Lord Fyre RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 |

The quote comes from page 4 of this other thread.
I agree with the Dwarf!
Enough with the sensibly dressed women! Since the 1920s, Heroic Fantasy has always been about both might heroes and barely dressed heroines!
The PathfinderRPG needs more representation of this important element of Adventure Literature/Movies/Comics/Art/etc.!
(To catch a troll, you need line, a poll, and bait . . . Unless of course, you are a troll yourself :P )

Drazmorg |

I think what people really mean is "scantily clad females conforming to the modern stereotype of beauty/hotness in submissive poses"
Unfortunately, Drazmorg will not be able accept Brittany Spears as a sacrifice until her stability can be verified.
Drazmorg will happily accept one or more Olsen twins in the meantime, however.

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Jal Dorak wrote:I think what people really mean is "scantily clad females conforming to the modern stereotype of beauty/hotness in submissive poses"Unfortunately, Drazmorg will not be able accept Brittany Spears as a sacrifice until her stability can be verified.
Drazmorg will happily accept one or more Olsen twins in the meantime, however.
How about Christina Aguilera?

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Malevolent Blob wrote:I hear they have DR5/bludgeoning.Drazmorg wrote:Drazmorg will happily accept one or more Olsen twins in the meantime, however.Blob will only accept both Olsen twins.
There is not enough meat on a single one to constitute a proper nourishing repast.
Cold immunity too.

Lord Fyre RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 |

I think what people really mean is "scantily clad females conforming to the modern stereotype of beauty/hotness in submissive poses"
Not quite. "I think what people really mean is "scantily clad females conforming to the modern stereotype of beauty/hotness."
But, no the pose does not need to be submissive. There are a lot of Red Sonja fans out there. :)

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C'mon, guys. What we really need are more scantily clad MALES! I mean Sajan the Monk iconic is a step in the right direction, but where are the cod-piece wearing Gladiators, the half-Orc Barbarians in wolf-skin loin-cloths, the leather-fetish Executioners, the Mwangi Halfling warriors in vine-leaf skirts? You're all with me on this, aren't you, guys? ... guys???

Greg A. Vaughan Frog God Games |
Set wrote:Please be specific, or else Nic Logue will convince them that you wanted more scantily-clad picture of Mammy Graul, strutting her stuff down the catwalk wearing nothing but a 'shawl' of fresh pig intestines.I lived in Antlers, Oklahoma, for a while. That doesn't scare me.
Antlers, heh, heh. Nothing is scary after living in Pushmataha County....'cept maybe Idabel.

Samnell |

Quote:the Mwangi Halfling warriors in vine-leaf skirts? You're all with me on this, aren't you, guys? ... guys???I am so with you I think I could be sitting on your lap.
Paizo, give us halfling warriors in leaf skirts! Do it for your pervy halfling fancier fans! Do it for the brand! Do it for America! Do it because I'm a very lonely man!

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C'mon, guys. What we really need are more scantily clad MALES! I mean Sajan the Monk iconic is a step in the right direction, but where are the cod-piece wearing Gladiators, the half-Orc Barbarians in wolf-skin loin-cloths, the leather-fetish Executioners, the Mwangi Halfling warriors in vine-leaf skirts? You're all with me on this, aren't you, guys? ... guys???
I'm a scantily clad male.
And self-lubricating.
sits by phone, waiting for DarkWhite's call...

roguerouge |

C'mon, guys. What we really need are more scantily clad MALES! I mean Sajan the Monk iconic is a step in the right direction, but where are the cod-piece wearing Gladiators, the half-Orc Barbarians in wolf-skin loin-cloths, the leather-fetish Executioners, the Mwangi Halfling warriors in vine-leaf skirts? You're all with me on this, aren't you, guys? ... guys???
I'm right behind you...

KaeYoss |

You have my signature. But I agree that we need to put a Logue Clause in there: beautiful by current beauty standards, and human(oid)-shaped (at least mostly humanoid-shaped. Lamia Matriarches, Succubi, Mariliths and similar things are okay).
Where do you think my nose went?
I guessed it had to be removed since size of the nose has to indicate the sice of certain other parts, and maybe they suffered from your overly amorous approach to Merisiel.
After all, they cut off thieves' hands...
Blob will only accept both Olsen twins.
There is not enough meat on a single one to constitute a proper nourishing repast.
Nah, you'll get Mammy Graul instead.

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I gotta agree.. we need some heroines with the curves of wonder woman wearing armor that couldn't possibly protect her from anything yet leaves us guys drooling anyway.

roguerouge |

Myself, I'd like to be able to read the module in public without feeling mortally embarrassed. I'd also like to be able to use your modules in the campaign I run for my girlfriend. Too much cheesecake and I won't be doing that. If there's a balance of beefcake and cheesecake (as in Valeros and Seoni) that's at least an argument that I can make.
But no: A return trip to 1980s-style sexist "sexy" illustrations is not high on my list for reasons to encourage people to buy Pathfinder. The drow adventure path is going to make reading Paizo in public hard enough as it is.

R_Chance |

Myself, I'd like to be able to read the module in public without feeling mortally embarrassed. I'd also like to be able to use your modules in the campaign I run for my girlfriend. Too much cheesecake and I won't be doing that. If there's a balance of beefcake and cheesecake (as in Valeros and Seoni) that's at least an argument that I can make.
But no: A return trip to 1980s-style sexist "sexy" illustrations is not high on my list for reasons to encourage people to buy Pathfinder. The drow adventure path is going to make reading Paizo in public hard enough as it is.
Heh, glad to know some things never change. You always have to hide the Drow adventures from mothers / girlfriends / wives / daughters... the "who" changes over the years but the reflex remains the same...
*edit* Seriously though, it's a pain when the art gets in the way of having the stuff around...

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Myself, I'd like to be able to read the module in public without feeling mortally embarrassed. I'd also like to be able to use your modules in the campaign I run for my girlfriend. Too much cheesecake and I won't be doing that. If there's a balance of beefcake and cheesecake (as in Valeros and Seoni) that's at least an argument that I can make.
Despite my previous comments, a counter-balance to the wolf-whistles encountered up to that point, I have to at least empathise with roguerouge. As much as I appreciated the Calvin Klein catalogue spread in the Gazetteer, I did find myself nervously glancing over my shoulder as I flipped quickly past it while reading on the tram on the way home from work.
I think the benchmark to be used here is: does it remain appropriate, tasteful and respectful? So far, I think Pathfinder has hit the right balance.
I had been looking forward to Nic Logue's Savage Coast, until I saw the ad for it in Kobold Quarterly, which put doubt in my mind. The ad featured a leather-(barely-)clad dominatrix standing over a female slave in rags. This really did nothing for me, and despite it's possible relevance to the adventure, I couldn't help but think what kind of message this is communicating about the game we play, particularly attitudes toward women in our games? It didn't help that I didn't find it particularly artful, it was black and white and looked a little cheap. Probably it would have been better suited as interior art placed in context within the adventure, but I think a poor choice to showcase a new adventure to readers of KQ. Likely the Wayne Reynolds shark piece, which is EXCELLENT!, wasn't ready in time for the KQ ad spot.

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Hmm, maybe a "classic" scene picture:
A half naked Hero with a BIG sword in his hands
A more than but not wholly naked beauty in a submissive pose
The to be slain creature.
Works fine for me:
Valeros as the Hero with the BIG sword
Seoni with her normal "combat" dress in tatters, chained to the bed of

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Scantily clad females!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am curious why anyone would care what a bunch of strangers, most of whom probably have various porn accounts of their own, are thinking about what you are reading.
Not being one who has to ride a tram, is it normal for people to look over your shoulder and pry into your reading habits and make comments upon it? Seems rather invasive and rude to me. I think I would tell them to mind their own perverted business.
Course, I live in a state where I can carry my .45 ACP to enforce politeness. :)
So, once more... scantily clad females!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!