Azigen |

Some people got there FRCS early.
List of Gods
Deities of 4e Realms:
Greater Gods:
Amaunator: Sun
Asmodeus: Sin
Bane: Tyranny
Chauntea: Life
Corellon: Fey
Cyric: Strife
Ghaunadaur: Abominations
Gruumsh: Savagery
Kelemvor: Death
Lolth: Drow
Moradin: Dwarves
Ohgma: Knowledge
Selune: Moon
Shar: Shadows
Silvanus: Nature
Sune: Beauty
Tempus: War
Torm: Law
Gods: Serve the greaters
Angharraadh: Wisdom
Auril: Winter
Bahamut: Justice
Berronar Truesilver: Family
Beshaba: Bad Luck
Garl Glittergold: Protection
Gond: Craft
Ilmater: Suffering
Loviatar: Pain
Luthnic: Caves
Meilikki: Forrests
Sheela Peryroyl: Beauty
Sseth: Serpents
Talona: Plague
Tiamat: Greed
Tymora: Good luck
Umberlee: Sea
Waukeen: Merchants
Zehir: Poison
Exarchs/ Demigods: Ascended mortals mainly, some have mortal worshippers
Baervan Wildwanderer
Baravar Cloakshadow
Callarduran Smoothhands
Clangeddon Silverbeard
Deep Seshalas
Dugmaren Brightmantle
Erevan Ilesere
Fenmarel Mestarline
Fzoul Chembryl: Sevice to Evil
Jergal: Fatalism
Labelas Enoreth
Marthammor Duin
Obould: Warriors
The Red Knight: Tactics
Solonar Thelandrira
Thard Harr
Seven Lost Gods. (Includes Dendar, Kezef, and Borem of the Boiling Mud)
Archdevils: One for each of the nine

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-Well Zhentil Keep was wiped out by the Shades! They mean business in the 4E FR. Zhentil Keep is a ruin now.(read Dungeon for PC's) The Zhents made an Alliance with the Thornbacks to help fight Myth Drannor, so Shade Crushed them and killed off the rest of the Thornbacks ending their age long war with them.

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Back in the day, Amazon use to mail preordered items early, and you'd get the book or DVD the day of (or very next day) release. I think they got in some trouble, though, when orders arrived uncommonly early. I think the last time they sent preordered items that was was Harry Potter 7, and the box read "DO NOT deliver before 7 July."

Azigen |

-Well Zhentil Keep was wiped out by the Shades! They mean business in the 4E FR. Zhentil Keep is a ruin now.(read Dungeon for PC's) The Zhents made an Alliance with the Thornbacks to help fight Myth Drannor, so Shade Crushed them and killed off the rest of the Thornbacks ending their age long war with them.
Hmm. I recognize you from somewhere ^_^ Oh yeah your names all over that post in the wizards forum :)

Azigen |

What happened to Mask ?
On the Wizards thread it was said by Rich Baker that deities are not on the list are dead, or no longer dieties. He said the detailed fate of many of these gods has been planned out, but was not included in the books. These details would be released in various other ways such as via novels or DDI articles.
Mask's fate was said to be up to the author of the novels as David Marks suggested.
This may be wrong or erroneous in some fashion. This is just my understanding of what was stated though.

Azigen |

Oh, now i need to buy and read a novel to know about the game setting ?
The campaign book of the setting, which should be the reference, doesn't give all the details ?
The Details were not included into the Campaign Setting book because by WOTC becuase they believed it would not aid in the playing of the current day setting.

Seldriss |

So what do you do if you are actually running the continuity of an existing campaign where Mask (or his cult) was playing an important role ?
I mean, i understand that the characters might not know what really happened on the world and to some deities.
But the DM should know. If you are running a setting you should have all the cards in hands.
How hard is it to say "X fell from disgrace and is now a demigod" or "Y was killed during the Spellplague cataclysm" or "Z is now a demipower and is serving another god" ? You don't have to give all the details, which might be revealed later in a supplement or a novel (although i never liked that), but at least give something.
Seriously, this is really frustrating.
The same way proposing only a few classes in the Player's Handbook is frustrating and not fair, publishing a setting sourcebook with missing information about some gods is frustrating and not fair.

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-The Speculation is that Mask is currently hiding out in the Fane of Shadow's (GREAT BIG GRIN ON MY FACE) His former Chosen (Cale and Riven I hope) have been seen in his old domain. Thats what the people that have the books are saying. They say it mentions the Fane and Masks Chosen. Paul Kemps said that he pushed for some "easter eggs" in the 4E FRCG.

Azigen |

So what do you do if you are actually running the continuity of an existing campaign where Mask (or his cult) was playing an important role ?
I mean, i understand that the characters might not know what really happened on the world and to some deities.
But the DM should know. If you are running a setting you should have all the cards in hands.
How hard is it to say "X fell from disgrace and is now a demigod" or "Y was killed during the Spellplague cataclysm" or "Z is now a demipower and is serving another god" ? You don't have to give all the details, which might be revealed later in a supplement or a novel (although i never liked that), but at least give something.
Seriously, this is really frustrating.
The same way proposing only a few classes in the Player's Handbook is frustrating and not fair, publishing a setting sourcebook with missing information about some gods is frustrating and not fair.
Well the continuity campaign would probably involve a site down the the Grand History of the Realms. 4e FR does take place 100 years after the current setting. There is a lot of time for things to change. Imagine the differences between 1901 and 2001.
I would like to know the whole story, but as it stands not knowing only allows room for my own imagination. What happened to Tyr? Don't know. How will not knowing affect my caimpaign... if it does I will make it up.
PS. I would have responded sooner but Paizo did something to the website and I couldnt.

Dragonklaw82 |

Wow! No Lathander.
My player will be pissed.
No more Tyr either? or Helm? and Torm promoted?
I liked Tyr better, but I guess the maimed god didn't fit with the designer's philosophies.
Actually Lathander is now called Aumanator (sp?). They talk about it a bit in Rich Baker's Swordmage novel.

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Forked from: Some people in Canada have recieved the 4E FRCG early!
Here a small summary of Red Wizards, StarFyre2007s and Mad Eyed Cats posts who already got their copy of the FRCG. This post will be kept up to date and in Addition I will also post every addition from a different thread/board separatly to bump it.
*Now sorted!*Spoiler:
- Orbakh is the only surviving Manshoon clone and leads the Zenths (mainly consisting out of Cyric guys now) from Stormwatch and Darkhold.
- The Zenths fight the Yakuza.
- The Baneites´made a deal with the Phaerim to controll the Dalelands.
- The Shades heard from that deal and destroyed Zhentil Keep. After that the Baneites fled, leaving the Cyric guys in charge.
- The goal of the new Zenths is freeing Cyric from his prison.
- Zhentil Keep is still in ruins and apparently inhabited by robbers and pirates.
- Mask is gone, but his exact faith is not mentioned.
- Cyric is still imprisoned and gets more insane. His clerics are not affected by all this.
- Deities have spheres again instead of portfolios
- Shar is Shadow based now instead of Darkness.
- Obould has the "Warrior" sphere.
- Fzoul has the "Service to Evil" sphere (divine butler?).
- Every deity not on the list is unavailable, but their exact fates is not always stated (for example Mask).
- Exarch = Demigod = ~Demigod Epic Destiny
- Masks's realm still exists. His former chosen visit from time to time and it is rumoured that it is filled with treasure.
- Torm got Tyr's Job and the sphere of Law and now sits in the realm of Cellestia. Hes especially worshipped in the Paladin realm of Elturgard.
- Tyr was apparently killed while fighting off a demon invasion. Cryric or his followers had likely something to do with that or even stroke the killing blow.
- Velsharoon was destroyed.
- Hoar likely serves Bane.
- Tiamat serves Bane.
- Loviatar is Banes consort.
- The church of bane is still strong, even with the loss of Zenthil Keep and the citadel of the Raven.
- Bane taking Lovitar as consort was a political move. He is now worshipped also by evil dwarfs. Also, he absorbed the goblin deities further strengthening himself.
- Kelemvor apparently has to deal with all the dead now, not only with the False&Faithless. The deities only pick souls up they really like.
- No mention of the Wall found.
- Souls can fade away out of existence.
- Souls that refuse to pass on come back as ghosts and other incorporeal beings.
- Elminster went from superhero back to being a passive, slightly insane sage and lives in a farmhouse and doesn't want to use magic.
- The Simbul is still around somewhere in the Dalelands.
- Currently no known chosen in the Realms.
- Masks former chosen still live.
- Menzoberranzan still exists and is the largest city in the Underdark.
- The Spellplague created "Plaguecaves" in the Underdark
- The Great Rift tore open exposing even greater depths called "Underchasm"
- The Sea of Fallen Stars, Shining Sea, and Great Sea flow into theis Underchasm.
- Earthmotes hover over this chasm, some containing tunnels originally from the Underdark whioch are inhabited by Underdark creatures.
- Evermeet got transported into the Feywild.
- A echo of Evermeet remains on Abeir-Toril (looks like a copy)
- Everything on Sumbrar (dragons, soldiers, spelljammers) got destroyed.
- Amlaruil is dead and Evermeet is without leader.
- Evereska still exists and is currently being rebuild.
- Evereskas Mythal is fully active and was barely affected by the spellplague.
- The country is now more active and openly opposes the shades.
- Red Wizards are a pure organization now (no connection to any country) and only a shadow of their former selves.
- Thay is destroyed and full of undead. Tam tried a ritual to make him stronger than the gods, failed and now wants to break out of former Thay and try again.
- The Witches of Rashemen still exists.
- Rashemen was not affected much by the Spellplague, except that it is now home of even more fey.
- During the Thay civil war the witches eliminated the Durthans.
- Lurien was destroyed and now forms the Gulf of Lurien.
- A part of Lurien survived. The Halflings there formed a seafaring/jungle society.
- Abeir = World ruled by dragons and Primordials. Toril = FR we know. Was split apart by Ao when deities and Primordials fought. Now merged again.
- Maztica was replaced by Abier.
- Abier is about 1/8 the size of Faerun.
- The Genasi Kingdom was once only a part of a larger kingdom in Abeir.
- It repleced Chessenta when it was transported.
- Its cities are on Earthmotes connected to the ground by bridges.
- Has a strong military, but is also very open country.
- Eager to make allies
- Fought dragons for centuries which affected their architecture.
- The Cult of the Dragon operates in this country.
- The Cult of the Dragon is still there.
- Active in Tymanther.
- Officially a group of spellscarred people who want to learn about the spallplague and help its victims.
- Its masters are Sharn.
- Its "masters" are believed to be trapped near the Underdark city of Imasker.
- Inofficially the group things the spallplague a holy event and wants to create another one or spread its effects over the world.
- The 12 Shade princes and the enclave still exists.
- The Shades destroyed Zhentil Keep.
- Baldurs Gate has grow really huge, likely the biggest city on Faerun now.
- Dambrath still exists.
- The Crinti (half-drow) are gone
- The Sea of Falling Stars is nearly gone. It flows into the Underchasm.
- Luskan was destroyed.
- Neverwinter was destroyed.
- Halruaa went "BOOM".
- Kara-Tur still exists, but was affected by the Spellplague, too.
- Jarlaxle is a lvl 21 elite skirmisher.
- Szass Tam is lvl 30 and the highest level statted thing in the book (full stat block).
- The Blood War ended when the Abyss was thrown into the elemental Chaos as both parties didn't have an easy access to each other anymore. That means that Devils&Demons might still be hostile to each other when they meet.
- No Psionics in this book.
- Mystra was killed by Cyric who was aided by Shar.
- Gorm Gulthyn and Haela Brightaxe dies in a battle with Deep Duerra and Laduguer while following Moradin.
- Deep Duerra is killed by Clangeddin during Moradins crusade.
- Laduguer is killed by Moradin himself during his crusade.
- Helm Is killed by Tyr in a Duel because of a misunderstanding.
- Lathander becomes Amaunator.
- The Harpers dissolve during the Spellplague. Some Harpers reformed in a new organization to oppose the Shades.
Fzoul Chembryl
banelar Naga
Dark Moon Monk
Kir-Lanan Wing
Blazing Rorn the Fury
Tentacled Torment
Fettered Dracolich
Draegloth (i hate the redesign off them)
Draegloth favoured one
Jarlaxle Baenre
Captain Shil Yargo
Jordaini Enforcer
Gibberling Bunch
Plague Gibberling Bunch
Arathluth Malaugrym
Luthvaerynn Malaugrym
Knight, Loremaster, & Commander Accordant
Plaguechanged Ghoul
Sath'fiss'ith the Skybinder
several scathebeasts
Dread Warrior
Szass Tam
Warlock Knights
Zairtail Swarms
Greater Gods:Amaunator: Sun
Asmodeus: Sin
Bane: Tyranny
Chauntea: Life
Corellon: Fey
Cyric: Strife
Ghaunadaur: Abominations
Gruumsh: Savagery
Kelemvor: Death
Lolth: Drow
Moradin: Dwarves
Ohgma: Knowledge
Selune: Moon
Shar: Shadows
Silvanus: Nature
Sune: Beauty
Tempus: War
Torm: LawGods: Serve the greaters
Angharraadh: Wisdom
Auril: Winter
Bahamut: Justice
Berronar Truesilver: Family
Beshaba: Bad Luck
Garl Glittergold: Protection
Gond: Craft
Ilmater: Suffering
Loviatar: Pain
Luthnic: Caves
Meilikki: Forrests
Sheela Peryroyl: Beauty
Sseth: Serpents
Talona: Plague
Tiamat: Greed
Tymora: Good luck
Umberlee: Sea
Waukeen: Merchants
Zehir: PoisonExarchs/ Demigods: Ascended mortals mainly, some have mortal worshippers
Baervan Wildwanderer
Baravar Cloakshadow
Callarduran Smoothhands
Clangeddon Silverbeard
Deep Seshalas
Dugmaren Brightmantle
Erevan Ilesere
Fenmarel Mestarline
Fzoul Chembryl: Sevice to Evil
Jergal: Fatalism
Labelas Enoreth
Marthammor Duin
Obould: Warriors
The Red Knight: Tactics
Solonar Thelandrira
Thard Harr
Seven Lost Gods. (Includes Dendar, Kezef, and Borem of the Boiling Mud)Archdevils: One for each of the nine
Berronar Truesilver
Garl Glittergold
Sheela Peryroyl
Introduction1: Loudwater
[INDENT]Basically an overview of the town, key personalities, and some short adventures -- 32 pages[/INDENT]
2: Adventuring
[INDENT]Advancing the timeline, quick history lesson, some mundane (heroic, paragon & epic) treasures, and a glossary -- 9 pages[/INDENT]
3: Magic
[INDENT]Spellplague effects on the land, critters & stuff, other fantasitc new features (like earthmotes) and some magic items & rituals -- 11 pages[/INDENT]
4: Cosmology
[INDENT]A run down on the dominions, realms of the Elemental Chaos, the Feywild & the Shadowfell -- 9 pages[/INDENT]
5: Pantheon
[INDENT]The Greater Gods, The Gods, The Exarchs (demi-gods), The Primordials & the Archdevils -- 10 pages[/INDENT]
6: Fearun and Beyond
[INDENT]This takes up a big chunk of the book. It has a quick overview and than launches into many different (new & old) regions of Faerun. The end of the chapter also details Returned Abeir and The Underdark -- 90 pages[/INDENT]
7: Threats
[INDENT]Here we get to see some of the bad guys. We get updates on some oldies (Zhents, Thay) and some details on the new guys in town (Order of the Blue Fire). We also get some stats for NPCs -- 46 pages[/INDENT]
IndexNew Monsters (actually an index showing where these monsters are located in the book)
Fold out map

Azigen |

Mactaka wrote:Actually Lathander is now called Aumanator (sp?). They talk about it a bit in Rich Baker's Swordmage novel.Wow! No Lathander.
My player will be pissed.
No more Tyr either? or Helm? and Torm promoted?
I liked Tyr better, but I guess the maimed god didn't fit with the designer's philosophies.
Amaunator is Lathander. He was origionally called Amaunator but changed guises to the Diety of Rebirth as Lathander. - Source Players Guide to Faerun 3.5 edition.

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Derren;4424966 wrote:Forked from: Some people in Canada have recieved the 4E FRCG early!
Here a small summary of Red Wizards, StarFyre2007s and Mad Eyed Cats posts who already got their copy of the FRCG. This post will be kept up to date and in Addition I will also post every addition from a different thread/board separatly to bump it.
*Now sorted!*** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **
Hoar... Well have to say after reading about the changes a lot of them seem like the sort of thing you would see in a really bad tv soap opera

Karmacoma |

Sad. Very sad. Too many marvelous people and places of the Realms are gone. These are not the Realms that I love.
At least on our group we haven't even reached 3rd ed. timeline yet. So we can keep playing in the Realms we know and love as long as we want...
But I'm sure other people will find these new Realms to their liking, and that is good too. :}

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Kevin Mack wrote:
Well have to say after reading about the changes a lot of them seem like the sort of thing you would see in a really bad tv soap opera
I believe some people would suggest that is par for the course for FR ...
Cheers! :P
I know it's not fair to judge something based on hearsay or partial information (like that's ever stopped anyone on the internet before)... but I think I'm going to have to give these 4th Ed. Realms a pass. This seems like a long ways down the road from Ed's old articles in Dragon or the gray box, and I suppose it is.
Still, I'm someone who has devastated the realms as a DM in my own campaigns. I've advanced the timeline, banished gods, conquered kingdoms, devastated lands - heck, I even reduced Zhentil Keep to a smoldering crater of liquid hot magma. In theory, they're just doing officially something that I've already done in my own game, so why should I have a problem with it?
The sticking point is that, behind it all, there were still the Realms, and they had a certain feel and history and lore to them. I'm no mega-stickler when it comes to FR timelines and canon and all that; I happily used whatever I wanted and ignored the rest. I could do that with the 4th Ed. Realms, but I feel like I don't want to. What it has become is too much different from the feel I want out of a place like FR.
It's entirely subjective and I hope the folks who play 4th Ed. FR have fun with it, but I just don't think it's my cup of tea.
P.S. The bit about Tyr, god of paladins, chivalry, high moral standards, and all the rest, killing another god (and not a punk or an enemy, but one pretty close to his own alignment and mindst) in a "duel because of a misunderstanding" is, for me, one of those little specks of something that just screams out WTF? These are gods! They're not 13-year-olds fighting on the middle school playground because somebody dissed them or they heard that she said that he said that you were hitting on my girlfriend!
It's a small thing, but something that just makes me shake my head in dismay. Dumb, dumb, dumb.

Burrito Al Pastor |

I have to say, I'm having a hard time working up much caring over the new Forgotten Realms. I never really saw the appeal of it the first time around, and despite WOTC's sweeping changes, I still don't see much that makes me sit up and say "Now that sounds interesting!"
I saw a great NERD RAGE thread over on /tg/, with a quote that resonated with me:
Don't worry guise. WotC has promised to retain the basic premise of Forgotten Realms, namely that its shit overrun by Mary Sues.

KnightErrantJR |

To clarify, when I went to the Secrets of the Realms seminar, and they very clearly stated that if you want information on some organizations, nations, and the like that you will indeed need to read the novels for further details.
They also said that its very important to leave things vague in the FRCS in order to allow DMs room, but that they wish they could have made the setting much more detailed.
They also want more articles like the Cormyr articles that help to flesh out and detail various regions, but they also want to make it clear that they don't want articles to clear up details on various regions, so writers should keep this in mind.
Also, long lived races like dwarves and elves are very open minded and adapt well to change and are very progressive.
Dragonborn are not old dragonborn, but the reason people call them dragonborn may be because there were old dragonborn that people remember and called the new dragonborn by that name because of them.
Rich Baker also clearly stated that while its a bad habit to reuse old names and they should quit doing it, they still think that it was important to reuse old names because they are very "powerful."
Also, they don't want to detail the years between the "old Realms" and the current Realms, because that would be counter productive, although Bruce Cordell and R A Salvatore are writing trilogies that detail the shift in the Realms over the years.
Does a lot of this sound contradictory?
You should have been in the actual seminar . . .

KnightErrantJR |

To be honest, it was hard to judge "public" reaction. I was sitting with a lot of other Candlekeep members, and we generally weren't too thrilled. Some change I didn't like seemed to go over, but there was neither much cheering or booing, just a lot of questions, many of which were answered in a manner that was, frankly, very confusing.

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To be honest, it was hard to judge "public" reaction. I was sitting with a lot of other Candlekeep members, and we generally weren't too thrilled. Some change I didn't like seemed to go over, but there was neither much cheering or booing, just a lot of questions, many of which were answered in a manner that was, frankly, very confusing.
Ummm.... yeah.
I mean, WTF?
But, as someone just said above... makes no difference to me. If I want to devastate the realms and advance the timeline... well, I already did that in my own campaign. No need to spend dough to get someone else's vision. Easy come, easy go.

Belirahc |

how did the public receive the changes?
how did the Baker et al., respond to any negativity?
OK, you'll have to forgive my stupidity here, but I have to ask this as I have not been keeping up with the FR issue until now. Am I to assume that Rich Baker had a hand in rewriting the setting? I ask mainly because of some of the spoiler changes I read earlier in the thread here. It almost sounds like the Forgotten Realms have been revamped into low-tech remake of Eberron (the halfling changes resonate most with that statement).
I have nothing against Baker, especially since I love the original Eberron setting. However, not sure I like the direction the Realms are going. I still have to make up my mind whether I'll be making that purchase or not.

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-Rich is just one cog in the machine. Its not all Rich's FAULT. See alot of the older designers left WotC (Steven Schend, Sean K Renyolds to name a couple) to do different things in life. So that opened the Door to some new designers that cut their teeth so to speak on Eberron. See where I am going with all of this. Designer's come designer's go. It's the nature of this industry. In a couple of years this batch of Designers will go on in life, and we will get a new batch of designers and the cycle will continue.

Belirahc |

And let's remember that it was Keith Baker that created Eberron, not Rich. Rich's involvement, setting-wise, is typically FR-based.
Ah.. my mistake... thanks for the clarification.
It just semed to me that through a lot of the spoiler information I had seen it was as if they were trying to shift the campaign style to a more... Eberron style of game.
As I said, nothing against Eberron, I love the setting, but I don't know if I feel like totally relearning the new Realms. I may just stick with the Pathfinder version of 3.5 and go with that.

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From what I've read of the FRCG, while it is different, there was nothing there that struck me as "ebberon-ish", in all honesty. I mean, things had changed, but as I read it, and got deeper into the information, it still felt like the realms to me. But this is my own take and opinion. I, for one, am less bothered by the new FR than I thought I'd be.
Note: I still think Eilistraee's death was fairly hosed and will be running an adventure to resurrect her as a patron of the un-cursed dark elves, but that's to my own preference >_>

Bellona |

I bought the 4e FR campaign setting this past week. It, along with my 4e PHB (and free character sheets) are the only 4e products which I currently own. I have also had some "long peeks" at the 4e DMG and MM.
And I've hit a brick wall. 4e - and in particular 4e FR - simply does not interest me. The new version of the setting just leaves me cold, which is a very disheartening feeling as I have been a big fan of the FR setting (despite its minor flaws) since the late '80s.
I'm even going to cancel my order for the 4e FR Player's Guide.
Thank goodness for the pile of old adventures which are still waiting to be used! When I'm finished with them, it's going to be a combination of homebrew and what I can convert from 3PP (particularly Paizo).
On the other hand, I've also just bought the Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting. _That_ really tweaked my interest, and I can easily see myself using it. (For the sake of convenience, I'm sticking with the 3.5 rules.)

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See, I'm torn. Not because of the setting itself, because in all honesty...I like it. Don't as me why, but, I do. I just feel torn and awkward because I like it and I hate seeing so many people vocally disliking it. Everyone's entitled to their opinions of course, but it does a lot to temper a person's excitement when very few vocal people seem to be as excited as they are. Still, my friends and I are having a blast with it, and that's what's important. I'm a fan who's played and read the realms for a number of years now, though I'll admit I was still late to the game (started reading just before 3rd edition came out), and...I still like the Realms. Go figure...

The-Last-Rogue |

See, I'm torn. Not because of the setting itself, because in all honesty...I like it. Don't as me why, but, I do. I just feel torn and awkward because I like it and I hate seeing so many people vocally disliking it. Everyone's entitled to their opinions of course, but it does a lot to temper a person's excitement when very few vocal people seem to be as excited as they are. Still, my friends and I are having a blast with it, and that's what's important. I'm a fan who's played and read the realms for a number of years now, though I'll admit I was still late to the game (started reading just before 3rd edition came out), and...I still like the Realms. Go figure...
100% my scenario and exactly the reason I post 1/5th as often as I use to. You are not alone, my friend, you are not alone.
I've been reading and playing in the Realms (off and on) since 2e - I have no issue with the changes and my players (3/5 started in 2e, 1 in 3rd, and 1 in his first group) love 4th.