

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David Wickham wrote:I accuse you of making change!The world is changing... (Insert quote here from either Treebeard if you read the books, or Galadriel doing a start of film narrative if you watch the films.)
I did both! repeatedly!
I was disapointed they took out the reclaiming the shire part...i was looking forward to that part at the theater here it comes their headed home! wtf? credits? damn :(
And made Arwen a bigger part.

magdalena thiriet |

And it's pretty obvious to any student of French/English relations that the French sent Rochambeau to piss off the English more than to 'help us.'
Sometimes you have to settle for being considered "an additional bonus".
...of using Internet acronyms in real life, I have occasionally used them (juslt like I use acronyms like AWOL and SNAFU, not to mention LASER or PAH). Of course it adds to self-admitted geekery to say "sorry, I was AFK" when you have been spacing out and not paid attention what the other person was saying...

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The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:It was a book about grammar, not spelling.David Fryer wrote:I love the panda story that they eventually made into a book about grammer. A panda walks into a resturant and orders a sandwitch. The waiter brings it to him and the panda starts to eat it. When the panda is finished, he pulls out a gun and shoots a hole in the ceiling. Then he gets up and starts to walk out. The waiter grabs him and says, "what the hell was that about." The panda opens a nature book and points to a section which states "the panda is an Asian mammel that eats, shoots, and leaves." The title of the book is "Eats, Shoots, and Leaves."*cough*
As I tell my students, that is why I teacher history, not English.