DM Deevor |
For all your out of character discussions.
Please can you add your tokens to slide 2 in marching order as appropriate.
Let me know if you are unable to do it.
DM Deevor |
I have put the default marching order on the slide with your tokens. If you want to change the order then please do so and write in the discussion what you changed.
Single file marching order:
1st Revni Storm
2nd Lande Striden
3rd Emory Gunter
4th Iustanus
Double Marching Order
1st Rank Revni Storm & Lande Striden
2nd Rank Emory Gunter & Iustanus
DM Deevor |
I have just added this note to my other game, to try and get all the players to do it. I have added it here just for clarity, when I do ask for Recall Knowledge or any other roll I ask you to make in secret. Thanks for understanding.
Please make Recall Knowledge checks in spoilers.
Copy the 3 lines below, remove the * in each line and complete the details to make a secret spoiler check.
[*spoiler=Recall Knowledge(something)]
DM Deevor |
Got a message from Iustanus, so will give them another 24hrs to join the fun, so you may not see a post today.
DM Deevor |
Will wait til tomorrow UK time for Renvi to post before moving on, unless Renvi posts before then during UK waking hours.
Renvi Storm |
I apologize for being gone. My computer died last week and I had to build a new one... took longer than usual.
Also, DM Deevor, you mention in the game play section (just after Lande is asked a question about the desemvirate(sp)) that anyone could help me answer my question... Perhaps, I missed it but I don't see that anyone was asked a question BUT Lande.
DM Deevor |
Hi Renvi glad you are onboard.
Funny you should ask about boons etc. because we have got to the part of the scenario when it is time to ask that question.
So everyone can please fill in as appropriate.
Mission Prep
GM Glyphs:
School Item:
Retired Boons:
Achievement Boons:
Chronicle Boons:
Daily Preparations:
Questions about these five entries? Check the Resources above the Campaign Tabs first - you will likely find your answers in there.
For ease of use, remove first / in the lines below.
[/b]GM Glyphs:[/b]
[/b]School Item:[/b]
[/b]Retired Boons:[/b]
[/b]Achievement Boons:[/b]
[/b]Chronicle Boons:[/b]
[/b]Daily Preparations:[/b]
DM Deevor |
I have added default exploration activities where they weren't available. All default exploration activities can be overridden by declaring your activity in game.
DM Deevor |
With the new Society rules for character building and schools:
Pathfinder Training
Each character should choose one of the following: Spells, Scrolls Swords, Generalist, or Field Commission. Each of these choices grants a bonus lore at first level, and a bonus skill feat at 5th level. Each Pathfinder Training (except Field Commission) also grants a bonus consumable at the beginning of each mission.
So now you can only choose 1 free consumable from your school according to the second season Pathfinder Society rules.
If you don't choose one, you get the default Minor Healing Potion for characters at level 1 or 2.
If it's any consolation, I found out for the first time when a GM told me.
DM Deevor |
I'm gonna move you on, if Iustanus or Lande have any questions for Jorsal or the quartermaster, or buy anything from the quartermaster, then do that in your next post.
Renvi Storm |
OK, I'll just take the minor healing potion. Question, you talk about skill checks for Archeology, exactly what one's are available for these because I don't have Archeology and I tend to think no one else does either.
Also, exactly where are we and what is close to us (i.e. that we could see/examine); given your notes, it would suggest we'd be able to see x from where we are on the map right now but I'd like to clarify that before moving on. In other words, if my character can't see what your note informed me that I'd notice, it makes no sense to mention it here. If I can see it, is it possible to examine it from this position, given the terrain you've described?
Iustanus |
Do are there substitutes lore skills that could be used if you don't have the specific one named? How many people are going to have Cyclops lore?
Renvi Storm |
Yeah, they can be. But, like Emory, I try to pick Lore skills that I can logically apply to a multiplicity of situations. For example, Academia Lore would suggest study and, could, be used to Recall Knowledge about a variety of subjects... because your studies may have overlapped with x. Or, Assassin Lore could, logically, give one a better understanding of anatomy & physiology; so, if your examining a corpse, you might have a better idea of how it died because of that knowledge.... There are a few like this but there are others that are difficult to utilize outside of very specific situations. The trick, I think, is to pick a Lore that is more generic that you can argue might work in multiple situations.
DM Deevor |
Sorry feeling rubbish today, may not post til tomorrow.
For Archaeology it will depend upon the subject, Society covers history and a lot of other stuff. Skills like Arcana, Occult, Nature and Religion can all be relevant.
Archaeology Lore might be considered the best way extract information, e.g. how to run a dig etc. But a pot or pot part found in the dig could be anything depending upon what the pots might have been used for, the markings on the pot, etc. So if the markings have religious significance, you might use Religion (deity and use), Society (how old it is and use), Archaeology Lore for anything about the pot. There's a lot that can overlap.
In this section some of the checks are how you will access the study area, like athletics to climb up or acrobatics to step carefully over rubble or jump across from ledge to ledge.
So don't get too hung up on Archaeology Lore, this is more like getting information or objects, mapping the area and objects, without causing damage.
Hope this helps, it's how I'm seeing things for good or ill.
DM Deevor |
Please look at the mechanics spoiler, previously in gameplay, before I count up the exploration points and the tracker is not secret. Only GM Spoiler is secret at the moment.
Remember you don't have to be trained to roll a skill.
Lande Striden |
Just remember, the DC to aid is 20 unless the GM decides otherwise. If you critically fail you actually give a penalty to the person making the check.
If you don't have at least a +4 in the skill you are trying to aid you are more likely to provide a penalty than a bonus.
DM Deevor |
This is a GM decides aid .... :-)
I haven't heard from Renvi for 2 weeks now, so either one of you can bot Renvi, or I can bot Renvi until either Renvi posts again or we get to the end. I will bot unless someone else wants to bot Renvi.
Emory Gunter |
This is a GM decides aid .... :-)
I haven't heard from Renvi for 2 weeks now, so either one of you can bot Renvi, or I can bot Renvi until either Renvi posts again or we get to the end. I will bot unless someone else wants to bot Renvi.
I'm willing to bot Renvi so DM Deevor doesn't have to run the game and play a character too :)
DM Deevor |
Hi Emory, I have botted Renvi's Fortitude save, so no need to do that, as you can see at the bottom my last post, so no need to do that yet.
And thanks for doing that, it saves trying to bolt in a pre-gen.
DM Deevor |
The party all moved away from you down the corridor, but you can't see them anymore for Round 1. Take you round 1 actions, we should be able to retcon them.
The scenario is close to the end ....
DM Deevor |
@Lande, it was the last action, 1,2,4 strikes hit.
Emory Gunter |
What is our current hit point totals. I looks like the GM was keeping track of the damage and then stopped. I would have liked to have taken time to recover before we moved on.
I believe I am healed to full when you used battle medicine after the dragon encounter.
If renvi took any damage during the dragon, then she is still injured. She didn't take damage during this recent run in with the slimey things.
DM Deevor |
If you want to retcon 10 minutes or more rest after the slimy things, then please do. I don't think there was much damage done. So taking time to heal should bring you all up to full.
You all saved on the clouds, except for a couple of times, and then you stopped persistent damage pretty much immediately.
You rolled well and I rolled less than average during the slimy fight ... it's why I stopped recording the damage taken.
DM Deevor |
Apologies for going missing, had a few medical issues, have a day op tomorrow, will catch up then.
Lande Striden |