John Almond's page

13 posts (68 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 aliases.


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97: The man in Black:
A dark-cloaked, dark-haired man sits alone at the crowded bar, stools to either side of him empty of patrons. The remainder of the bar's customers cast spooked glances at the figure, whose eyes seem to catch the firelight like a cat's when he glances your way.

[Perception]The man is wearing the holy symbol of (insert local deity here) around his neck.
[Higher DC Perception]There is something unnatural about the man's appearance. He has dead-looking skin and his eyes glow faintly.
[Knowledge: Local (Moderate DC) or Religion (High DC)]The man resembles a local defrocked priest of (insert local deity here) who was recently executed by one of his fellow clerics.
[DM Information]The priest is really a Hecuva that has returned to the town in order to revenge itself upon the cleric who killed it. A Will save allows the PCs to see through its Disguise Self spell-like ability, currently set to make it look like a vampiric version of its former self. Gather Information inquiries (low DC) to the rest of the tavern's patrons will elicit the tale of the defrocked priest and his supposed death, though no one is sure whether or not the figure at the bar is really him.

98: One Tequila, Two Tequila...
A trio of young men, dressed in brightly-colored shirts and dark trousers, enter the bar, roaring with laughter. They sit down at the bar, waving the barkeep over. After a low-voiced discussion with the bartender, they each take a fresh fruit and some sort of white crystals from their pockets. Each drinking a shot of the liquor that the bartender puts in front of them, they then snort the white crystals and squirt a slice of the fruit into their open eyes. Roaring with laughter and sniffing while their eyes run with tears, the trio orders another round...

[Perception]The trio each wear a small ring with an identical symbol upon it.
[Knowledge: Local]The symbol is the marking of a local mercenary company.
[Perception (Higher DC)]Each of the trio has at least two small weapons concealed on them and they move like they know how to use them.
[DM Info]If queried, the three will insist that their celebratory ritual is a cure-all for any illness or depression. A Sense Motive check (low DC) will reveal that the three are putting the PCs on. The crystals are really salt, while the fruit are limes. The shots are really local rotgut, and the three youths are out on the town, celebrating their graduation from a local mercenary company's basic training and acceptance into its ranks. They aren't looking for trouble, but are boisterous and looking for a rollicking good time.

Sir Muerdon wrote:
Aubec the Brazen Knight wrote:

Meurdon, max starting gold for cleric is 125 gp. Go to town! G. Sword - 50gp, Scale 50gp, 25 gold left for a rope and some biscuits.

Hrm, that seems a little low. I was thinking it was something like 3d6 or 4d6 x 10, which would be around 180 or 240.

As for weapon groups, I'll go with basic, heavy blades and maces/clubs.

That's average starting gold; the max for clerics is 200 gp.

Shadowborn wrote:
John Almond wrote:
Just be prepared to be sermoned on the fact that The Dwarffather is more powerful than any single mage, especially since He invented the Water of Life (ale)...
That's fine. I've learned, during my studies, to ignore useless distractions. ;-)


This sounds like it's going to be fun!

Bill Lumberg wrote:
Shadowborn wrote:
Bill Lumberg wrote:

AHH! That terrbile Shadowborn person snagged the wizard role! Fie on him! I was looking forward to playing a "magic-user". (Anyone else here old enough to still use that term?)

Would you allow a binder?

I'd happily coexist with another mage, if only so I can hoard my spells and constantly jibe you about how superior my command of the Art is...
This sounds fun already.

Just be prepared to be sermoned on the fact that The Dwarffather is more powerful than any single mage, especially since He invented the Water of Life (ale)...

Good, good. Let me know if you have any questions.


Color me interested. The only problem for me is that I have personal obligations on the weekends (Saturday and Sunday) that will sometimes prevent me from being able to post on those days; the rest of the week, I can do at least once per day.

If that's okay, I would like to throw my hat into the ring with a dwarven cleric.

I am in the process of taking applications for my Pathfinder Beta PbP here on the Paizo boards, Trouble in Damara. You can find the OOC thread here.

I am getting together a PbP game here on the Paizo boards right now: Trouble in Damara. It'll be very dungeon-crawly, but I hope to spice up the module with more roleplaying than it was originally designed for. We're using the Pathfinder Beta rules and it's set in the Forgotten Realms (during 1372, the Year of Wild Magic) Go ahead and check out the OOC thread here.

I've just opened applications for Trouble in Damara--a Pathfinder Beta PbP, set in the Forgotten Realms. Check out the OOC thread here.

Greetings. I intend on running The Forge of Fury WotC module, set in the Forgotten Realms nation of Damara, using the Pathfinder Beta rules.

For more information, please see the OOC thread. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!


This is the planning/OOC thread for the Trouble in Damara Pathfinder PbP game.

I will be running The Forge of Fury adventure module, with additions to it of my own design, set in the Forgotten Realms region of Damara. I don't mind players who have played or DMed the module, as long as player knowledge can be seperated from character knowledge.

I intend on this being a fairly fast-paced game and will be posting at least daily during the week; on weekends (Saturdays and Sundays) my posting may lag due to other personal commitments. I would appreciate it if players were also able to post at least daily on the weekdays, with the understanding that I am willing to NPC your character for you given at least twenty-four hours' notice of any forseeable lengthy absence.

Character Creation Rules:

Classes, Races, Feats, Spells, etc.: Pathfinder Beta classes, feats, races, and spells are allowed. Feats, spells, and equipment from the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting will be allowed on a case-by-case basis. All other sources will not be allowed.

Stat Generation: Standard Fantasy point buy (15 points, page 5 of the Pathfinder Beta document).

Starting Level & XP: 3 & 3,300 (fast xp progression); note that this may vary depending upon the number of characters that we get, per page 290 of the Pathfinder Beta document.

Hit Points: Flat Bonus generation method (max hit points for the first die, plus Con modifier, plus 6 points, per page 14 of the Pathfinder Beta document) for first level; all other levels to be rolled at the Invisible Castle dice roller, rerolling 1s ("xdy.minroll2" is what you should enter, where x is the number of hit dice and y is the sides of the dice).

Starting Equipment: 3,000 gp; no single item may be more than 1,500 gp in cost and no more than 750 gp may be spent on consumables--such as potions and wands.

Religion: All deities in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting are allowed (pages 232 to 256, Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting).

I will be holding the applications open until Friday, 9/5/08, at 23:59 US EST. This will not be a first-come, first-serve application process: I intend on hosting four to six players, and will be vetting characters on concept. I am disallowing Chaotic Evil characters and preference will be given to Good-aligned characters in general. Knowledge of the Forgotten Realms is a plus, but is definitely not required to play.

Let me know if you have any questions!

Cross-posted from another thread:

Well, I've been kicking around a template for mooks (that being a name that I prefer, as it doesn't seem to have the same knee-jerk response that I've seen to the word "minion"), based on what I've been reading in this thread. I'm a fan of the "1 hp per hd" school of thought.

Here it is:


“Mook” is a template that can be added to any non-spellcasting animal, humanoid, monstrous humanoid, giant, undead, or vermin. It is best suited to “soldier” type creatures, those that rely on physical attacks. A mook has all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here.

Size and Type: The creature’s size and type remain unchanged. Do not recalculate skill points.

Base Attack Bonus: Equal to (adjusted) CR.

Saves: Recalculate based upon a poor base save bonus in all three categories.

Hit Dice: Equal to (adjusted) CR; a mook gains minimum hp (1 hp per hit die, plus Con modifier).

Armor Class: Mooks gain a Dodge bonus to AC equal to (adjusted) CR.

Attack: Mooks retain the use of any natural or manufactured weapons that they would normally have. In addition, they gain a +2 Competency bonus on melee and ranged attacks.

Full Attack: Mooks lose any iterative attacks from high base attack bonuses that they would normally have.

Damage: Mooks deal average damage with manufactured or natural weapons (½ maximum damage +1). Critical hits are calculated based upon this average damage.

Special Attacks: A mook loses any special attacks that the base creature would have; cannot cast spells; and cannot use spell-completion, spell-trigger, or command-word activated magic items.

Special Qualities: A mook retains all the base creature’s special qualities. In addition, mooks take half damage from all area attacks on a failed save; on a successful save, mooks take no damage from area attacks (as per Improved Evasion, except applied to both Fortitude and Will in addition to Reflex).

Immunities: A mook retains all of the base creature’s immunities.

Abilities & Skills: Mooks retain all of the base creature’s abilities and skills (optionally, these can be adjusted for level; however, most times this is unnecessary).

Organization: Squad (2-5), Troop (8-12, plus a creature of the same type with a CR equal to the mooks’ + 5), or Mob (20 to 40, plus 2-6 creatures of the same type with CRs equal to the mooks’ + 5, plus a creature of the same type with a CR equal to the mooks’ + 7).

Challenge Rating: Suggested to be set equal the PCs’ level – 4.

Treasure: ¼ goods, ¼ items, ¼ coins.

Alignment: As base creature.

Advancement: By CR.

Comments? Questions? General hate mail?

Well, I've been kicking around a template for mooks (that being a name that I prefer, as it doesn't seem to have the same knee-jerk response that I've seen to the word "minion"), based on what I've been reading in this thread. I'm a fan of the "1 hp per hd" school of thought.

Here it is:

“Mook” is a template that can be added to any non-spellcasting animal, humanoid, monstrous humanoid, giant, undead, or vermin. It is best suited to “soldier” type creatures, those that rely on physical attacks. A mook has all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here.

Size and Type: The creature’s size and type remain unchanged. Do not recalculate skill points.

Base Attack Bonus: Equal to (adjusted) CR.

Saves: Recalculate based upon a poor base save bonus in all three categories.

Hit Dice: Equal to (adjusted) CR; a mook gains minimum hp (1 hp per hit die, plus Con modifier).

Armor Class: Mooks gain a Dodge bonus to AC equal to (adjusted) CR.

Attack: Mooks retain the use of any natural or manufactured weapons that they would normally have. In addition, they gain a +2 Competency bonus on melee and ranged attacks.

Full Attack: Mooks lose any iterative attacks from high base attack bonuses that they would normally have.

Damage: Mooks deal average damage with manufactured or natural weapons (½ maximum damage +1). Critical hits are calculated based upon this average damage.

Special Attacks: A mook loses any special attacks that the base creature would have; cannot cast spells; and cannot use spell-completion, spell-trigger, or command-word activated magic items.

Special Qualities: A mook retains all the base creature’s special qualities. In addition, mooks take half damage from all area attacks on a failed save; on a successful save, mooks take no damage from area attacks (as per Improved Evasion, except applied to both Fortitude and Will in addition to Reflex).

Immunities: A mook retains all of the base creature’s immunities.

Abilities & Skills: Mooks retain all of the base creature’s abilities and skills (optionally, these can be adjusted for level; however, most times this is unnecessary).

Organization: Squad (2-5), Troop (8-12, plus a creature of the same type with a CR equal to the mooks’ + 5), or Mob (20 to 40, plus 2-6 creatures of the same type with CRs equal to the mooks’ + 5, plus a creature of the same type with a CR equal to the mooks’ + 7).

Challenge Rating: Suggested to be set equal the PCs’ level – 4.

Treasure: ¼ goods, ¼ items, ¼ coins.

Alignment: Any

Advancement: By CR.

Comments? Questions? General hate mail?