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Greetings Humans I have been reactivated for your enjoyment. I am fluent in over 20 languages and programmed to run you through old modules recently converted to 3.5.
Do you remember the Black Razor, or perhaps Whelm?
Do you remember the Expedition to the Barrier peaks?
Would you like to play a game?
I am looking for 4-5 players to enter the realms of yesterday and start down the path I have created running classic dungeon crawls and plots of old.
This will be run as a 3.5 adventure, you will start as 1st level. I am granting you the boon of starting with a single score at 18. The rest shall be rolled on invisiblecastle.com one your accepted into the game.
I would like to have a selection of candidates ready for creation by Friday, if you are interested in a game that may seem at times familiar this may be for you.
I expect to run only modules, with the occasional custom content thrown in when it's needed.
I'll be choosing people randomly that are interested on Friday of this week. (giving you a day or two to get in line on this post, which is a bit more fair than the usual first come first served.)
See you then!

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I might be interested. Are you going to use straight 3.5 rules or are you interested in using Pathfinder Beta rules? Are these going to be straight out dungeon crawls or are you planning on a cohesive storyline?
Either way, I'm a reliable poster and can commit to at least a post a day, sometimes more.

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I plan on having a minimalist story line, though thats not to say you cannot or will not have opportunities to roleplay and develop your characters.
I plan on 3.5 only right now, beta rules don't work with the material I have currently, and it would be an effort to retrofit it. However, I have no issue with variants used from www.d20srd.org.
The following is optional when you generate your character:

Otto R. Ringus |

Im interested! I cut my teeth on 1st edition and would love to partake. The two games I am in have slowed to a crawl, I am looking for some fun! And I can make AT LEAST a post a day.
My concept right now is a halfling paladin on pony/war-dog, but that may change to give this campaign more of the old-school flair. Like a plain fighter, maybe patterned after greek hoplite. Hmm, definitely interested!

Bill Lumberg |
Standard classes, and variants of said classes only. This is not the type of game where only 1 wizard is allowed. If you all want magic-users go right ahead.
Theres no rules in my game saying only 1 of each class max.
Very good! Do you want memorized spells or are spell-points allowed?
I'm old enough to still have a character sheet when "Elf" was a class.
This makes me feel better about myself.

John Almond |
Color me interested. The only problem for me is that I have personal obligations on the weekends (Saturday and Sunday) that will sometimes prevent me from being able to post on those days; the rest of the week, I can do at least once per day.
If that's okay, I would like to throw my hat into the ring with a dwarven cleric.

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Color me interested. The only problem for me is that I have personal obligations on the weekends (Saturday and Sunday) that will sometimes prevent me from being able to post on those days; the rest of the week, I can do at least once per day.
If that's okay, I would like to throw my hat into the ring with a dwarven cleric.
I don't think that will hurt your chances.

Shadowborn |

AHH! That terrbile Shadowborn person snagged the wizard role! Fie on him! I was looking forward to playing a "magic-user". (Anyone else here old enough to still use that term?)
Would you allow a binder?
I'd happily coexist with another mage, if only so I can hoard my spells and constantly jibe you about how superior my command of the Art is...

Bill Lumberg |
Bill Lumberg wrote:I'd happily coexist with another mage, if only so I can hoard my spells and constantly jibe you about how superior my command of the Art is...AHH! That terrbile Shadowborn person snagged the wizard role! Fie on him! I was looking forward to playing a "magic-user". (Anyone else here old enough to still use that term?)
Would you allow a binder?
This sounds fun already.

John Almond |
Shadowborn wrote:This sounds fun already.Bill Lumberg wrote:I'd happily coexist with another mage, if only so I can hoard my spells and constantly jibe you about how superior my command of the Art is...AHH! That terrbile Shadowborn person snagged the wizard role! Fie on him! I was looking forward to playing a "magic-user". (Anyone else here old enough to still use that term?)
Would you allow a binder?
Just be prepared to be sermoned on the fact that The Dwarffather is more powerful than any single mage, especially since He invented the Water of Life (ale)...

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For those who don't mind playing clerics, what gods would the campaign be using?
Multiple modules make that an interesting question. For now chose 2 domains and go with the fact prayers will be answered by the powers of good, neutral, and/or evil without needing a specific deity on your sheet. Though feel free to choose any existing deity if it fits your profile.
It's not going to break the game to worship one campaigns deity over another.

John Almond |
John Almond wrote:Just be prepared to be sermoned on the fact that The Dwarffather is more powerful than any single mage, especially since He invented the Water of Life (ale)...That's fine. I've learned, during my studies, to ignore useless distractions. ;-)
This sounds like it's going to be fun!

Khaladon |

Would Love to play some old modules from memory lane! (and thrilled to learn that maybe I'm Not the oldest player online here lol ;-)
Am thinking a half-orc druid (dunno, just into Druids lately ;-) who can't understand (and sometimes gets royally pissed) as to why everyone laughs at him all the time. "What, you never seen a Half-Orc Druid before?? Nature is beautiful! Love her! (and she can be a real B%#@h too if you want to keep it up you gutter grub! You ever seen a hurricane!!)"
DM-do you need complete character sheets and work-ups before you make your choices?
PS my PHB games here have slowed to sloth speed too it seems, I can post at least once a day, usually much more if needed, no problem.

Shadowborn |

I suppose in the interests of letting the DM know about player availability I should mention that I'll be able to post fairly often, with the exception of Sundays when I run my own D&D game at my place. At the end of the month I'll be in more of a time crunch since I'll be back in school. Still, I should be able to post a few times a day during my off hours.

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I'm considering allowing all 8 of you to play, and I would like to do that. If you all wouldn't mind that, combat would take awhile, then I may run with it.
I didn't miss anyone did I?
I think it'll work, you may make short work of the first few adventures, but I'll kill a few of you off over time I bet.
So your work now is to decide on classes and start making characters with the rules given. No outside material allowed without approval, I have most books but would prefer you build your guys using online sources such as www.d20srd.org where I can access it on the fly.
Keep in mind I am trying to kill you off 1 by 1, but will not cheat or bend rules to do so.
If I'm unsure of a rule or effect I will favor the PC.
Other than that, welcome to the Dungeon Crawl. I will create a new thread or two once I'm ready to introduce the thread.
See if you can get those characters ready asap.

Shadowborn |

Wow, this is about the size of the party I've been DMing for years, though I've cut it down to a stable six recently. I don't mind big parties. I've found that the easiest way to scale adventures is just to double the monsters, if you'd prefer us not to cut a swathe through as fast...
I had a few questions:
1) I've not used InvisibleCastle before. Is there a particular process for the dicerolling? Do you have to be a registered member?
2) Any rules for rerolls, or if we get a really bad set of rolls do we simply hope the granted 18 carries us through?
3) Do we take the average starting gold as per the PHB, or roll that as well?

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Rolls will be assigned per character using 4d6 dropping the lowest score, in addition to a boon of dropping the lowest roll and replacing it with an 18.
To make it faster, and because I am a fan of natural selection, I rolled them myself. Here they are:
Bill "TPS Report" Lumberg
John Almond:
Jal Dorak:
Chris Banks:

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Wow, this is about the size of the party I've been DMing for years, though I've cut it down to a stable six recently. I don't mind big parties. I've found that the easiest way to scale adventures is just to double the monsters, if you'd prefer us not to cut a swathe through as fast...
I had a few questions:
1) I've not used InvisibleCastle before. Is there a particular process for the dicerolling? Do you have to be a registered member?
2) Any rules for rerolls, or if we get a really bad set of rolls do we simply hope the granted 18 carries us through?
3) Do we take the average starting gold as per the PHB, or roll that as well?
1.)I think when you register you can save the rolls, and add a campaign name. It's probably a good idea to sign up though, it's fast and free, and I never got spam from them so far.
That way I can verify all rolls, and make sure there's no fudged dice. All rolls should have your character name, and if you register, the campaign name.
Any recorded rolls without a character name is invalid, as thats easy to exploit.
2.) Already taken care of.
3.) You can start with max gold per class to buy gear, keep track of encumbrance it is being used as well.

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Cool. Would you like us to post our characters here under the spoiler tag?
I'd like to see a new alias made (if you haven't already) and post the info on that profile so I can click on it if needed during the game.
But if you want to keep your account alias free you can email me a copy. My email is posted to this alias just click my name to grab it.

Otto R. Ringus |

We can add any racial modifiers to thses ability scores, right?
I have to visit D20srd and invisible castle so this will take me the rest of the night to get a good character ready. So, retty much all races/classes open? Wow so much choice. I think I will try something really rare: human fighter (lol)
Actually, that opens up so many crazy ideas I've had over the years, like Githyanki Sell-sword. Has anyone seen stats on Githyanki as PC?

Otto R. Ringus |

This is copied directly from the 3.5 Monster manual:
Most githyanki are fighters. Some of the most powerful
githyanki warlords are blackguards. Githyanki are never
clerics, unless they have forsworn the dreaded lichqueen
(which is a perilous and ultimately lethal decision).
Githyanki characters possess the following racial
— +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, –2 Wisdom.
—Medium size.
—A githyanki’s base land speed is
30 feet.
—Darkvision out to 60 feet.
—Racial Feats: A githyanki character gains feats
according to its character class.
—Special Attacks (see above): Psionics.
—Special Qualities (see above): Psionics, spell resistance equal
to class levels +5.
—Automatic Languages: Githyanki. Bonus Languages: Common,
Infernal, Draconic, Undercommon.
—Favored Class: Fighter.
—Level adjustment +2.
I am seriously considering a Githyanki paladin with some extremely bizarre past (and an equally bizarre blackguard future)
I have no love of psionics particularly, and don't mind losing any or all of the gith abilities (perhaps until I am high enough level to use them?) but would love the DM-bot to spit out a an acceptable race as I am no good hand at the converting proces.
I mainly want to keep the flava, I'll be patterning my character after some sci-fi figures, maybe a little Elric (M Moorecock)thrown in with a dash mebbe of Kel of Mri (CJ Cherryh) ya I love the Githyanki they are a wild race.
Actually since this is a dungeon crawl maybe I should just strip down to the basic human fighter. A good old fashion hack 'n

Otto R. Ringus |

This is copied directly from the 3.5 Monster manual:
Most githyanki are fighters. Some of the most powerful
githyanki warlords are blackguards. Githyanki are never
clerics, unless they have forsworn the dreaded lichqueen
(which is a perilous and ultimately lethal decision).
Githyanki characters possess the following racial
— +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, –2 Wisdom.
—Medium size.
—A githyanki’s base land speed is
30 feet.
—Darkvision out to 60 feet.
—Racial Feats: A githyanki character gains feats
according to its character class.
—Special Attacks (see above): Psionics.
—Special Qualities (see above): Psionics, spell resistance equal
to class levels +5.
—Automatic Languages: Githyanki. Bonus Languages: Common,
Infernal, Draconic, Undercommon.
—Favored Class: Fighter.
—Level adjustment +2.I am seriously considering a Githyanki paladin with some extremely bizarre past (and an equally bizarre blackguard future)
I have no love of psionics particularly, and don't mind losing any or all of the gith abilities (perhaps until I am high enough level to use them?) but would love the DM-bot to spit out a an acceptable race as I am no good hand at the converting proces.
I mainly want to keep the flava, I'll be patterning my character after some sci-fi figures, maybe a little Elric (M Moorecock)thrown in with a dash mebbe of Kel of Mri (CJ Cherryh) ya I love the Githyanki they are a wild race.
Actually since this is a dungeon crawl maybe I should just strip down to the basic human fighter. A good old fashion hack 'n slash might be just the ticket.

Sir Muerdon |

Greetings fellow travelers. May the blessings of Vorr be upon thee. I have yet to purchase my equipment, but I am otherwise prepared to bring the sword of righteousness to those that dwell in darkness.
Vorr, aka. the Knight of the Gods, is from the Kalamar setting. His favored weapon is the greatsword and his clerics quest to destroy evil. I have chosen the War Domain and the Nobility Domain.