Ability Score Purchase Calculator

Ability Scores and Races

Hey all. I just thought I'd drop by and mention that I've got an ability score calculator I whipped up in Excel if anyone needs one:

http://www.worldsunknown.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=304.0;attach=1 588

The reason I made it is that my group includes a number of players who are... weak... in basic mathematics. Since I intend to start a new PfRPG-beta campaign after Dragon*Con, I figured this was a good way to eliminate some headaches on both sides of the DM screen. ;)

At any rate, if any players or DMs need such a tool, I figure there's no harm in sharing.

Note that the calculator is currently set for Epic Fantasy (25 points), but this can be customized by unhiding the xPointBuy sheet and adjusting the points there. Similarly, there is a hidden sheet for races (xRaces) that could be used to add custom races if desired.


Nice job. Very cool!

It's so great to see people's enthusiasm. The Pathfinder Society ecosystem looks like it will indeed be a very lively community.

Liberty's Edge

niceline done Laithoro
i usually do my own calculus... but this will make it easier for me...

and the other players may take a look... if its not a problem with you i will put it in my discussion group so my friends can grab it.

its here http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/d20mex/ if you want to take a look... its in spanish so unless you speak it, you might not understand a lot.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Laithoron wrote:

Hey all. I just thought I'd drop by and mention that I've got an ability score calculator I whipped up in Excel if anyone needs one:

http://www.worldsunknown.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=304.0;attach=1 588

Hmmm. For some reason, it is taking the adjustments (for all races) and using it throughout all the ability scores (that is, it isn't differentiating between the different bonuses/penalties for the different ability scores). Only the strength modifier(s) is being used for every ability score.


Um Half Orcs have 12s in all stats and gnomes and halfling have 8s in all stats. I'll choose half orc! : )

Hmmm. For some reason, it is taking the adjustments (for all races) and using it throughout all the ability scores (that is, it isn't differentiating between the different bonuses/penalties for the different ability scores). Only the strength modifier(s) is being used for every ability score.


Liberty's Edge

ouch... didn't noticed that :P

but yes they are a bit scrambled, when and if you fix it can you let us get it again?

My character sheet over in this thread has an ability calculator built in. It factors in race and has a drop down to select point buy totals. You're welcome to rip the guts out if there's anything you'd like to use for this calculator.

*head desk*
I've written a note to myself not to work on such things after pulling an all-nighter anymore. It's fixed now:

http://www.worldsunknown.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=304.0;attach=1 589

/me wishes these forums had an edit post feature...

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