Its going to be an interesting winter

Off-Topic Discussions

Dark Archive

My uncle just bought himself a trebuchet....

No good will come of this.

This is the most amusing thing I've read all day.

Oh, and I believe you are correct in your analysis of the situation. Granted, I don't know your Uncle, but I've got a good idea about the type of people that would buy and use a trebuchet. As you said: no good will come of it.

Liberty's Edge

Do you live in Dallas?
Okay, North America?

I can bring beer. I'm 39.

Dark Archive


Glad I could be amusing!!!

and you are right...he lives across the street from my dad and my sister..and she tells me that there is a pile of watermelons sitting right next to the trebuchet. They are doomed.


We had one of those in high school for the little "renaissance faire" the school put on. Built it in physics class. When no one was looking, we launched peoples' lunches at a brick wall for them.

I think the guy that invented the trebuchet would be proud of the awesome uses we made for it over the years.

Liberty's Edge

We had triangle paper footballs.
I led a benighted existence.

Dark Archive

I live in Michigan.

However, every year my family throws this lively get together called Medieval Fun Day. Want to know more?

Liberty's Edge

Dayum. That's too far. Or something.
Medieval fun day? Sweet.

Dark Archive

Yeah, we all dress in plate armor, use padded weapons and beat the holy snot out of each other. Its good times, good booze and good fights all in one day!

Family get-togethers ROCK!

Liberty's Edge

My family kinda did the same thing. Except venomous tongues replaced the padded weapons, and emotional scarring doubled for armor.
Can you adopt me?

*actually it wasn't that damn bad; I tend to exaggerate. Mostly*

Sovereign Court

Heath, try catching the watermelons...

Liberty's Edge

Don't park your car near it.

Dark Archive

No i can't adapt you, but you are entirely welcome to come next year and work out some emotional baggage on my family (i.e. hit and hit and hit till you can't hit no more!! then you drink!)

Liberty's Edge

Callous Jack wrote:

Heath, try catching the watermelons...


I would, but pressure sends me into one of my foetal position twitchy thingy's.

Liberty's Edge

Mac Boyce wrote:
(i.e. hit and hit and hit till you can't hit no more!! then you drink!)

We have so much in common; that's my twenties, right there.

*again with the exaggeration. I couldn't fight mildew.*

Dark Archive

Thats the time you get the courage to fight for the first are so drunk that you can't feel a thing anyway. Plus everyone is kinda on an even keel b/c they will teach you how to fight like a swordsman instead of just swinging your weapon. If you want to see pics I have them on my myspace page.

Sovereign Court

Remember, it's all fun and game until someone take a padded glaive in the ear.

Liberty's Edge

Mac Boyce wrote:
Thats the time you get the courage to fight for the first are so drunk that you can't feel a thing anyway. Plus everyone is kinda on an even keel b/c they will teach you how to fight like a swordsman instead of just swinging your weapon. If you want to see pics I have them on my myspace page.

Never mind me; I'm a real snide sarcastic dick today. My son started kindygartin, and he hates it, and I'm suffering.

Sounds like fun though.

Scarab Sages

Mac Boyce wrote:

My uncle just bought himself a trebuchet....

No good will come of this.

Where the heck do you buy a Trebuchet? And, does it come fully assembled or is it DIY?

Sovereign Court

Heathansson wrote:

Never mind me; I'm a real snide sarcastic dick today. My son started kindygartin, and he hates it, and I'm suffering.

Remember your inner nirvana! Go find a lotus blossom! Quick!

Liberty's Edge

Callous Jack wrote:
Heathansson wrote:

Never mind me; I'm a real snide sarcastic dick today. My son started kindygartin, and he hates it, and I'm suffering.

Remember your inner nirvana! Go find a lotus blossom! Quick!

too late. I'm back to self-flagellation mode.

My head, the watermelon, they are one.

Sovereign Court

Heathansson wrote:
My head, the watermelon, they are one.

Well then, stay away from Mac's trigger-happy uncle for the time being...

Scarab Sages

Punkin Chunkin'

So many melons, so little time...

Scarab Sages


Scarab Sages

Mac Boyce wrote:
No i can't adapt you, but you are entirely welcome to come next year and work out some emotional baggage on my family (i.e. hit and hit and hit till you can't hit no more!! then you drink!)

Are we all invited?

I live in Michigan.

Heathansson wrote:

Never mind me; I'm a real snide sarcastic dick today. My son started kindygartin, and he hates it, and I'm suffering.

Sounds like fun though.

I'm with you brother. My son just started kindergarten too and with all of his medical issues he has a paraprofessional assigned to him the entire time.

Liberty's Edge

My son went back for second day; he vomited all over himself. "Oh no,...I have to go back?" Man, I had no idea.

Yeah. I'm building me a trebuchet with all due haste or something.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

Heathansson wrote:

My son went back for second day; he vomited all over himself. "Oh no,...I have to go back?" Man, I had no idea.

Yeah. I'm building me a trebuchet with all due haste or something.

Give him a week.

Liberty's Edge

Right on.
It's just....psychological ambush, duod!

Mac Boyce wrote:

Yeah, we all dress in plate armor, use padded weapons and beat the holy snot out of each other. Its good times, good booze and good fights all in one day!

Family get-togethers ROCK!

not live steel? ^_^ I know people who fence with live steel for fun, and they don't have the plate armor protecting them. Honestly I'm surprised some of them haven't died by now.

Liberty's Edge

Or missing fingers...

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

Heathansson wrote:

Right on.

It's just....psychological ambush, duod!

My son's first day of kindergarten he was cool. Some other guy, really nice guy, comes in and his kids is sniffling and crying and clinging. I said to my son, "Go introduce yourself and walk that kid into the classroom". They've been friends for three years now.

If all else fails we can get Paizo to open a forum called "Grognard's Online Home School" and we can put all our kids in it. We'll use polyhedron dice to teach math, adventure modules to teach literature, dungeons to teach mapping skills, and all geography will be taught through a course on world building. Erik Mona will do a guest lecture on Planet Stories and WAR will do a guest lecture on art.

Hell, if Wayne Reynolds gives lectures on art, I'll sit in on the class. :)

Liberty's Edge

Heathansson wrote:

My family kinda did the same thing. Except venomous tongues replaced the padded weapons, and emotional scarring doubled for armor.

Can you adopt me?

*actually it wasn't that damn bad; I tend to exaggerate. Mostly*

Sounds like my family. However, in my case, it is that damn bad.

Liberty's Edge

Tarren Dei wrote:
Heathansson wrote:

Right on.

It's just....psychological ambush, duod!
My son's first day of kindergarten he was cool. Some other guy, really nice guy, comes in and his kids is sniffling and crying and clinging. I said to my son, "Go introduce yourself and walk that kid into the classroom". They've been friends for three years now.

Dude, your son doesn't know just how lucky he is.

I don't have kids, but on my first day of kindergarten, I kicked some kid's ass (I think he called me weird. Well, DUH!). I spent the next eight years as the scary loner with no friends.

Liberty's Edge

Lipto the Shiv wrote:
Hell, if Wayne Reynolds gives lectures on art, I'll sit in on the class. :)

I'll be right there with ya.

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Lipto the Shiv wrote:
Hell, if Wayne Reynolds gives lectures on art, I'll sit in on the class. :)
I'll be right there with ya.

Poor Wayne....."Shinny, lad....get th' crayons out yer nose!!!"

Scarab Sages

Shadowborn wrote:

This is the most amusing thing I've read all day.

Oh, and I believe you are correct in your analysis of the situation. Granted, I don't know your Uncle, but I've got a good idea about the type of people that would buy and use a trebuchet. As you said: no good will come of it.

Hey! wait, I resent that. I would totally buy and use a trebuchet and would have nothing but good-


ok, so you were right. no good would come of it.
but now i want to know where to buy one. i'd build one, but i'm famous for my laziness.

Liberty's Edge

Random story about catapults/cannons/etc:

When my friend Keegan and his brother were freshmen in high school (I was in seventh grade, I think), they built an apple cannon out of a piece of PVC pipe and an igniter from a gas grill. They proceeded to use it to bomb their neighbor's house. The neighbor happened to be the chemistry teacher.
Mr. J, the teacher came running out of the house, and Keegan and his brother froze, terrified. As soon as Mr. J reaches them, however, he began questioning them on how they built it, and asking if he can fire it himself. The three of them spent the next few hours shooting apples at random cars.
A few days later, Mr. J showed up at school with his own apple cannon, and has been using it to demonstrate exothermic reactions ever since.

Shiny wrote:

As soon as Mr. J reaches them, however, he began questioning them on how they built it, and asking if he can fire it himself. The three of them spent the next few hours shooting apples at random cars.

A few days later, Mr. J showed up at school with his own apple cannon, and has been using it to demonstrate exothermic reactions ever since.

Heh, yeah it seems like all chem teachers are like that... I remember the first day of class in high school, the teacher had one of those big water cooler tanks that you see in office buildings, and at the beginning of class he takes a small vial of liquid and puts a few drops of it in this thing and lets it sit all through class. At the end of the class he took a grill lighter, and ignites the now vaporous jet fuel... left scorch marks on the freaking ceiling.

Liberty's Edge

Lipto the Shiv wrote:
Shiny wrote:

As soon as Mr. J reaches them, however, he began questioning them on how they built it, and asking if he can fire it himself. The three of them spent the next few hours shooting apples at random cars.

A few days later, Mr. J showed up at school with his own apple cannon, and has been using it to demonstrate exothermic reactions ever since.
Heh, yeah it seems like all chem teachers are like that... I remember the first day of class in high school, the teacher had one of those big water cooler tanks that you see in office buildings, and at the beginning of class he takes a small vial of liquid and puts a few drops of it in this thing and lets it sit all through class. At the end of the class he took a grill lighter, and ignites the now vaporous jet fuel... left scorch marks on the freaking ceiling.

Mine made basketball-sized, methane-filled soap bubbles, then lit them on fire. One of the resulting fireballs was nearly six feet in diameter.

Oh, and he did it INDOORS.

Scarab Sages

Lipto the Shiv wrote:


Heh, yeah it seems like all chem teachers are like that...

Agreed. Mine taught us all about solubility, and the processing of suger, exothermic and endothermic, etc. basically last year chem in highschool (due to the wacky quebec laws, it was actually cegep) using the fermentation of alcohol. he then taught us how to make really strong punch. it is a hit at all the parties i go to.

Liberty's Edge

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:

Random story about catapults/cannons/etc:

When my friend Keegan and his brother were freshmen in high school (I was in seventh grade, I think), they built an apple cannon out of a piece of PVC pipe and an igniter from a gas grill. They proceeded to use it to bomb their neighbor's house. The neighbor happened to be the chemistry teacher.
Mr. J, the teacher came running out of the house, and Keegan and his brother froze, terrified. As soon as Mr. J reaches them, however, he began questioning them on how they built it, and asking if he can fire it himself. The three of them spent the next few hours shooting apples at random cars.
A few days later, Mr. J showed up at school with his own apple cannon, and has been using it to demonstrate exothermic reactions ever since.

Why did they bomb him in the 1st place? He sounds cool.

My advice to you is to fight back.

Dark Archive

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Heathansson wrote:

My family kinda did the same thing. Except venomous tongues replaced the padded weapons, and emotional scarring doubled for armor.

Can you adopt me?

*actually it wasn't that damn bad; I tend to exaggerate. Mostly*

Sounds like my family. However, in my case, it is that damn bad.

Are you sure we're not related? My cousin and I plan to be in another town playing D&D in lieu of attending family get-togethers.

Dark Archive

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:

Random story about catapults/cannons/etc:

When my friend Keegan and his brother were freshmen in high school (I was in seventh grade, I think), they built an apple cannon out of a piece of PVC pipe and an igniter from a gas grill. They proceeded to use it to bomb their neighbor's house. The neighbor happened to be the chemistry teacher.
Mr. J, the teacher came running out of the house, and Keegan and his brother froze, terrified. As soon as Mr. J reaches them, however, he began questioning them on how they built it, and asking if he can fire it himself. The three of them spent the next few hours shooting apples at random cars.
A few days later, Mr. J showed up at school with his own apple cannon, and has been using it to demonstrate exothermic reactions ever since.

For our chem class we blew up a swimming pool with elemental sodium and then built an acetone bomb. I can't tell you what we used that for because I'm not sure if the statute of limitations has run out yet.

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

Lilith wrote:
My advice to you is to fight back.

Must... resist... spending.. next... paycheck!

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

Cosmo wrote:
Lilith wrote:
My advice to you is to fight back.
Must... resist... spending.. next... paycheck!

I don't know Cosmo ... I think the whole thing could be put together for under 100 bucks if you borrow the tools instead of buying them.

I have a shortlist of people you could launch from it. ;-)

Sovereign Court

Cosmo wrote:
Lilith wrote:
My advice to you is to fight back.
Must... resist... spending.. next... paycheck!

You gotta think, too, that building a trebuchet could be an investment! I know if my neighbour had a trebuchet and asked me to borrow some money, I'd lend him what he needs.

Scarab Sages

Nameless wrote:
Cosmo wrote:
Lilith wrote:
My advice to you is to fight back.
Must... resist... spending.. next... paycheck!
You gotta think, too, that building a trebuchet could be an investment! I know if my neighbour had a trebuchet and asked me to borrow some money, I'd lend him what he needs.

hmmm...that gives me an idea:

Me: so...wanna go grab a cup of coffee and discuss this topic that we are obviously both into since you just told me you are not in a relationship and you're standing awfully close?
Really Cute Girl: ha! when pigs fly!
Me: That...can be arranged.

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