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Liberty's Edge

kyrt-ryder wrote:
Andostre wrote:
Derek, I'd love to see you play a "plank up the butt" sort. :)

Please forgive the intrusion and smartassness guys, but I've been glancing at this thread from time to time and I HAD to respond to this.

Why would you guys want Derek to lose the thrill of roleplaying a character and have to bring his own personality into the game?

(Just messing Derek)

Did you used to work for me?


houstonderek wrote:
kyrt-ryder wrote:
Andostre wrote:
Derek, I'd love to see you play a "plank up the butt" sort. :)

Please forgive the intrusion and smartassness guys, but I've been glancing at this thread from time to time and I HAD to respond to this.

Why would you guys want Derek to lose the thrill of roleplaying a character and have to bring his own personality into the game?

(Just messing Derek)

Did you used to work for me?


Lol, not likely, all of my bosses in person have either been Carnies or family.

That, and I live all the way up here in Washington State lol

Isn't it remarkable that references to Monday's game are making it into other threads?

Sovereign Court

silverhair2008 wrote:
Isn't it remarkable that references to Monday's game are making it into other threads?



Jess, it's on page 91 of A Civil Religious Discussion near the top of the page. It's between Derek and Kirth.

Where did everyone go? Am I the only one who periodically checks this thread?

I'm here!

Yay! Another warm body that can communicate.

EDIT: Have you come up with any ideas about what caused Rim to do what he did?

silverhair2008 wrote:
EDIT: Have you come up with any ideas about what caused Rim to do what he did?

Why don't we email about that, so it remains mysterious to everyone else...

Sounds good. Just didn't recall when you had email available. Home, yes, work no.

I check this thread regularly, but I'm a lot less active on the internet on the weekends.

Androste, that's understandable. People with families or lives have other things to do besides refresh their computer to see if anyone posted.

silverhair2008 wrote:
Androste, that's understandable. People with families or lives have other things to do besides refresh their computer to see if anyone posted.

No we don't!!! Oh, wait, that was almost 8 hours ago. Oops.

Liberty's Edge

Kirth Gersen wrote:
silverhair2008 wrote:
EDIT: Have you come up with any ideas about what caused Rim to do what he did?
Why don't we email about that, so it remains mysterious to everyone else...

Don't make me call my hacker buddy...

houstonderek wrote:
Don't make me call my hacker buddy...

You can't just wait 'til tomorrow? Jeez!

Liberty's Edge

Kirth Gersen wrote:
houstonderek wrote:
Don't make me call my hacker buddy...
You can't just wait 'til tomorrow? Jeez!

Has patience ever been a virtue I've exhibited?


Sovereign Court

houstonderek wrote:
Kirth Gersen wrote:
houstonderek wrote:
Don't make me call my hacker buddy...
You can't just wait 'til tomorrow? Jeez!

Has patience ever been a virtue I've exhibited?


I dunno, you waited almost a week to kill the elf priestess.

Yeah, I was impressed that you held off so long. I was beginning to think that you were hoping you could romance her instead.

Silverhair -- I wondered if you could bring your druid tonight and next week (probably won't get to tonight, but next week pretty sure).

Everyone -- Other secondary characters may be introduced shortly (after a couple of sessions), if all goes according to plan.

Yes, I will bring the Druid and the Runeblade. Even though we may not get to them I do every week anyway. BTW, how are you on DP? I still have that 12-pack.

silverhair2008 wrote:
Yes, I will bring the Druid and the Runeblade. Even though we may not get to them I do every week anyway. BTW, how are you on DP? I still have that 12-pack.

I think I've got about 6 or 7 of them left. Plus a bunch of 7-Up, ginger ale, and some beer (I think there are 3 Shiners, a Leinenkugel's, and a Sam Adams Oktoberfest in the "up for grabs" section of the 'fridge).

Okay, I'll hold on to it for another week. But I can't gaurantee that it will make it longer than that.

EDIT: I got the Kobold Quarterly #11 and in it is an article on Spell-less Ranger. I made a copy for you.

silverhair2008 wrote:
EDIT: I got the Kobold Quarterly #11 and in it is an article on Spell-less Ranger. I made a copy for you.


Liberty's Edge

Need me to bring anything?

We're probably OK for another week. Thanks!

Liberty's Edge

Question: Do I get the full benefits from the psion level I picked up, or is it a partial "template" type thing? This is important, because if I do, I get a bonus feat in addition to my regular 3rd level feat, which would open up rogue for my regular level up level (I really want evasion and bleed...).

Question 2: The "seer" thing. In the SRD, the only difference I can tell between a seer and the other psion types is the class skills. Since I figure I don't just magically know anything about psionics (thus obviating the need for me to put any points in the knowledge skill), I was wondering what I should do to play up the "seer" aspect.

Question 3: For Friday, should I make a character for China?

houstonderek wrote:

Question: Do I get the full benefits from the psion level I picked up, or is it a partial "template" type thing? This is important, because if I do, I get a bonus feat in addition to my regular 3rd level feat, which would open up rogue for my regular level up level (I really want evasion and bleed...).

Question 2: The "seer" thing. In the SRD, the only difference I can tell between a seer and the other psion types is the class skills. Since I figure I don't just magically know anything about psionics (thus obviating the need for me to put any points in the knowledge skill), I was wondering what I should do to play up the "seer" aspect.

Question 3: For Friday, should I make a character for China?

Full level. However:

1. The bonus feat MUST be a psionic feat (see SRD again); it's not just any feat you want.
2. Of your three powers known, at least one must be clairsentience discipline (detect psionics, defensive precognition, offensive precognition, offensive prescience being obvious choices). One of the others should be a seer unique power (destiny dissonance or precognition). The third power can be selected freely from the 1st Level Psion/Wilder Powers table.
3. Yes, please!

Sovereign Court

Sorry, another "bonus" level question: I am assuming I get hp, class features, saves, bab and skills increases. I am assuming that for Character level advancement this "level" has no effect (thus I don't get a third level feat for the diviner level, and I'm not fourth level with my additional level of fighter and thus don't gain an ability point. Is this correct?

Edit: Another random question - as it's a "phantom" level, are we still limited to a maximum of 3 ranks in any one skill? I will operate off that assumption unless I hear different.

Jess Door wrote:
Sorry, another "bonus" level question: I am assuming I get hp, class features, saves, bab and skills increases. I am assuming that for Character level advancement this "level" has no effect (thus I don't get a third level feat for the diviner level, and I'm not fourth level with my additional level of fighter and thus don't gain an ability point. Is this correct?

Once you get used to your new abilities and the flashbacks go away, the new level "gels." Therefore, for the sake of simplicity and future record-keeping, let's treat it as a new level in all respects (feat for reaching 3rd level, then +1 ability score for being 4th level, and your skills are capped at 4 ranks). That way, when we go back and try and re-tally stuff, it won't make a mess. Technically, this means that two people in the party are 4th level, and two are only 3rd. But realistically, a level of Seer (for example) doesn't add an awful lot to a fighter/rogue. Rim has magic chainmail and a magic headband (not to mention an unholy relic!), and a nice new glaive on the way, so he's arguably in equally good shape despite technically being one level "behind." The only person that really got the shaft this session was Agun, especially until his brain damage is cured. Nevertheless, I don't think he'll feel too far behind, given a couple more sessions.

Given the challenges your party has a talent for seeking out, a couple of extra levels and/or items (depending on the character) really won't hurt anything!

Kirth Gersen wrote:
especially until his brain damage is cured.

I'm really glad you said that. I was a little worried that it couldn't be cured! Hopefully a Restoration (Lesser or otherwise) can fix me.

Rim plans on keeping a Lesser Restoration prepared from the 2nd level spell list. He just doesn't know about the second spell.

EDIT: Kirth, Cadigan wanted to know what level his partner would be, 3rd or 1st?

I had understood before that all the secondary characters had been advanced to 2nd level. If that's true, let's leave them there for now. For those coming Friday: please bring them (in addition to the ones we've been using). So far, the list I have is as follows:

  • Andostre - a cleric from Bailakash;
  • Jess Door - "Trog," the monk from the slums;
  • Silverhair - a half-orc runeblade from Northwind.
  • Houstonderek - ?

  • When we took Rim and party to 2nd level I took both of my others too. Then I seem to recall you saying you didn't mean for all our PC's to be leveled up, so I took my others back to 1st. I can take the Runeblade to 2nd if that is what you think works with what you have planned. Just let me know.

    silverhair2008 wrote:
    When we took Rim and party to 2nd level I took both of my others too. Then I seem to recall you saying you didn't mean for all our PC's to be leveled up, so I took my others back to 1st. I can take the Runeblade to 2nd if that is what you think works with what you have planned. Just let me know.

    How about this: can everyone tell me what secondary characters you have (not shown on the above list) and what level they are now? That will make things a LOT easier to plan. Thanks!

    Virac Blackthorn - Half-Orc - Runeblade 1

    Savryn Briselm - Half-Elf - Druid 1
    with Wolf companion.

    Sovereign Court

    Kirth Gersen wrote:
    How about this: can everyone tell me what secondary characters you have (not shown on the above list) and what level they are now? That will make things a LOT easier to plan. Thanks!

    Trog is a 1st level half elf monk.

    OK, that's two at 1st level. Derek, Andostre, if you guys could make sure your secondary characters are also 1st level, I'd appreciate it. At some point when we're ready for a break from the current "batch," I've a couple of adventures for the "new guys" that will tie them into the ongoing campaign. Whether the two groups will end up as allies, enemies, or not even acquainted remains to be seen, depending on how events play out...

    1st level. Got it.

    Andostre wrote:
    1st level. Got it.

    For your cleric, that is. Agun is still 3rd!

    Two more days! All are welcome, but if anyone can't make it, no sweat -- the character will be assumed to be recuperating from brain damage, or possibly having flashbacks and uncontrolled visions, so we've got a story-integrated reason for any absence already built in. What time is good for y'all?

    6ish works good for me.

    Sovereign Court

    Questions about spells and spellcasting:

    Arcane Bonded Objects:

    Kirth's Wizard wrote:
    While using your bonded object, the object acts as an arcane focus component for your spells, eliminating the need for material components costing less than 5 gp.

    Does this count for focuses that don't cost more than 5 gp as well as material components? "Acts as an arcane focus" suggests yes, but "eliminating the need for material components" suggests no.

    I'm also interested in knowing if some spells from 3.5 splat books might available in the game. The ones I'm most interested in now are:

    Deflect, Lesser: PHBII, Immediate action, get +1 AC / 3 CL against next attack
    Guided Shot: Spell Compendium, Ignore distance and cover penalties on an arrow shot
    Nerveskitter: Spell Compendium, Immediate action, +5 bonus to initiative

    I'm pretty much limited to whenever Derek can get away. However, I could take the bus and be there whenever.

    Jess Door wrote:

    Questions about spells and spellcasting:

    1. Does [the wizard's bonded object] count for focuses that don't cost more than 5 gp as well as material components? "Acts as an arcane focus" suggests yes, but "eliminating the need for material components" suggests no.

    2. I'm also interested in knowing if some spells from 3.5 splat books might available in the game. The ones I'm most interested in now are Deflect, Lesser, Guided Shot, and Nerveskitter.

    1. I have no problem with combining foci. For example, say some spell has an arcane focus of a star sapphire, and pretend you have a sword that's your bonded item. Fixing the sapphire as the pommelstone of your bonded item sword gives you the "two-for-one focus" deal.

    P.S. If you are thinking of a bonded item sword, please hold off assigning it until next session!

    Hint: I'm pretty sure it will be well worth your while, and will also fit the story better.

    2. I like lesser deflection! No problems with that. However, I don't have the Spell Compendium (I took one look at the version of Bolt of Glory in it and instantly lost all further interest), so I'm a little leary of spells from that source. Let's deal with them on a case-by-case basis. Nerveskitter looks fine to me.

    Sovereign Court

    Kirth Gersen wrote:

    1. I have no problem with combining foci. For example, say some spell has an arcane focus of a star sapphire, and pretend you have a sword that's your bonded item. Fixing the sapphire as the pommelstone of your bonded item sword gives you the "two-for-one focus" deal.

    P.S. If you are thinking of a bonded item sword, please hold off assigning it until next session! ** spoiler omitted **

    Hrm, that doesn't really Well, I guess I'll go over the specifics on Friday. It kinda means my character won't "really" have her level of diviner ready, but I'd kinda like to make it seem more organic anyway. She doesn't have a spellbook! So she'll probably start out without spells. The one I absolutely plan to learn is True Strike - vocal and focus, no spell failure chance. :D The focus is a small wooden target...which doesn't work with sticking it on the sword. :/

    Kirth Gersen wrote:
    2. I like lesser deflection! No problems with that. However, I don't have the Spell Compendium (I took one look at the version of Bolt of Glory in it and instantly lost all further interest), so I'm a little leary of spells from that source. Let's deal with them on a case-by-case basis. Nerveskitter looks fine to me.

    Yeah, you pretty much have to deal with spells from there on a case by case basis. Some make no sense - some make spell schools that already have problems coughevocationcough even less useful, some are too powerful, some are too's a little random. But I"m looking for spells that help Sheraviel fight (in her fighting style), or pull off small feats that she could't normally (fly after fleeing targets, teleport out of monstrous grapples, shoot a really important arrow really far).

    Oh. And can you either e-mail me the new feats with knowledge devotion's changes added in, or tell me where I can download / view it?

    I just heard from Derek that he can't make it on Monday, but he will be there on Friday. Seems he has work related meeting Monday.

    Jess Door wrote:

    1. She doesn't have a spellbook! So she'll probably start out without spells.

    2. The one I absolutely plan to learn is True Strike - vocal and focus, no spell failure chance. :D The focus is a small wooden target...which doesn't work with sticking it on the sword. :/
    3. And can you either e-mail me the new feats with knowledge devotion's changes added in, or tell me where I can download / view it?

    1. Yipes! I'd overlooked that. OK, for the time being, until you assign a focus or bind a familiar or whatever (if you do), assume that you have Eidetic Memory instead. I know it's not normally possible to swap that out, once it has been selected, but Sheraviel's diviner ability acquisition is a special case that overrides the general rule.

    2. A wooden target focus is just silly. Your sword/other focus (if applicable) would work fine for that. How about this -- if the focus costs < 5 gp, it's covered under the component replacement clause? I'll have to do a global search for spell arcane foci and see if this will foul anything up (like a mirror for scrying).

    3. I'll email you the updated feats (with devotion ones, and purged of Mobility as a prerequisite) tonight.


    silverhair2008 wrote:
    I just heard from Derek that he can't make it on Monday, but he will be there on Friday. Seems he has work related meeting Monday.

    OK, thanks! Maybe Monday will be a good time to roll out the secondary characters then, and we'll finish up the current scenario Friday.

    Sovereign Court

    In the case of scrying, the mirror's pretty darned expensive, like 1000 gp or something, iirc.

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