The Razor Coast; - Status and Update


Hey Nick, what's the shipping status of the Razor Coast. I put in an order a month or two age and I await patiently at my mailbox. I can't seem to get a reply from your e-mail address.


I think Razor Coast is still waiting on art/maps to be published, but try posting on the sinister forums. I know things are slowed down right now because of Gencon, but I'm right there with ya waiting for it.

Korgoth wrote:
I think Razor Coast is still waiting on art/maps to be published, but try posting on the sinister forums. I know things are slowed down right now because of Gencon, but I'm right there with ya waiting for it.

True, but I have trouble accessing sinister forums. I suppose I could try there again.


BluePigeon wrote:
Korgoth wrote:
I think Razor Coast is still waiting on art/maps to be published, but try posting on the sinister forums. I know things are slowed down right now because of Gencon, but I'm right there with ya waiting for it.
True, but I have trouble accessing sinister forums. I suppose I could try there again.

Hey Pigeon!

Still waiting on maps and final edits/layout. Should be shipping at the end of this month!

Liberty's Edge




Oh! Also, I plan to make the time pass less slowly by hitting the blogs a lot more with previews and neato stuffs. Also, there are some Dark Horizons indulgences in the works as well.


Dark Archive

Nick, don't forget my copy :D

Heathansson wrote:



Radavel wrote:
Nick, don't forget my copy :D

Ha! Never Radavel!

Nicolas Logue wrote:
Radavel wrote:
Nick, don't forget my copy :D
Ha! Never Radavel!

How's the Status on the Razor Coast? Is it going to ship soon?


Dark Archive

In one of the threads:

This week is "GET RAZOR COAST OUT THE DOOR WEEK!" Should go to layout by the Sunday! Hoorah!

Did this ever get shipped?

I ordered a copy back in June and never saw it.

Liberty's Edge

NPC Dave wrote:

Did this ever get shipped?

I ordered a copy back in June and never saw it.

Not yet Dave. I have faith that it will come ... one day. But I'm in the same boat as you.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Nope never shipped, hasn't been finished yet. Nick said he would have 2 weeks at the end of this month. Likely now. Where he would do nothing but work on this to try and get it done. Thats the last word on it that I am aware of.


Dark_Mistress wrote:
Nope never shipped, hasn't been finished yet. Nick said he would have 2 weeks at the end of this month. Likely now. Where he would do nothing but work on this to try and get it done. Thats the last word on it that I am aware of.

Yep! Cranking away at the editorial process right now and I'm confidant I can finish it within the next week and pass it off to layout finally. Thank the gods. Thanks for you patience everyone!

Nicolas Logue wrote:
Dark_Mistress wrote:
Nope never shipped, hasn't been finished yet. Nick said he would have 2 weeks at the end of this month. Likely now. Where he would do nothing but work on this to try and get it done. Thats the last word on it that I am aware of.

Yep! Cranking away at the editorial process right now and I'm confidant I can finish it within the next week and pass it off to layout finally. Thank the gods. Thanks for you patience everyone!


we'll see Logue....

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Good to hear and hope to see it in the near future. So assuming all goes well and in a week it goes to layout. How long we talking till it ships? I am guessing 2 months but maybe I am way off, don't really know the biz that well.

Dark_Mistress wrote:
Good to hear and hope to see it in the near future. So assuming all goes well and in a week it goes to layout. How long we talking till it ships? I am guessing 2 months but maybe I am way off, don't really know the biz that well.

At this point we're looking at about a year delayed for actual shipping/delivery. All i could ask is to just make it as good as you can, and don't "fast forward" through editing and have a bunch of mistakes in the final because of it. An extra week added onto 52 won't change much of anything at this point.

Also, thank you for starting to give updates on RC again, its nice to be able to know it wasn't completely set aside.

Liberty's Edge

At this point, I am hoping that it is available at Gencon, as that is where I will probably end of buying it.

Dark Archive

Mr Baron wrote:
At this point, I am hoping that it is available at Gencon, as that is where I will probably end of buying it.

Hmmm. You know what. I think Nick should release RC after Gencon. That way he'll have the PfRPG stats available. What do y'all think?

joela wrote:
Mr Baron wrote:
At this point, I am hoping that it is available at Gencon, as that is where I will probably end of buying it.
Hmmm. You know what. I think Nick should release RC after Gencon. That way he'll have the PfRPG stats available. What do y'all think?

die. =p

(No, i really don't want to tack on the time for nick to re-stat everything in the freaking book AGAIN to get it resubmitted to editing and layout and only then send it off to the printers. I can convert easily on my own, TYVM.)

(PS.the 'die' above should be taken as a humorous statement of opinion, and nothing beyond that)

Dark Archive

Rathendar wrote:

(PS.the 'die' above should be taken as a humorous statement of opinion, and nothing beyond that)

LOL. I got that from the emoticon ;-)

Nicolas Logue wrote:
Yep! Cranking away at the editorial process right now and I'm confidant I can finish it within the next week and pass it off to layout finally. Thank the gods. Thanks for you patience everyone!

Hi Nick,

thanks a lot for the update; I'm glad the wait is finally over! Here's hoping that Razor Coast will be a success for you despite the 'hiccups' that occurred in its production. :-)

A question, though: How will the issues with Razor Coast impact future Dark Vistas products? Will those, too, be delayed?

And still nothing 1 year after the theoretical release date. And 1 year 3 months since i paid for this one...

FrBen wrote:
And still nothing 1 year after the theoretical release date. And 1 year 3 months since i paid for this one...

I hear you I am in the same boat.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Yeah sucks but I look at it like this. I spent the money long ago so I am not missing it. When it finally shows up it will feel like I am getting it for free. Yeah i know I am not but I payed for it well over a year ago, so getting it tomorrow would feel like.

Personally i am kinda expecting/hoping it shows up at Gencon. Would be a good time for Nick to launch it(assuming he can make Gencon) and is about the right time from when he last said it was heading to layout for it to be done.

Any further updates on this?

what about other sinister products?
- the last one I saw was on 13 april.

The delay, and the absorption of my gaming dollar by the pathfinder rpg has slipped this from a definitely will purchase to a probably will purchase.

well I just heard about, and had to find the money for it right away.

I am so looking forward to it.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Nick has posted some updates on the forums here and on his site. He hopes to start shipping PDF's late this month or early next was the last i heard if memory serves.

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This project has been raised from the dead. More news is coming by October 20th. Let me say that has been picked up a great third-party publisher and will be going into Kickstarter in December.

Razor Coast will be a full-color hardcover as a sandbox-style, mini-campaign setting and toolkit that helps GMs create a rich, age of sail flavored adventure path. It will be complete experience for both Pathfinder and unnamed ruleset.

I think all of you will be very pleased with the company that Nick is now working with on this project.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber


Liberty's Edge

If it's the 3PP I think it is I rejoice for Nic's good fortune and can't wait to jump back on this bandwagon.

If it's that other 3PP then I fear for Nic's eternal soul and shall weep - but my high hopes shall remain.

Overall, this is great news. So much good material in there it's a shame to not give it good treatment.

It seems that Frog god games will release the Razor Coast. Kickstarter to start on the 25th of december. I'm excited. Logue is one of my favorite adventure writers.

Does this mean there will be a Swords and Wizardry version?

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Remember when I said "If it's the 3PP I think it is I rejoice for Nic's good fortune and can't wait to jump back on this bandwagon."?

THIS is EXACTLY the 3pp I hoped would get it. MAGNIFICENT.

Got the email today from Frog God Games!! Can't be more excited!!

Patrik Ström wrote:
Does this mean there will be a Swords and Wizardry version?

Seems so, by my reading.

“We decided to take what we learned from Kickstarting Rappan Athuk and crowdsource Razor Coast, because itallows us to unleash a complete experience for both Pathfinder and Swords and Wizardry fans,” said Bill Webb, Frog God Games CEO.

(My bold)

I hoped that was the case, but i wasn't sure when i first read it. Now that i read it again it seems pretty clear. Jippie! \o/

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