tdewitt274 |

Hopefully others can use this thread to clarify questions arising in this adventure. If you happen to see another thread, please link post a link in this one to try and keep things tied together.
Chapter 1: Shadow in the Sky
Chapter 2: Children of the Void
Chapter 3: The Armageddon Echo
Chapter 4: Endless Night
Chapter 5: A Memory of Darkness
Chapter 6: Descent into Midnight

Dennis da Ogre |

The second 'mission' has you going to a laboratory "Labeled on the map on page 50". It is also listed on the north part of the map. I can't find it on the map on page 50 though, and from what I can tell none of the buildings on the north side of the city meet the description eitehr. Am I map stupid or is it missing?

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The second 'mission' has you going to a laboratory "Labeled on the map on page 50". It is also listed on the north part of the map. I can't find it on the map on page 50 though, and from what I can tell none of the buildings on the north side of the city meet the description eitehr. Am I map stupid or is it missing?
We had something of a devil of a time getting the locations on the main map to match the locations of the encounter areas, alas, such as the alchemical laboratory. The lab itself is area 7, the tower named "Yuelral's Rain" in the Celwynvian article.

Dennis da Ogre |

Dennis da Ogre wrote:We had something of a devil of a time getting the locations on the main map to match the locations of the encounter areas, alas, such as the alchemical laboratory. The lab itself is area 7, the tower named "Yuelral's Rain" in the Celwynvian article.
The second 'mission' has you going to a laboratory "Labeled on the map on page 50". It is also listed on the north part of the map. I can't find it on the map on page 50 though, and from what I can tell none of the buildings on the north side of the city meet the description eitehr. Am I map stupid or is it missing?
Thanks James.

NPC Dave |
Part Five Rescue Mission, on page 25 deals with the tower the drow have occupied with a siege ballista in order to destroy the elven scouts taking cover in another ruined tower.
For the last paragraph of entry C1, under Developments, it says "after the drow and the dragon are dealt with"
Was Razorborn supposed to make an appearance in the Rescue Mission? His stats don't appear until much later, and that is his only reference in the rescue mission I can find in part 5.

andrew berthiaume |

Part Five Rescue Mission, on page 25 deals with the tower the drow have occupied with a siege ballista in order to destroy the elven scouts taking cover in another ruined tower.
For the last paragraph of entry C1, under Developments, it says "after the drow and the dragon are dealt with"
Was Razorborn supposed to make an appearance in the Rescue Mission? His stats don't appear until much later, and that is his only reference in the rescue mission I can find in part 5.
If I recall, the dragon can be rolled up as a random encounter. The page with his stats is where he more or less makes a last stand no matter what. So this part, for me at least, can go on either having dealt with him or not. Heck, if you wanna be mean have him show up during the rescue.

Dance of Ruin |

How many shots with a ballista before they knock down the wall?
p.25, second paragraph doesn't give the exact number of shots, but suggests that three rounds after the ballista is lined up and has started firing, the wall is coming down. You might want to punctuate this with three bolts to make the "timer" more clear to your players, but I think it isn't strictly necessary.

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NPC Dave wrote:If I recall, the dragon can be rolled up as a random encounter. The page with his stats is where he more or less makes a last stand no matter what. So this part, for me at least, can go on either having dealt with him or not. Heck, if you wanna be mean have him show up during the rescue.Part Five Rescue Mission, on page 25 deals with the tower the drow have occupied with a siege ballista in order to destroy the elven scouts taking cover in another ruined tower.
For the last paragraph of entry C1, under Developments, it says "after the drow and the dragon are dealt with"
Was Razorborn supposed to make an appearance in the Rescue Mission? His stats don't appear until much later, and that is his only reference in the rescue mission I can find in part 5.
Yeah; we wanted the final showdown with the dragon to be near the end of the adventure, but feel free to have him show up earlier. I believe that at one point, there was an encoutner with the dragon early on, but it was way too tough and unfair to throw a dragon at the PCs that early in the adventure so we rearranged things a bit.

Majuba |

Pg. 43 - Q6: Study.
Describes a group of scholars, with two drow guards who "immediately draw swords when you open the door.
Then it describes a pair of Babau demons, who observe the PCs fight in another room, opening the door to watch. It also says they pursue foes tenaciously, even out of the building, and also that they are bound to the location by magic, and fight to the death.
Something seems off. Maybe the creatures there were meant for Q4?

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Pg. 43 - Q6: Study.
Describes a group of scholars, with two drow guards who "immediately draw swords when you open the door.
Then it describes a pair of Babau demons, who observe the PCs fight in another room, opening the door to watch. It also says they pursue foes tenaciously, even out of the building, and also that they are bound to the location by magic, and fight to the death.
Something seems off. Maybe the creatures there were meant for Q4?
We ran out of room to present drow scholar stat blocks, I believe, and had to replace them with babaus, who were in yet ANOTHER encounter that got cut because we were running low on space. But since we'd ordered art for babaus, we had to put that encounter back in somewhere. Babaus have short stat blocks, so they made perfect choices.
But then, in editing, we unfortunately missed the earlier reference to the drow. Just ignore that bit about the drow and their scholars.

DarkArt |

Forest Drakes on page 86.
Speed Surge (Ex) 3 times/ day they can gain a boost to their Strength and Speed as a free action.
What is the exact "boost" gained, or is this already factored into their stats? I could not find the answer embedded anywhere in the Forest Drake spreadsheet, the encounter, nor when I searched the messageboards under Second Darkness.
I'm otherwise assuming the boost is about a +4 to Strength, enough for a +2 to attack and damage, as well as maybe a +20 speed if the crunch wasn't developed.

Neil Mansell |

Forest Drakes on page 86.
Speed Surge (Ex) 3 times/ day they can gain a boost to their Strength and Speed as a free action.What is the exact "boost" gained, or is this already factored into their stats? I could not find the answer embedded anywhere in the Forest Drake spreadsheet, the encounter, nor when I searched the messageboards under Second Darkness.
I'm otherwise assuming the boost is about a +4 to Strength, enough for a +2 to attack and damage, as well as maybe a +20 speed if the crunch wasn't developed.
The exact wording is:
Speed Surge (Ex) Three times per day, a forest drake may draw on its draconic heritage for a boost of strength and speed that allows it to take an additional move action. Using this ability is a free action that can only be used once per round.Thus: 3/day: Extra move action.
This equates to either an additional 20ft walk or 60ft flight (on top of normal actions).

Charles Evans 25 |
On Pages 64-64 of the 'Drow of Golarion' article, the goody-bags which the twelve demon lords most strongly associated with the drow give out to demonic initiates are listed, by demon lord.
Whilst all the lesser demonic boons seem to be indicated to be spell-like abilities, I cannot find any indication of what categories the abyssal resistances and greater demonic boons fall into? Would it be possible to have clarification of which category of abilities these fall into (on a case by case basis, if necessary, with the greater boons where I suspect some variation between supernatual, spell-like, and extraordinary abilities may occur across the lords) please?
The demonlords for whom these are covered in the Drow of Golarion entry are:
As a further query, has anything 'official' been worked out for the other seventeen demon lords in terms of abyssal resistances and lesser/greater boons granted?

Charles Evans 25 |
Further questions on the topic of demonic boons:
Cyth-V'sug grants the use of hold person once a day as a spell-like ability amongst his lesser boons. Should that be treated as a 2nd or 3rd level version of the spell? This makes a difference to a number of things, including the DC to save against it.
Andirifkhu grants the use of fire trap once a day as a spell-like ability amongst her lesser boons. Should this be treated as a 2nd or 4th level version of the spell?
Is there a general rule where versions of the spell exist at different spell-levels, as to which version will be granted as a boon?

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First of all... keen eyes will note that Princes of Darkness bears the subtitle: "Book of the Damned Volume 1." This suggests we might have plans for additional volumes, and one of those might be one about demons, and in such a theoretical book, we'd very likely update and reprint the demonic initiate prestige class.
For now, though, it's a simple matter to just assume that all resistances are Exceptional, while all greater boons are Supernatural in nature. In cases like Flauros's greater boon granting a resistance, that'd be an exception (since all resistances are exceptional).
I do have notes on what boons and resistances the other demon lords grant. That info was originally going to be part of the article on Demon Lords in Pathfinder #18, but there wasn't enough room so I cut it and put it somewhere safe on my computer for use in a later project. (See the first paragraph above.)

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Further questions on the topic of demonic boons:
Cyth-V'sug grants the use of hold person once a day as a spell-like ability amongst his lesser boons. Should that be treated as a 2nd or 3rd level version of the spell? This makes a difference to a number of things, including the DC to save against it.
Andirifkhu grants the use of fire trap once a day as a spell-like ability amongst her lesser boons. Should this be treated as a 2nd or 4th level version of the spell?
Is there a general rule where versions of the spell exist at different spell-levels, as to which version will be granted as a boon?
For spell-like abilities, unless they mention specifically otherwise, you treat a spell as if it were coming from the sorcerer/wizard list. So in the case of Cyth-V'sug, he grants a 3rd level hold person. In the case of Andirifkhu, she grants a 4th level version. The general rule for this exists for ALL spell-like abilities; it's certainly given on page 304 of the Bestiary. Not sure if it's spelled out like that in the core RPG anyhwere. The order is: sorcerer/wizard, cleric, druid, bard, paladin, ranger.

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I'm having a bit of a problem, that I think I know the solution to, but I'm going to toss it out in this thread.
My party is currently assaulting the academy and have just defeated the the Aboloth. During the battle one of the characters was affected by the Aboloth's mucus and can't breath air. So the party wants to wait until the mucus wears off before they proceed. They also believe that the portal behind the Aboloth's pool leads to the echo, they didn't stay to talk with the Aboloth for very long. So they don't know about the portal behind the door (although they do know it is there.)
So I'm left with 2 options, 1) wait have the Barbarian Guarding the portal bust in on them 2) hold the portal that is suppose to close open until they go. 3) Let the portal close and have to deal with rejigging the whole damn adventure.
Any thoughts?

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I'm having a bit of a problem, that I think I know the solution to, but I'm going to toss it out in this thread.
My party is currently assaulting the academy and have just defeated the the Aboloth. During the battle one of the characters was affected by the Aboloth's mucus and can't breath air. So the party wants to wait until the mucus wears off before they proceed. They also believe that the portal behind the Aboloth's pool leads to the echo, they didn't stay to talk with the Aboloth for very long. So they don't know about the portal behind the door (although they do know it is there.)
So I'm left with 2 options, 1) wait have the Barbarian Guarding the portal bust in on them 2) hold the portal that is suppose to close open until they go. 3) Let the portal close and have to deal with rejigging the whole damn adventure.
Any thoughts?
1 & 3) If the PCs delay to let one recover from the mucus, then the portal has closed and the Barbarian went through just before it closed. The PCs will just have deal with consequences.
Have only a partial attack force come through the portal a day later. The party can go through then and you can complete the book. Remember, only the key can open the portal to the echo, and the portal only remains open for a short time.
Hope this helps.

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Galnörag wrote:I'm having a bit of a problem, that I think I know the solution to, but I'm going to toss it out in this thread.
My party is currently assaulting the academy and have just defeated the the Aboloth. During the battle one of the characters was affected by the Aboloth's mucus and can't breath air. So the party wants to wait until the mucus wears off before they proceed. They also believe that the portal behind the Aboloth's pool leads to the echo, they didn't stay to talk with the Aboloth for very long. So they don't know about the portal behind the door (although they do know it is there.)
So I'm left with 2 options, 1) wait have the Barbarian Guarding the portal bust in on them 2) hold the portal that is suppose to close open until they go. 3) Let the portal close and have to deal with rejigging the whole damn adventure.
Any thoughts?
1 & 3) If the PCs delay to let one recover from the mucus, then the portal has closed and the Barbarian went through just before it closed. The PCs will just have deal with consequences.
** spoiler omitted **
Have only a partial attack force come through the portal a day later. The party can go through then and you can complete the book. Remember, only the key can open the portal to the echo, and the portal only remains open for a short time.
Hope this helps.
Yeah, kind of a frustrating speed bump that is really just a side effect of an otherwise cool encounter.

DarkArt |

I'm having a bit of a problem, that I think I know the solution to, but I'm going to toss it out in this thread.
My party is currently assaulting the academy and have just defeated the the Aboloth. During the battle one of the characters was affected by the Aboloth's mucus and can't breath air. So the party wants to wait until the mucus wears off before they proceed. They also believe that the portal behind the Aboloth's pool leads to the echo, they didn't stay to talk with the Aboloth for very long. So they don't know about the portal behind the door (although they do know it is there.)
So I'm left with 2 options, 1) wait have the Barbarian Guarding the portal bust in on them 2) hold the portal that is suppose to close open until they go. 3) Let the portal close and have to deal with rejigging the whole damn adventure.
Any thoughts?
I just described to the players that the other side of the portal holds a landscape filled with green trees, and lots of water from fountains and such. The disease isn't an instant kill, just a potential nuisance, so there's no absolute to staying behind while a very pressing matter beckons them onward. The party should have time to find a means of dealing with it.

silverhair2008 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

In a couple of weeks my group of players should finish up this chapter of Second Darkness. So with that being the case I have a question regarding the Battle Point awards.
"how well the PCs have done and indicates the final reward the elves are able to grant them (since much of this reward money comes from reclaimed
gear and treasure taken from the drow, a stronger victory generates more gold). The following table shows the gp value of the item each character should be given."
However, the Conclusion states:
"Eviana thanks the PCs for all they have done, and depending on their
success and the total number of Battle Points they’ve gained during the adventure, she awards them with their choice of magical items, gems, or jewelry in an amount as detailed on the table on page 19."
Now my question is this, does the magic item need to be one item of whatever value they have achieved or can it be a number of magic items that total that amount?

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The room in The Academy of Arts with the portal to the Armageddon Echo has a fight with a barbarian named Kardrogas. He is an eighth-level barbarian, but the text describes him as a pain taster even though he does not have any levels in pain taster and does not meet the prerequisites for skills and feats.
I thought it would be cool to give him the requirements he needs for this prestige class and replace a couple levels of barbarian with pain taster. Does anyone know if this is another case of a good idea winding up on the cutting room floor for a lack of space? Does anyone have stats for this guy that incorporate levels in pain taster?

eirip |

In a couple of weeks my group of players should finish up this chapter of Second Darkness. So with that being the case I have a question regarding the Battle Point awards.
** spoiler omitted **Now my question is this, does the magic item need to be one item of whatever value they have achieved or can it be a number of magic items that total that amount?
I ran this adventure a few months ago. What I did was allow them to purchase one item per pc. This item could not go above the limit that was based on the battle awards. However,I don't think it would be a problem though if you wanted to award them multiple items.

eirip |

The room in The Academy of Arts with the portal to the Armageddon Echo has a fight with a barbarian named Kardrogas. He is an eighth-level barbarian, but the text describes him as a pain taster even though he does not have any levels in pain taster and does not meet the prerequisites for skills and feats.
I thought it would be cool to give him the requirements he needs for this prestige class and replace a couple levels of barbarian with pain taster. Does anyone know if this is another case of a good idea winding up on the cutting room floor for a lack of space? Does anyone have stats for this guy that incorporate levels in pain taster?
I thought about doing that as well but then I ran out of time. I would suggest either giving him a couple levels of Paintaster or giving him a side kick, all depending on how your players battle prowess is. Although Kardrogas had a decent build, my players took him out in about 3 rounds.

tbug |

My players all have agents of the Winter Council, and half of them are from a squad dedicated to the preservation of elvish culture. When they got to the encounter in the Hall of Memories and a dretch picked up a ten-thousand-year-old globe containing the memories of an ancient elvish librarian and used it as a missile they practically keeled over.
After that the encounter was all about preserving the globes. The PCs didn't care how much they got hurt in the process, so long as they had a chance of keeping any more from shattering. It was a very effective scene.
Nicely written, Mr Bulmahn!

eris |
Forest Drake: what is their "space"? They are listed as Large but there is no entry for their space or whether they have 10' reach. Was that an omission, or should I just assume that it is 5' reach since there was no mention of it? I'm going on the assumption that their space is 10'sq, being large and all. Based on their shape, I could go either way on whether they have reach (which is why I'm asking).

Joana |

Jochareil (in "Lament for Emerald Rains") has rejuvenation but there's no indication of the condition that negates it. Might it be the reoccupation of Celwynvian by non-drow elves?
Yeah, the inclusion of a ghost as a Big Bad without specifying how to lay her to rest permanently was a little sloppy about "Lament." In my game, I put the Ode on a pillar and then had the drow have stolen it. Jochareil had been excited about welcoming elves back to Celwynvian and was taken by surprise by their hostility; then, when she rejuvenated, it was the loss of the Ode that drove her over the edge into madness. The PCs were given the task of getting Jochareil on their side, and the only way to do it is to recover the stolen pillar bearing the Ode. Then, instead of being destroyed, the aasimir ghost will regain her equilibrium and assist the elves.
(Is there a term for "all elves except drow"?)
"Surface elves?" That's what I've been using, anyway.

tbug |

Yeah, the inclusion of a ghost as a Big Bad without specifying how to lay her to rest permanently was a little sloppy about "Lament." In my game, I put the Ode on a pillar and then had the drow have stolen it. Jochareil had been excited about welcoming elves back to Celwynvian and was taken by surprise by their hostility; then, when she rejuvenated, it was the loss of the Ode that drove her over the edge into madness. The PCs were given the task of getting Jochareil on their side, and the only way to do it is to recover the stolen pillar bearing the Ode.
I like this! So they either need to lug it back from Zirnakaynin or else copy it when they're in the Echo (before the pillar was stolen). I'll steal this idea, I think. Thanks! :)
Then, instead of being destroyed, the aasimir ghost will regain her equilibrium and assist the elves.
I suspect that my players would be sad if the aasimar still didn't get her happy afterlife, so I think I'll let her pass on to her reward once her rejuvenation condition is satisfied.
Thanks for the idea!

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The author apparently forgot that ghosts need a "permanently destroyed" clause, and we didn't catch it in development. My suggestion; defeating this particular ghost in combat is enough to put it at rest. Kinda boring, but it's been FAR too long since I've looked at that set piece to come up with something more creative without re-reading the thing.
Which means that this'd be a great place for some folks to submit some solutions! :)

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So should she go onto the after life or stay and continue to be the muse once the drow are driven out of the forest? I think she will be pissed until the Drow are driven out and the elves start to rebuild
Once she's happy or satisfied or no longer has a reason to stick around, she should go away. That's how ghosts work, after all.

Joey Virtue |

Joey Virtue wrote:So should she go onto the after life or stay and continue to be the muse once the drow are driven out of the forest? I think she will be pissed until the Drow are driven out and the elves start to rebuildOnce she's happy or satisfied or no longer has a reason to stick around, she should go away. That's how ghosts work, after all.
Well it said in her discription that she stayed on as a ghost when the elves were present at the location before Earthfall so I was not sure

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How exactly does Razorhorn get into the Echo? The double door at the main entrance would be big enough for him to get into the Academy, but the only entrance to the room with the portal appears to be down a five-foot corridor, which would seem to be a tight squeeze for a Large dragon.
A tight squeeze, but still doable. A Large creature can fit through a door sized for Medium creatures by squeezing; it just costs him double to move through those squares.

Joey Virtue |

I converted The Forest Drake and Blast Shadow using Hero Labs what do you guys think?
Large Dragon (Air)
Init +2; Senses Blindsense (30 feet), Darkvision (60 feet), Low-Light Vision; Perception +12
AC 19, touch 11, flat-footed 17 (+2 Dex, -1 size, +8 natural)
hp 84 (7d12+14)
Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +5
Immune acid, paralysis, sleep
Spd 20 ft., Flying (60 feet, Average), Swimming (30 feet)
Melee Bite (Forest Drake) +10 (1d8+4+ 1d6 Acid) and
Tail Slap (Forest Drake) +8 (2d6+2) and
Wing x2 (Forest Drake) +8 x2 (1d4+2)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks Acid Bite , Acidic Cloud Breath (DC 15)
Spell-Like Abilities Speed Surge
Str 19, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 12
Base Atk +6/+1; CMB +12; CMD 24
Feats Alertness, Hover, Multiattack, Power Attack +4/-2
Skills Climb +14, Fly +10, Perception +12, Sense Motive +2, Stealth +8, Survival +10, Swim +22
Languages Draconic
SQ +4 Hide in Forested or Overgrown Areas, Water Breathing (Ex)
+4 Hide in Forested or Overgrown Areas +4 to Hide checks in tall forested or overgrown areas.
Acid Bite (Su) Your Bite causes an additional 1d6 Acid Damage
Acidic Cloud Breath (DC 15) (Su) A forest drake can, as a standard action, breathe a ball of acid that dissipates into a cloud on impact. This attack has a range of 60 feet and deals 4d4 points of acid damage to all creatures within the 10-foot-radius cloud. A successful Reflex save
Blindsense (30 feet) (Ex) Sense things and creatures without seeing them.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Flying (60 feet, Average) You can fly!
Hover You can hover in place while flying.
Immunity to Acid You are immune to acid damage.
Immunity to Paralysis You are immune to paralysis.
Immunity to Sleep You are immune to sleep effects.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Power Attack +4/-2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Speed Surge (3/day) (Ex) Three times per day, a Forest Drake may draw on its draconic heritage for a boost of speed that allows it to take an additional move action. Using this ability is a swift action that can only be used once per round.
Swimming (30 feet) You have a Swim speed.
Water Breathing (Ex) A Forest Drake can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its Breath weapon, and other abilities while submerged.
Medium Undead (Fire)
Init +8; Senses Darkvision (60 feet); Perception +11
Aura Cloud of Smoke and Fire
AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+4 Dex, +4 natural)
hp 70 (7d8+21)
Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +6
Immune ability drain, death effects, energy drain, exhaustion, fatigue, fire, physical ability damage, disease, mind-affecting, non-lethal damage, paralysis, poison, sleep, stunning, Undead Traits
Weakness Vulnerability to Cold
Spd 40 ft.
Melee Claw x2 (Blast Shadow) +10 x2 (1d8+2 +1d6)
Special Attacks Death Burst of Fire (DC 16), Flaming Attack
Str 15, Dex 18, Con -, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 16
Base Atk +5; CMB +7; CMD 21
Feats Improved Initiative, Toughness +7, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus: Claw
Skills Acrobatics +8, Climb +9, Intimidate +8, Perception +11, Sense Motive +8, Stealth +14
Languages Common
Cloud of Smoke and Fire (Su) A blast shadow can, as a free action, surround itself with a cloud of smoke that burns living flesh. While active, the blast shadow gains concealment, and all living creatures within 5 feet take 1d6 points of fire damage per round. Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Death Burst of Fire (DC 16) (Su) When a blast shadow is reduced to 0 or fewer hit points, it explodes in a blast of flame. All creatures within 30 feet take 5d6 points of fire damage. A Reflex save results in half damage.
Flaming Attack (Su) All Melee Attacks cause an additional 1d6 Fire Damage
Immune to Ability Drain Immune to ability drain
Immune to Death Effects You are immune to death effects.
Immune to Energy Drain Immune to energy drain
Immune to Exhausted You are immune to the exhausted condition.
Immune to Fatigue You are immune to the fatigued condition.
Immune to Fire You are immune to fire damage.
Immune to Physical Ability Damage Immune to ability damage to your physical abilities.
Immunity to Disease You are immune to diseases.
Immunity to Mind-Affecting attacks You are immune to Mind-Affecting attacks.
Immunity to Non-lethal Damage You are immune to Non-Lethal Damage
Immunity to Paralysis You are immune to paralysis.
Immunity to Poison You are immune to poison.
Immunity to Sleep You are immune to sleep effects.
Immunity to Stunning You are immune to being stunned.
Undead Traits Undead are immune to death effects, disease, mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, morale effects, phantasms, and patterns), paralysis, poison, sleep, stun, and any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects
Vulnerability to Cold You are vulnerable (+50% damage) to Cold damage
Created With Hero Lab® - try it for free at http://www.wolflair.com!

Joana |

Any suggestions on the scale for the city? I counldn't locate one on either the real ruined version or the intact echo.
I don't think there is one on the overland map. You'd have to work from the combat maps of the buildings (library, observatory, academy, etc.) and figure something out roughly from there.

Krell |

Generally the size of the buildings are always exaggerated on a city map so extrapolating from the floor plans yields inaccurate numbers. If you made the calculations on the academy of the arts, which is 130' wide, a cm on the city map would be 130'. The entire city would then be 1600' across-pretty small. Even if hampered by terrain to the max of 1/3 speed due to rubble and undergrowth the PCs can manage 20' r or 200' per min. Flying PCs could cross the entire city in a bit over a minute. Just doesn't feel very satisfying and makes it difficult to cultivate the fog of war that the adventure is supposed to have.

Joana |

Check out this thread.
I found that the buildings, ruins & vegetation served well enough to keep the PCs from seeing what's going on in other parts of the city while they're accomplishing their missions. Of course, none of mine flew.