Emperor7 |

Fairly new to these boards, and to Pathfinder, and need some advice.
I've been asked to guest DM in August for a weekly group. This might turn into a regular thing. The problem is I'm pretty rusty.
Is the Alpha 3 release solid enough to start with? Or should I stay safe with 3.5 Eberron, etc.?
I'll likely houserule some items that have complicated our usual 3.5 game.
Any and all advice welcome.

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Fairly new to these boards, and to Pathfinder, and need some advice.
I've been asked to guest DM in August for a weekly group. This might turn into a regular thing. The problem is I'm pretty rusty.
Is the Alpha 3 release solid enough to start with? Or should I stay safe with 3.5 Eberron, etc.?
I'll likely houserule some items that have complicated our usual 3.5 game.
Any and all advice welcome.
The Alpha 3 is not meant as a stand-alone - you still need the PHB and SRD rules of 3.5; its just a fill-in of what is different.
That being said - its quite good.
However, the BETA is due out in August and will most likley revamp a lot of what is in the Alpha-3. So my thought would be - IF this is going to be a "regular" thing - you may want to wait till you can get ahold of the BETA.
To run the first one, you can start em off with Alpha-3 with the caveat that you intend to upgrade w/ the BETA; if you're wanting to use the Pathfinder rule-set. In which case, I would move away from starting off in Eberron because that would be harder to transfer over and be less compatible later.

Emperor7 |

The Alpha 3 is not meant as a stand-alone - you still need the PHB and SRD rules of 3.5; its just a fill-in of what is different.
That being said - its quite good.
However, the BETA is due out in August and will most likley revamp a lot of what is in the Alpha-3. So my thought would be - IF this is going to be a "regular" thing - you may want to wait till you can get ahold of the BETA.
To run the first one, you can start em off with Alpha-3 with the caveat that you intend to upgrade w/ the BETA; if you're wanting to use the Pathfinder rule-set. In which case, I would move away from starting off in Eberron because that would be harder to transfer over and be less compatible later.
Thx for the input. I should have been clearer in my OP. I have a good amount of 3.5 stuff and was going to use that as a basis. I'm looking at Alpha 3 as a way to cut thru a good amount of houserules.
Your point about converting an Eberron campaign is exactly what I was looking for. I'd rather build on a successful start than scrap and start over.
Looking forward to the Beta! Thx again!

Donovan Vig |

Eberron 3.5 safe? lol.
Alpha 3 is pretty good. Most of the glaring issues would probably never come up in a "normal" game.
I would, however, strongly reccommend getting "un-rusty" using something you are already familiar with. With the focus on backward compatibility, it will be pretty easy to convert one way or the other.

Tony Hooper |

I would, however, strongly reccommend getting "un-rusty" using something you are already familiar with. With the focus on backward compatibility, it will be pretty easy to convert one way or the other.
If looking at 3P Eberron, and you wnt a temp campaign, well look no further then Cyre (pre disaster).
Any new stuff from Beta could be just how "education" has developed post disaster.

Emperor7 |

Donovan Vig wrote:I would, however, strongly reccommend getting "un-rusty" using something you are already familiar with. With the focus on backward compatibility, it will be pretty easy to convert one way or the other.Agreed
If looking at 3P Eberron, and you wnt a temp campaign, well look no further then Cyre (pre disaster).
Any new stuff from Beta could be just how "education" has developed post disaster.
Thx for the input. I've been playing 3.5 but haven't been DMing it. Now I have to worry about challenge ratings, XP awards, and keeping it fun and challenging.
I'll hunt down Cyre. I don't have that Eberron book. Mulling it over one of my base concerns with Eberron is that it's high magic. I'm looking to reign that in a bit.
As of now I'm going to start with a couple of the Paizo modules, some of the base rules for Pathfinder (like consolidated skills), and tread water til the Beta. Once we get thru the modules I should have a better sense on what the group likes/dislikes, and tailor to suit. Still gonna pursue Eberron info as a backdrop for a campaign, or a side campaign.
Thx again.