Runelord Roundtable

Off-Topic Discussions

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I don't really feel like starting this, but I figured we should all get together and rule this place already? Anyone wanna start the takeover while I sit here and direct things?

Lazy lout. If you had any drive, your realm would be larger than it is, rather than relying upon your forebearers accomplishments, such as they were.

Runelord of Lust wrote:
Lazy lout. If you had any drive, your realm would be larger than it is, rather than relying upon your forebearers accomplishments, such as they were.

I may spend all my time on the couch, but it's certainly more productive than spending it in bed. Are we going to fight, or take over this measly little website?

Runelord of Sloth wrote:
I may spend all my time on the couch, but it's certainly more productive than spending it in bed.

I'm quite productive in bed, thank you. ;)

Runelord of Sloth wrote:
Are we going to fight, or take over this measly little website?

Since you don't have anything I want anyway, this website is as good as any.

Now, who's this little queen acting out above me...

Yes.. this website is a fine place to start. I'll begin by devouring all the bandwidth!!!


Mmmmm.... data packets. Needs ketchup.

Hrm. Looks like Sloth was too lazy to put this thread in the right forum. Bah. I'll be sure to eat his next post.

I'm insulted that this was started and I refuse to participate in any way. In fact, I'm in full support of anyone disrupting this effort, if only to show all of you how much you hurt me.

No, thanks for the offer, but I'll just take everything.

I would have known what to do, but you guys took all the cool titles, first. Why can't I be in charge for once? If I don't get my way, I might have to have this thread closed.

Runelord of Envy wrote:
I would have known what to do, but you guys took all the cool titles, first. Why can't I be in charge for once?

I think you will find that the most benefit comes from exerting the least amount of effort. Being in control requires you to do so much woooork. Let those with the energy do all the heavy lifting and enjoy the spoils. Since you all won't be in need of them for a while, can I have some of your slaves? I need a nice backrub, someone to fan me, and could really use a tender hand to feed me dates.

Runelord of Sloth wrote:
I think you will find that the most benefit comes from exerting the least amount of effort.

And I think you'll find that the most benefit comes from me kicking yer butt! If you're not strong enough to take something, you don't deserve it. The whole world shall tremble before my migh- ooh, shiny....

Yeah, uh, Wrath? While you're yelling about whatever can you hand me the remote? It's too far to reach and I'd like to be able to turn the volume up to drown out your rage. Can't you take it out on someone else? Go kill some of Greed's minions.

Runelord of Sloth wrote:
Yeah, uh, Wrath? While you're yelling about whatever can you hand me the remote? It's too far to reach and I'd like to be able to turn the volume up to drown out your rage. Can't you take it out on someone else? Go kill some of Greed's minions.

I wouldn't recommend trying. My minions are from Leng. And I charge a high price for lost minions.

Runelord of Wrath wrote:
The whole world shall tremble before my migh- ooh, shiny....

Awww, does Wrath need a little massage?

Runelord of Greed wrote:
My minions are from Leng.

Really? Tell me more about your minions, they are new to me. Are you interested in, perhaps?

Lust, I need a massage. If you can get that knot right there by the small of my back, that'd be perfect. Just don't block the fan. I need cool air blown across my bulbous form more than I need rubbing.

Runelord of Lust wrote:
Really? Tell me more about your minions, they are new to me. Are you interested in, perhaps?

No, I need them at the moment. They're working on some kind of time travel device . . . I don't really understand the details. Maybe I should ask them about that. No, that would be a waste of time. How much harm could it do?

All of you shut up and get back to work!

Runelord of Lust wrote:
Awww, does Wrath need a little massage?

Yes, yes I do. The reaving of enemies does knot up my shoulders terribly. Just don't use the poisoned oil this time, please. It gives me a rash something awful.

Runelord of Greed wrote:
I wouldn't recommend trying. My minions are from Leng. And I charge a high price for lost minions.

You've got such a stockpile, I'm sure you won't notice the extra protein in your food. Er, theoretically, I mean.

First King wrote:
All of you shut up and get back to work!

Uh, yeah. You know that "work" and I don't get along so well together. I'll gladly watch everyone else do it. Plus, aren't you dead?

Runelord of Sloth wrote:
First King wrote:
All of you shut up and get back to work!
Uh, yeah. You know that "work" and I don't get along so well together. I'll gladly watch everyone else do it. Plus, aren't you dead?

I blame Gluttony. He's supposed to be in charge of Necromancy.

Runelord of Greed wrote:
I blame Gluttony. He's supposed to be in charge of Necromancy.

Enough with the bickering and finger-pointing. I didn't put forth excessive effort to start this group just to fight amongst ourselves. How shall we go about destroying You're the men (and women) of action, so get crackin'!

And I'm still waiting for someone to pass me the remote.

Runelord of Greed wrote:
Runelord of Sloth wrote:
First King wrote:
All of you shut up and get back to work!
Uh, yeah. You know that "work" and I don't get along so well together. I'll gladly watch everyone else do it. Plus, aren't you dead?
I blame Gluttony. He's supposed to be in charge of Necromancy.

Can't you all just get along?

Man, things have really gone downhill around here. What happened to the good old days?

Reports of my death have been highly exagerrated.

Runelord of Greed wrote:
I blame Gluttony. He's supposed to be in charge of Necromancy.

What? Since when? Hmmm... well, that would explain why that book was so dry. I needed like 6 gallons of water to get it down. Didn't even taste that good.

Runelord of Sloth wrote:
Enough with the bickering and finger-pointing. I didn't put forth excessive effort to start this group just to fight amongst ourselves. How shall we go about destroying You're the men (and women) of action, so get crackin'!

Well, I think we should start by removing this "PostMonster" known as Gary Teter from his position of power. He holds power that I, um, I mean we could take.

Afterwards, I suggest that we domesticate the post-eating bug and train it to control the flow of information.

Runelord of Greed wrote:
Afterwards, I suggest that we domesticate the post-eating bug and train it to control the flow of information.

Aww, he just needs a little love...

Runelord of Greed wrote:
Afterwards, I suggest that we domesticate the post-eating bug and train it to control the flow of information.

I'm all for diversion of flows. As long as it can flow right by my comfy chair within arm's reach, I'll take it.

Still waiting for that remote. It's right there! Just out of arm's reach. C'mon. Someone wants to help me with this. I know it. Pride? Envy? Anyone?

*waits until Sloth isn't looking, then pockets the remote*

Alright, here is the remote. But you have to promise to be productive from now on.

First King wrote:
Alright, here is the remote. But you have to promise to be productive from now on.

I will productively watch only five minutes of any given program at a time. And get my feet rubbed by one of my many servants. That's what you meant, right?

Oh, and can someone get me another beer?

Runelord of Sloth wrote:
Still waiting for that remote. It's right there! Just out of arm's reach. C'mon. Someone wants to help me with this. I know it. Pride? Envy? Anyone?

I find your idea that I would help you with your remote offensive. As a result, I support any effort to deprive you of your television, or at the very least, digital support. That should show you how much you hurt me.

First King wrote:
Alright, here is the remote. But you have to promise to be productive from now on.

What? How did you get that?! I thought I had . . . um, I mean I thought you had died. this just for the classic seven, or can we new Runelords join in too? I spoke with the Runelord of Drug Use and the Runelord of Environmental Destruction (who's avatar name won't even fit in this system) and we're all pretty pissed off about not getting an invite to this here meeting. We're associated with deadly sins too, ya know.

Runelord of Greed wrote:
First King wrote:
Alright, here is the remote. But you have to promise to be productive from now on.
What? How did you get that?! I thought I had . . . um, I mean I thought you had died.

It's amazing what you can find on the Planes.

Ah, geez. More runelords? You know, if there gets to be too many of you, something catastrophic could happen!

Now, let's get back to plotting.

First King wrote:
Ah, geez. More runelords? You know, if there gets to be too many of you, something catastrophic could happen!

Yeah, I could get a smaller share of what we conquer!

Runelord of Greed wrote:
Yeah, I could get a smaller share of what we conquer!

Unacceptable! I move that the real Runelords say that these "new" so-called runelords are Weaksauce. All in favor, say "Aye."

Runelord of Lust wrote:
Runelord of Greed wrote:
Yeah, I could get a smaller share of what we conquer!
Unacceptable! I move that the real Runelords say that these "new" so-called runelords are Weaksauce. All in favor, say "Aye."

Aye! The harlot is right!


Runelord of Greed wrote:

WTF? I'm on your side you freaking ingrate. I am all about unequal distributions of resources. Someone has to be rich, why not you? We'll just take whatever that lazy SOB slothlord has - he won't even notice.

Runelord of Social Injustice wrote:
Runelord of Greed wrote:
WTF? I'm on your side you freaking ingrate. I am all about unequal distributions of resources. Someone has to be rich, why not you? We'll just take whatever that lazy SOB slothlord has - he won't even notice.

I'm very good at taking care of that myself. I don't need help that would want pay above minimum wage!

I can't believe how long the conversation has gone on without me! You go off to plot on your own for five minutes and they rush off on all sorts of tangents...then you have to read pages and pages of stuff just to catch up. And I'm taking the's better than the one I have now.

Now, as for taking over the site, I heartily support using the thread-eating bug to suppress the posts of those who might challenge my...I mean, our power. (Especially if their posts are better worded and more persuasive than mine.)

As for these upstart Runelords, you'd better get in line. We were here first. **Stomps feet to emphasize point.**

Runelord of Social Injustice wrote:
Runelord of Greed wrote:
WTF? I'm on your side you freaking ingrate. I am all about unequal distributions of resources. Someone has to be rich, why not you? We'll just take whatever that lazy SOB slothlord has - he won't even notice.

Hey, could someone hand me the nacho dip? And get my mail. This infomercial on exercise machines is too grueling for me to consider actually getting up and moving. I'd appreciate any help I can get. And I'll throw you some bound demons and such when the invasion happens. Deal?

These forums used to be so friendly!

If any runelords should be cut, it should be the redundant runelords. What exactly is the difference between sloth and gluttony? A bong and some cheetohs, that's what. How is that eating while sitting on your ass a distinct sin from just sitting on your ass? Is playing video games while sitting on your ass a distinct sin too?

Runelord of Social Injustice wrote:
If any runelords should be cut, it should be the redundant runelords. What exactly is the difference between sloth and gluttony? A bong and some cheetohs, that's what. How is that eating while sitting on your ass a distinct sin from just sitting on your ass? Is playing video games while sitting on your ass a distinct sin too?

Sloth has other people feed him.

Runelord of Greed wrote:
Sloth has other people feed him.

Why lift a finger when you can get the same results without having to do so yourself?

yoda8myhead wrote:
Runelord of Greed wrote:
Sloth has other people feed him.
Why lift a finger when you can get the same results without having to do so yourself?

Wait, who are you and what have you done with the Runelord of Sloth?

Honestly, I leave the place alone for half a dozen millenia, because I foresee that that might be wisest, and what have you Sihedron guys been doing in the interim? Sleeping. Okay, I can hardly fault the Runelord of Sloth on that count, but the rest of you.... come on. What were you thinking? If you can't keep your empires from crumbling, then what hope is there world domination? I mean at least I have the excuse that my demesne is 'the future'.
Hmmm. Runelord of Greed: My research has revealed that you have been in contact with Leng and working on a time travel device. Have you worked out how to 'dial forward' with it yet?

First King wrote:
yoda8myhead wrote:
Runelord of Greed wrote:
Sloth has other people feed him.
Why lift a finger when you can get the same results without having to do so yourself?
Wait, who are you and what have you done with the Runelord of Sloth?

I think it's fairly obvious that the Runelord of Sloth was getting his servant to enter his post for him, and his servant was initially too lazy to credit the post to his master.

Xin. It's been a while.

There are some very interesting horrors impending, and if my fellow Runelords and I exploit them properly then domination of this messageboard will only be the beginning....

The Eighth Runelord wrote:
Hmmm. Runelord of Greed: My research has revealed that you have been in contact with Leng and working on a time travel device. Have you worked out how to 'dial forward' with it yet?

Not ANOTHER one!

And I don't know. My workers won't explain exactly how it works to me until it's done, so the details don't get overheard and leaked. Sometimes I worry about whether they're really doing this to help me, but I'm probably just being paranoid.

Runelord of Greed wrote:
The Eighth Runelord wrote:
Hmmm. Runelord of Greed: My research has revealed that you have been in contact with Leng and working on a time travel device. Have you worked out how to 'dial forward' with it yet?

Not ANOTHER one!

And I don't know. My workers won't explain exactly how it works to me until it's done, so the details don't get overheard and leaked. Sometimes I worry about whether they're really doing this to help me, but I'm probably just being paranoid.

The last time I counted, there were EIGHT schools of magic, and all the rest of you just tell yourselves that Divination's not worth focussing on. Hah. It doesn't stop you from dabbling in the school to further your own goals. Naturally, a master of Divination knows the best way to hide oneself away until a suitable moment to return arises.

I don't think you need to worry about being paranoid about what your associates are upto. If they were planning to double-cross you any time soon, some convenient adventurers would be along to inadvertantly bungle the double-cross in your favour.

The Eighth Runelord wrote:

The last time I counted, there were EIGHT schools of magic, and all the rest of you just tell yourselves that Divination's not worth focussing on. Hah. It doesn't stop you from dabbling in the school to further your own goals. Naturally, a master of Divination knows the best way to hide oneself away until a suitable moment to return arises.

I don't think you need to worry about being paranoid about what your associates are upto. If they were planning to double-cross you any time soon, some convenient adventurers would be along to inadvertantly bungle the double-cross in your favour.

Ah, divination. Hence, "the future."

And yeah, you're probably right. No need to worry.

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