David's Scarred Lands Campaign


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Male Half Elven Wild Druid / 1 XP:1,340/2,000

Of the belief that there is very little he needs that nature won't provide for him, Gal seeks nothing and is the first one at the gates. He sits comfortably and waits for the others, idly weaving some tiny plants, while still alive, into a beautiful living sculpture.

Might be a good idea to bring along some Rope with the horses though!

AC 21 (20)/T 13/FF 17; CMD 24, HP 76/76

I got a 50 foot coil of it; I'm guessing at least one other person has some, too.

Pavel leads the horses (I'm assuming with Gin's assistance) to the gate, scarfing down some lunch on the run.

The ranger nods to Gal.
"Hey, that looks good. What's it gonna be?"

Helping Pavel lead the horses, Gin waits for the others. He's obviously nervous having not left Mithril since his parents death.

"So when do you think the others wil show"

AC 21 (20)/T 13/FF 17; CMD 24, HP 76/76

"They're probably tying up loose ends, saying their goodbyes and such. They'll be here soon."
Pavel rubs the side of his face.
"Can't speak for Soll, though. Kind of odd that he wouldn't show up for his reward from Barconius. Must have been pretty thirsty."

Female Human Cleric 2

After saying her goodbyes to Brother Merling and spending a few moments in meditation and prayer, Kelindra joins the others at the gate.

"I'm not much good with a horse," she says to Pavel. "Perhaps you can give me some pointers?"

OOC: Kelindra is ready to leave any time. David, was there enough time in prayer for her to get her spells back?

AC 21 (20)/T 13/FF 17; CMD 24, HP 76/76
Kelindra Snow wrote:

"I'm not much good with a horse," she says to Pavel. "Perhaps you can give me some pointers?"

"Sure thing, though I have to confess: I'm more used to taking care of 'em than riding them. The army never got around to training me for cavalry. Just don't sit too rigid or you'll be sore in no time. Match her movements. Steer with your knees, try not to tug her head sharply unless you need a sudden stop. Watch for holes and stones, especially if you're moving fast: a broken leg is a death sentence for most horses and there are better ways to end a ride than with a concussion after being thrown. I'm sure you'll do fine; after a day or two in the saddle, you'll feel like you were born there."

He pats the mare's neck.

"While we're on the subject: I left the war horses for Mithril's cavalry. They'll need them more then we will, I think. So keep in mind that these ladies and gents haven't been trained for battle. You may want to assume they'll panic before they really do and just dismount if we have to face some serious trouble."

Dark Archive

Male Lesbian Cyborg Bastard Child of Paizo 18
Kelindra Snow wrote:

Kelindra is ready to leave any time. David, was there enough time in prayer for her to get her spells back?

Yes, it has been almost a day since your battle with the creat5ures under the city.

Male Half Elven Wild Druid / 1 XP:1,340/2,000

Gal, being caught up in his creation, doesn't notice Pavel & Gin's arrival until they are almost upon him. Somewhat embarrassed at being seen doing something he considers private, he hastily rises and puts it aside.

When Pavel notices his creation and asks him about it the Wild Druid turns his head and mumbles 'It's Nothing'.

He then moves to the gate and stares ahead down the path, waiting somewhat impatiently now for the others to arrive so they can all depart.

Female Human Cleric 2
Pavel wrote:

"While we're on the subject: I left the war horses for Mithril's cavalry. They'll need them more then we will, I think. So keep in mind that these ladies and gents haven't been trained for battle. You may want to assume they'll panic before they really do and just dismount if we have to face some serious trouble."

Kelindra grins broadly. "I think that is wise." She turns to the horse and strokes it's muscular neck. "Try to be gentle with me good sir. I'll not annoy you if I can help it."

She quickly looks for Gin and winks when she catches his eye. As Kelindra adjusts her saddle bags, she feels a certain warmth at knowing she will be traveling with her new friends.

Gin's face reddens as he glances at Kelindra. He wuickly turn jis attention back to Pavel

"S...so should we go looking for Soll", he tries to put his bitternesstoward the titanpawn aside.

"Mithril is not known for it's hospitality toward orcs, especially half-breeds."

AC 21 (20)/T 13/FF 17; CMD 24, HP 76/76

Pavel glances between Kelindra and Gin, raising one eyebrow quizzically but refraining from comment.
"Hmm. Tell you what, you know the city better than me. We'll wait here for Branomonrik and Ivo. I assume you'll be looking in the watering holes by the docks, right? Look for him for thirty minutes then head back, all right? If he's too hung over to travel, we'll figure out what to do with him."

Gin finishes packing his horse, and heads of to the docks.

"I hope he hasn't gotten into trouble."

male Halfling Factotum / 2

Ivo had been spending time studying up on the destination, and time slipped away. He rushes to the gate hoping everyone hasn't left yet, and mentally going through everything he needs for the journey.

Dark Archive

Male Lesbian Cyborg Bastard Child of Paizo 18


As you cruise the docks you spot Soll walking out of one of the multitude of taverns. Almost immediately after him you see a strangehooded fellow who looks at Soll and then at you before turning and walking into a nearby alley.


As you walk out of the tavern you see Gin walking toward you with a very deliberate pace.



Gin approaches cautiously, his hand ready to draw. "Soll, the others are wating. They are geared and ready to move to Mullis"

His eyes dart to the alleyway, "That wasn't a friend of yours following you by chance was it"

Female Human Cleric 2
Pavel wrote:

Pavel glances between Kelindra and Gin, raising one eyebrow quizzically but refraining from comment.

"Hmm. Tell you what, you know the city better than me. We'll wait here for Branomonrik and Ivo. I assume you'll be looking in the watering holes by the docks, right? Look for him for thirty minutes then head back, all right? If he's too hung over to travel, we'll figure out what to do with him."

"Looks like I've made him uncomfortable," says Kelindra to Pavel. "You know I can speak before large crowds extolling the virtues of Corean and teach class after class on the holy scripture, but making friends has never come easy to me." She shrugs. "I'd better finish packing these saddle bags."

AC 21 (20)/T 13/FF 17; CMD 24, HP 76/76
Kelindra Snow wrote:

"Looks like I've made him uncomfortable," says Kelindra to Pavel. "You know I can speak before large crowds extolling the virtues of Corean and teach class after class on the holy scripture, but making friends has never come easy to me." She shrugs. "I'd better finish packing these saddle bags."

"Well, this'll be a good thing for you then. Getting out, meeting people outside of the "flock" so to speak. Mithril's certainly an amazing place from what I've seen but Mullis Town's got some things going for it."

Dark Archive

Male Lesbian Cyborg Bastard Child of Paizo 18

Branamonk approaches the small gathering, Saddly, I will not be able to join you, he says. The powers that be have asked for my 'expertise' is studying the pillar we found. I will join you in Mullis Town if the opportunity arises.

When Seeker's connection problems resolve themselves he can pop back into the game. For the time being we will go on without him.

Male Half-Orc Rogue 1
Gin wrote:
Soll** spoiler omitted **


"Eh?" Soll twists his head around, trying to see who the monk is talking about. "No... No friend? Who you mean? We leave town now?"


After Gin's odd statement, Soll is feeling a bit paranoid and keeps surreptitiously looking behind him.

Sorry I been absent for a minute...



"The cloaked fellow following you...You mean you didn't know?" Gins blinks his eyes in astonishment.

"He just walked down that alley..."

"Well let's go. Pavel and the others are waiting."


Dark Archive

Male Lesbian Cyborg Bastard Child of Paizo 18


The alley doesn't seem to stand out in any way other than the strange individual who just walked down it.

AC 21 (20)/T 13/FF 17; CMD 24, HP 76/76

Pavel nods to Branomonrik.
"I'm sure your input will be valuable. We'll see you when we see you."
He gives the necromancer a firm handshake.

How much time has passed since Gin departed?

Male Dwarf Cleric of Abadar 2

I'll give ya a day or so and will start out behind ya guys

Dark Archive

Male Lesbian Cyborg Bastard Child of Paizo 18

Gin has been gone about 20 minutes or so. Also welcome back Branamonk.

Barring any interptions

Making his way back to the others, Soll in tow, Gin can't shake the feeling of being watched.

"Found him wandering around the docks. Barring Soll's need for anything, we should be good to go"

AC 21 (20)/T 13/FF 17; CMD 24, HP 76/76

"Let's hit the road; Mullis Town ain't getting any safer."
Pavel mounts up and heads out.

Male Half Elven Wild Druid / 1 XP:1,340/2,000

Gal grunts "About time"

He then casually flows into Wolf form and lopes along beside the horses, easily keeping pace with them.

The first day's ride is very uneventful. You make small talk and take the opportunity to get to know one another. Much the same is the case on the morrning of the second day. However, about mid-day you see a dark cloud rising up from the horizon.

Male Half-Orc Rogue 1

Soll attempts to discern if the cloud is a natural phenomenon.

Survival 1d20+3=21

The cloud could be caused by a duststorm, or it could be caused by a group of mounted riders. From this distance you can't tell.

AC 21 (20)/T 13/FF 17; CMD 24, HP 76/76

Pavel keeps his eyes and ears open as the group pushes forward.
Perception: 1d20+6=22, Survival: 1d20+6=23

I'm assuming we're taking the most quick and direct route to Mullis Town, which would be the Cordrada Corridor?

"It's probably nothing and maybe I'm getting paranoid with all these prophecies and magic evil pillars and such, but none of you noticed any special attention back in Mithril, right? Nobody dropping eaves or anything?"

"Now that you mention it, when I ran into Soll he was being followed. I didn't get a look them though. He ducked into the alley way as soon as I approached."

Male Dwarf Cleric of Abadar 2

Branomrik had been silent most of the trip, mostly do to study and his sore backside courtesy of not being used to horseback.

Being careful is best, may hap someone should scout ahead and behind, just in case.

I am gonna rearrange my daily spells, I was Able to get compotes right?

Dark Archive

Male Lesbian Cyborg Bastard Child of Paizo 18
Branomonrik Assia wrote:

I am gonna rearrange my daily spells, I was Able to get compotes right?

Yes. Mithrel has a wide array of magic shops, although most gave you odd looks when you told them you were not a guild member.

AC 21 (20)/T 13/FF 17; CMD 24, HP 76/76
Branomonrik Assia wrote:

Branomrik had been silent most of the trip, mostly do to study and his sore backside courtesy of not being used to horseback.

Being careful is best, may hap someone should scout ahead and behind, just in case.

"I agree. Gal, I think you're a good choice to look ahead; keep those keen eyes open and that sharp nose to the ground. Who wants to watch our firm, voluptuous rear?"

As you continue to debate who will go first, the cloud continues to approach. Soon you can pick out the figures of mounted riders on the horizon.

Male Half-Orc Rogue 1

"Should find cover. Maybe orcs that come. Bad orcs."

male Halfling Factotum / 2

Ivo nodding his head in agreement moves his mount towards cover, if available, and dismounts looking for somewhere to conceal himself. "Indeed discretion is the better part of valor".

Hide (1d20+5=25)

and melts effortlessly into the surroundings.

AC 21 (20)/T 13/FF 17; CMD 24, HP 76/76

"Do as you like. I'll stay put. Could be practically anybody; this is a trade route, after all. "

Male Half Elven Wild Druid / 1 XP:1,340/2,000

What is the Terrain like where we are now GM? Also, is there any way to tell from the cloud or what we can see whether the riders are riding normally or if they seem to be in a hurry?-feel free to roll for Gal if necessary

The terrain is rocky plains, similar to what you would see in the Dakotas. The riders seem like they are in a bit of a hurry, since you are riding at a normal pace and are not kicking up a dust cloud like the one you see. Also they are too spread out to be a trade caravan.

Male Half-Orc Rogue 1

Soll moves to find some cover behind some rocks

Stealth 1d20+5=21

"Well, count me in as staying with you" Gin rest his hand on the hilt of his sword.

Female Human Cleric 2
Gin wrote:
"Well, count me in as staying with you" Gin rest his hand on the hilt of his sword.

Kelindra readies to draw her sword and stands with Gin and Pavel. She takes a flanking position if possible. She is also poised and ready to Bless her comrades.

Male Half-Orc Rogue 1


Soll is drawing his crossbow and trying to move farther ahead so as to be in a flanking position if the riders are hostile.

The horsemen approach close enough that you can clearly see them. There are ten of them. One holds a banner which displays the image of a cloven shield with blood dripping from the bottom, Vangel's holy symbol. All the riders wear studded leather and they are waving battleaxes. With a shout they wheel their horses around and charge straight at you. Roll initative.

AC 21 (20)/T 13/FF 17; CMD 24, HP 76/76

Initiative: 1d20+3=23
Pavel will fire an arrow at the lead Horseman.
Shortbow attack: 1d20+4=11, 1d6=1

Initiative 1d20+4=10

Liberty's Edge

Human Engineer 5

Initiative 1d20+2=15

male Halfling Factotum / 2

Ivo curses under his breath, and draws his sling. He also puts his spear point down in the dirt in front of his hiding place to have it ready at hand.

Initiative (1d20+3=4)

Sling attack (1d20+5=20)

Damage (1d3+1=3)

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