Gamer in Houston

Gamer Connection

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Liberty's Edge

howdy, im in houston (montrose area) looking for a game or to run a game (d&d pre 4e, pathfinder, shadowrun, well, just about anything but WoD). i'm willing to host if the group isn't too big, and i'm usually off most evenings (but i think i may start working sunday nights).

m ygirlfriend is intersted in playing as well, but she is a novice (only a handful of sessions to her name).

thanks :)

Liberty's Edge

steerpike, see what i mean? over 24 hours and no hits...

Liberty's Edge

houston, we have a problem...

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Pay my gas money and I'll drive down from Austin. ;)

Hey, I can try, right?

Actually, my cousin, who introduced me to gaming all those years ago, still lives in H-town. I'll get in touch with him and see how his current group is looking.

Liberty's Edge

Daigle wrote:

Pay my gas money and I'll drive down from Austin. ;)

Hey, I can try, right?

Actually, my cousin, who introduced me to gaming all those years ago, still lives in H-town. I'll get in touch with him and see how his current group is looking.

funny, im coming up to austin tomorrow to visit with my gf's cousin :)

thanks for looking out :)


I'm always up for gaming on weekends. A Pathfinder campaign would be stellar. I'm in Westchase; sort of a pain to get to Montrose because of the Galleria traffic on Westheimer, but it might be worth it. Might even talk my wife into playing on occasion, but she'd be sporadic (work schedule) and probably would only do it if at least 1 other female were involved.

P.S. I think we're it, as far as Paizoans in Houston. I've tried for years to get players through this forum; managed to meet a couple from Brenham who were willing to commute... and they promptly got restationed in Boston two sessions into the campaign.

Liberty's Edge

Kirth Gersen wrote:


I'm always up for gaming on weekends. A Pathfinder campaign would be stellar. I'm in Westchase; sort of a pain to get to Montrose because of the Galleria traffic on Westheimer, but it might be worth it. Might even talk my wife into playing on occasion, but she'd be sporadic (work schedule) and probably would only do it if at least 1 other female were involved.

P.S. I think we're it, as far as Paizoans in Houston. I've tried for years to get players through this forum; managed to meet a couple from Brenham who were willing to commute... and they promptly got restationed in Boston two sessions into the campaign.

my gf and my neighbor (i think, she's been a bit incommunicado of late) are in, so that's two female players there, and my coworker j.j. is sexualy ambiguous (like the superheroes), so i guess that's two and a half...

i'll be back in town tomorrow night, my e-mail is hatheg at hotmail dot com. we can trade phone numbers there and see what developes :)

Email sent with subject line "Pathfinder game;" let me know if it doesn't arrive (due to overzealous spam filter or whatever).

Where do you guys shop? I used to live in H-town and would frequent Nan's regularly.

No D&D players thereabouts?

veector wrote:
Where do you guys shop? I used to live in H-town and would frequent Nan's regularly.

Not familiar with Nan's -- personally I shop at Paizo on line, actually. :)

Liberty's Edge

veector wrote:

Where do you guys shop? I used to live in H-town and would frequent Nan's regularly.

No D&D players thereabouts?

the only group around here i've found plays a 2nd ed forgotten realms all dwarf campaign.

nan's lost all of my business, frankly. they are going the "oop/rare book" route with the 3.5 stuff, so i'm just going to buy off ebay and try half priced books for stuff now.

when i'm out by my sister's, i'll stop by midnight games on westheimer and hwy 6 though, good guys there, and they have a room in the back for gaming...

Liberty's Edge

Kirth Gersen wrote:
veector wrote:
Where do you guys shop? I used to live in H-town and would frequent Nan's regularly.
Not familiar with Nan's -- personally I shop at Paizo on line, actually. :)

nan's is right around the corner from my apartment, been in that location since the eighties, if not earlier. except for the owner, who is pretty cool, most of the employees are "geek snob" types.

(oh, yeah, got the e-mail! i'll call when i get my beta softcover in :) )

houstonderek wrote:
(oh, yeah, got the e-mail! i'll call when i get my beta softcover in :) )

Sounds good! I'm looking forward to downloading it.

Westheimer and Highway 6 is right down the street from me; I'll have to check that place out. Is it in the mall with Alamo Draft House (best movie theatre in the world)?

Liberty's Edge

Kirth Gersen wrote:
houstonderek wrote:
(oh, yeah, got the e-mail! i'll call when i get my beta softcover in :) )

Sounds good! I'm looking forward to downloading it.

Westheimer and Highway 6 is right down the street from me; I'll have to check that place out. Is it in the mall with Alamo Draft House (best movie theatre in the world)?

it's across highway 6 from west oaks mall, on the southwest corner of the intersection of 6 and westheimer.

i need to swing by there and pick up a set of 1e core from their "used" bin, actually. hmmm...excuse to go hang with my nephews...

houstonderek wrote:
it's across highway 6 from west oaks mall, on the southwest corner of the intersection of 6 and westheimer.

Got it. Thanks!


Back from the desert as of late last night.
Shot you an email then.
Talk to you soon!

Liberty's Edge

Kirth Gersen wrote:


Back from the desert as of late last night.
Shot you an email then.
Talk to you soon!

i replied to your e-mail last night. going to see the melvins tonight, but i should be back @11:30 or midnight...

Hey Kirith, Derek told me about this. Actualy I found him on another site when I was posting about looking for players to start a Pathfinder RPG. I live on the East side though. I'm currently looking at forming a group or joining one. I had ran a few session of Pathfinder before, But ended up quitting it because of personal problems with the problems. This one guy's wife to be precise, who was also a player. :P


My impression was that the first session was going to be in the Montrose area. If you're not too far east, that could potentially work out pretty well.

I'm all the way over on Westheimer and Beltway 8, so any sessions I might end up hosting would be a huge drag for you to get to.

Derek, ideas?

the Montrose isn't particular far for me I think. if you want to look for yourself I'm in the Uvalde/ I-10 East area. I was originally in the Crosby area which was pretty far east. Inside the loop I think is okay if it runs close to I-10. Otherwise I might run into some problems. So for me, compared to with yours, the Montrose area is pretty central for us? Right between you Kirth, and me. lol.

So my question for now... who's DMing? :P
I see that we are both Charter subscribers. Me personally, I've enjoyed these Pathfinder adventures more than I have the D&D adventures.
if it's me, I would probably take a couple of weeks to prepare. I have most of my stuff boxed up and need to start making notes again. lol

oh... and how often will we play? I'm looking for more of a saturday night game mostly.. because I work Saturdays in the day, and I have a son. he's 4. If I play, I'll probably be drinking. and I don't work Sundays. so works well for me.. Not sure I want to be bringing him along though. If he doesn't have a video game... he'll go nuts.. :P

Sean Mattia wrote:
I'm looking for more of a saturday night game mostly

My Saturdays are typically reserved as time with the wife (she works Sundays; I work Fridays). Might need two sets of games. Dunno.

talked with Derek. Might be able to do the Sunday thing. I just won't be able to drink much. lol. We think we were going to volunteer you for Rise of the Runelords, me do Curse of the Crimson Throne, and Derek do Second Darkness.

What do you think? Since we have 3 of us that are experienced gamers, and from what Derek said, I think 3.. or was it 4? that aren't.

Sean Mattia wrote:
We think we were going to volunteer you for Rise of the Runelords, me do Curse of the Crimson Throne, and Derek do Second Darkness.

I usually get bored with APs when they hit 13th level or so, but we'll see how it goes. I've converted some of the RotRL adventures to the Alpha rules, so switching them to the Beta will be a snap! I'll stop reading 2nd Darkness, in any event.

Liberty's Edge

Kirth Gersen wrote:
Sean Mattia wrote:

We think we were going to volunteer you for Rise of the Runelords, me do Curse of the Crimson Throne, and Derek do Second Darkness.

I usually get bored with APs when they hit 13th level or so, but we'll see how it goes. I've converted some of the RotRL adventures to the Alpha rules, so switching them to the Beta will be a snap! I'll stop reading 2nd Darkness, in any event.

you better! oh, i have to start converting 2nd, and football season is about to start...

My only concern is that six PCs is really going to strain the APs; we'll all have a boatload of work to do beefing up all the encounters.

Usually I prefer a smaller table, but duty calls...

Liberty's Edge

Kirth Gersen wrote:

My only concern is that six PCs is really going to strain the APs; we'll all have a boatload of work to do beefing up all the encounters.

Usually I prefer a smaller table, but duty calls...

i only count five regulars, with occasional guest players (your better half, a friend of dave's who lives in huntsville and will only be able to make it once in a great while), so scaling shouldn't be too big an issue...

houstonderek wrote:
i only count five regulars, with occasional guest players (your better half, a friend of dave's who lives in huntsville and will only be able to make it once in a great while), so scaling shouldn't be too big an issue...

Cool. Looking forward to starting!

bah... so it means I'll need to my own converting. At least you've already got alot of the work done, so you doing RotRL will be best.. :P
I have my CotCT books, so I think I'll need to start getting intimate with my referrences.. ^.-

I'll probably see what stuff I can order to help make things more enjoyable. At least they seem to have enough accessories on the site to make the games very enjoyable. I'll need to order more of the CotCT accessories though. I have some accessories I ordered for the RotRL you can use. Not many, but might help enhance. I have the Item cards from Game Mastery for Rise of the Runelords, and the Map Folio for it. I'll be needing to order mine for the Curse of the Crimson Throne. Or see if you guys might already have them. Or get them myself. hehe.

I'm a sucker for collecting whole sets of things anyways.. I can't help Paizo is making some quality stuff... ;_;

Sean Mattia wrote:
I have the Item cards from Game Mastery for Rise of the Runelords, and the Map Folio for it.

Nice! I never buy any of the peripherals, so those will be a big help.

Liberty's Edge

ok, china and i are thinking sunday around 2pm, if that's cool with everyone. call me or e-mail me for the addy :)

houstonderek wrote:
call me or e-mail me for the addy :)

I'll call ya when I can join in.. like I said.. not this weekend.. and we don't think we doing next weekend.. labor day weekend and all.. so I guess the sunday after for me? Then you'll see me practically every weekend.. :P

I'll be like that stubborn rash on your girlfriend's... oh wait.. umm... hehe.. :P

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

I've been stalking this thread to see what my fellow Texans are up to, and if I happen to pass through H-town on my way to see my Mom, I'd love to hang out and sit in on a session if y'all will have me. I'll even bring refreshments.

Liberty's Edge

Daigle wrote:
I've been stalking this thread to see what my fellow Texans are up to, and if I happen to pass through H-town on my way to see my Mom, I'd love to hang out and sit in on a session if y'all will have me. I'll even bring refreshments.

any time :) my e-mail is hatheg at hotmail dot com

Liberty's Edge

Sean Mattia wrote:
houstonderek wrote:
call me or e-mail me for the addy :)

I'll call ya when I can join in.. like I said.. not this weekend.. and we don't think we doing next weekend.. labor day weekend and all.. so I guess the sunday after for me? Then you'll see me practically every weekend.. :P

I'll be like that stubborn rash on your girlfriend's... oh wait.. umm... hehe.. :P

actually, it would be the weekend after that, my gf is having surgery on the 4th and will need a week to recover.

houstonderek wrote:
actually, it would be the weekend after that, my gf is having surgery on the 4th and will need a week to recover.

Bleh.. so I miss the initial meet and greet. guess that okay. :P

Liberty's Edge

Sean Mattia wrote:
houstonderek wrote:
actually, it would be the weekend after that, my gf is having surgery on the 4th and will need a week to recover.
Bleh.. so I miss the initial meet and greet. guess that okay. :P

not really, kirth just came by and we talked gaming and half made a couple of characters. jj, one of the other players, will stop by some time in the next week or so to roll up a character, and i suspect dave will come by some time soon as well. the first weekend you're available will be the first time everyone is actually gathering at once to get things started.

so fret not, you've missed nothing of major consequence :)

houstonderek wrote:
so fret not, you've missed nothing of major consequence :)

Nonsense -- I got to meet that cool lizard!

The Exchange

Hey there H-towners.

If you still have room, I'd love to hop on a Pathfinder train. I haven't read the entire thread yet, will do that when I get home, but it looks like you're talking about a Sunday evening group?

Liberty's Edge

Kirth Gersen wrote:
houstonderek wrote:
so fret not, you've missed nothing of major consequence :)
Nonsense -- I got to meet that cool lizard!

well, yeah, but we haven't barbequed puff yet, so he's still meetable ;)

Liberty's Edge

Darkwolf wrote:

Hey there H-towners.

If you still have room, I'd love to hop on a Pathfinder train. I haven't read the entire thread yet, will do that when I get home, but it looks like you're talking about a Sunday evening group?

my e-mail is upthread, so shoot me a note...

The Exchange

houstonderek wrote:
Darkwolf wrote:

Hey there H-towners.

If you still have room, I'd love to hop on a Pathfinder train. I haven't read the entire thread yet, will do that when I get home, but it looks like you're talking about a Sunday evening group?

my e-mail is upthread, so shoot me a note...

Comin at'cha

I'll be there when you say we playing.. I'll be ready. I think. I'll bring my collection of miniatures too so you can figure out if you'll use any of the plastic collection I have that was D&D.. :P

Liberty's Edge

cool, i'm putting dave's character together right now (its a bard...i know, i know, but he'll roleplay it well!) we should start two weeks from sunday (the 14th?), probably around 3pm. i have to work this sunday night, as we had to fire a couple of dudes for stealing (arrg...), and china is having her surgery on the 4th,(nothing serious, but she'll need a week to recover), so two weeks looks like the jump off date for some pathfinder goodness...

ok. I'll start putting my character together then.. haven't even decided on what to play yet. What classes do we have so far? I've played most all of em.

I must admit though, I have never played a bard. or druid really. just don't mesh well with my own personality. I can play evil or good, just can't play that tree hugger class... lol.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Are you guys doing okay? If anyone is avoiding Gustav by heading up to Central Texas, bring your books and shoot me an email. (It's in the profile)

Liberty's Edge

well, right now it looks like he's heading to nawlins (ouch), but if he changes his mind and heads here, i'll definitely think about taking you up on that. good looking out :)

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Me and my lady's family down in PA are being cautious (after Rita and all) and heading up this way, so my house is going to be inundated for a few days. I figured having something to do to get out of a full house would be a good idea to set up. Just sayin' ;)

Liberty's Edge

ok, just asked the gf. if we have to leave, austin it is...

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