Some questions on spells

General Discussion (Prerelease)

The Exchange

Not sure if this is the right forum for it but I can't find one for beta spells and combat. I also posted this in a mage vs fighter post but now its been buried under heaps of other posts.

Ok some questions on spells. I've posted these in my playtest report but wanted to try here as well. After legitimate responses as I want to throw these at my long time players. Not really worried about killing them off as our cleric will probasbly just rez em at some stage.

Next game the fighters of my group (Ranger/blackguard; Fighter, Swashbuckler and Barbarian) are going into an Arena fight to build up kudos so they get an invite to a big party.

They're going to fight a group that's been hunting them for some evil things they did back in Sharn (playing in Eberron). This group will be some melee types and a wizard. I was going to try out LogicNinja's wizard build concept and see how it played out (albeit a slightly higher level as my guys are level 14)

I feel the spell combinations he suggested have some errors (may not work under new beta rules at least) as I read the descriptions but I want some clarification in case I'm wrong (It's happened, and recently too damnit).

1) Invisibilty- The way it reads now is intrinsically linked to stealth. Stealth says it can't be used while attacking. I read this as the moment the wizard casts anything slightly in the offense category his position will be known. Still has 50% miss chance but can be targeted as no stealth roll available. Wizard may stealth and move half distance if he wants after casting, but that puts him about 15 ft from his location. Is this correct?

2) Can you stealth whilst flying? This is an Arena so he'll be flying if he can. Hell, he'll use everything legal he can if possible.

3) Would wall of stone contain a cloudkill - I understand that if you can shape it with a roof then yes, but given the distances my characters will spread when they realise a mage is coming then not sure if this is possible. Cloudkill has a driving force moving it forward 20 feet per round forever. I've watched water vapour condense and boil over the sides of containers in my science classes when dry ice is added to water. This demonstrates that even slight force will push even dense gases out of containers. My take is the cloud kill will just move up and over the edge of the wall. What are other peoples takes on this?

4) Solid Fog and Cloudkill - My understanding of gas laws is that gases of different densities do not mix (this is the basis of atmospheric layering and storm front movement if you want to know). Therefore casting a cloudkill into an area where a group is trapped by solid fog would be impossible. The cloudkill would just float on top and then move off as it is obviously less dense than a solid fog. I know the science is correct but the wording of the spells don't preclude each other so I'm asking for some guidance here.

5) Force wall - the spell description says its a perfectly smooth wall and will fail if anyhting breaks its fomration. Will broken ground (rocky stuff or deadfall timber etc) break it? Won't be an issue in an arena but the wizard in my group read this one during the week and wants to know how versatile it's going to be.


The Exchange

just bumping the thread, hoping for some answers


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