Everything is better with poodle drool.
I can not think of anything that is not.
What about old French dudes?
It does not make them any less French nor Old, but it does make them better.
Licks Clinically Depressed Poodle.
Chases a cat into the thread, around a sofa and back out.
Yap! Yap! Yappity yap!
Clinically Depressed Poodle wrote: Cats suck. Actually, they taste great! *coughs up a hairball*
Someone broke into the neighbors home yesterday. I think it was that old French dude Chirac again.....what an @$$hole.
Clinically Depressed Poodle wrote: Someone broke into the neighbors home yesterday. I think it was that old French dude Chirac again.....what an @$$hole. Bet they didn't have a war poodle to protect their home.
Good morning, Dread Lord Poodle.
Licks Dread Lord Poodle.
Sniffs Jack Hammer's bum.
CourtFool wrote: Sniffs Jack Hammer's bum. JH's bum smells like Del Taco and beer. Enjoy! But not too much.
CourtFool wrote: Good morning, Dread Lord Poodle.
Licks Dread Lord Poodle.
Morning O alpha dog of Heroic stature!
Licks CF and rolls over to show belly
Dread Lord Poodle wrote: CourtFool wrote: Good morning, Dread Lord Poodle.
Licks Dread Lord Poodle.
Morning O alpha dog of Heroic stature!
Licks CF and rolls over to show belly *licks DLP's pink belly* YAP! YAP!
Poodle on poodle love. Just wait 'till California finds us.
CourtFool wrote: Poodle on poodle love. Just wait 'till California finds us. They'll probably neuter us. *whine*
Cockapoo wrote: CourtFool wrote: Poodle on poodle love. Just wait 'till California finds us. They'll probably neuter us. *whine* Yipyipyipyipyipyipyipyipyipyipyipyipyipyip!!!
*flees in terror!!!*
Clinically Depressed Poodle was neutered once.
Licks Clinically Depressed Poodle.
Sorry. Couldn't resist.
CourtFool wrote: Clinically Depressed Poodle was neutered once.
Licks Clinically Depressed Poodle.
Sorry. Couldn't resist.
I wonder where did our poodle master just licked CDP...
Llamafrog wrote: CourtFool wrote: Clinically Depressed Poodle was neutered once.
Licks Clinically Depressed Poodle.
Sorry. Couldn't resist. I wonder where did our poodle master just licked CDP... I don't know. I had my eyes closed. YAP!
Wherever Clinically Depressed Poodle wanted it.
Yap! Yap!
CourtFool wrote: Wherever Clinically Depressed Poodle wanted it.
Yap! Yap!
"Gay poodle love", next on Maury Povich.
It's not wrong because poodles still exist in a state of grace ..
Licks CF, CDP, LF, CP and any other poodle hanging about. Lifts leg on any Jacks .
Nuttin' They just remind me of fire hydrants ....
Dread Lord Poodle wrote: Shrugs
Nuttin' They just remind me of fire hydrants ....
When you think about it, they do look like hydrants. Would they get mad if we painted them red? YAP!
When aren't they mad? That's why they're called the "Angry Jack Cult".
CourtFool wrote: Clinically Depressed Poodle was neutered once.
Licks Clinically Depressed Poodle.
Sorry. Couldn't resist.
Hell no! I've still got "The Boys". Why do you think I mauled that old French perv? Dude tried to snip me.....
The truth is finally revealed. That certainly seems justifiable. What is all this nonsense about you being clinically depressed?
That's just the excuse they ran with to cover up how much of a cruel, inhuman bastard that Chirac guy is - "Oh, I know, let's just blame the poodle. He's depressed, mentally unstable, and we all know how those kinds of folks are dangerous." I see it all the time.
Seriously, Chirac routinely kicks puppies, steals candy from babies, and leaves the toilet seat up. He's evil I tell you. Pure evil!
Think he would go out with Chris Brown?
CourtFool wrote: Think he would go out with Chris Brown? I don't think so. Chris Brown knows he would end up getting his bum kicked by Chirac. YAP! YAP!
Good point. How embarrassing would it be to have your bum handed to you by a French guy?
CourtFool wrote: Good point. How embarrassing would it be to have your bum handed to you by a French guy? Yeah. For someone to get beat up by a French guy would be like one of us poodles getting beat up by a cat. Total embarrassment.
The cat appears from the PbP area, bored now that the PbP is no longer running.
He socks the poodle in the ribs.
Hattyn the Cat wrote: The cat appears from the PbP area, bored now that the PbP is no longer running.
He socks the poodle in the ribs.
YIPE! *not seeing the sucker punch Cockapoo goes down for the count*
Wow, even my life isn't so bad that some pansy little kitty could sucker punch me....
Clinically Depressed Poodle wrote: Wow, even my life isn't so bad that some pansy little kitty could sucker punch me.... *has icepack on ribs* Hey, I didn't see that punch coming! YAP!
Cockapoo wrote: Clinically Depressed Poodle wrote: Wow, even my life isn't so bad that some pansy little kitty could sucker punch me.... *has icepack on ribs* Hey, I didn't see that punch coming! YAP! It...is...a...cat. A cat! Probably a french one. And it smells funny too.
Clinically Depressed Poodle wrote: Cockapoo wrote: Clinically Depressed Poodle wrote: Wow, even my life isn't so bad that some pansy little kitty could sucker punch me.... *has icepack on ribs* Hey, I didn't see that punch coming! YAP! It...is...a...cat. A cat! Probably a french one. And it smells funny too. I didn't see you come help after I was decked. Being a French poodle you did what the French usually do, you hid under the bed.
I did not see any hiding and I would rather we resolve our differences without violence.
Cockapoo wrote: Clinically Depressed Poodle wrote: Cockapoo wrote: Clinically Depressed Poodle wrote: Wow, even my life isn't so bad that some pansy little kitty could sucker punch me.... *has icepack on ribs* Hey, I didn't see that punch coming! YAP! It...is...a...cat. A cat! Probably a french one. And it smells funny too. I didn't see you come help after I was decked. Being a French poodle you did what the French usually do, you hid under the bed. I was too busy laughing about you getting knocked on you furry bum by a cat....
Goes into the kitchen and grabs something off of a counter he is not suppose to have.
Clinically Depressed Poodle wrote: Cockapoo wrote: Clinically Depressed Poodle wrote: Cockapoo wrote: Clinically Depressed Poodle wrote: Wow, even my life isn't so bad that some pansy little kitty could sucker punch me.... *has icepack on ribs* Hey, I didn't see that punch coming! YAP! It...is...a...cat. A cat! Probably a french one. And it smells funny too. I didn't see you come help after I was decked. Being a French poodle you did what the French usually do, you hid under the bed. I was too busy laughing about you getting knocked on you furry bum by a cat.... Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up Frenchie. Nice excuse. You were shaking in your boots hoping the cat wouldn't come over and do the same thing to you. YAP!
CourtFool wrote: Goes into the kitchen and grabs something off of a counter he is not suppose to have. *licks Courtfool* I thought everything here was ours.
Wait! What?
Well blast! Where is the fun in stealing stuff that belongs to us?
Wanders off to the Jackhouse to steal something out of their kitchen.