Getting Ready for Pathfinder

Alpha Release 3 General Discussion

Two weeks ago my friends and I decided to try 4th Edition. For the hell of it I brought my recently-printed alpha version of Pathfinder. As it made its way around the table, it became the center of attention. By the end of the evening we decided to forgo 4th in favor of Pathfinder.

Since I'll be running this one, I picked up "Edge of Anarchy" (which by the way is one of the best-written modules I've seen in a long time). It seems Edge of Anarchy is written for 3.5, not Pathfinder. I was wondering if there are converted versions of the NPCs and monsters for E of A out there. It would save me some time in preparing. I understand I could run the adventure as-is, jack up the NPC's Hit Points, or just add more opponents, but I'd really like to get a feel for Pathfinder, as it is meant to played.

LivingTriskele wrote:
It seems Edge of Anarchy is written for 3.5, not Pathfinder.

That's correct: Until the final version is released (in August 2009), Pathfinder material will be written for 3.5.

LivingTriskele wrote:

I understand I could run the adventure as-is, jack up the NPC's Hit Points, or just add more opponents, but I'd really like to get a feel for Pathfinder, as it is meant to played.

Well, it is meant to be backwards compatible and played with 3.5 books, so it's not that bad.

I don't know about any specific conversion effort (people are probably not getting organised because we're still in the alpha phase right now. I can see that changing when we get the Beta version.)

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Shouldn't need to do all the much at all. Look at the encounter, if the NPC doesn't use it's skills, it doesn't need it's skills converted. HP might change, if the NPC has a class that got more HP... other then that, not there's not much in the ways you need to convert, a standard square post-it will be enough (if not too much) on top of the monster's stats to cover conversion notes.

The thing is, next month Pathfinder switches to Beta. Alpha purposely has some things in it that are considered to probably be going too far for the final ruleset, so they can be tested.

This means that "the way it's meant to be played" is not available right now (won't be until August 2009) and "the way it's meant to be played for now" changes in a couple of weeks. I don't know what the differences will be between Alpha, Beta and the final version or even how significant those will be, but I imagine they'll be considerable enough.

Thanks for the responses. I'll just wing it. Looking forward to it, I have to say.

LivingTriskele wrote:
Thanks for the responses. I'll just wing it. Looking forward to it, I have to say.

Should be good. I'd be running it right now if were up to me, but my players want to finish the other AP.

LivingTriskele wrote:

Two weeks ago my friends and I decided to try 4th Edition. For the hell of it I brought my recently-printed alpha version of Pathfinder. As it made its way around the table, it became the center of attention. By the end of the evening we decided to forgo 4th in favor of Pathfinder.

Since I'll be running this one, I picked up "Edge of Anarchy" (which by the way is one of the best-written modules I've seen in a long time). It seems Edge of Anarchy is written for 3.5, not Pathfinder. I was wondering if there are converted versions of the NPCs and monsters for E of A out there. It would save me some time in preparing. I understand I could run the adventure as-is, jack up the NPC's Hit Points, or just add more opponents, but I'd really like to get a feel for Pathfinder, as it is meant to played.

Check this thread (and maybe some others) on the "Curse of the Crimson Throne" board: th/crimsonThrone/conversionForPathfinderRPGAlphaBetaRules

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