silverhair2008 |
Thanks Jess for the link to another online dice roller. I used the site to get the following stats:
1) 13 12 14 15 13 15
2) 11 16 15 10 10 14
3) 7 11 15 16 11 10
4) 16 13 10 7 13 14
Eric, I had talked to Derek about possibly creating a Mage Guardian, basically a Cleric that uses a reach weapon with some feats that allow him/her to attack adjacent targets and another one for adding 5' of reach to their ability to attack. I was thinking along the lines of either Human or Dwarf.
Just my 2 cp.
Kirth Gersen |
Eri[k], I had talked to Derek about possibly creating a Mage Guardian, basically a Cleric that uses a reach weapon with some feats that allow him/her to attack adjacent targets and another one for adding 5' of reach to their ability to attack. I was thinking along the lines of either Human or Dwarf.
You've described a weapon or a "build," not a character. Think of the character as a person first and foremost, if you want to "grok" the kind of gaming that we old folks are supposed to be into!
That's my only real concern with what you've presented. Because when PCs are just monsters or video game icons devoid of personality, I tend to treat them as such, and kill them off quickly.
That said, human or dwarf would be really nice!
silverhair2008 |
Let me try to explain my reasoning. He/she is a cleric of Shelyn that allows use of the Glaive as Her favored weapon. He/she has a friend that is a Wizard/Sorcerer that he/she feels very protective of and decides to try to stay between their friend and any threat that comes their way. I am thinking of what you and Derek had mentioned of Fighters being able to interrupt spellcasting.
Does this help?
EDIT: Sorry about the misspell of your name. I forget.
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Jess Door wrote:That character goes on to a productive life as a peasant, allowing you to focus on the potential creation of some other would-be hero... (in short, abandon those rolls and make a new set!)I got 10, 8, 9, 10, 10, 13.
So....any rules for allowing rerolls when you absolutely have crappy rolls?
You made me play a cleric with those rolls *grumblegrumblegrumble*. Chicks get all the breaks...
Kirth Gersen |
He/she has a friend that is a Wizard/Sorcerer that he/she feels very protective of and decides to try to stay between their friend and any threat that comes their way.
If you've worked out a backstory with the other player, and the two characters had a history of being friends/partners, that could work out really, really well! In fact, once my computer is back up I'll email you a list of optional feats that help you protect adjacent people -- most of them derived from WotC "classes" like the Knight Protector that should really have just been feat chains to begin with.
What I want to avoid is the "personality-less character" syndrome. Does this glaive-wielder have a favorite color? A childhood pet that he still misses? A goal to one day view the Ruins of Magnimar firsthand while on acid? Because, honestly, I'm ADD enough to get really bored with games that have no dialogue and no out-of-combat interest, and I tend to subconsciously throw impossible monsters at them just to end the boredom... the enchanter in that museum adventure was a chump in comparison.
Kirth Gersen |
Silverhair's mention of a patron deity reminds me... I need votes on a setting.
Option A: Golarion.
Option B: Aviona. Homebrew kingdom of "Three Musketeers"-like elves, quick to duel over perceived sleights, that is perched on the verge of a civil war (there's a more "normal" human kingdom to the north as well).
Option C: Homebrew setting we all make up as we go along.
Option D: Shadow reality. Starting characters might be from six different alternate worlds. Gates become commonplace. Power Over Shadow becomes an optional starting feat, with an associated Shadow Walking skill enabling one to step between variant prime material planes.
Kirth Gersen |
It primarily depends on whether anyone is going to play an arcane caster. If not, I will either have to pick another class, either straight Cleric or Druid, or try running both PC's at the same time. I will have to consider my backstory very carefully.
If you aren't able to work it out with one of the current players, you could invent a (now deceased) partner, and be looking for a new one. That approach is a two-edged sword: on the plus side, it gives you total creative freedom on the combined backstory; on the minus side, it leaves you with the responsibility of creating backstory for two people, one of whom happens to be dead.
Regarding mechanics, were you thinking like a fighter/cleric? A suitably Pathfinderized Prestige Paladin also makes an extremely enticing prospect now... initial fighter levels for some of those feats you'll want, plus half cleric progression and most of the paladin benefits besides... and what's more LG than devoting your life to the cause of protecting someone?
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![Queen Ileosa Arabasti](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A15_Queen_Illeosa_hires.jpg)
Let me try to explain my reasoning. He/she is a cleric of Shelyn that allows use of the Glaive as Her favored weapon. He/she has a friend that is a Wizard/Sorcerer that he/she feels very protective of and decides to try to stay between their friend and any threat that comes their way. I am thinking of what you and Derek had mentioned of Fighters being able to interrupt spellcasting.
Does this help?
EDIT: Sorry about the misspell of your name. I forget.
I had a paladin/bard of shelyn that was veeeeery fun!
Something to consider, if you can get it, is improved unarmed strike and superior unarmed strike. Then you can hit people close up with your knees and stuff, and hit people at reach with your glaive of doom. :D
I was considering making both a Barbarian (an excitable swashbuckler), and an eldritch knight based off ranger / wizard (and elf's elf!!!). The Eldritch knight would do the two handaxes thing and essentially be the melee version of an arcane archer. :) An urban ranger from d20srd.org (gather info instead of tracking, lose a lot of wilderness abilities and gain hide in plain sight in all terrains) would be a great fit, I think, for a magic using swashbuckler.
Hmmm. A lot of stream of conciousness there. Sorry.
I can switch up ideas if someone else wants to be a fighter instead. :)
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![Queen Ileosa Arabasti](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A15_Queen_Illeosa_hires.jpg)
It primarily depends on whether anyone is going to play an arcane caster. If not, I will either have to pick another class, either straight Cleric or Druid, or try running both PC's at the same time. I will have to consider my backstory very carefully.
I was going to start out my elven ranger/wizard with levels in ranger, but I could start with wiz first if that'd help. Kinda sucks to lose the extra 4 HP at first level, but I'll live...or I'd BETTER! If I don't, my character's ghost will haunt yours for the rest of your days!
Kirth Gersen |
I was considering making an eldritch knight based off ranger/wizard (an elf's elf!!!). The Eldritch knight would do the two handaxes thing and essentially be the melee version of an arcane archer.
If you prefer, you could also go fighter 1/wizard 4/prestige ranger (also from the SRD, and we'll port in relevant Pathfinder class features). That gives you, basically, full ranger progression and half wizard progression (not as good mechanically as EldKt if you favor your wizard half, better if you favor your ranger half). I can't see that type of character needing (or even wanting) a glaive-wielding protector, though!
Both of your ideas would work great in any of the 4 settings.
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![Queen Ileosa Arabasti](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A15_Queen_Illeosa_hires.jpg)
The idea of a Glaive wielding protector was just an idea I had. If it cannot be supported then I will adapt. I do like the idea of wielding a reach weapon to be behind the frontline fighter and still be able to attack if needed.
Would you allow the psionic srd feat Stand Still as opposed to Shall Not Pass? Stand still can be used wiht a reach weapon, shall not pass cannot....I built a very fun protective combat reflexes / stand still based glaive fighting character once.
If you prefer, you could also go fighter 1/wizard 4/prestige ranger (also from the SRD, and we'll port in relevant Pathfinder class features). That gives you, basically, full ranger progression and half wizard progression (not as good mechanically as EldKt if you favor your wizard half, better if you favor your ranger half). I can't see that type of character needing (or even wanting) a glaive-wielding protector, though!
Prestige Ranger is divine casting only, I wanted arcane. Divine casting is okay, but I prefer arcane pretty much always. :) while I'd love to get a little animal companion progression, I definitely want to stick with the arcane caster/ranger concept.
My character wouldn't need a protector later, but at the beginning, if I stick with wizard, it'll work for character introductions. :)
Kirth Gersen |
1. Would you allow the psionic srd feat Stand Still as opposed to Shall Not Pass?
2. Prestige Ranger is divine casting only, I wanted arcane.
1. I'll do better: New combat maneuver - "Check." You attempt to stop a moving foe (if we use the new Hold Action houserules, this becomes an even better option). Improved check (+2) feat is also available. You shouldn't need a feet just to try and get in someone's way; burning a feat should make you better at it. In fact, I'd sort of like to broaden the list of what consitutes a "combat maneuver."
2. It's easy enough to modify. Swapping divine for arcane isn't going to break the game in this case, and if it fits the character concept, I say let's go for it.
Kirth Gersen |
The idea of a Glaive wielding protector was just an idea I had. If it cannot be supported then I will adapt. I do like the idea of wielding a reach weapon to be behind the frontline fighter and still be able to attack if needed.
Like I said, it can be easily supported -- indeed, I've got a collection of feats you might be interested in. As soon as my internet at home is back up, I'll send some ideas.
Kirth Gersen |
List to Date:
1 proposing (me), 1 possible yes (Jess), 2 undecided (Derek, Silverhair). Derek, if you're playing a rogue, the proposed changes to Spellcraft vs. Disable Device are of paramount interest to you...
1 against Golarion (Derek), 1 abstaining (me), 2 undecided.
Derek - Ranger archer; Rogue
Jess - Elf wizard/ranger (TWF); swashbuckling barbarian
Silverhair - Glaive protector (possibly with fighter and/or cleric levels).
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![Queen Ileosa Arabasti](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A15_Queen_Illeosa_hires.jpg)
List to Date:
Votes on New Skills Rules and/or New Combat Ideas:
1 proposing (me), 1 possible yes (Jess), 2 undecided (Derek, Silverhair).Votes on Setting:
1 against Golarion (Derek), 1 abstaining (me), 2 undecided.Character Ideas:
Derek - Ranger archer; Rogue
Jess - Elf wizard/ranger (TWF); swashbuckling barbarian
Silverhair - Glaive protector (possibly with fighter and/or cleric levels).
My vote for House Rules is yes, thus far. Oh! first level HP rules...which beta rules suggestion are we following?
I vote for swashbucklin'! Though, if we've got two groups of heroes and plane hopping coming, two different worlds are not out of the question. :D
My Glaive character - a.k.a. "The Cuisinart"
In concept, Hasaki was a traditional Japanese female fighter - she used the naginata. The naginata was essentially a wakizashi (the shortsword half of daisho) on a stick - samurai used them for horseback fighting until metallurgy got the point that the excellent katana could be forged. Once most samurai switched to katana usage, the naginata become popular as the weapon of choice for women - a reach weapon with excellent defensive capabilities, it was preferred for women forced to fight to save their home and lives when attacked. I figured the Glaive was a good western analogue for the naginata. I love magic and fighting, so I decided to make a gish.
By 12th level she was a Wizard 6 / Crusader 2 (tome of battle) / Jade Phoenix Mage 4 (Tome of Battle - the ToB version of eldritch knight)
Hasaki started out as a straight conjuror, taking a level or so of crusader here and there. Her Tome of Battle powers weren't important to me, the real key was a particular stance: Thicket of Blades. This stance made all movement, even 5' steps and withdrawal actions, provoke attacks of opportunity from me. I took improved unarmed strike so I could hit adjacent to myself (surperior unarmed strike from ToB was nice to allow some damage improvement - not monk level, but nice) while fighting with the glaive, combat reflexes for extra Attacks of Opportunity and Stand Still - and then with judicious use of enlarge, I could easily become a wall between the enemy and our real glass cannon, the sorceress of doom. :)
Kirth Gersen |
My vote for House Rules is yes, thus far. Oh! first level HP rules...which beta rules suggestion are we following?
How about this: Max for HD + Con bonus at 1st level (so a fighter with 14 Con would start with 12 hp). Thereafter, you can either: (a) choose average hp without rolling (the fighter would take 5 at 2nd level, 6 at 3rd, 5 at 4th, etc.), or (b) roll for hp, but accept whatever number comes up (even if it's a 1). In either case, add Con bonus to the result, of course.
I vote for swashbucklin'! Though, if we've got two groups of heroes and plane hopping coming, two different worlds are not out of the question.
Vote logged and yes, you are 100% correct!
** spoiler omitted **...
Don't let Derek look at this! He hates ToB with a passion (personally, I like the crusader delayed damage mechanic).
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Yeah, but, you see, Jess is into anime and wuxia type stuff, so she'd probably make it interesting. And, having played with her a couple times now, I like what she brings to the table.
I guess what I'm saying is, if she wans to run across ceilings and bamboo trees, I suppose I can live with it...
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![Queen Ileosa Arabasti](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A15_Queen_Illeosa_hires.jpg)
Jess Door wrote:** spoiler omitted **...Don't let Derek look at this! He hates ToB with a passion (personally, I like the crusader delayed damage mechanic).
** spoiler omitted **
Hehe, I know about his prejudice. I love the crusader concept, and it's easy enough to pick warblade and crusader powers that aren't necessarily magical. :) Of course, as a Japanese based gish, that wasn't even much of a flavor problem for this character. Eventually I would've gotten more healing abilities, the indomitable stance (if reduced to less than 0 HP, make a fort save - if you make it, you have 1 HP), and the Jade Phoenix mage capstone - explode in a fireball, and re-corporate a few hours later. whee!
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![Queen Ileosa Arabasti](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A15_Queen_Illeosa_hires.jpg)
houstonderek wrote:Jess is into anime[sarcasm] I'd never have guessed from her drawings [/sarcasm] But yeah, that's cool. If we go with the Aviona setting, she'll be amused that the only Oriental touch are a small cadre of elven samurai the Elf King keeps as a personal guard...
Hehe. I have an entire bookshelf filled with manga. Double stacked. In raw Japanese. :P
Yeah, but, you see, Jess is into anime and wuxia type stuff, so she'd probably make it interesting. And, having played with her a couple times now, I like what she brings to the table.
This particular character was in an Expedition to Castle Greyhawk campaign. She spend a lot of time getting mocked for her clothing and hopelessly searching for meals that didn't include beer and red meat. She memorized prestidigitation and mending everyday to keep her hakama and kimono in good shape, because she'd never find decent clothing among all these barbarians! Eventually she learned Create Food and Water out of desperation - miso was incredibly hard to come by and nobody knew how to cook fish or steam rice properly - and nobody harvested, dried and sold nori for good sushi! Tragic!
Andostre |
![Austrailan Diver](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/12_austrailan_col_final.jpg)
Hi folks,
I just saw "gamer in houston" under the message board section on the front page, so I clicked on the link, and read through most of the first page of this thread before I realized that it was from nearly a year ago. :) So, I skipped to the end (which is a message board faux-pas, I know, but I'm at work), and decided to see if you guys could use another player.
I also live in Montrose, and I'm free most nights. I used to play D&D (2nd and 3.0), and d20 Modern alot, and I've had a 3.5 play-by-post online game going for a few years. I'm familiar with other systems, also. I'm pretty easy going, and I'm just looking for a group to game with in the area.
I don't visit these message boards very often, so if that takes me out of the running because I'm just some stranger who showed up saying, "Hey guys! Can I play? Huh? Can I, can I?" then I completely understand. :)
I'll check this thread this evening to see if there's any interest.
Kirth Gersen |
Hi, Jeff.
We're potentially open to new people. Standard procedure is that either Derek or I like to meet potential candidates in person first (to sort of weed out the "Comic Book Guy" possibility) -- if you're in Montrose, you're in Derek's neck of the woods. I'm willing to trust his judgement if you guys are able to get together and he gives you the green light.
Alternatively, if you're ever out near Westchase, let me know and we can grab a beer and talk gaming a bit.
P.S. Derek and Silverhair -- do you guys still have a Sunday game? I've sort of hijacked the thread for the upcoming weekday one...
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![Queen Ileosa Arabasti](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A15_Queen_Illeosa_hires.jpg)
P.S. Derek and Silverhair -- do you guys still have a Sunday game? I've sort of hijacked the thread for the upcoming weekday one...
Oh, by the way, I recall in another thread that got hijacked that Thursday was a possible night for this. That would work out better for me, if it's possible to switch. :)
Kirth Gersen |
OK, rolled a set of stats -- ouch, that "5" really hurts!
If I get to play, and we're set in Aviona, my idea is:
Medoc du Haut-Brion
Male elf battle sorcerer 1 (bloodline TBD)
Str 13, Dex 16, Con 9, Int 13, Wis 5, Cha 16
Rapier +3 melee (1d6+1/18-20)
Weapon Finesse
Appraise +5, Diplomacy +4, Spellcraft +5
His highfalutin' speech (punctuated with pinches of snuff), rapier practice, and obsessive leering at the ladies and wine tasting distract him from being quite the sorcerer he could otherwise be (but what do you expect from an elf?).
Andostre |
![Austrailan Diver](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/12_austrailan_col_final.jpg)
Hi, Jeff.
We're potentially open to new people. Standard procedure is that either Derek or I like to meet potential candidates in person first (to sort of weed out the "Comic Book Guy" possibility) -- if you're in Montrose, you're in Derek's neck of the woods. I'm willing to trust his judgement if you guys are able to get together and he gives you the green light.
Sounds good to me. You guys can contact me at jshjsh [at] hotmail.com if you're interested. Hope to hear from you!
silverhair2008 |
Kirth, yes we still have the Sunday game going at Asgard Games from 1 pm to 5 pm. The last Sunday of each month is a Pathfinder Society Game Day. Any other Sunday is the weekly game and we need players.
If Thursday is the day you choose to play I am afraid I would have to beg out. I don't get home til about 7 pm that night. Also, I would have to take the bus out to you and that would throw me even later. However, if that is better for you all then go for it. I might start working at the VA hospital in a month or so.
silverhair2008 |
As far as the votes, I am willing to try different versions of the skills and the combat rules if it creates more fun at the table. But not if it complicates things. About the setting, I can adapt to anything mostly. The only possible speed bump I can see is knowing the country and city names to fit our back stories. Other than that I can play any where. Oh, in your homebrew do you have specific Deity names or just general attributes?
I am leaning toward a straight (huh?) Cleric for the first 6 levels then taking Prestige Paladin that a friend came up with. I tried running it in another module and had some fun with it so I would like to try again. I still like the idea of a Cleric with a reach weapon, and I liked Jess' idea of the Cleric taking Unarmed Strike as a feat so he can use the gauntlets that come with the armor.
Just my 2 cp.
Kirth Gersen |
The only possible speed bump I can see is knowing the country and city names to fit our back stories. Other than that I can play any where. Oh, in your homebrew do you have specific Deity names or just general attributes?
I'm sure we can work around that by just substituting names of analagous places. For the homebrew deities, we'd been using mostly the Greyhawk ones (a holdover from 1e), but the place is incredibly polytheistic -- you can worship Golarion gods or Norse gods or trees or nothing, and no one will hassle you for it (unless you worship demons).
I am leaning toward a straight (huh?) Cleric for the first 6 levels then taking Prestige Paladin that a friend came up with. I tried running it in another module and had some fun with it so I would like to try again. I still like the idea of a Cleric with a reach weapon, and I liked Jess' idea of the Cleric taking Unarmed Strike as a feat so he can use the gauntlets that come with the armor.
Is this a different Prestige Paladin than the one I sent you? If so, I'll want to check it out, if that's OK. If it's the same one, all we'll need to do is adjust it for the final rules (smite works a lot differently now, for example). Gauntlets are fine; a feat letting you "choke up" and attack close with the glaive is OK, too (although you'll be starved for feats unless you play a human).
Re: Time, hopefully we can find a day on which everyone can make it.
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![Queen Ileosa Arabasti](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A15_Queen_Illeosa_hires.jpg)
Re: Time, hopefully we can find a day on which everyone can make it.
I can make it on wednesday, I just have something that usually runs on tuesday and wednesday nights from 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. I can't move it, but I guess I could quit it.
Is the feat Somatic Weaponry okay, btw? two weapon fighting caster kinda needs that. Plus it'll look cool, actually casting spells with motions of my weapons. :)
Kirth Gersen |
Is the feat Somatic Weaponry okay, btw? two weapon fighting caster kinda needs that. Plus it'll look cool, actually casting spells with motions of my weapons. :)
I never thought of making it a feat, since it's the Daggerspell Mage's primary class ability... I did made it a weapon property (+1 pricing), though. Do you have a reference for the feat, or is it homebrewed?
P.S. I'd really hate for anyone to have to quit anything. What about Mondays? If not, maybe we can alternate weeks with the alternate groups of characters, say Derek and Silverhair one week on a Wednesday, you and Derek the next week on a Thursday? Or maybe we should just have Wednesday AND Thursday games every week! -- Jess, you're on my end of town, I think, so hopefully something can work out.
Kirth Gersen |
Does anyone have a Critical Hits deck? I love the idea of a person being able to actually die or be maimed by weapon damage on rare occasions, instead of just losing magical "health points." If not, maybe we could use the old Arms Law/Claw Law tables (column A for x2 crits, column B for x3, column C for x4)?
Or are the crit rules as written in Pathfinder good enough?
Kirth Gersen |
Unless my internet gets fixed this weekend, I'll be "incommunicado" for the next week or so. I'll try and check posts here at some point during the week; failing that, I'll read everything here when I get back. Hopefully we'll be ready to roll come August 5th (Wed) or 6th (Thurs).
Looking forward to some great gaming!
silverhair2008 |
Yes, we are using them in Second Darkness weekly game. It appears that I am probably the only one that cares about them though. For Crits I give the players an option, either draw from the deck or take max damage on the first die and roll the additional dice. A roll of one gets them to draw from the fumble deck. I have had to draw as often as anyone and I am the GM. As for damage, I have them add half their BAB to the damage they do with a weapon, not spell. The minimum is one. You saw the House Rules I set up didn't you?
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![Queen Ileosa Arabasti](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A15_Queen_Illeosa_hires.jpg)
Does anyone have a Critical Hits deck? I love the idea of a person being able to actually die or be maimed by weapon damage on rare occasions, instead of just losing magical "health points." If not, maybe we could use the old Arms Law/Claw Law tables (column A for x2 crits, column B for x3, column C for x4)?
Or are the crit rules as written in Pathfinder good enough?
Somatic Weaponry is in Complete Mage: Concentration 5 Ranks, Spellcraft 5 ranks - you can cast spells with somatic components while your hands are full.
Hm. Critical hits and fumbles:
I hate critical fumbles with a passion. The only critical fumbles I don't hate are critical fumbles that are confirmed as fumbles as you confirm crits. Otherwise critical fumbles are just a punishment for characters that make lots of attacks - i.e. fighters. In a swashbuckling campaign, I"m assuming there's lots of rapiers flying around, and thus more crits. I'd hate for them to be more deadly. >.<
If we're doing critical fumbles I may reconsider my characters, as two weapon fighting characters pretty much will slaughter themselves without help from thebad guys on a less than stellar rolling day.
Kirth Gersen |
The only critical fumbles I don't hate are critical fumbles that are confirmed as fumbles as you confirm crits.
That would be my preference as well: fumble range 1, roll again, and if you'd miss on that roll, then it's a critical fumble. That said, I enjoy fumbles a LOT more for skills checks than for combat (just wait until someone rolls a critical fumble to recognize their contact in a bar!)
Okay, all, I'm off for now. If my internet is back up, I may be on briefly this weekend; otherwise, I'll check here when I get back into town.
silverhair2008 |
I was going to start out my elven ranger/wizard with levels in ranger, but I could start with wiz first if that'd help. Kinda sucks to lose the extra 4 HP at first level, but I'll live...or I'd BETTER! If I don't, my character's ghost will haunt yours for the rest of your days!
Yeah, likely story. I'd just channel energy and destroy your ghost. Take that you "foul fiend".