veector |

I walked into the dealer hall on Sunday, five minutes before it closed, ready to spend my voucher for running scenarios. I was hoping and praying that maybe, just maybe, there might have been a copy of the Beta floating around.
Lo and behold, somebody returned their copy. My gain. :D
Was it Bill Slavicsek looking for good ideas for D&D 5.0?
I keed! I keed! :)

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Good question. I am not sure about this. We may release a small number to cover existing orders only. I'll check into this and let you know soon.
Hopefully you can pull some strings to make this happen, Erik. Nevertheless, I sincerely appreciate the extraordinary accessibility of all the Paizo staff on these boards.
By the way, for those who ever doubted the value of keeping 3.x alive through Pathfinder I think your GenCon phenomenon has shut them up. Keep up the good work!

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Not so sound like a shameless shill (which, of course, I am), but I strongly urge anyone interested in a print copy of this book try to pick it up as soon as possible. It hits game stores next week, and as of yet we have no intention of selling them through the book trade (meaning Amazon will be a no-go). We just don't have enough of them to risk any of them getting tied up in a distributor's inventory.
Woah, woah, woah!
HUH !?!?!
Are you saying if I currently have the Beta RPG on order with Amazon (which I do) I will NOT get it???? Are you saying if I want it, I should cancel the order with Amazon and order directly from you guys???
On the first page of this very thread, Lisa said Paizo had already sent out the copies to Amazon etc, so they would have them soon. How do we reconcile Lisa's statement with Eric's that "Amazon is a no-go"?
On a positive note, that is FANTASTIC news from a business and health of the game standpoint. It just stinks for me since it sounds like I might not get a copy now ...

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We are going to fulfill the existing orders for Amazon, so you should be set. Should get there in a week or two.
Just Amazon, or other online booksellers? Personally, I ordered through BooksAMillion since they are a locally-owned retailer. I treat them kind of like my FLGS since the closest LGS ain't so F.

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I have to say, this is fantastic news for a company I really admire.
"We want to tell our stories in the way want to tell them."
I know that isn't the exact words that were used in the Pathfinder RPG announcement back earlier this year, but I believe that is the spirit of Paizo in a bottle. I am glad to be reading this story that Paizo has created. You are all true storytellers in real life as well as fantasy. Real excitement in both places.
Keep up the good hard work you have all endeavored and make us all very very proud.

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hehe I had no doubt. Thurs Morn I went to the boardgame hall for a big game id signed up for, and asked a friend to run by the Piazo Booth and pick up The Beta for me...she said "Why, itll still be there when you get done"...
I just grinned and said "please"
That afternoon after the game she said "Its a good thing you did...its like a frenzy there"
and the next morning there were no more ;)
Pathfinder will be bigger than folks will even begin to imagine.
At one point I was walking through the exhibition hall and heard two gamers behine me.
This is a paraphrase of their conversation.
1: "Did you play in that 4e game last night?"
2: "Yeah, at the RPGA hall"
1: "What did you think of it?"
2: "It was ok"
1: "I know. We started playing 4e when it first came out, but it's not what I expected."
2: "We probably will still play 4e, even though its a little boring"
...slight pause....
2: "What are you going to do? go back to 3.5?"
1: "Ever hear of Pathfinder?...."
--------I just grinned from ear to ear.

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I overheard more than a few people at GenCon mentioning Pathfinder, and was also happy to see companies like Lone Wolf (Hero Lab), among others, displaying the fact they support Pathfinder like a badge of honor. It also gave me a sense of the happies to hear that a couple of the groups I played 3.5E with this year have made it clear that they're leaning toward switching up their campaigns to Pathfinder rather than 4E if they update (not because I have anything against WoTC, but because a 4E game would have probably kept me from playing in their campaigns next year.)
On the bad side, I was really, really disgusted at myself when I hit the Paizo booth. I mean, honestly. Cheesing up like a giddy fanboy, racking up a bill that sounded like a car payment, wearing my faction tee all over the place... Utterly disgraceful, I tell you.

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On the bad side, I was really, really disgusted at myself when I hit the Paizo booth. I mean, honestly. Cheesing up like a giddy fanboy, racking up a bill that sounded like a car payment, wearing my faction tee all over the place... Utterly disgraceful, I tell you.
That made me laugh.

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windoze9x wrote:I'd like to hear more about this.There's a Ranger paragon path in 4E called the Pathfinder. Its first ability is called Wrong Step. Some folks believe this is WotC taking a jab at Paizo for going their own way instead of following 4E.
I'm 100% confident that that was *not* intended as a jab against the Pathfinder RPG.
How can I be so sure? Reliable sources have indicated to us that both the Pathfinder paragon path and the Wrong Step ability existed in the 4E playtest *before* Paizo announced our plans for the Pathfinder RPG. (We were already doing the Pathfinder Adventure Paths, though.)

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If they have orders at the time we ship them out, they'll get 'em. If not, probably not.
I just want to clarify—we're going to send them enough to cover the preorders, but we won't be providing open stock. In other words, if you've already preordered the Beta from Amazon, Books-A-Million, or another large chain, you'll probably get your copy, but don't expect to just walk in and find it on the shelf.

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fray wrote:I'm a W and got mine today.Well, so much for that theory. My next guess would be sorted by time of placing the order, but I ordered mine relatively late before the release.
We have a complicated algorithm for determining fulfillment order. The time you placed the order is important, as is the shipping method and destination (because we generally process similar packages together). Being a Pathfinder superscriber also moves you up in the fulfillment queue substantially. The alphabet, however, is not part of the algorithm.

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Pete Apple wrote:Is this your friend?
Last Copy SoldNope. Hmmm maybe I have a talk with him... (Sannos make a intimidate roll against his friend)
Well... Jason photographed the last person to pick a copy of the wall, but that wasn't necessarily the last person to check out with one. I think at least a couple of guys checked out after him.
As Lilith pointed out, though, she got the last copy sold at Gen Con (after a customer returned it).

-Archangel- |

Paizo may want to make it better known that a lot was cut from the Beta print version and that you guys made the cut material available in the PDF download.
Only spells and magic items were cut, and will be in the final PF version, but people buying the print version probably won't look at the PDF download to know the cut material is there.
I hope your GenCon sellers were telling buyers of the Beta print about the download as the transaction was being made.
Congrats on the sell out. I do hope it fore tells a great future for Pathfinder, and the 3E market in general.
I did not find the cut material in the Beta PDF. That PDF is 410 pages, not 470.

Majuba |

*you would think being in the largest military community in Europe it would be no problem finding a group!*
Which is that now? [Native Heidelberger]
My local FLGS sold out in a day (one player got one). I'm not sure about my LGS, will have to check.
I did not find the cut material in the Beta PDF. That PDF is 410 pages, not 470.
When you download the zip file of the Beta it contains the Beta print edition, and a 68 page "Web Enhancement". That is where the cut material is.

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Erik Mona wrote:Yeah I am still on the fence on if I want to pick it up.. Though I am getting all your products, I don't have a gaming group right now..and the prospects of finding one in the next year are low since I have not been able to find a steady group for the last 2 1/2 years..*you would think being in the largest military community in Europe it would be no problem finding a group!*, so I am not sure I would get any use of the Beta.. But I really want to!!!...Damn War!!! it is taking all my players!!!If you want a print copy of the Beta rules, now is the very best time to order.
Try being in Ely England...it's worse out here!

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I did not find the cut material in the Beta PDF. That PDF is 410 pages, not 470.
There is a file called Web Enhancement or Supplement that is about 65 pages long and has the cut spells and magic items.
In the single file PDF it is easy to find because there are only two files. In the chapter by chapter file it is buried there someplace but I believe it is near the end of the file list. (Can't remember for sure).

Lord Mhor |

I have been lurking, waiting for this moment.
For those still confused about the cut material, it can be found as PZO1110BE Web Enhancement.pdf in the ZIP download.
Two days ago, I cheerfully downloaded the Beta. Yesterday, I even more cheerfully walked into my Friendly Local Gaming Store and purchased the hard-copy because it's more fun to read than off a computer and easier than printing the whole mess myself.
I look forward to playtesting this thing.

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If they have orders at the time we ship them out, they'll get 'em. If not, probably not.
Thanks for letting me know on this one... I was at GenCon, but didn't make it to the booth in time to get a hard copy, so I have promptly come back and ordered on Amazon.
All the Paizo events I was involved with at the Con (and there were several) were all great, and I'm really pumped at how well it's doing.
Now all I need is one of those T-Shirts I saw some dudes at the Con walking around with that simply said "4th Edition Killed Gary". I about fell out of my chair laughing when I saw those. MUST HAVE!
Long live Pathfinder!

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On the bad side, I was really, really disgusted at myself when I hit the Paizo booth. I mean, honestly. Cheesing up like a giddy fanboy, racking up a bill that sounded like a car payment, wearing my faction tee all over the place... Utterly disgraceful, I tell you.
What do you expect from a Cheliaxan?
Yes..I went there.

-Archangel- |

-Archangel- wrote:I did not find the cut material in the Beta PDF. That PDF is 410 pages, not 470.There is a file called Web Enhancement or Supplement that is about 65 pages long and has the cut spells and magic items.
In the single file PDF it is easy to find because there are only two files. In the chapter by chapter file it is buried there someplace but I believe it is near the end of the file list. (Can't remember for sure).
I know about that one, but I though that the two files would be combined in one PDF file.

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Hazhi Awass wrote:
What do you expect from a Cheliaxan?Panache, my friend. Panache. 8D
(Although, yes, the simpering and the groveling sounded quite a bit like morning services to our dark lord. XD)
As Erik Mona IS the Dark Lord and the Paizo Team ARE the our nine Lords and Ladies and Princes and Princesses you did not simper and growl, you did in fact morning services!
Let the Beetle boys worship their dead kings in their stone heaps and mourn for their lost glory!
We still have an empire worth living in and a god worth worshipping!
All hail Asmodeus!

VargrBoartusk |

Mr. Klingsor wrote:Hei Lisa,
I just wanted to say that the two games I'm playing now are two of your kids: Ars Magica (best game ever) and Pathfinder.
I hope Beta copies arrive at Europe soon.
I still have a very strong fondness for Ars Magica. I think the magic system is the best that has ever been created. If I had more time, I would figure out how to translate the magic system into 3.5 for my game.
I am rather fond of both games myself.. But i think the amount of mind expanding drugs one would have to do to bridge *that* gap between systems
arnt something I should encourage someone affiliated with my new favorite RPG to be doing lest it ruin the mojo.
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Which are?
Primarily, I would say, the same reasons that WotC haven't released exact sales figures, mostly because they are commercially sensitive (incidentally, I'm not in the "4e is failing" camp -- I suspect it's doing as well as WotC imply -- and I don't expect them to release figures to back that up). Announcing how many free downloads of the Alpha or Beta they've shifted is a different matter, because it's sort of a one-off type dealy and it basically says "our open playtest is THIS BIG" but actual sales don't seem to get released by many games companies that I can think of.

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Nahualt wrote:Primarily, I would say, the same reasons that WotC haven't released exact sales figures, mostly because they are commercially sensitive...
Which are?
Yep. However:
So how many copies sold at Gencon?
Every copy we took!
How many in Amazon?
We have no idea—we don't sell to Amazon; they buy from an intermediate distributor, like every other retailer. However, the answer is a relatively small number—we shipped the book trade a small quantity to allow them to cover preorders, but we're not offering it to them as an open stock (reorderable) item—the book trade purchases with returnability, and our margins are too low on this product to accept returns (plus, we don't want them to carry stock of the product, since it will be supplanted by the finished version in a year).
Do you sell more under subscriptions or other means?
There are no subscriptions that include the Pathfinder RPG, so 100% are "other means."

TheAuldGrump |
I purchased two copies at Gen Con - one for me and one for one of my players. I have a second copy for myself on order at Amazon, which may or may not ever arrive (I placed it fairly late). The second copy is so I will have a loaner - not all that important given that the game is available as a free PDF. :) (I buy 'loaners' of most of the games I like, being able to loan out a copy makes it easier to bring in new players.)
The Auld Grump

Lam |

OK, I walked into my retailer and bought a copy. He now knows that I am interested. Maybe I do not have a Gen Con version. NP. I will be making WAG comments. I did this for WIZARD and several systems since 1974. Take them or leave them. I like the general direction this is going, but I no longer understand the market. I play Eurogames. Making strategy choices is part of the game. Game balaence is not having everyone the same. Races and classes do provide options and should EXCLUDE options. A choice is a choice. Once made, there are restictions. A non-choice route maybe of interest, but I am not sure how to weight that.

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Erik Mona wrote:Just Amazon, or other online booksellers? Personally, I ordered through BooksAMillion since they are a locally-owned retailer. I treat them kind of like my FLGS since the closest LGS ain't so F.We are going to fulfill the existing orders for Amazon, so you should be set. Should get there in a week or two.
yeah, i have a similar problem. i have an LGS that doesn't fit the "F" descriptor within walking distance. i have to drive to the edge of town to get "F" type LGS action. easier toorder on-line unless i happen to be way out on the west side...

Garydee |

WarEagleMage wrote:yeah, i have a similar problem. i have an LGS that doesn't fit the "F" descriptor within walking distance. i have to drive to the edge of town to get "F" type LGS action. easier toorder on-line unless i happen to be way out on the west side...Erik Mona wrote:Just Amazon, or other online booksellers? Personally, I ordered through BooksAMillion since they are a locally-owned retailer. I treat them kind of like my FLGS since the closest LGS ain't so F.We are going to fulfill the existing orders for Amazon, so you should be set. Should get there in a week or two.
I've noticed that too about LGS. I wonder why some of the most socially inept people decide to get into that business.