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Spellcraft check on charles armor [16,8] = (24)

Dungeon Master WA-74 wrote:
Kavelin the Red wrote:
Gunny Highway wrote:

Gunny motions for you to follow him through the east gate. There is a subtle sensation that you are stepping through a thin membrane made of magic.

[you may try a spellcraft DC to identify.]

Blech. I rolled a 6, +8 for a total of 14...or 16 if there is divination magic involved.

"I must say, Gunny, I'm impressed. This is hardly the rural backwater I was expecting. Your town is quite cosmopolitan and I can certainly appreciate its amenities. I don't suppose it would be possible to get a better look at those pumps in the future, would it? Under Rumsfeld's supervision, of course."

To the party: Well, gentlemen, I don't know about the rest of you, but I could do with a bit of food and drink after the trip. Then perhaps a bath. It's always good to wash the road off of you once you get into civilization." Kavelin's glance rests meaningfully on the Grenep for a moment.

Spellcraft:** spoiler omitted **

[14,8] = (22)

OK I am ready ...

Elf wizard

I wouldn't mind playing.
