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I read some of the things that Valegrim posted for me and I think that it would be easist to assume she just got back from training with Wonder Woman. What happens after that would be this PBP game. That seems the easiest to follow. Based on what I read, Kara was discovered in Gotham City by Batman and she claimed to be Superman's cousin. Apparently she is choronologically older as her spaceship left Krypton before Superman's. Since her spaceship was caught in green kryptonite she was held in suspended animation and therefore didn't physically age, thus she appears quite young. Batman was distrustful of her and Superman accepted her story. Somehow, she ends up training with Wonder Woman and the Amazons. Sometime after that she is captured by Darkseid and brainwashed into becoming the leader of the Female Furies. Rescued by Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman, she then assumes the role of Supergirl.

This seems pretty easy to follow, the only thing I would like to get some answers on are missing details. 1. Why was she in the spaceship which fled Krypton? 2. How did she get to Gotham City and what's the story behind Batman finding her? 3. How did she get around to training with Wonder Woman? Did Superman or Batman arrange this? 4. What happened in the Darkseid adventure, in which he captured her and brainwashed her to become the leader of the Female Furies? Who are the Female Furies? I like the character a lot, I just never understood the entire DC Universe upheaval. I'm still trying to piece together the Legion situation. It's difficult trying to grasp that decades of comic stories were thrown out the window "as never happened"! Does anyone have the answer to the above questions? I would say if I can find out the answers to these questions, it would be best to pick up the character right after she is rescued from Darkseid's grasp and first don's the Supergirl costume.

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

so; I check the shrouded figure who fell and keep my sense of the magic active.

With the flaming person no longer appearing as a threat, I shall fly after the fleeing battlesuit persona and try and catch up with them.

Supergirl wrote:

This seems pretty easy to follow, the only thing I would like to get some answers on are missing details.
1. Why was she in the spaceship which fled Krypton?

One story is that she was sent to protect her baby cousin Kal-El only he was fully grown when she awakened on earth another version of this was she was sent to kill him as her father was supposed to be very bitter about his brother being married to the woman he loved (Smallville version) or the creation of PZ meant any member of the El family served as portals to let the PZ prisoners escape and possess others unless they had sunstones protecting them (Comic version).
I personally believe in the classic story where Kara's home city was blown off of Krypton intact and he worked trying to save everyone but was only able to send Kara to safety.

2. How did she get to Gotham City and what's the story behind Batman finding her?

A massive meteor composed of Kryptonite was heading for earth superman tried to knock it off course but when its true nature was revealed Captain Atom did it instead the resulting blast freed Kara's ship and it ended up in Gotham because Superman was there along with Batman as its sensors locked onto Kal-El.

3. How did she get around to training with Wonder Woman? Did Superman or Batman arrange this?
Originally she was living with the kents but I believe went to live on Themyscira so she could learn to use her powers without harming or alerting the locals to her true identity the Female Furies kidnapped her forcing Kal-El and Batman to pursue them to Apokolips where Batman forced Darkseid to back down and when she returned to earth Darksied tried to kill her but Wonder Woman beamed her out replacing her with evidence that along with the reactions of others present made Darksied belive he had succeeded in his callous act of spite. Kara stayed on Themyscira learning about her powers so when she returned she could operate without revealing her identity nor that of Kal-El

4. What happened in the Darkseid adventure, in which he captured her and brainwashed her to become the leader of the Female Furies? Who are the Female Furies? [ooc]
Oops see above

I like the character a lot, I just never understood the entire DC Universe upheaval. I'm still trying to piece together the Legion situation. It's difficult trying to grasp that decades of comic stories were thrown out the window "as never happened"! Does anyone have the answer to the above questions? I would say if I can find out the answers to these questions, it would be best to pick up the character right after she is rescued from Darkseid's grasp and first don's the Supergirl costume.

I have to admit Identity Crisis annoyed me the most as everything from then on seemed too much like a Columbo episode except I don't mind Columbo I just expect better from Dc and Marvel who should have known better with the mess called Civil War.

I did like how they introduced Supergirl though although I assume they wanted to mess with Kara's background because they wanted to leave their own mark in the Superman mythos even though it really wasn't needed but thats just me, you might want to have your version have a different costume or even hero identity if you want the Darkseid bit left in since he'd hardly miss Superman's cousin since her return but thats up to you.

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:
so; I check the shrouded figure who fell and keep my sense of the magic active.

"Sorry I just need a moment by the way are you with her or more of them?" the youth in the trenchcoact asks as you land near him (or levitate nearby if you don't want to land of course)


He seems to be breathing easier now and seems about ready to get up his clothing shows evidence of having been close to fire possibly some of the fireballs the flaming flyer threw came close on a number of occasions but he seems otherwise fine.


You're also sensing Kisaku who seems to be radiating a strong magical force

Supergirl wrote:
With the flaming person no longer appearing as a threat, I shall fly after the fleeing battlesuit persona and try and catch up with them.

in the time it takes you to realise the flaming flyer is down you've overtaken the battlesuited woman who promptly backs off your hearing can hear her swearing vehemently so she seems to be really scared as she tries vainly to try and continue towards the port.

Make an intuition feat roll

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

As far as I know; I am with no one; neither side here; that heroic female and I and another; saw the destruction and the threat to life; we decided to intercede and figure out who is at fault after the fact; we know neither you nor they.

I am Maelidek; who are you and what is your explaination for what is going on here?

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:

As far as I know; I am with no one; neither side here; that heroic female and I and another; saw the destruction and the threat to life; we decided to intercede and figure out who is at fault after the fact; we know neither you nor they.

I am Maelidek; who are you and what is your explanation for what is going on here?

"I'm Skater, long and short of it is that I was ambushed on the rooftops earlier I managed to escape the initial attack and fled with a colleague whom I left in safety drawing them after me, I don't actually know who's behind the ambush only that I was part of a team investigating a supposed threat to the new police station being built somewhere over... hold on I thought the fire I fled from was over... oh great, excuse me..." Skater begins to explain himself as he suddenly reaches up to this ear and then grabs at one of his trenchcoat's pockets bringing out several mangled parts of what could have been a bluetooth earpiece.

Skater then proceeds to get up but he's still unsteady and leans on the wall of the aquaduct for support.

Superheroes of New Proverbial wrote:
I have to admit Identity Crisis annoyed me the most as everything from then on seemed too much like a Columbo episode except I don't mind Columbo I just expect better from Dc and Marvel who should have known better with the mess called Civil War.
I did like how they introduced Supergirl though although I assume they wanted to mess with Kara's background because they wanted to leave their own mark in the Superman mythos even though it really wasn't needed but thats just me, you might want to have your version have a different costume or even hero identity if you want the Darkseid bit left in since he'd hardly miss Superman's cousin since her return but thats up to you.

Supergirl's response:
Yes, I don't think DC should mess with such things, it just makes...welll a mess of things. I'm ok with the new background as compared to Kara's original one. I know I don't want a knew costume though. I got posters of supergirl all over the gaming room and it would just somehow seem wrong. I would like to keep the Linda Danvers identity as well as it matches up with my general thought pattern of the character. I can dispose of the Darkseid thing if you like since I as a player don't know what happened during that time anyway, though I don't understand why it would matter. If he comes back for me again I'll give smack him around like the little ten-year old boy he really is. After that, I'llpick him up by the ears and send him to school where he can learn something for once. And if he even thinks of messing with the teacher or other students, I'll put him in time out! Seriously though, if Darkseid is a problem for any reason, I can let that pass, either that or we can say she took the name Supergirl and put on the costume BEFORE he thought it would be a good idea to nab me. Your thoughts?

Superheroes of New Proverable wrote:
Make an intuition feat roll

Supergirl's response:
Well,I'm not really sure how to but I'll try. I rolled % and received a 21. My Intuition is Remarkable so that gives me a white result.

Superheroes in New Proverbial wrote:
in the time it takes you to realise the flaming flyer is down you've overtaken the battlesuited woman who promptly backs off your hearing can hear her swearing vehemently so she seems to be really scared as she tries vainly to try and continue towards the port.

Supergirl's Response
Unless I learn something valuable from my Intuition roll (not likely on a white result), I shall take my cape off and attempt to wrap it around her in an effort to control her positioning, then if successful, return her to the others at the aquaduct.

Supergirl wrote:

[b]Supergirl's Response
Unless I learn something valuable from my Intuition roll (not likely on a white result), I shall take my cape off and attempt to wrap it around her in an effort to control her positioning, then if successful, return her to the others at the aquaduct.

Before you can something slams down upon you from above pushing you straight into the ground leaving you stunned and powerless.

The pressure eases after a moment but by the time the feeling of powerlessness fades you manage to pull yourself out of the ground both the battlesuited woman and whatever hit you have gone.

Shaking your head it suddenly occurs to you that the feeling of powerlessness came right about the time before you were hit from above and looking around all you can see is the aquaduct where you came from and the city beyond, even looking in the direction where the woman was running you can't see anything out of the ordinary.

If you return to the Aquaduct you can see Maelidek talking to the figure in the trenchcoat (who looks around your own age) whom is leaning against the wall of the aquaduct looking still winded from the fierce battle you interrupted.

I'll dust off my skirt. Once I feel like I got my full strength back I'll prepare to fly back to the others, as I leave the ground I Mumble to myself: "Witch!" Once I return to the aquaduct and see the others I say:

"Somebody blindsided me and she got away. Is everyone allright here? Where's the silver disc?"

Supergirl wrote:

I'll dust off my skirt. Once I feel like I got my full strength back I'll prepare to fly back to the others, as I leave the ground I Mumble to myself: "Witch!" Once I return to the aquaduct and see the others I say:

"Somebody blindsided me and she got away. Is everyone allright here? Where's the silver disc?"

"Disc? Was that the vehicle they were firing those missiles from?" Skater asked looking up looking even more unsteady as Supergirl reappears.

Skater wrote:

"Disc? Was that the vehicle they were firing those missiles from?" Skater asked looking up looking even more unsteady as Supergirl reappears.

"I don't know, when I came upon the scene I saw the fires, some flaming guy heading towards the aquaduct, a silver disc flying that direction as well. I thought I would try and sort the problem out. They were using the disc to fire missles? I was thinking that they were chasing the disc. Shows what I know. Oh, by the way, I'm Supergirl, who are you? Are you in need of medical attention?"

Using my x-ray vision I will scan the bodies of everyone present looking for injuries. Please let me know if I see any.

Supergirl wrote:
Skater wrote:

"Disc? Was that the vehicle they were firing those missiles from?" Skater asked looking up looking even more unsteady as Supergirl reappears.

"I don't know, when I came upon the scene I saw the fires, some flaming guy heading towards the aquaduct, a silver disc flying that direction as well. I thought I would try and sort the problem out. They were using the disc to fire missles? I was thinking that they were chasing the disc. Shows what I know. Oh, by the way, I'm Supergirl, who are you? Are you in need of medical attention?"

Using my x-ray vision I will scan the bodies of everyone present looking for injuries. Please let me know if I see any.

Something is preventing your X-Ray vision from penetrating the clothing of the youth in the trenchcoat, the other figure you met earlier seems perfectly fine

"That guy," the youth points to the man currently still unconscious on the ground,"was the one who ambsuhed me up on the roof, but it wasn't his fireballs that caused the explosion that I do know, I did see something following behind me but I had to get clear of them so I could get my boss into hiding so I could draw them off thats when a group of missiles passed me and blew up that connection to the freeway if I hadn't stopped when I did I'd have probably been caught in the blast as it was I only had a few moments to head down here when that battlesuit started blasting at me I don't know who they were but if they had been part of the same group they're lousy at teamwork thats the only reason I'm still standing at this point," he finishes as he stretched a hand towards the nearest puddle of water as something stirs and then he suddenly shoots up and hovers just above the top of the aquaduct.

"I better check on the others care to follow?" he asks.

"Wait! What Others?"

Supergirl wrote:
"Wait! What Others?"

"I'm part of a team, there was at least one other than myself and the boss at the ambush last I heard the others were over at the new police station," Skater replies hovering.

From where he's positioned he can clearly see where both fires' have broken out and aware that the others should have responded as soon as the first explosion had occurred so he may not have been the only one ambushed.

"Might need some help with this," he asks them below.

"Explain everything on the way"! Swoooosh!


Johnny limped away from the scene.
Barely minutes before he had been heading for a rendevous with the others only to have the newly built police station blow up behind him.

Barely conscious by the time he regained his footing he could only stare in shock at the now demolished building, that was when he had looked up and seen "him".

"So all this city can send before me is this petty little artefact user?" his arrogant voice boomed.

"Once my rivals included the sorceror supreme of worlds, I had hoped no expected better especially in this place, however I suppose you will do... to bring my message to all those others wielders of the arcane arts... all shall bow to Baron Mordo!" he sneered looking down from atop of a nearby building.

All Johnny could do was run...

"Mechimera what's wrong," Pong asked managing at last to find one of his team mates.
The cyborg merely coughed in return slumped as it was in an alleyway near the still burning remains of the city block he had been blown away from.
Returning as fast as he could he had found no sign of the others and his earpiece couldn't pick up anyone else not even the Batman.
Pong wondered what had happened and was intent on helping the firemen secure the area so the fires could be dealt with but that was before the second blast...

He had tried to return but had to stop when he found Mechimera... he was still trying to figure out what happened to the cyborg and had been about to return to base with him when a blue and red blur passed over the city towards the freeway when another explosion occurred...

~Bad night for a stroll~, Pong decided.


male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

I will help; tell me of this team of yours; what have you learned about the reason for the attack on the police station. So if you were defending it; then entail to us what you know of those sewing anarchy and civil unrest?

both the wonderous supergirl and myself have the ability to fly; need you aid to move or have you your own meathod of quick locomotion?

I look back to see if anybody is following.....Especially since I don't know where I'm flying off to.

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

looks around to see the fire situation, i might need to fly up for a better view; should be raining pretty hard on them...

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:
I will help; tell me of this team of yours; what have you learned about the reason for the attack on the police station. So if you were defending it; then entail to us what you know of those sewing anarchy and civil unrest?

"We were investigating a claim that if the new police station was opened it would be blown up, our leader was checking for information with the head of one of the major crime families when something blew up the building. I was on the roof whilst Bats and Pong were in the building I didn't see what happened to Pong but I was able to grab Bats and head out after narrowly being incinerated by that pyromaniac. The other two were checking out the police station, but I haven't heard anything back from them only that second blast over there (he points towards the source of the second series of explosions) is where the new police station should be," Skater replies slowing down as he explains the situation to Maelidek.

]both the wonderous supergirl and myself have the ability to fly; need you aid to move or have you your own meathod of quick as locomotion? [/QUOTE wrote:

"I prefer more ground based movement but I lost my wheels back in the first explosion I can use the city's buildings for locomotion but I have to be careful not to overstretch my power since it also makes me more of a target I was lucky that missile launcher hadn't detected that, though it probably means I wasn't the one they were after," Skater adds as he begins to concentrate more on leviating through the city faster.

Supergirl wrote:
I look back to see if anybody is following.....Especially since I don't know where I'm flying off to.

The youth in the trenchcoat slowed down as he seems to be talking to Maelidek but they speed up after he signals ahead to the location of a second fire in the city.

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:
looks around to see the fire situation, i might need to fly up for a better view; should be raining pretty hard on them...

Make an Intuition feat check

Looking around you've noticed that the magical aura you sensed is getting stronger the nearer you get to the second explosion however the weather is getting worse with the rain easing and more wind is building up above the city.

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

rolled a 55; so green.

"Something eminating strong magical power ahead of us; strange; wind is building instead of rain...I will attempt to counter."

I will stop on a building <long black trail of darkness solidifies into a body> and I concentrate on my spell to slacken the wind and intensify the rain.

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:

rolled a 55; so green.

"Something eminating strong magical power ahead of us; strange; wind is building instead of rain...I will attempt to counter."

I will stop on a building <long black trail of darkness solidifies into a body> and I concentrate on my spell to slacken the wind and intensify the rain.

The magic you sensed seems to have warped your original spell and whatever it was might have also been responsible for clowing up the police station making you wonder who or what it was

You manage to still the wind so it just lightly raining but you sense the handiwork of a powerful mage behind this the fires ahead are not the result of anything natural.

Make a check for your spell

Using my x-ray vision, I shall scan the area of the fires for any persons in danger.

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

to the group:
"Stand ready; it was magic that was used to cause this distruction; and some Adept seeking to use my spell power to increase the devestation; I will begin to battle against the forces he commands and use this power to quench the flames; a battle is likely; BEWARE!"

<= assumes a martial stance and begins mystical passes with his hands, calling upon the forces of dark fey magic to aid his struggle; an expression of joy and anticipation of the struggle to come light his eyes. A thousand black sheilds surround him <personal force feild>.

<rolled an 82 for weather control
rolled a 68 for counterspell

both yellow on the feat table; thanks for posting it; its really handy>

Supergirl wrote:
Using my x-ray vision, I shall scan the area of the fires for any persons in danger.

I assume you meant the second explosion

There's a lot of rubble where the police station was and your vision suggests many of the occupants have fled beneath the building possibly seeking the sewer access to escape the fire and the debris blocking their escape.

Make an intuition feat check

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:

to the group:

"Stand ready; it was magic that was used to cause this distruction; and some Adept seeking to use my spell power to increase the devestation; I will begin to battle against the forces he commands and use this power to quench the flames; a battle is likely; BEWARE!"

<= assumes a martial stance and begins mystical passes with his hands, calling upon the forces of dark fey magic to aid his struggle; an expression of joy and anticipation of the struggle to come light his eyes. A thousand black sheilds surround him <personal force feild>.

<rolled an 82 for weather control
rolled a 68 for counterspell

both yellow on the feat table; thanks for posting it; its really handy>

You're welcome

Your first spell succeeds but the second fails but you do manage to overcome the corrupted spell but some horrendous wave of darkness now cloaks the area.

You now sense enormous power building but somehow it doesn't seem focused at you rather at someone else out there whom is manifesting magical power but no where near the level of what you first sensed making you wonder what is really going on.

hopeless wrote:
Supergirl wrote:
Using my x-ray vision, I shall scan the area of the fires for any persons in danger.

I assume you meant the second explosion

There's a lot of rubble where the police station was and your vision suggests many of the occupants have fled beneath the building possibly seeking the sewer access to escape the fire and the debris blocking their escape.

Make an intuition feat check

I rolled a 21 (white result).

Using my x-ray vision I shall try and locate the citizens below the building. As I do so, I shall be looking for gas lines which could present danger. My general plan is (if it appears safe), to punch a hole through the street and provide a faster exit in order to get them out as quickly as possible.

Supergirl wrote:
hopeless wrote:
Supergirl wrote:
Using my x-ray vision, I shall scan the area of the fires for any persons in danger.

I assume you meant the second explosion

There's a lot of rubble where the police station was and your vision suggests many of the occupants have fled beneath the building possibly seeking the sewer access to escape the fire and the debris blocking their escape.

Make an intuition feat check

I rolled a 21 (white result).

Using my x-ray vision I shall try and locate the citizens below the building. As I do so, I shall be looking for gas lines which could present danger. My general plan is (if it appears safe), to punch a hole through the street and provide a faster exit in order to get them out as quickly as possible.

Supergirl only:


Everything has gone pitch black even your x-ray vision doesn't work.
Make an Agility check at -4CS

To everyone else:

Supergirl has vanished into a pitch black zone of darkness

Agility check -4 column shift is 18 (white result). This is not going to be good.

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

I move to join Supergirl.

"Fear not the Darkness; for it can be a powerful ally"

<I have really good dark vision; even in magical darkness; though might take a roll>

Not sure why but all this talk of magic is starting to creep me out!

"Umm...what happened? Suddenly everything got dark."

Raises hand to see if she can even see that. I'll fly upwards hoping to escape the darkness.

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:

"Fear not the Darkness; for it can be a powerful ally"

"Or a complete hindrance, such as in this case!"

Supergirl wrote:
Maelidek the Mystic wrote:

"Fear not the Darkness; for it can be a powerful ally"
"Or a complete hindrance, such as in this case!"

Supergirl manages to ascend out of the darkness but looks a little battered by the experience.

Supergirl only:

You actually plowed through a few buildings before managing to ascend

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:

I move to join Supergirl.

"Fear not the Darkness; for it can be a powerful ally"
<I have really good dark vision; even in magical darkness; though might take a roll>

Supergirl passes you as she ascends once more.

Maelidek only:

A number of buildings below has been demolished although you're not sure what caused the destruction, however you do notice someone in the distance standing atop a building holding someone's body by the throat over the edge and laughing in a rather maniacal manner

I'll survey the damage and see if I can pin point the origin of the darkness.

Supergirl wrote:
I'll survey the damage and see if I can pin point the origin of the darkness.

It seems to be covering most of the city surrounding the new police station however try as you might you can't penetrate the depths of the darkness without entering yourself and risking colliding with buildings within

Skater levitating above the darkness has to concentrate to avoid falling into the darkness below.

Looking around he mutters to noone particularly,"Johnny, what is going on?"

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

Fly at max speed below and toward the figures on the building coming in low and moving upwards to catch the falling body if it gets dropped.

"Supergirl, someone is about to be dropped off a building in the distance; follow by sound if you cannot see and if you can hear that maniacle laughter in the distance."

"Is the darkness enveloping the city blocks from the ground up or is it hovering above the area? In other words if I tunnel up through the ground, will I be in the darkness or will it be above me?"

I'll attempt to hone my super hearing in on the laughter as well as the heartbeats of someone (and their victim) matching the same location.

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:
Fly at max speed below and toward the figures on the building coming in low and moving upwards to catch the falling body if it gets dropped.

He seems to be monologuing not that you can hear him mind you.

"Supergirl, someone is about to be dropped off a building in the distance; follow by sound if you cannot see and if you can hear that maniacal laughter in the distance."

Supergirl wrote:
"Is the darkness enveloping the city blocks from the ground up or is it hovering above the area? In other words if I tunnel up through the ground, will I be in the darkness or will it be above me?"

Its enveloping the entire area about the only thing showing through is the fire at the rough location of the new police station (that is if you knew that was it)

I'll attempt to hone my super hearing in on the laughter as well as the heartbeats of someone (and their victim) matching the same location.

You can hear someone laughing and monologuing.

"So fool finally your power is in the hands someone who can fully appreciate its finepoints and all you philistine handling couldn't even muster a remotely reasonable defence do you have any last words before I send you onto the next plane of existance?" he sneers.

Skater lowers himself to the edge of the darkness as you focus on whats going on down below with your hearing.

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

man; I wish I was a ventrilliquist thinks Maelidek to himself.

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:
man; I wish I was a ventrilliquist thinks Maelidek to himself.

Having flashbacks from the Incredibles myself!

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

as was I :)

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