Paizo Community OTD Presidential Campaign

Off-Topic Discussions

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Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

CourtFool wrote:
I heard lastknightleft had no real experience. He was only governor of the pissant state of Kansas.

Why do you have to spread such filthy lies?

He was the governor of North Kansas. It's not even a state, it's an independent soverign principality. Duh.

Dark Archive

CourtFool wrote:
I heard lastknightleft had no real experience. He was only governor of the pissant state of Kansas.

Yes, but weren't you just a senator from Poodlesylvania?

*stamping foot* …but Poodlesylvania has resources and stuff.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Reminds me of one of my favorite onion articles regarding politics:

Visiting Gore Calls Pennsylvania a 'Hellhole'"

Dark Archive

Sebastian wrote:

Reminds me of one of my favorite onion articles regarding politics:

Visiting Gore Calls Pennsylvania a 'Hellhole'"

And to think, I always believed that New Jersy was the nation's armpit.

Sovereign Court I president yet?

Callous Jack wrote: I president yet?

The Runelord of Lust and the Runelord of Pride are sorting out between them the top jobs.

You can be prime-minister or something like that.

Dark Archive

Please, take a seat...'r eunder!whenIclickmyfingersyouwillwakeyouwillheadforthevotingboothandpledgey ourallegiancetomebutyouwillnotrememberthisconversationyouwillsimplyremember apleasantdream....


Callous Jack wrote: I president yet?

Mr. CJack has the Poodlelord in his team, so we suppose he's a Poodle Supporter.

So you Sir have the support of the Poodle Revolution!


Oooh, look, a leg to hump.

Sorry for the delay here, but I'd sort of like to be president. Now THAT'S a cushy job. Just think of all those minions to do my bidding... So vote for me. Cause I certainly won't get off my ass to vote for anyone else.

Sovereign Court

Llamafrog wrote:
So you Sir have the support of the Poodle Revolution!

Whatever gets me into office...

Sovereign Court

I am running for Prime Minister of the OTD board and will work with the president and vice president to ensure that these remain as zany and only partially erudite as they have always been. Also clerics of lust deities are always welcome here, both sets of offices will make sure of that ;)

Clerics of lust deities are ALWAYS welcome wherever they go I have found. Something about lust reaches across the aisles and brings the parties together.

Dark Archive

I have Posted more today than heathy, if that doesn't show i 'care' i don't know what does...

Do i win the election now?

Callous Jack wrote:
Whatever gets me into office...

Just no mudslinging. Please. We are better than that.

Yeah! Whatever the Poodle Lord says!

*Starts handing out VoteForCallousJack pins*

Llamafrog wrote:

Yeah! Whatever the Poodle Lord says!

*Starts handing out VoteForCallousJack pins*

They look a little like this.

yay! Visual propaganda!


I'll go make some advertising on the OTDs

Sovereign Court

CourtFool wrote:
Llamafrog wrote:

Yeah! Whatever the Poodle Lord says!

*Starts handing out VoteForCallousJack pins*

They look a little like this.

I approve of this message.

Go me!

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