[CotCT by TerraNova Pt 1] Korvosa on the Edge of Anarchy


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"Field Marshall Cressida Kroft" The officer replied, with a slight nod of acknowledgement. "I am glad to make your acquaintance, Mister Hammerfold. I thank you for your assistance. I thank you for your discretion in this matter as well."

She rolled the map scroll back into a tidy bundle, and instead took a note of credit from her desk, and filled it out.

For services rendered, I, Field Marshal Cressida Kroft hereby order the sum of 1000 Korvosan Golden Sails to be paid from the Royal guard's coffers to the hand of Zalen Candorian upon presentation of this note.

She took one of her candles, and dripped red wax onto the parchment, sealing the note with a swift motion. "There. Hand this to the quartermaster. You earned it. I am afraid I might need your services before too long, but I will send for you when that arrives." She rubbed her eyes absent-mindedly, and stiffled a yawn. "The city is finally coming to rest, if we can navigate the cliffs still underwater, she should be in easier waters in a week or so."

Male Human (Half Varissian/Half Shoanti) Rogue/Sorcerer 2/2

Zalen takes the note with a firm nod of acknowledgement, being very careful not to whistle or make any other inappropriate motions regarding the sum. "If there's nothing else at the moment then Field Mashall..." Gathering his companions with his eyes he continues "...we shall, as always, be at your disposal. Leaning in close as his grasps the Field Marshall's arm in a soldier's grip he whispers for her eyes only "...and please remember Commander, the city isn't the only thing that needs to be well taken care of...Our city needs you, please make sure you'll always be there for her."

Holding the door for his allies, Zalen finally departs with a last telling look at Kroft.

He then makes his way swiftly to the paymaster and wastes no time in dividing the sum amongst his friends.

Also, how much did we get from the claws Terra? And the other loot?

Male Half-Orc Cleric of Gorum, 2nd

Leaving this officer in due time, Krek glances at the guards outside. They aren't making nearly as much as we did, I'm sure. Things must really be bad for her to just throw money around and people she doesn't truly employ. Not having been wealthy, Krek thought of what to do with some of the money.

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 3

"I wonder what they found out..." Ayedah said to the others as they left. "And how long she has gone without rest..." Kroft's yawn had reminded her just how tired she was herself, and she couldn't keep from yawning herself as she spoke.

She refocused her eyes, trying to stay aware. She asked, "Do you think they are ready to leave town now? I promised I would see the out." She stopped herself from adding "safely" to the end of her sentence while they were still in the guardhouse, and she assumed she didn't have to say who "they" were.

Male Dwarf Fighter 1, Init:+1; AC 18(T12, FF 16); HP 15/16; F: 4, R : 1, W: 2 (+3 to saves vs magic, poison, spell like)

Gern walked out of the citadel with his money pouch satisfyingly full. All in all, a good nights work followed by a good payment. He was feeling good about things overall really.

At Ayedah's question he responds jovially "Well they be about as safe as they could be at the moment in me Uncle's place Lass. Me Aunt'll not be kickin' any guests from her place afore she sees 'em fed and rested at least. 'Tis the dwarven way o' things. After ye've 'ad a good rest, ye come along to me place and ye and I'll take 'em te whiever gate they be wishin' te leave by. Any o' ye others can tag along too ifn' ye want ter." He gestured broadly at the group he had once again stood beside during the chaos of battle. People he was slowly starting to trust. Even the big Halfblood had his own kind of honour and certainly stuck by his words.

"Also, there's the little matter o' that drink I pomised Alandra earlier in tha' evenin'. Ye lot got any good drinkin' places ye can recommend that sells a good dwarven stout?"

Interestingly enough, the Marshall did not put Zalen in his place for his assumption, but merely pursed her lips for a moment, and murmored something under her breath. It was hard to make out, but sounded a bit like "as soon as this is over, I will stop."

You've not sold the claws yet, but they usually go for about 10-15 GP apiece, provided they are fresh and in reasonable condition. What else do you want to sell off?

From the paymaster, the group received a small wooden cask with 20 stamped and sealed golden ingots, each a pound heavy. Their treasure was quite a handful to carry, but still more convenient than a small mountain of coins would have been.

Korvosa caters to many tastes, but the Tree Rings are one of the places where most of them find a good home. Catering to adventurers and their ilk has led to this tavern stocking a remarkable supply of beverages, foods and the willingness of the owners (retired from mercenary work themselves) to overlook heavily armed patrons, and similar excentric behaviour. The curfew might have spoiled business there, but probably not to the point of closing down the place - after all, all it meant was if you came in before nightfall, you could not leave until dawn.

Male Half-Orc Cleric of Gorum, 2nd
GM TerraNova wrote:
Korvosa caters to many tastes, but the Tree Rings are one of the places where most of them find a good home. Catering to adventurers and their ilk has led to this tavern stocking a remarkable supply of beverages, foods and the willingness of the owners (retired from mercenary work themselves) to overlook heavily armed patrons, and similar excentric behaviour. The curfew might have spoiled business there, but probably not to the point of closing down the place - after all, all it meant was if you came in before nightfall, you could not leave until dawn.

Knowledge (Local) = 11 ; I'm assuming that's high enough for Krek to have heard of it - he wouldn't be averse to a place like it anyway, so he probably ended up there at one point.

As Gern mentioned the drinks, Krek turned back to the group.

"I don't know if there is such a thing as a good Dwarven Stout, but there's a spot in town that's got good food." Pointing out the money they are carrying, he adds "And the price won't be a problem."

Mentioning the food, Krek felt hungry. Some well-done meat would be great tonight.

Female Human Cleric 4

Alandra hefts her four gold ingots, trying to figure out where to put them. "I wish he would have paid us in platinum. It's alot lighter."

"I don't really want to walk around town carrying these in my hands and they won't fit in my purse."

Male Human (Half Varissian/Half Shoanti) Rogue/Sorcerer 2/2

Hearing Alandra's complaints and thinking similar ones himself, Zalen asks the paying, using all his charm and diplomatic skill, if the good man would by chance be so kind as to 'lighten their load' so to speak with some good platinum instead.

When Krek mentions the Tree Rings Zalen agrees heartily that it will indeed be an ideal place for their meal, drink and celebration and indicates he knows exactly where it is and can lead them all there.

As they walk, he address both Ayedah and Gern's comments saying "Yes, I too am quite curious about the matter Ayedah. But I suppose Kroft will let us know if she needs our help in that matter. And as for helping escort the 'ladies', I, for one, would be happy to oblige" he finishes with a wide grin.

As he turns to continue leading his friends to the bar though, Zalen's smile fades as he considers the last mumbled words of the Field Marshall. From what he knows ( K Local, Sense Motive (1d20+7=20, 1d20+5=9)) of the city's various illicit substances and from various clues he had picked up from the Commander's appearance and manner, the intelligent rogue has his strong suspicions as to what may be going on with her, and he is deeply concerned. For the moment though, he decides to keep his concerns to himself.

Well, I had assumed we had sold the claws Before bringing the smelly dripping things into the presence of the Field Marshal! lol But if you say we haven't, let's by all means do so before we go to the bar...unless we could just sell them there? As for further loot discussions, let's go to OOC

Male Dwarf Fighter 1, Init:+1; AC 18(T12, FF 16); HP 15/16; F: 4, R : 1, W: 2 (+3 to saves vs magic, poison, spell like)

Gern follows Zalen and Krek through the streets, taking note of the path to the tavern. When they arrive, he states simply "Well, now I ken where tha place be, I'll be takin' me leave of ye fer a bit. I need te be freshenin' up after getting all bloodied and some o' that reefclaw got inter me clothes. I aint thinkin' the proprieter would be happy ifn' we started to stink tha place up with rotten sea food."

He rubs at his eyes, suddenly very weary, having been up all night. "Aye, and I'm thinking a few hours sleep 'aint te be a bad thing either. Zalen, can I trust ye te be sellin' these 'ere claws? 'm happy te pay ye a stipend fer the job. I'd best be gettin' back to me place so me Aunt and Uncle know I'm alive. I also needs te tell 'em where to go and gather their crate, discrete like, so's no one stumbles across the body and tha crate and puts two and two together." The last is said in what passes for a whisper from the dwarf.

"I'll meet ye back 'ere by mid afternoon. After I take the two girls off ter the gates. Anyone wantin' to come on that trip meet me just after the noon bells be tollin' at me own place and we'l be goin' from there."

Not really waiting to see who agrees or not, feeling too tired for good manners, the fighter turns with a wave and heads off to his abode.

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 3

Ayedah was grateful for Gern's family's generosity. "Thank you, Gern." she said, smiling also at Zalen's offer to help. I am lucky to have fallen in with such folk.

Her stomach was growling after Krek's mention of food, and was disappointed that they were weren't actually going to the tavern immediately. We need food and rest though. I suppose it does not matter which comes first.

"I will be there!" she promised Gern as he left. Looking back to the others, she asked, "What are we doing before then?" She suspected sleep would be the most likely answer.

Female Human Cleric 4

"Yeah, I have to get back to the Temple soon, my shift will be starting. I should be able to make it back here tomorrow."

Can we assume that Alandra has already done the Appraise on the arrows and dagger? If so:

Appraise (with detect magic): 1d20+5=11, 1d20+5=11

not too much help.

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 3

Just to be clear, Ayedah will go home to rest and clean up before meeting Zalen and Gern at the Hammerfold's house tomorrow, unless anyone has anything else planned before that. Just trying to keep moving. :)

Male Human (Half Varissian/Half Shoanti) Rogue/Sorcerer 2/2

Zalen, himself again tired to his core, nods a weary farewell to his dwarven companion. While the idea of something to wet his throat sounds good he's just too sleepy and dirty to care too much right now. Plus that damn headache that's been coming and going all night is bothering him badly again. As he hears the grumble from Ayedah's stomach though he's reminded of his own hunger and says "I say we call it a night friends. We'll all feel and look much better with a bath and a good night's rest. If anyone would like a bite to eat first though, they're welcome to stop by Zellara's with me as I'm sure the kids will have left something in the pot to eat." Summoning up the energy for a smile and his trademark grin he adds and ends with "I can't promise what it will Taste like of course, but it should fill the belly"

He then leans in to Alandra and says "And if you'd like to stop by earlier tomorrow moppet maybe we can try and use Zellara's deck to figure out the magics on that dagger of yours and the arrows?"

And with that, he begins to trudge home, keeping pace with anyone who decides to join him.

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 3

The offer of easy food before rest was too good to pass up. "That would be great!" Ayedah said, sounding as enthusiastic as she could trough the haze of exhaustion. "Do either of you need anyone to walk with you on your way back to your temples?" she asked Krek and Alandra.

Female Human Cleric 4
Zalen wrote:
"And if you'd like to stop by earlier tomorrow moppet maybe we can try and use Zellara's deck to figure out the magics on that dagger of yours and the arrows?"

"That's a good idea Z., I will come over as soon as I finish my duties at the Temple."

Ayedah wrote:
"Do either of you need anyone to walk with you on your way back to your temples?"

"Sure. We should stick together as much as we can."

Male Half-Orc Cleric of Gorum, 2nd
Alandra wrote:
Zalen wrote:
"And if you'd like to stop by earlier tomorrow moppet maybe we can try and use Zellara's deck to figure out the magics on that dagger of yours and the arrows?"

"That's a good idea Z., I will come over as soon as I finish my duties at the Temple."

Ayedah wrote:
"Do either of you need anyone to walk with you on your way back to your temples?"
"Sure. We should stick together as much as we can."

"I should be fine, but thank you. The Pantheon isn't too far away." Krek departs.

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 3

"Be careful!" Ayedah called after Krek.

"We had better hurry. We do not want the sun to find us like this." she said with a faint, wry smile, while pointing at their disheveled appearances. She(and Zalen?) escorted Alandra home before heading back north towards Zellara's house.

Male Human (Half Varissian/Half Shoanti) Rogue/Sorcerer 2/2

Though tired, Zalen is more than willing to ensure that his young priestess friend makes her way safely to the temple. After saying his goodbye's to Alandra, as they near Zallera's Zalen mock whispers to Ayedah "Now we should be quiet as we go in as the kids are probably sleeping. And besides, if we wake them up, we wouldn't want them to start getting ideas about what we two may have been up to all night...would we??" as he gives a playfully flirtatious smile to his big Shoanti friend.

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 3

"What would we have been up to?" Ayedah asked innocently as the walked on. It took a while for it to register, before the blushing began. "Um..." She could only manage a shy, embarrassed smile, party because of the very idea, and partly because it took her so long to realize what he was talking about. "Heh..." she laughed a bit, lightly pushing Zalen playfully on the shoulder. "Not in front of the children, okay?"

He was keeping her mind off her troubles. She was grateful for that.

The meagre remnants of night passed all too soon, and the sun rose again on a Korovosa that had battled itself out, and was now more concerned with licking its wounds rather than stirring up more trouble. Even though many still held reservations and open distrust of Illeosa's reign, the desire for peace was growing stronger.

Gern's family gladly received him, and he spend a relaxing evening. The two unlikely house-guests were escorted out of the building shortly before dawn, and used their tiny amount of kept money to book passage on a ship bound for Riddleport - reasoning the cutthroat pirate haven might just be where they needed to go to escape dangerous, well-connected man interested in seeing them dead for something neither of them understood.

Ayedah and Zalen enjoyed a hearty breakfast closer to midday than morning - and hidden, murderous glances coming from the usually-innocent Ayen. Her manners were impeccable, and the girl was acting every bit the dutiful servant - but her expression when she thought herself unobserved would send shivers to many.

Alandra returned to the Temple in Grey, and actually, this time her nocturnal excursion did not lead to unpleasant results. In fact, her morning duties had already been taken by a young gravekeeper named Nole. She had not met him yet, but maybe he decided this was a good way of leaving a first impression with the woman who was talked off as a "rising star" in hushed voices.

The Hammerfold home was well-kept, and Gern's Aunt had sternly, yet amicably invited the group to the dining table. Interestingly, not even a hint or an eyebrow was raised at Krek, despite his mixed blood. The patriarch of the family had already taken his place at the high table. It was probably cut for humans, with slightly elevated chairs catering to the dwarven build.

Male Human (Half Varissian/Half Shoanti) Rogue/Sorcerer 2/2

Thanking their hosts sincerely for the invitation and meal, Zalen follows Gern's cues as to proper manners at a dwarven table, this being his first such experience. As the meal progresses and friendly conversation ensues, Zalen briefly reflects on how much his life had changed in the past few days. Less than a fortnight ago he had been a lonely and near penniless scoundrel, drowning his sorrows and anger in endless wine and women. Now he was surrounded by trusted and capable companions and, even more amazing, they looked to him as leader!

As his thinking progressed along these lines his thoughts naturally led to their next 'mission', this one being personal rather sponsored, but no less important for all that. Again looking to his dwarven ally, Zalen begins making subtle comments as to their next adventure, finally being slightly more obvious as he address Gern directly with "So friend Gern, what think you on our best course of action as we seek to depose our 'friend' from his sordid 'throne'" He hopes his comment is not too direct of one in front of Gern's relations, but as he is aware of the clandestine nature of the Hammerfeld's business and sincerely seeks their help, he is not overly worried.

Female Human Cleric 4

When she arrives at the Temple, Alandra finds that she has been relieved of he morning duties so she gratefully says her prayers and gets a couple of hours of sleep. When she wakes she seeks out Mother Maple to report the night's events and tithe a share of her earnings.

She tells Maple about Verik's death, and the voice in her head. "Was it murder Mother, even though I think he deserved it for the things he did to me and others? It's was Pharasma's will, right?"

She then asks permission to meet her friends that afternoon.

She will then go to Zelarra's thinking she and Zalen are gong to try to appraise Avenger and the arrows again with the aid of the Harrow deck. Unfortunately, he is at Gern's uncle's :(

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 3

Refreshed from what rest they were able to get, Ayedah tore into her food eagerly. It took a moment to realize that Zalen and the orphans were eating more...neatly...than she was. She looked nervously at everyone with an embarrassed smile before she continued, this time trying to follow their lead in how they handled their food and how quickly they ate.

"Thif if rearry goob!" she happily complimented the children through a mouthful of her meal, eyes full of cheer. She was still amazed at Zalen's charity in taking the orphans into his care. She suspected she would be overwhelmed by such responsibility. It's like a tiny tribe he's formed... The thought had her grinning.

When Alandra arrived, she quickly moved over, asking the priestess to take a seat and join in the meal. "It'f goob!"

The children indeed enjoyed the meal immensely, especially the smallest child, Pirisa, who dug into the lunch with inspired speed. She just seemed to tuck the food away into a secret compartment in her body, not into her stomach proper.

Ayen still treated Ayedah as if she was dead, but she gave the small, fragile girl a strict look. "Risa, the others would like some food too." The boys were given somewhat more slack, it seemed.

The meal consisted of simple fare, small roasted bits of bread, flavored with dock slurry (which, amazingly enough, made a bearable seasoning). Roasted turnips rounded off the meal.

Male Dwarf Fighter 1, Init:+1; AC 18(T12, FF 16); HP 15/16; F: 4, R : 1, W: 2 (+3 to saves vs magic, poison, spell like)

Gern woke with a start, finding himself in his own room. He slowly raised himself and whinced slightly as the wound from the razorclaw pulled slightly. He reached up to touch it and found it had been dressed by someone, most likely his aunt, or maybe his cousin Virrae. She was pretty good with a bandage.

Looking out the window he saw he had most likely missed breakfast, and grunted at that. He wouldn't hear the end of it if he didn't get himself up and active soon. Moving to the wash basin, he rinsed his face quickly, then donned his work clothes again. When the boots were on, he checked his armour for any damage, before draping the chain links over his tunic. He strapped his shield to his back and slipped his axe into its belt loop. Rolling his shoulders to get back into the feel of the armour, he grinned, remembering the events of last night. He had faced battle again and lived, this time amongst companions who he was fast coming to trust. Even the big quiet one, Krek, was reliable and very handy with that huge lump of metal he called a sword.

He strolled out into the kitchen area, looking for some remaining bread and cheese, and taking a tankard of morning mead to wash it down. When he saw his aunt, he produced one of he gold bars he had been given the night before. He placed it gently on the table before her and spoke respectfully "Me thanks to ye Gritta, aye and to Uncle Gremax as well. Me friends and I finsished a job fer the watch last night, and we recieved a fair wack o' payment fer it. This bit's me contribution to the clan, as thanks fer what thay did ter assist us. We was uninvited and bearin' trouble, but ye stuck by us at risk to yerselves and yer business. Tis the least I can do Aunt"

In dwarven, he more formaly states

"Blessings of the ancients be upon you venerable Aunt. Take this payment as honourable tithe for Clan Hammerfold, given freely from Gern, son of Grastus, Son of Grimbol hero of Delnar's Gate." he bows to complete the formal ritual of offering.

With those duties complete, he waits for his new friends to come and escort the two street girls out of the city.

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 3

Ayedah tussled little Pirisa's hair as she offered some of her own food. "Eh! You need to eat if you want to get big and strong, right?" she said, grinning warmly at the child.

She offered the same friendly look to Ayen as well, hoping to disarm whatever it was that seemed to be bothering her. Maybe she is a little afraid of me, she thought, saddened a bit. The only time we have met was when we killed their captors...but then the others do not seem bothered by me. Maybe she is just protective? Hm...that is probably it. She liked the notion. It was only natural, as she was the eldest of the children. "It is okay!" she tried to reassure her. "She is still growing!"

"We need to be on our way soon, eh?" she mentioned to Alandra and Zalen.

Male Human (Half Varissian/Half Shoanti) Rogue/Sorcerer 2/2

Ah, ok! I didn't realize we were going to IC breakfast and all of that in such detail! ;-) But...um, when did we get to Sleep?? And that segment to Z's sorcerous powers kicking in, when are we doing that?

Zalen smiled happily at the generally warm cheer of the children and Ayedah at their table. Ayen seemed to be doing a good job of running the home when he wasn't there and he made she she knew and understood his gratitude and appreciation. Something begins to nag at him though as he Senses (1d20+5=25) Ayen's hostility towards Ayedah no matter how hard she tries to hide it. Thinking 'Enough is Enough!' Zalen excuses himself and asks Ayen to join him in another room. Though angry, the rogue takes a few moments to calm himself and uses his charm (1d20+6=14) to try and get to the heart of the problem with his young ward. Speaking calmy he says "Ayen, I hope you know how much a care for you and appreciate all your incredibly help in taking care of the younger ones. You truly have done an amazing job. But Ayedah is my good friend and ally and I will not have her treated or looked at as you have done. Now tell me true little one. What bothers you? Are you not happy here?"

Male Human (Half Varissian/Half Shoanti) Rogue/Sorcerer 2/2

PS Zalen will also help Alandra appraise (1d20+4=12) the dagger and arrows...

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 3

When Zalen returned, Ayedah excused herself from the table, telling him and Alandra that she had to get to the Hammerfold's house to help escort the two fleeing women out of the city. She had a promise to keep, after all.

On her way, her high spirits were tempered somewhat by the events of the past night pushing towards the forefront of her mind, as well as the knowledge that it was her fault the two prostitutes were being forced to leave their homes behind. Is there no way to make all of this right?

She knocked on the Hammerfold's door, ready to ask for Gern and to tell him she was ready to help the girls set out.

Male Dwarf Fighter 1, Init:+1; AC 18(T12, FF 16); HP 15/16; F: 4, R : 1, W: 2 (+3 to saves vs magic, poison, spell like)

Gern almost choked on his ale when the two street girls told him they were going to Riddleport. Apparently the Zephyr's Tale was bound for the town that very day and girl's had enough coin for the fare and a new start in the city of thieves.

"Bah, ye'll be walkin' from one den o' trouble right inta another. Ye'd be better te travle te Magnimar and take up a life o' seamstressin or some other such job. Far less dangerous"

However, the older woman had just laughed long and hard at the concept befre explaining that what they did paid well and was really all they new how to do. Gern snorted and finished the ale. It was nearly time.

A loud banging on the door had his Aunt leaving the room to answer it. Gern's hand drifted to his axe, and he moved casually between the doorway and the two women. His countenance relaxed almost immediately when he heard Ayedah talking to Gritta.

"Aye then lass, welcome back" he greeted the big shoanti girl. "Let's get these two lasses off to tha Zephyr's Tale afore any more trouble finds em." or us he thinks to himself.

The walk to the docks was tense, with Gern leading and Ayedah slightly behind the two girls. They really had nought to their name but the clothes on their back and the money in their pouches. When the small group arrived at the bustling area, Gern quickly located where the ship wa berthed. He had spent time working the docks with his uncles business and new most of the harbourmen in the area.

"Well then, ye girls stay 'ere a moment and I'll go speak to tha mate about yer trip. He'll be expectin' payment once yer aboard so 'ave that ready, but don't show him how much ye have on yer. Tis a long voyage and yer destination aint too friendly. Wouldn't do fer folk ter learn about how much ye have stashed."

Leaving the three women he moved along the floating dock to the Zephyr's first mate, a big Varissian by name of Serbitar if the steverdores had the right of it. The two men shook hands and Gern made arangements for the trip, taking stock of the man before making his own deal. He took out 8 gold from the meagre remains o his own cash reserves and handed it to the man. "Tha two girls are gonna be payin' their own way to ther damnable place" he stated gruffly, "This 'ere is so you personally sees no 'arm comes to 'em on tha way. When they gets to tha town, take 'em to a tavern near tha docks with a dwrven anvil painted on tha front post. Ye tell any dwarf in there that these two were sent by Gern Hammerfold, and they'll set 'em right."

With that done her returned to the girls to bid his farewells. As they were going to depart he handed to oldest one the letter he had written to his second cousin in Riddleort. It was in dwarven and asked him to at least escort the girls to a place where their type of work was more secure. It was all he could do.

"Ye two be takin' more care up north." he says as a final farewell.

Well that was a long post sorry. Ayedah, I left you a window of opportunity to write your own little bit of chatter with the two when Gern makes arrangements for the boat. Time to hit that tavern and make some in game plans. Cheers. PS the family stuff is all just for good narrative, sorry if I overstepped the bounds there TN.

Female Human Cleric 4

"Hey Zalen, how do we use those cards to help us find out about the knife and the arrows?"

Another couple of detect magics with Appraise.

Appraise on the dagger: 1d20+6=8
Appraise on the arrows: 1d20+6=12

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 3

That's all the space I needed Gern, thanks!

Ayedah had plenty of time to stew in her thoughts on her way to the Hammerfold home and during the escort to the docks. She was surprised when she heard where they were planning to go - she had heard of Riddleport's unsavory reputation - but she did not protest too loudly, only voicing her concern. "There must be a better place you can go?" she had asked.

She kept a careful eye out as they continued their escort, but her guilt kept gnawing at her until eventually asked everyone to stop for a moment as she stepped aside and into a store they passed on their way. She was back out in just a moment, holding two full bags and apologizing for the delay.

As Gern spoke with the first mate, Ayedah drew close to Plum and her friend, placing a bag in each of their hands. "Please, take these, and do not show them about. It was my fault you are having to leave like this, so let me do this much for you." As ashamed as she looked as she spoke, it was clear that was not taking "no" for an answer. They were going to need all the help they could get. Besides, she thought, that money might help them start off better lives elsewhere, instead of having to pick up their old trade again. "I am sorry that I put you through this. May the spirits watch over you." There wasn't any hesitation in the act. It was the only thing that felt right to her at the moment.

Ayedah loses her 4 gold ingots and whatever two cheap bags cost.

Male Dwarf Fighter 1, Init:+1; AC 18(T12, FF 16); HP 15/16; F: 4, R : 1, W: 2 (+3 to saves vs magic, poison, spell like)

Gern and Ayedah sat in a dingy corner of the rather noisy tavern. People from all walks of life seemed to have gathered here to drink and tell tall tales.

They had aquired a table for 6, not minding the spare chair. and now the shoanti and the dwarf sat mulling over the two drinks Gern had purchased. While they waited for the others to arrive, Gern quietly outlined a plan he had thought up for attacking the den of thieves.

"Since they dinnae know me, I'll be tha one te provide some distraction. I plan te walk up right close ter a couple o' tha guards he has on his boat and ask 'em someat distractin' like. Probalby ifn' I can get some work with 'em or some such. When I'm right close is when I expect ye lot te maker yer appearence. With luck, me distractin' the ones real close will give yer some time to get inter range ter be effective. Then it's ll a matter o' killin' 'em or getting em over tha sides afore they do tha same ter us." he supped his ale as he calmly stated the last part.

"I thought o' maybe just settin' fire to the thing with some o' that alchemy stuff the humans are always playin' with, but I figured the risks to tha rest o' the place were too high." again he drinks, savouring the warm tones of the strong dwarven brew.

"I also thought o' tryin' te hit 'em from tha river, but then I remembered what 'appened to that gnome back at Lamm's place. I dinnae wanna come face ter face with whatever lives in that water while ever I'm wearin' heavy armour."

"Tis a simple plan lass, but tha good thing about simple plans is that they dinnae have much ter go wrong."

"I'm also thinkin' we should get some extra magical support for one of them clerics. Maybe a wand as the church sometimes has fer sale to help with curing our wounds. I've been bit real bad by a crocodile and had me handsome features all carved up by a crayfish so far, and neither time had the chance ter get it healed with some magic. I'd prefer not te carry too many more scars ifn' I cna get away with it."

Well that's gerns plan. Simple and reliant on surprise. Probably doomed to fail but he doesn't know the layout like you lot do. He's also suggesting pooling our money and buying a wand of cure light. He can conribute 150gold in the form of three remaining ingots. Cheers

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 3

Ayedah looked down into her drink, lost in thought. She kept her voice low as they spoke, "It is awfully risky for you though. I do not know if we can get close enough to help you if things go wrong for you alone. But yes, fire is too dangerous. There are too many innocents in the way." She knew 'innocents' wasn't the best word to use, but she knew there would be many on the docks that didn't deserve death and she certainly knew as a Cinderlands native how quickly fire could turn on you.

"I want to say that attacking from the river is a good idea, but probably not during the day. And if you tried to distract them on the docks while we were on the river, you would be in even more danger." It was clear she was growing frustrated. The tactics she naturally leaned towards didn't really apply to the situation. She took a large sip of the drink to drown her irritation, her eyes widening and sitting back in her seat from the kick of it. "Gods and spirits, what do they put in this?" she asked almost incredulously. "If we can just get inside the cabin and seal the doors, we could contain the problem...or if we could destroy the gangplanks leading to the main ship once we are on it..."

"You can just buy things like that?" she asked, concerning the healing wand. "Like those drinks Ve-that man last night had? The ones that healed him? That sounds like a very good idea." She was wondering just what else could be bought here in the city.

Male Human (Half Varissian/Half Shoanti) Rogue/Sorcerer 2/2

Krek? Are you around? There's some posts in the OOC for you to look at too...

Male Half-Orc Cleric of Gorum, 2nd
Zalen Candorian wrote:
Krek? Are you around? There's some posts in the OOC for you to look at too...

Yes, I've just had a hectic week. Also, a while back, Krek had said he was heading to the Pantheon. He heard you were going to Zellara's though, so he would return the next day - probably just as you were finishing breakfast.

While at the Pantheon, Krek meets with his rescuer again. Telling him of the past days' events, he looks for some information about the state of issues with the queen from the priest - he knew nothing about the curious happenings. Placing his gains from the endeavors in the small cove which he called his in a back room, he set off for Zellara's.


Annoyed with the unnecessary doting on the women, he began to thing of strategies for their next job; tactics were not his strong point though. Krek gave up after a while, instead curious at the bags Ayedah decided to give the women. He would be keeping his eye on her over the next few days.

As Gern announced his plans, they were simple and direct enough for Krek to see and like.

"The man has good ideas," he sounded, otherwise rather quiet that day. He didn't sleep well the previous night - too much excitement and curiosity flowing through him.

Female Human Cleric 4

Alandra listens to Gern's plan then says: "You are right Gern, we should do it during the day, I think in the morning. I have an idea. I can distract the guards at the front door with a spell while the rest of you sneak in. That way they wont raise an alarm. You can also try to take the guards out while they are distracted, but you would only get one chance I think, so you would have to make it count."

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 3

I'm guessing we've all met up now then.

Alandra's addition to the plan had piqued Ayedah's curiosity. "What will it do?" she asked, with a bit more childlike eagerness than one might have expected at such a meeting. Magic of any sort was still a wonder to her.

Female Human Cleric 4

"I will tell them a story and they will have to listen to me. They won't even notice anything else around them. We have to wait for tomorrow though, because I ill have to pray to Pharasma for her to grant me the spell."

Male Dwarf Fighter 1, Init:+1; AC 18(T12, FF 16); HP 15/16; F: 4, R : 1, W: 2 (+3 to saves vs magic, poison, spell like)

"A story ye say", Gern sounds unconvinced. "Weel ye know yer magic better'n I do, so I'l nae be sayin' anythin' agin it. To be truthful, I'd be welcomin' the magical aid."

Looking at the cleric, he also decides to bring up his idea about the wand again. "Do either o' you two have access to healin' devices from yer churches. I'm willin' te chip in me share o' the gold from last night's little trip te get us one. We be needin' the assist on this mission I'm thinking. When we're aboard, many o' those drogny aint goin' te have naeware to run. So it'll be killin' all tha way, and those o' us doin' so will be needin' some form of patchin' up."

He looked to both Krek and Alandra for an answer.

The group went through the layout of Eel's end as they remembered it. They did not know too much of the below-decks layout of the ship, but they remembered there were a half-dozen armed thugs present when they came there at night - which seemed to be business hours. There was not much chance of reducing that number significantly - but it might be a sensible number to distract.

Devargo's "guest" during their nightly meeting probably would not be there again, but that one thug was not going to make much difference. They would need to cover about thirty feet on deck to make it to the entrance to Devargo's den - that was the harder challenge.

Male Human (Half Varissian/Half Shoanti) Rogue/Sorcerer 2/2

The usually garrulous Zalen had been quiet since they arrived at the Inn. Im fact, now that Ayedah and Alandra thought more about it, it seemed Zalen had been grouchy and out of sorts the whole morning. Finally their drinks arrive though and the irritated rogue immediately quaffs his and gruffly asks for another. After a few moments though of massaging his temples and allowing the effects of the ale to kick in, he raises his head and seems to feel somewhat better. He even lays a fat gold piece on the maids tray as she brings his next drink, telling her to bring another round and keep the change which causes her formerly sour expression to change considerably.

Finally, after a few more sips of his second drink, Zalen sighs and joins in the conversation "I must apologize friends for being so out of sorts. I have been having the strangest dreams and terrible headaches of late. I hardly slept and must have been tossing and turning all night because when I woke this morn all of my hair was standing on end!"

The usually confidant rogue pauses for a moment to take a few more sips of his drink, all the while looking over the rim of his cup at his friends as if worried what they will think of his next words. Taking a big gulp setting his cup down firmly, he obviously comes to some sort of decision as he says "Ok, here it is. I know you're probably going to think I'm mad but, well, I can't really explain it but I think I may have figured out how to do some...well...do some... magic" this last bit is said quietly as he again picks up his cup and takes a drink, this time staring into it's contents.

He doesn't look up again as he mumbles barely audibly "I...I hardly remember my mother at all. But I do seem to recall my father mentioning once or twice about some..'gifts'..she had and some strange story from her Shoanti ancestors..." At this point Zalen unconsciously glances at Alandra and Ayedah before looking back down and continuing "...I wish I remembered more but...I just don't. Anyway, even though I've hardly understood these dreams at all, this last seemed the clearest. And, well, there's lots of stuff that's still not clear at all but there were a few things that I think I kind of grasped. I can't really explain it or how I think I can do it but, well..I think...I think may be able to send and receive 'whispers' over a long distance, make sounds that aren't really there, put people to sleep and..something else I barely got but it has something to do with multi-colored lights. There were a few other things but I woke up before they could become clearer."

Finally looking back up at his friends, a mix of emotions ranging from confusion, embarrassment, fear and...excitement on his face, the rogue ends his confession with "My friends, no one knows how crazy this all sounds better than I do. And I wish I could explain it too you better, but, well, the bottom line is, if any of this stuff can help us, we should use it...right?" As he finishes his long speech, it is fairly obvious that the other emotion he's experiencing is worry that none of his new friends will ever want to speak to him again..

Male Dwarf Fighter 1, Init:+1; AC 18(T12, FF 16); HP 15/16; F: 4, R : 1, W: 2 (+3 to saves vs magic, poison, spell like)

As Zalen finishes his statement, Gern takes a sip of the dark ale he was holding and shrugs his shoulders.

"One bit o' magic is all tha same as ta other as far as I can tell Lad. Anything ye got up yer sleeve as can give us an advantage agin the men we's goin' ter fight is all good by me. Can it help us cross this 30 feet o' killin' ground ye mentioned? Tha bit between the boardin' plank and tha main cabin?"

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 3

Ayedah whistled slightly after Alandra explained what she was planning. She would never have imagined being able to do something like that.

As Zalen continued to put away his drinks, she pushed her own away, looking apologetically towards Gern. It was good, but she could feel it making her head fuzzy. She needed to think clearly today, and she had a hard enough time with that when her emotions clouded her judgment.

But when Zalen finally spoke up, she looked at him with the same wonder she had shown Alandra. She had never heard much of his past or his family, and the details that were coming forth now captured her attention. "By the spirits, Zalen...you sound like you could have been a shaman back home!" She wasn't looking at him with suspicion as he might have feared, but with something between awe and glee, all wide eyes and smiles. Maybe his mother could have been one as well...who knows?! "Have you actually tried to do any of these things yet?" She had briefly forgotten the task at hand, as caught up as she was in Zalen's seemingly spiritual awakening. Why is he so upset over such a thing? This is wonderful!

Gern's mention of their upcoming raid brought her back down to earth though. "Well...we were told that we could buy the little dragon with five thousand gold pieces. If we looked like we were coming to buy him, could we get close?"

Female Human Cleric 4
Gern wrote:
"Do either o' you two have access to healin' devices from yer churches. I'm willin' te chip in me share o' the gold from last night's little trip te get us one. We be needin' the assist on this mission I'm thinking. When we're aboard, many o' those drogny aint goin' te have naeware to run. So it'll be killin' all tha way, and those o' us doin' so will be needin' some form of patchin' up."

"The Temple does sell those wands, I'm pretty sure. But I can heal alot too, only sometimes I heal our enemies as well. It might be good to have a wand, then I can use the spells Pharasma grants me instead of healing."

Alandra listened to Zalen and finished her first mug of dwarven stout, trying to hold it down.

"Magic, Zalen? whatcha talking about?"

Now that she has some alcohol in her, the street slang starts coming through.

Ayedah wrote:
"Well...we were told that we could buy the little dragon with five thousand gold pieces. If we looked like we were coming to buy him, could we get close?"

"Now dat is a good idea. Might'n be better than my plan, even."

Male Half-Orc Cleric of Gorum, 2nd
Gern Hammerfold wrote:

"A story ye say", Gern sounds unconvinced. "Weel ye know yer magic better'n I do, so I'l nae be sayin' anythin' agin it. To be truthful, I'd be welcomin' the magical aid."

Looking at the cleric, he also decides to bring up his idea about the wand again. "Do either o' you two have access to healin' devices from yer churches. I'm willin' te chip in me share o' the gold from last night's little trip te get us one. We be needin' the assist on this mission I'm thinking. When we're aboard, many o' those drogny aint goin' te have naeware to run. So it'll be killin' all tha way, and those o' us doin' so will be needin' some form of patchin' up."

He looked to both Krek and Alandra for an answer.

"The Pantheon has many wands and such. They aren't mine though - and I've yet to use one, though I'm sure I could learn" he glanced towards Alandra. Krek did not shun the wands because they were small - he knew the power they carried - but he'd rather rely on his lord or his fist.


As the rest of the group sat around the table drinking, listening to Zalen's tale, Krek wondered if he should try some ale for the first time. Lamm had been vanquished, and the others seemed to be able to perform just fine. Something nagged in the back of his mind against it though; he didn't know why.

As Zalen continued, Krek wondered if they would all be related in the end. The two women and he were apparently of the same people, and Gern may even have some of that blood in him if things kept going as they were! He didn't know of his mother's line, so even he could be related.

After Zalen finished, Krek was a bit underwhelmed. He was taken away by that? Magic may startle some people, but Krek learned to use the power of Gorum later in his life as well - he wasn't floored by it (though mildly awed may apply). A bit agitated with the fire alarm for a candle's flame, Krek shifted his thoughts to the task at hand with the dragon.

"Five thousand gold? That's more than I've had in my life!" His voice quieter, he continued "I don't even have my ingots with me. And do you think he'll really want to see us, even as customers?"

Male Human (Half Varissian/Half Shoanti) Rogue/Sorcerer 2/2

As Zalen's friend's express their various reactions and he sees that none of them are bad, some even positive, his demeanor changes dramatically. " I can't tell you how glad I am to hear you all say that my friends. I don't really have anything against magic myself but, well, you see my father had always been so negative about it. I don't really know but I think my mother's 'gifts' may have had something to do with why she was no longer able to return to her tribe. My father may even have had to rescue her...at least I have a vague memory of something along those lines...so I guess I've always had this hidden feeling that magic was bad. But these...things, these 'gifts', they do seem really amazing! If it wasn't for the damned headaches anyway. I just know so little about my mother and her people and her past." Frustration and an old pain obvious on his face, Zalen turns to Ayedah as he says "I have heard of these magic men, these Shamen of the tribes Ayedah but not much more than that they exist. Maybe...maybe you could enlighten me one day?" with a hopeful and boyish smile. Then, shaking his head slightly Zalen seems to firm himself and continues, addressing the comments and ideas of each of his partners in 'crime'.

"Gern, while I like the simplicity of your plan, I fear it may not be enough. As for getting across the 30' of deck...I can't really say. I certainly can't magically transport us across but I may be able to may it easier for us to do so. Oh, and as you all know, I've been suggesting we get some healing magic for a while so I'm all for it and am happy to contribute."

"Alandra, I like the idea of your 'story' taking out the ramp guards. Between you and my new gifts, we should hopefully be able to take out the outside guards and get onto and into the ship with little trouble and thereby hopefully not causing any alarm."

"Ayedah, you're idea is a great one but I don't know if we'd be welcome by Devargo under any circumstances and he...well he seemed to possess some sort of magic himself, what with those spiders all over him and all, so I really have no idea if any of my simple 'gifts' would even effect him. Hmmm, and thinking of those spiders, I wonder if it would be a good idea to try find some protection from, or at least antidotes to spider poison..."

Addressing the group as a whole he concludes "A big part of the problem is that we lack proper knowledge. None of us have been there during the day at all so we don't really know how the place looks or operates in daylight. So what I propose is this. First, let's visit Kroft and make sure she doesn't disapprove of our plan or have anything else in mind for us. Then, assuming things are a go with her, we visit Halvara at the brothel and make that our temporary base of operations. Then, while we lay low in there, Gern you, since none of Devargo's men have seen you before, could do a reconnaissance of Devargo's ship and area and see what the situation is during the day. Then we plan accordingly from there and strike! As Alandra has said she needs another day to memorize her spells so we can at least go talk to Kroft today. And maybe I could send a couple of the boys with a note to Halvara asking her to meet us in a private room or something here at the Inn later this afternoon where we can broach our plan with her. How does all of that sound to you?" As he takes a big breath to gather his wind.

The rogue seems to be speaking quicker than usual and there almost appears to be a strange kind of...sparkle(?) in his eyes...

Female Human Cleric 4

"Zounds like a plan to me Z., hic!" Alandra finishes her second mug. The drink is starting to taste better to her now.

"I will put in for the wand too. If y'all want to give me the money I can probably get it tonight."

Alandra is swaying a little on her stool.

Male Dwarf Fighter 1, Init:+1; AC 18(T12, FF 16); HP 15/16; F: 4, R : 1, W: 2 (+3 to saves vs magic, poison, spell like)

"Aye Zalen, a recce o' tha place would be useful. We run tha chance o' them seein' me though and maybe spoilin' any surprise fer later attacks. But I agree, the information maybe more valuable than the surprise."

"Now, as fer the tellin' o' poeple, I dinnae think ye lot understand the word surprise tha same way as I do. Tha more we tell, tha more likely it be thisscunner we's chasin' down is goin' ter hear o' it. Specially the whore!. Gods be boy, she may work fer 'im and tell 'im. Worse yet,she may set us up." he seemed to get more frustrated as he talked.

"Noble intentions are fine lad, but they tend te leave the intendee dead, while the drogny merely look at their corpses in a bemused way. Unless ye have some reason fer trustin' this woman, then I'm agin tellin her. Kroft I can live with, but nae the whore."

Twice he had used the vulgar word for the street girl, a sure sign his anger was getting to him again. He realised he needed to stay calm if they were going to plan this carefully. The more he heard, the more dangerous this sounded, not like a little foray into an abandoned meat works. And the man had SPIDERS! running all over him. What's with that. Bah! Magic. The damnable clerics and wizards could have it as far as Gern was concerned. If he couldn't solve the issue with a half foot of axe plade through the vitals, then he shouldn't be messing with it as far as he was concerned.

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