-Anvil- |

Anyone have any thoughts on houserules to 'Paizofy' the Warlock? A few things I noticed right away....
1. Casters now have at will cantrips and spell-like abilities which lessens the uniqueness and impact of the Warlocks low level at-will Invocations and Eldritch Blast.
2. Warlocks have no 'high level punch' that the new core classes have to encourage players to stick with a core class longer.
3. The Warlock Damage Reduction seems underpowered.
I think these are a few things that need to be addressed when converting.
The class as a whole isn't that underpowered compared to Paizo classes and doesn't need a whole retool, just some tweaks.
I think a start is to give them a few more Invocations, especially at lower levels. Not sure what to do with their damage reduction just yet.

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It would be purely a house project, since the Warlock isn't OGL and will never be official (at least not as envisioned in 3.5), but I would suggest finding ways to make the Eldritch Blast a little sexier, for one.
Add in a 'Split Blast' option to divide damage up between a pair of targets, or a higher level 'Shape' invocation ability that allows a Warlock to make Iterative Attacks with his EB or something.
I don't recall the HD, but, with the Wizard going up a die, perhaps the Warlock could as well.
Warlocks can already wear pretty much any armor they want, so I don't think they need a buff in that direction. (Light to start, Battlecaster to get Medium, Mithral to have a suit of 'medium' Mithral Fullplate.)
Skills could use a look-see.
I'm not as interested in the DR improvement as perhaps taking some of the level-based abilities, such as energy resistance, and putting in options there for a more Fey-based or Elemental-based or Draconic-based or Celestial-based character, rather than go with the default Fiend-based option.
The Invocations could also have a little descriptive text, based on Warlock type. 'Fell Flight' could create bat wings for Fiend-bound Warlocks, white feathery wings for Celestial-blessed ones, brightly-colored butterfly wings for Fey-touched ones, nasty, fluttery *things* that look like writhing viscera or ghostly serpents for Farspawn-tainted 'Locks, etc.
Instead of just handing out more Invocations, I would want to instead lower the requirements for the Extra Invocation feat (so that a Warlock can have more Invocations, but there will be a price to pay for that) *or* allow a Warlock to swap out Invocations more readily than they currently can, perhaps with a 24 hour ritual or something that involves invoking their patron and beseeching to renounce their Spider Climb ability to pick up something else.
Pew pew. Lazors. As it were.

JBSchroeds |

A couple of those ideas already exist. Eldrich Chain allows you to hit multiple targtes beyond the first for half damage and Eldrich Glave (I think its in Dragon Magic) creats a glave out of eldrich energy that acts like a regular glave that can make iterative attacks but deals blast damage. Doing a plain ol' iterative attack with the blast is a bit much IMO. I used to play one and I almost always hit as long as I didn't roll a 1.
I agree that skills will need to be refit. I could easily see uping them to 4+int. The HD would be upped to a d8 (from d6) to conform with BAB. I also like the idea of having some more options for pacts with non-infernal types.
The requirements of Extra Invocation don't seem bad to me. Invocations can be very powerful because of their 24/7 nature. The 24 hour ritual idea is something I could see allowing a player to use.

-Anvil- |

So far the only changes I've made are as follows:
Skills bumped up to 4 per lvl.
Similar to the bonus skill from Sorcerer bloodlines, Warlocks will receive a bonus in-class skill depending on the creature or lineage that gave them their power. Skills TBD.
HD up to D8
Damage Reduction is no longer Cold Iron- seemed kinda silly unless the powers came from a fey. Damage Reduction will most likely depend on the creature or lineage(similar to the skills) OR it will be Dmg Reduction - until higher levels when it will become Dmg Reduction Lawful(since most Warlocks, even good ones, still tend to be chaotic)
Debating an ability (or feat) that lets you get a second Eldritch blast attack in a round, but with a penalty to hit on both blasts. This would be available at lvl 10 or higher.
Debating a feat similar to PRACTICED SPELLCASTER only instead of adding 4 to spellcaster level up to max HD, it would work on Eldritch blast and Spell-like abilities that mimic spells. This would make Warlocks better able to multiclass.

Selgard |

I always though the Chain ability was sufficient for multiple targets, but whether single or AOE they just don't seem to do enough damage.
In order to do any significant damage they have to tweak their build in odd little ways- ways some folk find to be dubious. (hellfire warlock prc, this means you)
I would ponder giving them d8's instead of d6's, either as a class ability somewhere along the line (around level 10 maybe?), or as a feat. Perhaps as an essence or blast alteration to the EB.
that would actually work fairly well- as it could be structured so as you could either get more damage out of a single blast, or less damage out of multiple blasts.
Just random thoughts.

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Meh, call them something like "Witchborn" and under the Paizo Alpha rules, it should get around any intellectual property issues because it wouldn't be anything like WotC's Warlock.
They're a dedicated blaster - maybe you also give them a spell progression like a sorcerer, but slowed down to compensate for their unlimited blasting ability.
Just my 2 cp.

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HP d6, Skill 4 + Int.
I'd personally get rid of the damage reduction and replace it with the Warlock's fast healing ability. So a Warlock gets fast healing sooner and the numbers increase fast.
I'd then replace the OLD fast healing levels with the PHB2 alternative class feature (basically a warlock deals damage to anyone that hits him with a melee attack.)
I'd also give them Invocations for False Life, Stoneskin, and Spell Resistance.

JBSchroeds |

HP d6, Skill 4 + Int.
I agree on 4+Int, but there is little reason to leave it as a d6 while the rogue gets an upgrade. The classes fill similar roles in and out of combat.
I'd also give them Invocations for False Life, Stoneskin, and Spell Resistance.
I could see stoneskin (useable only once per encounter) and spell resistance, but I could never see myself taking False Life over the better least invocations. I'd let it be an option, but it doesn't seem like it would have the pizaz of something like Spiderclimb.
I always though the Chain ability was sufficient for multiple targets, but whether single or AOE they just don't seem to do enough damage.
In order to do any significant damage they have to tweak their build in odd little ways- ways some folk find to be dubious. (hellfire warlock prc, this means you)
I would ponder giving them d8's instead of d6's, either as a class ability somewhere along the line (around level 10 maybe?), or as a feat. Perhaps as an essence or blast alteration to the EB.
I like the idea of an essence that ups a blast to d8s. Also, remember that you can take quicken, empower, and maximize SLA with Eldrich Blast. There's an errata which means that the regular blast remains a first level SLA so that you can empower it at 6th level and quicken/maximize at 10th. There are also magic items which increase the damage dealt by a blast.
Changing up the DR type is a good idea depending on the pact. I could see upping the fast healing at the cost of DR, but don't overvalue the warlock fast healing too much. It only lasts for a short time, and at low values aren't that helpful. My old character never found it made a real impact during combat.
My old warlock (he died at level 8, got eaten by an advanced balor, wasn't really his fault) rocked as a focused damage source. He dealt consistant amounts of damage every round to the critter that needed to die the most. That's really their combat role. The invocations also let them play a utility role outside combat.

JBSchroeds |

It should be noted that several demons have DR that is bypassed by cold iron as well. It is not exclusive to fey.
That's true. I'd say that if you want to do something with damage reduction, I'd say Cold Iron for demons and fey, and silver for devils and beyond-the-stars/lovecraftian. I'd up the anti and say it has to be magic as well starting at 11th. I'd even vote for doubling the DR given the new magic-weapon-bypasses-DR rules. A 19th level character with DR 10/cold iron and magic doesn't sound broken in the least.

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That's true. I'd say that if you want to do something with damage reduction, I'd say Cold Iron for demons and fey, and silver for devils and beyond-the-stars/lovecraftian. I'd up the anti and say it has to be magic as well starting at 11th. I'd even vote for doubling the DR given the new magic-weapon-bypasses-DR rules. A 19th level character with DR 10/cold iron and magic doesn't sound broken in the least.
Make it 'pact-dependent.' If the Warlock made a pact with fey, it could be Cold Iron, if he made it with demons, it could be Silver, if he made it with Celestials, it could be Evil, etc. Some of the options might have specific requirements (must be Good aligned to take DR/Evil, must be Evil aligned to take DR/Good, etc.). Rare options, like DR/Adamantine, wouldn't be an option.
If anyone tries to argue that his Warlock has DR/Epic by saying he made a pact with an Epic character, smack him with the book until he's taken enough nonlethal damage to be, in 1st edition terms, 'subdued.'

-Anvil- |

HP d6, Skill 4 + Int.
I'd personally get rid of the damage reduction and replace it with the Warlock's fast healing ability. So a Warlock gets fast healing sooner and the numbers increase fast.
I'd then replace the OLD fast healing levels with the PHB2 alternative class feature (basically a warlock deals damage to anyone that hits him with a melee attack.)
I'd also give them Invocations for False Life, Stoneskin, and Spell Resistance.
Oohhh I'd forgotten about the class altenative features in PHB2. I will have to peruse those.
As for DMG Reduction I am going to make it pact Dependant and possibly increase the amount of reduction. At 6th level as it stands now a Warlock still only has DR1 and is getting wacked for an average 15 damage from most enemies.
Haven't had a chance to look at fast healing yet.
I really like the idea of an invocation for False Life.

-Anvil- |

I would ponder giving them d8's instead of d6's, either as a class ability somewhere along the line (around level 10 maybe?), or as a feat. Perhaps as an essence or blast alteration to the EB.
that would actually work fairly well- as it could be structured so as you could either get more damage out of a single blast, or less damage out of multiple blasts. -S
I like the idea of an essence blast where you can choose to power your EB up to d8's or get two EB's with either an atk penalty or slightly less damage.
That way you could sculpt your blast to fit the situation at hand a little better. I'd say level 10 would be good for this and make the equivalent Spell level a 3 or 4 for the blast.

JBSchroeds |

I like the idea of an essence blast where you can choose to power your EB up to d8's or get two EB's with either an atk penalty or slightly less damage.
That way you could sculpt your blast to fit the situation at hand a little better. I'd say level 10 would be good for this and make the equivalent Spell level a 3 or 4 for the blast.
If you want to do a blast shape that allows you to make two attacks that deal full damage I think making it a fourth level would be appropriate, that way it can't be empowered until 12th or maximized/quickened until 16th. From experience using quickend and empowered blasts at lower levels a second blast is a powerful ability. In fact you can't touch off a second blast per round without penalty until epic levels.

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1) I really like the idea of having a warlock version of "practiced spellcaster". They're a difficult class to do any multiclassing with, currently.
2) I like the idea of having the DR be 'bloodline' based.
3) The fast healing ability is weaksauce. I'd say grant it either more uses per day, or allow the warlock to have some sort of long-term healing improvement. Something like recovering X HP's per hour of rest. That removes it from being useful in combat, but I think it fits the flavor of the character better.
Alternately, give them constant fast healing, but don't grant it till much higher levels.
4) Adding an invocation to boost the blast to d8's isn't a bad idea. I'd make it a fairly high level though. Either that or make it a feat; some third party publishers have a feat to boost rogue sneak attack damage to d8's instead of d6's.
5) I'm inclined to think the Warlocks need a few extra invocations, or alternately, more little flavor abilities like the sorcerers and wizards now get. This may be handled using the extra invocation feat, which should be available earlier. The feat should always grant them at least a least invocation, and should be available from level 1.
6) I like the idea of adding a "rapid fire" blast shape type ability that lets them use iterative attacks with their blasts, but at a large range penalty, perhaps dropping it to thirty feet.
7) They should be a d8 HD, no arguments, if we're going to get on board with the PF BAB <-> HD linking.
8) Not sure how I feel about the skill points. I'm inclined to leave it at 2, personally. They already get mid grade BAB, can wear armor, and some decent abilities that can be used at will all the time. That being said, they don't have the same firepower as a wizard or sorcerer at similar levels, although they are more consistent about it.
9) Fell flight is slow. The speed it grants should scale by level. It should at least wind up matching the fly spell at higher levels.
There should also be a larger array of invocations available, but that'll take a bit more time and thought to sort out.

-Anvil- |

8) Not sure how I feel about the skill points. I'm inclined to leave it at 2, personally. They already get mid grade BAB, can wear armor, and some decent abilities that can be used at will all the time. That being said, they don't have the same firepower as a wizard or sorcerer at similar levels, although they are more consistent about it.
9) Fell flight is slow. The speed it grants should scale by level. It should at least wind up matching the fly spell at higher levels.
There should also be a larger array of invocations...
I feel 4 skill points fits the idea of the class better but I agree it might put it over the top as far as power level. Maybe I can get rid of fast healing or something to compensate.
Never looked at the speed for fell flight...
I agree there should be a few more invocations. I am definitely making False Life spell into and invocation. I'm going to look up some demon and devil powers and look for spells that are similar and turn them into invocations to start and then work out from there.

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3) The fast healing ability is weaksauce. I'd say grant it either more uses per day, or allow the warlock to have some sort of long-term healing improvement. Something like recovering X HP's per hour of rest. That removes it from being useful in combat, but I think it fits the flavor of the character better.
Vampiric Blast Invocation, half the damage done comes back to the Warlock as damage conversion (like healing, but weaker. Hit point damage is converted to nonlethal damage, which will restore in hours instead of days, to get all Wrath of Khan).
Alternately, give them constant fast healing, but don't grant it till much higher levels.
Not just more Invocations, but more 'generic' Invocations that don't feel all demon-y, for those Warlocks who *don't* get their powers from fiends. I want my star-touched From Beyond Warlock to call up critters that look like spinning floating starfish with little clusters of pine-looking needles at the end of their 'arms' that slash against people like tiny animate shuriken, instead of just bats. Instead of saying 'Summon Swarm,' the description could say, 'functions mechanically like Summon Swarm, but the creatures called up will be representative of the nature of the pact.' A Celestial Warlock might call up tiny lights like Fine Lantern Archons that fly up and ZOT. A Feylock might call up Fine winged sprites that stab with tiny spears. Etc.

Quentyn |

Well, here's an OGL implementation which allows for a choice of at-will abilities following any desired theme.
If you wanted to upgrade, that's a point-buy build, so its easy enough to assign a few bonus points I'd think about 3) per level to "Paizofy" it with and just go shopping.

JBSchroeds |

With talk of refitting the warlock I began mulling around the idea of making a similar class that could be OGC. There were three goals I had in mind when designing this class.
1) Make the class fill the same role the Warlock does. In battle this role is a focused and consistent source of damage. Outside of battle he is the dude with the funky abilities that can help solve problems in unconventional ways.
2) Don’t step on the new sorcerer bloodlines. One of the concepts you could use to play a non-evil warlock is that the powers stem from some relative in the past making a pact with evil. I don’t think that that’s a great way of concepting a class with the bloodlines.
My solution was to concept the class as a person who specifically finds an extraplanar patron. They essentially sell their soul by connecting their essence with a plane of existence in exchange for upholding the patron’s alignment and doing what the patron asks when called upon. I was very reluctant to make any good-aligned pacts: they just didn’t feel right and would step on the classic Paladin and Cleric roles.
3) Make the class quite modular to make it easy to adapt to a specific setting and allow for expanded options without having to do “alternate class feature” stuff.
I think I did a pretty good job sticking to those goals. The class still needs tweaking and balancing, but this is what I’ve got so far. I plan on playtesting it soon. Any input would be appreciated.
Pact Wrought
1 Pact, Arcfire 1d6, Incantations
2 Battle Talent
3 Arcfire 2d6
4 Planar Talent
5 Arcfire 3d6
6 Battle Talent
7 Arcfire 4d6
8 Planar Talent
9 Arcfire 5d6
10 Battle Talent
11 Arcfire 6d6
12 Planar Talent
13 Arcfire 7d6
14 Battle Talent
15 Arcfire 8d6
16 Planar Talent
17 Arcfire 9d6
18 Battle Talent
19 Arcfire 10d6
20 Planar Talent
Fort: Poor
Ref: Poor
Will: Good
HD: d8
Class Skills (4+ Int modifier per level): Acrobatics, Bluff, Diplomacy, Fly, Intimidate, Knowledge (arcana, history, planes), Perception, Sense Motive
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Pact Wrought are proficient with light and medium armor but not shields and all simple weapons. They also gain weapon proficiencies based on their pact.
Pact: At first level a Pact Wrought chooses an extraplanar group to devote himself to. This force grants the Pact Wrought many powerful abilities in exchange for the Pact Wrought's eternal loyalty. When a Pact Wrought dies he goes to his patrons plane and is awarded a station fitting one of his deeds. If a Pact Wrought's alignment ever changes from that of his patron he loses all class abilities until his alignment is restored. A Pact Wrought who has a change of heart may revoke his prior pact and form a new one (suiting his new alignment), but doing so is very dangerous, difficult, and draws the ire of his former patron.
Demonic Pact: A Pact Wrought with a Demonic Pact gains Skill Focus (Intimidate), and has Martial Weapon Proficiency (Heavy Flail, Flail, Handaxe). The primary alignment of a Demonic Pact is Evil, and the antagonistic alignment is Good.
Fey Pact: A Pact Wrought with a Fey Pact gains Skill Focus (Bluff), and has Martial Weapon Proficiency (Falchion, Scimitar, Kukri). The primary alignment of a Fey Pact is Chaos, and the antagonistic alignment is Law.
Slaadi Pact: A Pact Wrought with a Slaadi Pact gains Skill Focus (Bluff), and has Martial Weapon Proficiency (Greataxe, Battleaxe, Throwing Axe). The primary alignment of a Slaadi Pact is Chaos, and the antagonistic alignment is Law.
Inevitable Pact: A Pact Wrought with an Inevitable Pact gains Skill Focus (Sense Motive), and has Martial Weapon Proficiency (Heavy Hammer (greataxe that deals bludgeoning), Warhammer, Light Hammer). The primary alignment of an Inevitable Pact is Law, and the antagonistic alignment is Chaos.
Guardinal Pact: A Pact Wrought with a Guardinal Pact gains Skill Focus (Acrobatics), and has Martial Weapon Proficiency (Greatsword, Longsword, Short Sword). The primary alignment of a Guardinal Pact is Good, and the antagonistic alignment is Evil.
Arcfire (Su): As a move action that provokes attacks of opportunity a Pact Wrought may manifest some of the planar energy flowing through his body and cause it to jump between himself and a target. Once manifested, the Arcfire counts as a weapon that dissipates at the beginning of the Pact Wrought's next round. Arcfire is a touch weapon that dissipates after a single attack. The touch attack may be made as either a melee or ranged touch. As a ranged touch attack Arcfire has a range increment of 10ft with a maximum range of 5 range increments. All Arcfire deals damage as indicated on the table with a damage type based on the pacts primary alignment and has a critical of 20/x2. Arcfire qualifies as a weapon for the purpose of feats. Any target with the pact's antagonistic alignment has the damage die increased to a d8.
Planar Talents
8 Planar Field (Su): Gain a constant Magic Circle effect that protects against the antagonistic alignment. This effect may be suppressed or resumed as a free action. If dispelled it may be resumed as a free action on your turn as normal. Forcing the barrier against a creature that would normally be hedged out collapses the circle as long as the creature remains inside, but the Protection effect continues to operate on the Pact Wrought.
12 Planar Focus (Su): The body of a Pact Wrought has become so suffused with the energy of his patron that his body qualifies as a focus for the Plane Shift spell for the plane native to his patron.
16 Planar Aura (Su): A Pact Wrought gains a constant effect of Shield of Law, Cloak of Chaos, Holy Aura or Unholy Aura determined by their pact's primary alignment. This effect may be suppressed, resumed, or dispelled just as the Planar Field effect.
20 Planar Being: Your type becomes Outsider (native) and you gain the alignment subtype based on your pact's primary alignment
Battle Talents
2 Blazon Weapon (Su): The first melee attack that a Pact Wrought lands in a round deals arcfire damage. This damage is not multiplied on a critical hit.
6 Increased Potential (Su): The maximum range increment for an Arcfire attack increases to 10 range increments.
6 Death of the Opposition (Ex): A Pact Wrought may power attack against a creature of his antagonistic alignment. If he has (or later gains) the Power Attack feat, any power attack against a creature of his antagonistic alignment instead does 2 damage per 1 penalty (or 3 damage for a two handed weapon).
6 Battle Hardened (Su): Gain Damage Reduction equal to one half your class level based on your pact: Silver for lawful pacts, Cold Iron for chaotic pacts.
10 Quick Arc (Su): A Pact Wrought may now manifest Arcfire as a free action (that still provokes attacks of opportunity), allowing him to make iterative attacks and attacks of opportunity with Arcfire.
10 Aligned Weapon (Su): Any pact granted weapon a Pact Wrought wields gains the Holy, Unholy, Anarchic, or Axiomatic property based on his pact's primary alignment.
14 Great Threat (Ex): The any melee attack made against an opponent of an antagonistic alignment automatically threats a critical.
14 Body Ablaze (Su): Whenever an opponent hits you (but only once per opponent) in a round he takes damage as if struck by your Arcfire.
18 Pyre (Su): Whenever a Pact Wrought makes an arcfire attack he may instead have it deal Arcfire damage to everyone within a 15ft burst (reflex 19+CHA for half). The attack of opportunity for manifesting Arcfire still applies.
Incantations: A Pact Wrought knows a number of Incantations based on his level. His Incantations known are drawn from a pact specific and a general list. An Incantation is a spell-like ability that mimics the effect of a spell except that there is never a somatic component. An Incantation may be used at-will, but only once per encounter. An Incantation may not be used again if the effect it was last used to create is still in effect (i.e. only one planar ally at a time). An Incantation that has an alignment type is always cast so that it matches your alignment (see summon monster spells).
Level | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
1 | 1 | - | - | -
2 | 1 | - | - | -
3 | 2 | - | - | -
4 | 2 | - | - | -
5 | 2 | 1 | - | -
6 | 2 | 1 | - | -
7 | 3 | 2 | - | -
8 | 3 | 2 | - | -
9 | 3 | 2 | 1 | -
10 | 3 | 2 | 1 | -
11 | 3 | 3 | 2 | -
12 | 3 | 3 | 2 | -
13 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 1
14 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 1
15 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2
16 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2
17 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2
18 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2
19 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3
20 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3
Universal Incantations:
1 Summon Monster II, Resist Energy
2 Summon Monster IV, Dimensional Anchor, Dismissal, Planar Ally Lesser, Fly
3 Summon Monster VI, Plane Shift, Banishment, Planar Ally
4 Summon Monster VIII, Planar Ally Greater
Infernal Pact Incantations
1 Hold Person, Animate Rope
2 Major Image, Dimension Door
3 Slay Living, Magic Jar
4 Blasphemy
Demonic Pact Incantations:
1 Blindness/Deafness
2 Contagion, Stinking Cloud
3 Insect Plague, Eyebite
4 Blasphemy
Fey Pact Incantations:
1 Blur, Mirror Image
2 Freedom of Movement, Solid Fog
3 Passwall, Veil
4 Word of Chaos
Slaadi Pact Incantations:
1 Shatter, Hold Person
2 Invisibility, Deeper Darkness
3 Animate Objects, Telekinesis
4 Word of Chaos
Inevitable Pact Incantations:
1 Sanctuary, Zone of Truth
2 Slow, Locate Creature
3 Geas/Quest, Dominate Person
4 Dictum
Guardinal Pact Incantations:
1 Gust of Wind, See Invisibility
2 Neutralize Poison, Remove Disease
3 Hold Monster, Wall of Force
4 Holy Word
Support Feats
Prerequisites: Battle Hardened talent, Pact Wrought level 10
Your Damage reduction improves so that it can only be negated by the appropriate material AND your pact's antagonistic alignment
Improved Blazon Weapon
Prerequisites: Blazon Weapon talent, BAB +11
As a full round action, you may make a full attack with one less attack. All of your attacks for the rest of the round deal Arcfire damage.
Arcfire Inferno
Prerequisites: Arcfire 4d6
The critical multiplier of your Arcfire attack increases to x3
Extra Battle Talent
Prerequisites: Two Pact Wrought battle talents
You gain an additional battle talent at least one tier below the highest tier you qualify for. This feat may not be taken more than four times

-Anvil- |

With talk of refitting the warlock I began mulling around the idea of making a similar class that could be OGC. There were three goals I had in mind when designing this class.
I think you have a really good start here with the Pact Wraught. I like the concept. I especiallly like the emphasis on the pact itself which is something the Warlock leaves ambiguous and non-involved in the actual abilities they recieve.
I think the specific abilities need some work however. Here's a few suggestions.
Arcfire- I would keep the description of it's range and how it works a little closer to that of the Warlock's EB and most Ray spells for compatabilities sake. I think Ray's are a standard 60 ft. I like giving it the same progression as a Rogue's Sneak Atk.
Pacts- I would keep a few abilities similar to warlocks like DR or Fast Healing. The type of DR or whether they gain fast healing is Pact Specific. Keep the pacts as general as possible such as Celestial, Devil, Demon, Infernal, Abyssal Etc. Slaadi or Inevitable may be too specific. However the Plane that houses them may work as a Pact type. Mention the ritual, contract or the trading of part of one's soul in the description to emphasize how difficult it is to change Pacts. This also allows for Good aligned Pact Wrought because a good creature would never ask for part of anothers soul, but a contract or binding ritual would suffice.
Planar Pacts- lvl 4 is very weak at that level and does very little in terms of gameplay and is almost more of a flavor ability. If used this should be lvl 1 similar to the Cleric.
lvl 12 is too specific. Not all campaigns do much Planar hopping. I would keep the ability but make it a secondary effect at this lvl. And a new primary ability created. Maybe the PC takes on characteristics of that plane which affect the body and natural senses such as darkvision, Cold/heat resistance, tremorsense, Fast Healing, Damage Reduction, Water Breathing, Etc.
I'll post more ideas as time permits....

-Anvil- |

With talk of refitting the warlock I began mulling around the idea of making a similar class that could be OGC.
Keep in mind when tooling the specific skills that any ability should always be useful in any type of campaign or character build.
The Planar Focus and Blazon Weapon abilities work against this. If I were to build a Pact Wraught that focuses on Ranged Atks I would essenctially get no bonus at 2nd level because I would never use blazon weapon.
Also Quick Arc is unbeleivably powerful. An ability that gives a FREE 5d6 attack at 10th level that only gets stronger is a no-no. If a version of this is used I would make it a 'capstone ability at 20th lvl'

JBSchroeds |

Keep in mind when tooling the specific skills that any ability should always be useful in any type of campaign or character build.
The Planar Focus and Blazon Weapon abilities work against this. If I were to build a Pact Wraught that focuses on Ranged Atks I would essenctially get no bonus at 2nd level because I would never use blazon weapon.
Also Quick Arc is unbeleivably powerful. An ability that gives a FREE 5d6 attack at 10th level that only gets stronger is a no-no. If a version of this is used I would make it a 'capstone ability at 20th lvl'
Blazon Weapon should simply be reworded to say "manufactured weapon" attack rather than specify melee. Thatway it would work with crossbows as well as longswords but not on top of another Arcfire attack (it would also work on a monk attack because a monk's unarmed strike counts as a manufactured weapon as well as a natural weapon).
I think you misundarstood how Quick Arc works. In order to manifest the energy to launch an Arcfire attack you normally need to use a move action. Quick Arc allows the manifestation to be a free action, the same way the feat Quickdraw lets you make iterative attacks with thrown daggers. It does not let you make any kind of bonus attack like with a quickened spell. So these attacks aren't free, they are linked to your attack actions. I also specifically did not make Arcfire a Spell-like Ability so that you couldn't be making full attacks with it and quickening it in the same round. I should probably reword it so that this is more clear. Essentially, think of Arcfire as a high powered dagger that only needs a touch attack. It needs to be drawn (manifested) each time it is used. The ranged touch uses many of the same rules for throwing a dagger: same range increment, same max range, same limit on iterative attacks, same reliance on Quickdraw (Quick Arc talent) to throw more than one in a round. Arcfire also counts as a weapon so Pointblank Shot, Improved Critical, Rapid Shot (only with Quick Arc talent) etc work with it, but Quickin/Maximize/Empower SLA do not. And don't forget for each range increment you get a -2 to attack, so if you are attacking at your 50ft max range that's a -10 to hit, which is big even with a touch attack.

The Authority |

Yeah. Leave that world of warcraft tripe in world of warcraft.
For me, Warlock (and the entire ph2) really stood out as a clear sign that 3.5 had woefully degraded. I think that pathfinder is attempting to shore up the base classes and start again without the need to branch into those terrible "one upmanship" base classes.

JBSchroeds |

Yeah. Leave that world of warcraft tripe in world of warcraft.
For me, Warlock (and the entire ph2) really stood out as a clear sign that 3.5 had woefully degraded. I think that pathfinder is attempting to shore up the base classes and start again without the need to branch into those terrible "one upmanship" base classes.
There is no need for you to come in here with that attitude. It’s obvious by this thread even being started that people like the Warlock class and would like to include it in their personal 3P games. The purpose of this thread is to help a couple people look at a non-core class and bring it in line with the changes Paizo is looking at for 3P. It’s not like what this thread comes up with is even going to be part of 3P canon; the Warlock isn't OGC!

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-Anvil- wrote:Input...?Yeah. Leave that world of warcraft tripe in world of warcraft.
1) The D&D Warlock is *nothing* like the Warcraft Warlock, apart from sharing a name, and neither is anything like the Dark Ages of Camelot Warlock or the EverQuest 2 Warlock or the Doro Peche Warlock.
2) It's also amusing to see people take shots at World of Warcraft or Magic: the Gathering, since they have made more money and captured more market share than any version of D&D ever will. I may not be a big fan of either, but I recognize them as the 800 lb. gorillas they are.
3) You already know three.

Animation |

Man this is frustrating. I'm all for making the Warlock cool, but the 4 skill points thing is just irritating. I'm a fan of Wizards, and even if they have Int as their main pump stat, it has already bothered me that Wizards only get 2 + Int. Now to have a quasi arcane class with more skill points than the Wizard (a master or LORE according to most source material) ... it just makes me feel frustrated.
If part of the Warlock's power is that he needs skills, then fine. Give him 4 + Int. I just feel the Wizard should have 4 + Int also. A big part of the Wizard's power is the ability to back off and re-prepare with the right tools. However, the other part should be that he can always be effective with KNOWLEDGE in the "here and now." I think having the 2 extra skill points would go a long way to letting Wizards really excel in the way of being able to collect lots of esoteric lore. Frankly, that's why I always converted to the Loremaster prestige class for every Wizard. The other stuff is cool, but honestly its the 4 + Int and the Language as a class feature that I like. I do see that the Pathfinder Wizard has the Linguistics skill as a class skill, but I think bumping him to 4+Int for the Wizard would really let a Wizard PC do the whole "Gandalf" knowledge thing.

JBSchroeds |

Man this is frustrating. I'm all for making the Warlock cool, but the 4 skill points thing is just irritating. I'm a fan of Wizards, and even if they have Int as their main pump stat, it has already bothered me that Wizards only get 2 + Int. Now to have a quasi arcane class with more skill points than the Wizard (a master or LORE according to most source material) ... it just makes me feel frustrated.
If part of the Warlock's power is that he needs skills, then fine. Give him 4 + Int. I just feel the Wizard should have 4 + Int also. A big part of the Wizard's power is the ability to back off and re-prepare with the right tools. However, the other part should be that he can always be effective with KNOWLEDGE in the "here and now." I think having the 2 extra skill points would go a long way to letting Wizards really excel in the way of being able to collect lots of esoteric lore. Frankly, that's why I always converted to the Loremaster prestige class for every Wizard. The other stuff is cool, but honestly its the 4 + Int and the Language as a class feature that I like. I do see that the Pathfinder Wizard has the Linguistics skill as a class skill, but I think bumping him to 4+Int for the Wizard would really let a Wizard PC do the whole "Gandalf" knowledge thing.
Part of the Warlock is that he should be good at interacting with people. He has Bluff, Disguise, Intimidate, and Sense Motive as class skills. These are necessary skills for a Warlock because they are distrusted and ostracised for being 'black magicians'. Int (with Str) is a typical dump stat for the Warlock. I played a Warlock with a 14 Int and I still didn't have enough skill points to be effective when it was 2+int.
The MAJOR difference for wizards (especially with the new 3P rules for skill points and Int increase) is that they focus on Int and little else. A level 10 wizard with an Int 22 has 8 skills with max ranks (so that's Appraise, Spellcraft, and Knowledge(Arcana, Religion, Planes, Nature, Dungeoneering, History); sounds like a loremaster to me), as opposed to a warlock with his Int 12 with 3 max rank skills. That makes it essentially impossible for the typical warlock with 2+int skills to interact with people effectively and have any knowledge skills. I'm for 4+int for warlocks, but against 4+int for wizards.
EDIT: tone is hard to get across sometimes, this post isn't angry or insulting, just emphatic.

ProsSteve |

-Anvil- wrote:Input...?Yeah. Leave that world of warcraft tripe in world of warcraft.
For me, Warlock (and the entire ph2) really stood out as a clear sign that 3.5 had woefully degraded. I think that pathfinder is attempting to shore up the base classes and start again without the need to branch into those terrible "one upmanship" base classes.
Whilst I agree in the 'Leave the World of Warcraft tripe etc' statement but I do think the mage/sorcerer should be able to continually cast an offensive spell and a defensive spell, low powered equivalent of a magical dagger( 1D4+int in damage or similar) and a shield. Neither of which would be a ground breaking change of the game.
As for the Warlock, this exists already in Pathfinder with the NEW sorcerer, just a slightly different spell list needs to be generated.
-Anvil- |

I think you misundarstood how Quick Arc works. In order to manifest the energy to launch an Arcfire attack you normally need to use a move action. Quick Arc allows the manifestation to be a free action, the same way the feat Quickdraw lets you make iterative attacks with thrown daggers. It does not let you make any kind of bonus attack like with a quickened spell. So these attacks aren't free, they are linked to your attack actions. I also specifically did not make Arcfire a Spell-like Ability so that you couldn't be making full attacks with it and quickening it in the same round. I should probably reword it so that this is more clear. Essentially, think of Arcfire as a high powered dagger that only needs a touch attack. It needs to be drawn (manifested) each time it is used. The ranged touch uses many of the same rules for throwing a dagger: same range increment, same max range, same limit on iterative attacks, same reliance on Quickdraw (Quick Arc talent) to throw more than one in a round. Arcfire also counts as a weapon so Pointblank Shot, Improved Critical, Rapid Shot (only with Quick Arc...
You're right I did misunderstand a few points on Arcfire. So Arcfire would normaly take a move to manifest and then use a standard action to attack with it. Quicken Arcfire would let you move and attack with it in the same round. Correct?

-Anvil- |

Man this is frustrating. I'm all for making the Warlock cool, but the 4 skill points thing is just irritating. I'm a fan of Wizards, and even if they have Int as their main pump stat, it has already bothered me that Wizards only get 2 + Int. Now to have a quasi arcane class with more skill points than the Wizard (a master or LORE according to most source material) ... it just makes me feel frustrated.
If part of the Warlock's power is that he needs skills, then fine. Give him 4 + Int. I just feel the Wizard should have 4 + Int also. A big part of the Wizard's power is the ability to back off and re-prepare with the right tools. However, the other part should be that he can always be effective with KNOWLEDGE in the "here and now." I think having the 2 extra skill points would go a long way to letting Wizards really excel in the way of being able to collect lots of esoteric lore. Frankly, that's why I always converted to the Loremaster prestige class for every Wizard. The other stuff is cool, but honestly its the 4 + Int and the Language as a class feature that I like. I do see that the Pathfinder Wizard has the Linguistics skill as a class skill, but I think bumping him to 4+Int for the Wizard would really let a Wizard PC do the whole "Gandalf" knowledge thing.
I don't disagree with you on this. I think the Warlock has always felt like a very versitile class to me so I really didn't understand why they gave him 2 skill points. I think it was probably a power balance issue.
THis is why I felt the need to bump it up to 4.I agree the Wiz gets shafted on skill points. I think they should get a flat +1 bonus to their knowledge skills every level or every other level to represent their 'book learnin'

-Anvil- |

-Anvil- wrote:Input...?Yeah. Leave that world of warcraft tripe in world of warcraft.
For me, Warlock (and the entire ph2) really stood out as a clear sign that 3.5 had woefully degraded. I think that pathfinder is attempting to shore up the base classes and start again without the need to branch into those terrible "one upmanship" base classes.
First of all I've never played World of Warcraft or any other MMORPG of any kind. I didn't even know WOW had Warlocks until you mentioned it. So the fact that I think the Warlock has a viable place in an adventuring party and skills that contribute in a unique and interesting way has nothing whatsoever to do with Warcrap.
Also your "One upsmanship" slight seems ridiculous, how can character classes printed in a book be trying to 'one up' the others? I can only guess your presuming the attitude of those using the classes which is childish and idiotic.

JBSchroeds |

As for the Warlock, this exists already in Pathfinder with the NEW sorcerer, just a slightly different spell list needs to be generated.
I could see some argument for the new sorc replacing the warlock class, but it just doesn't work for me, mechanically or flavorfully. The bloodlines are supposed to be part of your genetics (to get all sciency). While you could argue that the mechanic could represent a bargan or deal with some great critter/god, thats not what sorcs are supposed to be. Also, sorcs cast arcane spells. They may be more limited than a wizard, but they still know a lot of spells. I may be biased from playing the WotC Warlock, but I don't think warlocks would know that many spells. I always liked the mechanic of the warlock knowing a few things that he could do all the time without worrying about exhausting that resource.
I guess in closing I could see the sorc replacing the warlock with some rules/flavor shifting, but if you are going to move stuff around that much then why not just make a new and unique class out of it?

JBSchroeds |

You're right I did misunderstand a few points on Arcfire. So Arcfire would normaly take a move to manifest and then use a standard action to attack with it. Quicken Arcfire would let you move and attack with it in the same round. Correct?
Yes, that's the way it would work. With Quick Arc you could either full attack with it, or you could move and attack once. Without Quick Arc you can only attack once per round and move a max of a 5ft step.

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The Authority wrote:-Anvil- wrote:Input...?Yeah. Leave that world of warcraft tripe in world of warcraft.
For me, Warlock (and the entire ph2) really stood out as a clear sign that 3.5 had woefully degraded. I think that pathfinder is attempting to shore up the base classes and start again without the need to branch into those terrible "one upmanship" base classes.
First of all I've never played World of Warcraft or any other MMORPG of any kind. I didn't even know WOW had Warlocks until you mentioned it. So the fact that I think the Warlock has a viable place in an adventuring party and skills that contribute in a unique and interesting way has nothing whatsoever to do with Warcrap.
Also your "One upsmanship" slight seems ridiculous, how can character classes printed in a book be trying to 'one up' the others? I can only guess your presuming the attitude of those using the classes which is childish and idiotic.
To be honest, there has been some power creep in 3.5 with the new base classes; look at the beguiler and others. Of course, some were more miss than hit, like the useless Complete Warrior Samurai or the watered down 3.5 non-oriental Wu-Jen.
I like the idea of the 3.5 Warlock, although the bloodlines of sorcerers and the addition of more at-will abilities for the wizard has made some inroads into the Warlock's current mini-niche.

JBSchroeds |

I am stealing this presently (with some minor modifications). What a great, flavorful core class.
If you could tell me what you were going to change I'd appreciate it. I've updated a number of things. The main changes can be seen in the Planar Traits. Ambient Aura replaces the old Planar Seep, and there are now two traits at each level to choose from. The wording on Arcfire has also been clarified to be less vague. Also, if anyone can think of some CN, NG, LN outsider that is OGC that would be pact-worthy I'd like to know about it because Slaadi, Guardinal, and Inevitables were all I could come up with from the MM.
Pact Wrought
2 Battle Talent
3 Arcfire 2d6
4 Planar Trait
5 Arcfire 3d6
6 Battle Talent
7 Arcfire 4d6
8 Planar Trait
9 Arcfire 5d6
10 Battle Talent
11 Arcfire 6d6
12 Planar Trait
13 Arcfire 7d6
14 Battle Talent
15 Arcfire 8d6
16 Planar Trait
17 Arcfire 9d6
18 Battle Talent
19 Arcfire 10d6
20 Planar Being
Fort: Poor
Ref: Poor
Will: Good
HD: d8
Class Skills (4+ Int modifier per level): Acrobatics, Bluff, Diplomacy, Fly, Intimidate, Knowledge (arcana, history, planes), Perception, Sense Motive
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Pact Wrought are proficient with light and medium armor but not shields and all simple weapons. They also gain weapon proficiencies based on their pact.
Pact: At first level a Pact Wrought chooses an extraplanar group to devote himself to. This force grants the Pact Wrought many powerful abilities in exchange for the Pact Wrought's eternal loyalty. When a Pact Wrought dies he goes to his patrons plane and is awarded a station fitting one of his deeds. If a Pact Wrought's alignment ever changes from that of his patron he loses all class abilities until his alignment is restored. A Pact Wrought who has a change of heart may revoke his prior pact and form a new one (suiting his new alignment), but doing so is very dangerous, difficult, and draws the ire of his former patron.
Demonic Pact: A Pact Wrought with a Demonic Pact gains Skill Focus (Intimidate), and has Martial Weapon Proficiency (Heavy Flail, Flail, Handaxe). The primary alignment of a Demonic Pact is Evil, and the antagonistic alignment is Good. The associated material and energy types are Cold Iron and Electricity.
Fey Pact: A Pact Wrought with a Fey Pact gains Skill Focus (Bluff), and has Martial Weapon Proficiency (Falchion, Scimitar, Kukri). The primary alignment of a Fey Pact is Chaos, and the antagonistic alignment is Law. The associated material and energy types are Cold Iron and Cold.
Slaadi Pact: A Pact Wrought with a Slaadi Pact gains Skill Focus (Bluff), and has Martial Weapon Proficiency (Greataxe, Battleaxe, Throwing Axe). The primary alignment of a Slaadi Pact is Chaos, and the antagonistic alignment is Law. The associated material and energy types are Cold Iron and Sonic.
Inevitable Pact: A Pact Wrought with an Inevitable Pact gains Skill Focus (Sense Motive), and has Martial Weapon Proficiency (Heavy Hammer (greataxe that deals bludgeoning), Warhammer, Light Hammer). The primary alignment of an Inevitable Pact is Law, and the antagonistic alignment is Chaos. The associated material and energy types are Silver and Electricity.
Guardinal Pact: A Pact Wrought with a Guardinal Pact gains Skill Focus (Acrobatics), and has Martial Weapon Proficiency (Greatsword, Longsword, Short Sword). The primary alignment of a Guardinal Pact is Good, and the antagonistic alignment is Evil. The associated material and energy types are Silver and Acid.
Arcfire (Su): As a move action that provokes attacks of opportunity a Pact Wrought may manifest some of the planar energy flowing through his body. Once manifested, the Arcfire counts as a ranged touch weapon that dissipates when used to make an attack or at the beginning of the Pact Wrought's next round if an attack is not made. Arcfire has a range increment of 10ft with a maximum range of 5 range increments. Arcfire deals damage as indicated on the table with a damage type based on the pacts primary alignment. Arcfire attacks have a critical of 20/x2. Arcfire qualifies as a weapon for the purpose of feats. Any target with the pact's antagonistic alignment has the damage die increased to a d8. Arcfire may only be used as a ranged touch, not a melee touch.
Ambient Aura (Su): A Pact Wrought's connection with his patron is so strong that he can be detected with a Detect alignment spell and has an aura equal to a cleric of his level of a type corresponding to his pact's primary alignment.
Planar Being (Su): Your type becomes Outsider and you gain the alignment subtype based on your pact's primary alignment.
Planar Traits
4 Planar Sense (Su): Gain a constantly active Detect spell. A Pact Wrought may switch between detecting his primary or antagonistic alignment as a swift action. This ability may be dispelled, but it may be resumed on the Pact Wrought's turn as a free action.
8 Planar Field (Su): Gain a constant Magic Circle effect that protects against the antagonistic alignment. This effect may be suppressed or resumed as a free action. If dispelled it may be resumed as a free action on your turn as normal. Forcing the barrier against a creature that would normally be hedged out collapses the circle as long as the creature remains inside, but the Protection effect continues to operate on the Pact Wrought.
8 Planar Physiology (Su): Gain Damage Reduction equal to one half your class level and energy resistance equal to your level based on your pact.
12 Planar Focus (Su): The body of a Pact Wrought has become so suffused with the energy of his patron that his body qualifies as a focus for the Plane Shift spell for the plane native to his patron.
12 Inherent Drive (Su): A Pact Wrought's commitment to their alignment is so deep that it manifests itself even when a Pact Wrought is not himself. Whenever a mind-affecting effect would cause the Pact Wrought to do something against his alignment he immediately makes another save to break the effect with a +8 bonus on the save. If the effect normally allows an additional save at the same time, make only the save that the effect normally triggers but include an additional +8 bonus on the save.
16 Planar Aura (Su): A Pact Wrought gains a constant effect of Shield of Law, Cloak of Chaos, Holy Aura or Unholy Aura determined by their pact's primary alignment. This effect may be suppressed, resumed, or dispelled just as the Planar Field effect.
16 Channel Plane (Su): As a full round action a Pact Wrought may open his soul as a portal to the plane of his patron. This releases a wave of energy that deals Arcfire damage to everyone in a 30 ft radius (no save). For a number of rounds equal to his class level the Pact Wrought radiates a field in a 100ft radius. This field that is treated as having the Strongly Aligned planar trait based on your pact's primary alignment. Also within the field, every round creatures of the antagonistic alignment must make a will save (13+CHA) or be slowed for the round, and any creature of the primary alignment is hasted. After the effect ends the Pact Wrought is exhausted for the next hour. This ability may not be used while exhausted and cannot be ended prematurely.
Battle Talents
2 Blazon Weapon (Su): The first non-Arcfire attack that a Pact Wrought lands in a round deals arcfire damage. This damage is not multiplied on a critical hit.
6 Increased Potential (Su): The maximum range increment for an Arcfire attack increases to 10 range increments.
6 Death of the Opposition (Ex): A Pact Wrought may power attack against a creature of his antagonistic alignment. If he has (or later gains) the Power Attack feat, any power attack against a creature of his antagonistic alignment instead does 2 damage per 1 penalty (or 3 damage for a two handed weapon).
10 Quick Arc (Su): A Pact Wrought may now manifest Arcfire as a free action (that no longer provokes attacks of opportunity), allowing him to make iterative attacks with Arcfire.
10 Aligned Weapon (Su): Any pact granted weapon a Pact Wrought wields gains the Holy, Unholy, Anarchic, or Axiomatic property based on his pact's primary alignment.
14 Great Threat (Ex): The any melee attack made against an opponent of an antagonistic alignment automatically threats a critical.
14 Body Ablaze (Su): Whenever an opponent hits you (but only once per opponent) in a round he takes damage as if struck by your Arcfire.
18 Pyre (Su): Whenever a Pact Wrought makes an arcfire attack he may instead have it deal Arcfire damage to everyone within a 15ft burst (reflex 19+CHA for half). The attack of opportunity for manifesting Arcfire still applies.
Incantations: A Pact Wrought knows a number of Incantations based on his level. His Incantations known are drawn from a pact specific and a general list. An Incantation is a spell-like ability that mimics the effect of a spell except that any verbal components remain. An Incantation may be used at-will, but only once per encounter. An Incantation may not be used again if the effect it was last used to create is still in effect (i.e. only one planar ally at a time). An Incantation that has an alignment type is always cast so that it matches your alignment (see summon monster spells).
Level | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
1 | 1 | - | - | -
2 | 1 | - | - | -
3 | 2 | - | - | -
4 | 2 | - | - | -
5 | 2 | 1 | - | -
6 | 2 | 1 | - | -
7 | 3 | 2 | - | -
8 | 3 | 2 | - | -
9 | 3 | 2 | 1 | -
10 | 3 | 2 | 1 | -
11 | 3 | 3 | 2 | -
12 | 3 | 3 | 2 | -
13 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 1
14 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 1
15 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2
16 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2
17 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2
18 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2
19 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3
20 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3
Universal Incantations:
1 Summon Monster II, Resist Energy
2 Summon Monster IV, Dimensional Anchor, Dismissal, Planar Ally Lesser, Fly
3 Summon Monster VI, Plane Shift, Banishment, Planar Ally
4 Summon Monster VIII, Planar Ally Greater
Infernal Pact Incantations
1 Hold Person, Animate Rope
2 Major Image, Dimension Door
3 Slay Living, Magic Jar
4 Blasphemy
Demonic Pact Incantations:
1 Blindness/Deafness, Summon Swarm
2 Contagion, Stinking Cloud
3 Insect Plague, Eyebite
4 Blasphemy
Fey Pact Incantations:
1 Blur, Mirror Image
2 Freedom of Movement, Solid Fog
3 Passwall, Veil
4 Word of Chaos
Slaadi Pact Incantations:
1 Shatter, Hold Person
2 Invisibility, Deeper Darkness
3 Animate Objects, Telekinesis
4 Word of Chaos
Inevitable Pact Incantations:
1 Sanctuary, Zone of Truth
2 Slow, Locate Creature
3 Geas/Quest, Dominate Person
4 Dictum
Guardinal Pact Incantations:
1 Gust of Wind, See Invisibility
2 Neutralize Poison, Remove Disease
3 Hold Monster, Wall of Force
4 Holy Word
Support Feats
Prerequisites: Planar Physiology trait, Pact Wrought level 10
Your Damage reduction improves so that it can only be negated by the appropriate material AND your pact's antagonistic alignment. Your energy immunity also improves to one and a half times your class level.
Improved Blazon Weapon
Prerequisites: Blazon Weapon talent, BAB +11
As a full round action, you may make a full attack with one less attack (or two if two-weapon fighting). All of your attacks for the rest of the round deal Arcfire damage.
Arcfire Inferno
Prerequisites: Arcfire 4d6
The critical multiplier of your Arcfire attack increases to x3
Extra Battle Talent
Prerequisites: Two Pact Wrought battle talents
You gain an additional battle talent at least one tier below the highest tier you qualify for. This feat may not be taken more than four times

-Anvil- |

I've updated a number of things. The main changes can be seen in the Planar Traits. Ambient Aura replaces the old Planar Seep, and there are now two traits at each level to choose from. The wording on Arcfire has also been clarified to be less vague. Also, if anyone can think of some CN, NG, LN outsider that is OGC that would be pact-worthy I'd like to know about it because Slaadi, Guardinal, and Inevitables were all I could come up with from the MM.
I really like the improvements made to your Pact Wrought. I think you rounded him out much better. I'll make an NPC using the build and throw him against my players and let you know how it playtests.
As far as other outsider Pacts you could use Archons, and Aasimir for good alignments. Although Aasimir might only be part outsider. There are some Valkries and 'Vallhalla-like' outsiders too.

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Vampiric Blast Invocation, half the damage done comes back to the Warlock as damage conversion (like healing, but weaker. Hit point damage is converted to nonlethal damage, which will restore in hours instead of days, to get all Wrath of Khan).
I think I like the Vampiric Blast Invocation.. not sure if I want it to be healing or temporary hitpoints though. I think temporary hitpoints fit better.

CastleMike |

The Paizo warlock should be able to cast a limited amount of spells from a spell book like a wizard along with blood line abilities like a sorcerer. He should receive a familiar which picks up the Fiendish template regardless of whether he or the familiar is evil due to his heritage. If the spellcasting option isn't popular he should get cool abilities like the Hellfire Warlock PRC for modifying his blasts.

Marian Reinholtz |

I just stumbled on to this thread, looking for information on creating a Pathfinder Warlock.
Thought I would throw out my ideas (since the WOTC sight would be kind of in bad taste of me).
Pathfinder Warlock
Hit Die: D8
Skill Points: 2+ Int
Eldritch Pact (Su): You have forged a pact with mysterious entities that grant you your arcane power.
Choose one of the following pacts: Fey Pact, Infernal Pact, or Star Pact. The Pact you choose determines the following Warlock abilities.
1st level Invocation: Your first level least invocation must be chosen from those listed under the pact you have chosen.
Pact Boon: You treat your Caster level with invocations listed under your pact as if it where two higher than your actual caster level. You also gain a +2 on the save DC (if any) of all invocations that appear on your Pact list.
Fey Pact Invocations:
Least: Baleful utterance, Call of the beasts, See the unseen,
Lesser: Baneful Blast, Charm, Witchwood step, Walk Unseen,
Greater: Bewitching Blast, Nightmares made real, Tenacious plague.
Dark: Word of Changing, Retributive Invisibility.
Infernal Pact Invocations:
Least: Dark ones own luck, Devils sight, Frightful Blast,
Lesser: Brimstone Blast, The Dead Walk, Fell Flight, Serpents Tounge.
Greater: Devils whispers, Vitriolic Blast, Wall of perilous flame.
Dark: Casters Lament, Steal Summoning.
Star Pact Invocations:
Least: All seeing eyes, Entropic Warding, Sickening Blast,
Lesser: Beshadowed Blast, Flee the Scene, Curse of Despair. Unbearable Countenance.
Greater: Noxious Blast, Chilling tentacles, Painful Slumber of Ages.
Dark: Dark Foresight, Path of Shadows.
New Invocations
Unbearable Countenance (lesser 4th) An inner power begins to shine forth from your face, giving you a radiant countenance that dismays your foes. With a glance, you can render a single foe within thirty feet shaken for one round (Will negates; DC 14 + Cha modifier). Your glance becomes a mind effecting fear effect, and using it requires a move action.
Any foe that successfully saves against this effect is immune for 1 hour thereafter. This ability is always active.

Skylancer4 |

Animation wrote:Man this is frustrating. I'm all for making the Warlock cool, but the 4 skill points thing is just irritating. I'm a fan of Wizards, and even if they have Int as their main pump stat, it has already bothered me that Wizards only get 2 + Int. Now to have a quasi arcane class with more skill points than the Wizard (a master or LORE according to most source material) ... it just makes me feel frustrated.
If part of the Warlock's power is that he needs skills, then fine. Give him 4 + Int. I just feel the Wizard should have 4 + Int also. A big part of the Wizard's power is the ability to back off and re-prepare with the right tools. However, the other part should be that he can always be effective with KNOWLEDGE in the "here and now." I think having the 2 extra skill points would go a long way to letting Wizards really excel in the way of being able to collect lots of esoteric lore. Frankly, that's why I always converted to the Loremaster prestige class for every Wizard. The other stuff is cool, but honestly its the 4 + Int and the Language as a class feature that I like. I do see that the Pathfinder Wizard has the Linguistics skill as a class skill, but I think bumping him to 4+Int for the Wizard would really let a Wizard PC do the whole "Gandalf" knowledge thing.
Part of the Warlock is that he should be good at interacting with people. He has Bluff, Disguise, Intimidate, and Sense Motive as class skills. These are necessary skills for a Warlock because they are distrusted and ostracised for being 'black magicians'. Int (with Str) is a typical dump stat for the Warlock. I played a Warlock with a 14 Int and I still didn't have enough skill points to be effective when it was 2+int.
The MAJOR difference for wizards (especially with the new 3P rules for skill points and Int increase) is that they focus on Int and little else. A level 10 wizard with an Int 22 has 8 skills with max ranks (so that's Appraise, Spellcraft, and Knowledge(Arcana, Religion, Planes, Nature,...
Being good with interacting with people could just as easily be represented with a high ability score. Not to mention the flavor/lore of a warlock (not necessarily WOTC's version) is usually represented with the fast track of ability gain. They short cut the time and effort others put into building their abilities by making the pact with another powerful being (and generally is a bad deal in the end for the person making the pact). They may be too weak physically or not well mentally endowed and decided to gain power another way as they knew they could never compete with others in a similar vocation. That being said I don't see giving the character 4+ skill points and magical abilities too. It does seem like too much.

moon glum RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |
Anyone have any thoughts on houserules to 'Paizofy' the Warlock? A few things I noticed right away....
1. Casters now have at will cantrips and spell-like abilities which lessens the uniqueness and impact of the Warlocks low level at-will Invocations and Eldritch Blast.
2. Warlocks have no 'high level punch' that the new core classes have to encourage players to stick with a core class longer.
3. The Warlock Damage Reduction seems underpowered.
I think these are a few things that need to be addressed when converting.
The class as a whole isn't that underpowered compared to Paizo classes and doesn't need a whole retool, just some tweaks.I think a start is to give them a few more Invocations, especially at lower levels. Not sure what to do with their damage reduction just yet.
I am in the process of converting my last 3.5 campaign to pathfinder. Warlocks were one of the major classes, but I decided to just make them sorcerers. One of the cool things about the pathfinder rules is the way that they have filled out the sorcerer class with the various bloodlines. I think they make warlocks unnecessary. A 3.5e warlock is actually a slightly less cool sorcerer with an infernal, fey, abyssal, etc. bloodline.

Diego Bastet |

I liked it. I'll just make the villain cultist of grazzt of this class and let the game prove its worthy.
And someone said about a warlock knight. At my game I'm trying to do something like this too, so if you have a nice idea, please tell me.
My idea is to make it a little more limited on invocations, remove the Eld Blast, giving some melee power, a nice BBA, armor and hp, and just call it Hexblade.

Lord Starmight |

From a conceptual perspective:
I'd say drop the warlock as a base class and make it a prestige class for sorcerers. Their abilities from 3.5 made them very similar to the sorcerer already. The warlock would simply be a more proficient version of a sorcerer who had specialized in overcoming the limited number of spell uses per day concept.
Through greater focus on the sorcerer's ability to wield magical energies as a force of their charisma, the warlock is epitome of that ability and would be the only prestige class able to wield arcane energies at will.

MerrikCale |

why not merge the idea of a warlock with a sorcerer. Take away some sorcerer spell casting (limit the spell choices and numbers) and replace it with an eldritch blast class ability tied into the bloodline. A greater definition of the eldritch blast then can be exploited thru PrCs
Then the class would be far removed from the Wizard.