A Song of Ice and...Well, Actually, Just Ice: DM-Phil's Reign of Winter (Inactive)

Game Master Phillip0614

The time for Irrisen's new monarch has come and gone with no sign of the infamous Baba Yaga...and now, winter is encroaching onto all of Golarion! Will our heroes be able to find the fabled Witch-Queen and restore balance to the world?

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Hey guys! Figured it was about time we stopped clutterin' up Devon's S&S discussion thread. We're going to start the game with the standard locale as set forth in the upcoming Reign of Winter Player's Guide: Helgren, a small village in southern Taldor. The nearest large city is Zimar. Character creation stuff is as follows:

Ability Scores: 20 pt. buy

Races: Let's stick with core races for this, since it's my first time GMing a PbP. However, you can use the APG and ARG for customizing your character with different racial traits/favored class bonuses/etc.

Classes/Archetypes: Classes and archetypes from CRB, APG, UM, and UC will be allowed.

Starting Wealth: Class average OR if you're feeling lucky, roll for it.

Starting Equipment: All equipment from the CRB and APG is allowed; for anything beyond that, please let me know what you're thinking of purchasing and where it's located, especially for Ultimate Equipment, as I haven't had a chance to look through my PDF yet.

Feats: All feats from the CRB, APG, UM, and UC are allowed with the sole exception of Leadership. I don't really have a problem with any feat in published Paizo material; just swing it by me first!

HP: Max for class at level 1, then average +1 at each following level.

Traits: Two traits, at least one of which must be a campaign trait (when the PDF is released. Please be soon! Please please please!)

Sound good to y'all? Did I leave anything out?

Shadow Lodge

Just pointing out I'm still in.

I figured you were. You still looking at the Shapeshifting Ranger?

M Ulfen Bear Shaman

A'ight. here's a start. uncertain whether I'll take Bear Totem archetype or the like. Also considering taking a dip of BBN. Guess I'll see what the party looks like.

Glad to have ya aboard, Vildir!

Female Human(Iresseni/Taldan) Witch(Winter Witch Archetype) 1

I'm here and properly spelt too

Hmm we staret in Helgren..In Skyrim you start in Helgen..which gets totally destroyed..here's hoping the one letter difference is a good omen

The Exchange

Male Human Desk Monkey 2/ Logistics Guru 3/ Over-educated 2/Gamer 6

Fighter or Barb, Fighter or Barb?

Dunno dunno dunno!

Glad to see everybody trickling in!

The Exchange

Male Human Desk Monkey 2/ Logistics Guru 3/ Over-educated 2/Gamer 6

STARTING WEALTH LUCKY!: 5d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 6, 4, 3) = 18

Ha ha I got 5gp more.

Dwarven Fighter.

Comin up soon.

Woop woop!

M Ulfen Bear Shaman
DM-Phil wrote:

Traits: Two traits, at least one of which must be a campaign trait (when the PDF is released. Please be soon! Please please please!)

NOTE: The Reign of Winter campaign traits are in the new People of the North Player Companion.

Unfortunately, I don't have access to that player companion. Wish I did!

Sovereign Court

Almost done but its comin together...of course I lost my profile entry because I lingered on it too long and forgot to type it off sheet...oy!

Rough sketch is dwarven fighter, toughness and steel soul feat. Tank for the druid et al to tear people up while I get tore up. :p

Female Half-elf Alchemist (Chirurgeon/Vivisectionist) 1

Debating between it and alchemist. Seriously liking the idea of Ragechemist. What you all think?

What are your thoughts on those two characters? How would they both play within the campaign? I'd have to know a little background before I could really offer an opinion.

I've never played an alchemist before, and only once played a ranger, so I'm not sure about the merits of them compared to each other.

The Exchange

Male Human Desk Monkey 2/ Logistics Guru 3/ Over-educated 2/Gamer 6

Every time I get all amped up about an Alchemist they seem so damn complicated but I wouldn't mind seeing one in action ;p

I am bound and determined to one day cosplay as a Golarion alchemist.

Wanted to throw something by you guys and see what y'all thought: I'm seriously considering using the block initiative favored by some here on the boards.

For those who don't know, block initiative is a format where the DM rolls initiative for each party member at the beginning of combat and takes the highest number as the initiative for the entire party, then rolls one number for the enemy's initiative, so you have either group acting all at once as opposed to having to go back and forth.

It seems like that could help speed in-game combat up, but I don't want to use it without getting everyone's views on that way of doing things. So...thoughts?

The Exchange

Male Human Desk Monkey 2/ Logistics Guru 3/ Over-educated 2/Gamer 6

It can lead to some slight math/mechanic issues but I'm not strongly opposed per se.

I can see where the math and mechanics problems might come up with it, and I'm not really sold on it, myself. Just an option that I was considering and I wanted to see what y'all thought about it.

Y'know, after giving it some fairly serious thought for the last little while, I think I'll stick with traditional initiative. I'm on the boards often enough that I don't think it will be a problem if party/enemy actions are split in any way.

So...yeah. No block initiative.

Shadow Lodge

I've never played one myself, but I helped a player in my home game run one for a pretty good while. He was new, so I kind of had to learn the class to explain it to him. And I've always wanted an excuse to try one. I initially thought to go with ranger because it fit the AP. But really, a more arcane type character would fit with the plane-hopping parts of the AP. The more I think about it the more I lean towards alchemist. I'll need to concoct a background. I'm just looking for some input.

DM-Phil wrote:
So...yeah. No block initiative.

What's worked for me is just rolling out everyone's initiative and then after the first round, just clustering it so that the enemies end out the actions. Players all post and I translate their actions in initiative order to their best advantage. I'm on quite alot so there usually isn't much waiting if players are reliable.

I haven't played an alchemist, but GMed a couple. I do think they look to be the most interesting and playable non-core class.

Alchemist sounds good to me! The only one I have ever seen played went vivisectionist so I have yet to see the bomb aspect used. I say go for it, Hector!

voodoo chili wrote:
DM-Phil wrote:
So...yeah. No block initiative.

What's worked for me is just rolling out everyone's initiative and then after the first round, just clustering it so that the enemies end out the actions. Players all post and I translate their actions in initiative order to their best advantage. I'm on quite alot so there usually isn't much waiting if players are reliable.

I haven't played an alchemist, but GMed a couple. I do think they look to be the most interesting and playable non-core class.

I run initiative pretty much the same way..except I like to fit the Monsters into the order in a more natural way.

Female Human(Iresseni/Taldan) Witch(Winter Witch Archetype) 1

Starting Cash 3d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 6) = 12x10 =120 Gp

The last of Fathers legacy not that Ykaterina needs much.

Backpack, Quarterstaff, Dagger,Bedroll, Iron pot and 6 days rations comes to 7 gold 9 silver.

leaving 112 gold 1 silver..

4 1st level scrolls which I could feed to my familiar would work I guess.

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

Ok, lets see. So far we have a Human Winter Witch, Dwarven fighter, Human Bear Shaman, and possibly an alchemist. So at the moment no skill monkey. Perhaps I will put together a rogue, or maybe a ninja? Not sure which...or do you think we need something else? I do not see a cleric, but perhaps the Shaman and Witch are good enough to cover that area....

I expect the witch and the druid give us a pretty reasonable degree of potential healing, so a skill monkey is likely a good way to go. Y'know, I actually wouldn't mind seeing a Ninja in action. Never seen one played before. It's unfortunate that they don't get Trapfinding, though; that seems like a skill a Ninja would need to possess.

Remember also that it's been said the Linguistics skill is going to be VERY important during this AP, which I suppose makes perfect sense when you consider how much world-hopping is done! Start out in Taldor, then skip up to Irrisen, then Iobaria, then Triaxus, then Earth! It seems rather unlikely that you'll be in the land of Common past the second/third AP. Man...the PCs are going to wrack up some serious frequent flyer miles on this trek. Too bad there ain't no Delta on Golarion.

Female Half-elf Alchemist (Chirurgeon/Vivisectionist) 1

Not to mention alchemists can generate copious amounts of healing potions. Speaking of which, here is my alchemist. Still need to write up her background, as well as buy her gear and choose her starting formulae. But this should give the general gist of it. She's a pampered Taldan noblewoman. Money, personal tutors, and lots of free time can lead one down interesting roads...

Female Half-elf Alchemist (Chirurgeon/Vivisectionist) 1

DM-Phil, a question. A lot of GM's frown on this trait as cheese, but what are your thoughts on the Rich Parents trait? It changes your starting gold to 900. It would fit her background. I'm not especially attached to it, so don't be afraid to say no.

Y'know, I see that trait banned a lot too, but I can't see how it would be of a huge benefit after the first few levels, when the average player's wealth should be well caught up. I'd also like to see first-hand exactly how big a boon it is at the earlier levels.

So I say all that to say...go for it, Salvianella!

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

Ok..well here is the crunch for my ninja character...Decided to go more RPing then min-max with this fella...otherwise he would start out as a monk and after level 4 switch over to a ninja and would most likely be 1/2 elven.
I will try and get a background up asap.

Drew Fallowfield:

Male Halfling Ninja 1
NG Small Humanoid (halfling)
Init +3; Senses Perception +6
AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +3 Dex, +1 size)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +1; +2 vs. fear
Speed 20 ft.
Melee Wakizashi +4 (1d4+1/18-20/x2)
Ranged Shortbow +4 (1d4/x3)
Special Attacks sneak attack +1d6
Str 12, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 15
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 13
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +8 (+4 jump), Appraise +5, Bluff +6, Climb +2, Disable Device +6, Escape Artist +2, Fly +4, Linguistics +5, Perception +6, Ride +2, Sense Motive +4, Sleight of Hand +6, Stealth +12, Survival +1, Swim +0
Languages Common, Halfling, Minkaian, Skald
SQ fearless, poison use
Other Gear Studded leather armor, Arrows (20), Shortbow, Wakizashi, Backpack (empty), Bedroll, Blanket, Flint and steel, Rope, Shinobi shozoku, Thieves' tools, 5 GP, 4 SP
Special Abilities
Fearless +2 racial bonus vs Fear saves.
Poison Use You do not risk poisoning yourself accidentally while poisoning a weapon.
Sneak Attack +1d6 +1d6 damage if you flank your target or your target is flat-footed.

A halfling ninja. Hah. Well that should be fun. Also, there's our Linguistics skill! Yay!

Female Half-elf Alchemist (Chirurgeon/Vivisectionist) 1

<--- Makes potions of Comprehend Language as well.

Double-yay for redundancy!

The Exchange

Male Human Desk Monkey 2/ Logistics Guru 3/ Over-educated 2/Gamer 6

See skills is why I shy from fighter and I love me some Inquistor for that tasty combination of crunch and fluff. I had one in a Kingmaker game but I feel like I want to stick out with the fighter thing. Right now he has a +4 save against any spell or spell like ability and that seems hilariously awesome...plus I get to hit things with an axe, and over time, really hard and really often...

Fighter, Witch, Alchemist, Ninja, Druid
Dwarf, Human, Half-Elf, Halfling, Human

Hilarious party. Fun mix.

Sovereign Court

Sometimes is important to keep it simple. Other than traits I should be good to go.

A good time is certain to be had by all, that's for sure. Probably our most diverse group yet! I'm chomping at the freakin' bit waiting for the Player's Guide to come out. The subscriptions page says that payment should be authorized on Thursday and usually the guide comes out at pretty much the same time. Regarding your Fighter, I think the save bonus against spells and SLAs will prove invaluable in this particular campaign.

I'm planning on getting us started the nanosecond I get the PDF released in approximately two weeks. Sound good to y'all?

Halfling Ninjas! Nooooooo!

Anyone here remember Finieous Fingers from the early days of Dragon Magazine? The Halfling Thieves' Guild was scary enough.

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

Oh yes...I remember it well.....lol what were his two men-at-arms names?? Charlie and something I think!!

Fred and Charly. I managed to find a copy of the Finieous Treasury in some dusty old game store somewhere. : ) looky

The Exchange

Male Human Desk Monkey 2/ Logistics Guru 3/ Over-educated 2/Gamer 6

I am amused that that image is to be found in a folder named "Zardhoz" and I hope it refers to that classic sci-fi epic that saw Sean Connery in a onesie...

As to my super buff saves, yes I thought it would be good form to just say "no" to things trying to blast, mesmerize, shift, root, control or otherwise "magik" me while I was busy trying to bury an axe in them. The hitpoints are for everything else.

I know AC/defense escalation falls apart the higher the level (better to kill than tank) but I figure the initial investment is worth the return now while I take my time making my mundane old axe into an AXE OF DESTRUCTION

And Daniel when did you become epic level...now you are simply too unbalanced for this thread :p

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

I'm not sure...am I epic level??? What do you mean, unbalanced...lol

I think by most definitions, a level 25 character would be epic. So what's your secret, Daniel? How do we normal peons achieve such success? ;)

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

LOL..actually I was just using the number of years that I had worked in each field...I guess I would be a gestalt character, as I functioned as a historian and curator for a number of years!! LOL

I suppose by that scheme, I would be a High School Teacher 7.

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

I saw some other ones and thought that was what people were doing with their main profile....cool what do you teach?

Daniel Stewart wrote:
I saw some other ones and thought that was what people were doing with their main profile....cool what do you teach?

Engineering and technology.

Female Human(Iresseni/Taldan) Witch(Winter Witch Archetype) 1

Just as long as no-one takes the Witch Hunter trait..that could lead to serious words between us.

Female Half-elf Alchemist (Chirurgeon/Vivisectionist) 1
Pirate Devon wrote:
I know AC/defense escalation falls apart the higher the level (better to kill than tank)

Not true. I have a player playing a paladin in my home game with a 32 AC, DR2/Adamantine, and 290-something hp at 13th lvl. Anything shy of boss monsters have to threaten a critical just to hit him. And he can lay on hands himself just to troll me... Of course the monsters in turn usually just ignore him and go after the much squishier monk and ranger. But still.

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