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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

So I downloaded the PDF, I really like what I've previewed so far. The maps are great looking and a lot of the history looks interesting. I can't wait to get the printed version to read it thoroughly.

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Thus far, I have exactly one complaint: why is there no large scale map of the entire Vale? As much as I love the individual maps, it's a bit frustrating trying to put the whole area in context.
Everything else is excellent. I'm already using material from it in my solo game...
EDIT: Dosn't this belong in the Pathfinder Chronicles forum, though?

Kruelaid |

I was REALLY disappointed that there is no mid sized map of the vale. Piecing together those smaller maps is a nuisance and I think it's a waste of space. One map would have done fine. I've got these tiny maps and then I've got the whole Golarion map from he Gazetteer, neither of which are useful for giving me an idea of what the vale looks like as whole, in one glance.
Do you mind my asking, Paizo, what you guys were thinking?

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I have to concur about the lack of a general area map. That was the first thing I looked for. Without it, the information was harder to absorb, since I was hoping for a clear representation of where everything is in relation to everything else (I'm one of those people that refers to visuals as a basis).
That said, I'd be perfectly happy with a downloadable blog map that you might have lying around...

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Pygon wrote:That said, I'd be perfectly happy with a downloadable blog map that you might have lying around...Yes, I was going to mention this. It would ease my irritation.
Yes, that would be sweet, especially since Piren's Bluff which gets a big chunk dedicated to it in the book isn't even ON the three small maps in the book.

Kruelaid |

Oh I have the pdf. I think what my colleagues mean is a separate downloadable pdf map of darkmoon vale all in one piece and including the locations mentioned in the book.
To me frankly, it looks like the smaller maps were cropped out of a larger one on account of their being stitched together so easily. I suppose I'll have to look through the other thread to see why this decision was made.

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OK! I've done some research, and it may take a day or two or three to get it sorted out... but there IS apparently a poster map in the book. It just wasn't included in the PDF for some silly reason. Assuming that I haven't been misled by the information that the poster map of the entire region exists, we should be able to get it attached to the PDF and then anyone who has the PDF will be able to nab it.
Everyone's gone home for the day right now, alas... but TOMORROW! I'll see what can be done!

trellian |

Oh I have the pdf. I think what my colleagues mean is a separate downloadable pdf map of darkmoon vale all in one piece and including the locations mentioned in the book.
OK, I was more or less asking if anyone gets a free PDF, or only subscribers. I have ordered the product, it has been shipped, but no PDF is available for download.

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Does anyone have any suggestions for getting poster maps *out* of books? My Guide to Korvosa still has the map in because I'm not sure how to remove it without either a) tearing the map, b) ripping the book in half, or, and this is the most likely outcome, c) both. Can anybody give me a hand, so I can be ready when my print version of Darkmoon Vale arrives?

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Does anyone have any suggestions for getting poster maps *out* of books? My Guide to Korvosa still has the map in because I'm not sure how to remove it without either a) tearing the map, b) ripping the book in half, or, and this is the most likely outcome, c) both. Can anybody give me a hand, so I can be ready when my print version of Darkmoon Vale arrives?
Check the Korvosa Guide product info. The map was bound in the book by mistake:
The Gazetteer and Darkmoon Vale maps should be much easier to remove.

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Pygon wrote:Even though I've received an email stating that the PDF has been fixed (yay!), when I personalize and download it, it's still 11.4 MB and the poster map is still missing (cry!)The same thing happened to me. I've tried twice, and repersonalized it both times.
At least I'm not the only one >.>

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[Insert Neat Username Here] wrote:At least I'm not the only one >.>Pygon wrote:Even though I've received an email stating that the PDF has been fixed (yay!), when I personalize and download it, it's still 11.4 MB and the poster map is still missing (cry!)The same thing happened to me. I've tried twice, and repersonalized it both times.
yup...same same

Watcher |

Coridan wrote:yup...same same[Insert Neat Username Here] wrote:At least I'm not the only one >.>Pygon wrote:Even though I've received an email stating that the PDF has been fixed (yay!), when I personalize and download it, it's still 11.4 MB and the poster map is still missing (cry!)The same thing happened to me. I've tried twice, and repersonalized it both times.
Yep.. I think the e-mail went out prematurely. Probably be fixed in a little while.

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What is your favorite part of the book's contents?
The chapter on secrets. I like the way common knowledge is kept separated from secrets.
What part of the book's contents would you have liked to have seen done differently?
There were some typos. Most are minor (such as the map label for "Perin's Bluff" instead of "Piren's Bluff" and Thuldrin Kreed misspelled on page 31), but I noticed one pretty big one: on page 41, in the section on Karlae Siegfrost, the last sentence doesn't end; it just gets cut off in mid-phrase.
In her role as Mayor Amring's chief advisor, Karlae
Mostly, though, it's just nitpicks. I like the product overall.

DarkArt |

David Jackson 60 wrote:This book is awesome.
Please do me (and by extension, Paizo) a quick favor and answer these two simple questions:
What is your favorite part of the book's contents?
What part of the book's contents would you have liked to have seen done differently?
Unless it's mentioned in a module, I was hoping for more on what lied beneath Droskar's Crucible below dungeon level two, and/or info regarding Drazmorg, and/or the connection to Raseri Kanton and the allips and forge-spurned in the secrets section. Otherwise, the Secrets section and all of the details for werewolves were my favorites.
I was also curious about page 41 regarding Karlae's role.

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Mike McArtor wrote:What is your favorite part of the book's contents?The chapter on secrets. I like the way common knowledge is kept separated from secrets.
Mike McArtor wrote:What part of the book's contents would you have liked to have seen done differently?There were some typos. Most are minor (such as the map label for "Perin's Bluff" instead of "Piren's Bluff" and Thuldrin Kreed misspelled on page 31), but I noticed one pretty big one: on page 41, in the section on Karlae Siegfrost, the last sentence doesn't end; it just gets cut off in mid-phrase.
The Guide to Darkmoon Vale wrote:In her role as Mayor Amring's chief advisor, KarlaeMostly, though, it's just nitpicks. I like the product overall.
Well yeah, okay, there are always going to be typos. That is just unavoidable. I was going more for content.

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Unless it's mentioned in a module, I was hoping for more on what lied beneath Droskar's Crucible below dungeon level two, and/or info regarding Drazmorg, and/or the connection to Raseri Kanton and the allips and forge-spurned in the secrets section.
Yeah, those were left vague because they might someday become module locations.
Otherwise, the Secrets section and all of the details for werewolves were my favorites.
I was also curious about page 41 regarding Karlae's role.
I'm glad you liked that stuff. ^_^
Hmm... I don't have a copy of the book, so I can't remember Karlae's role. Sorry! :\

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What is your favorite part of the book's contents?In another thread,
...my favorite part...is that there are actually secrets a GM can use. Although it's great to have lots of options as a GM, I have been frustrated in the past by books that lay out fantastic teasers, but never provide any kind of explanation for them. ...Mike McArtor has done an excellent job of balancing the mystery with material a GM can use to develop great stories.
I also really liked the appendix. The list of important NPCs is extremely helpful, as are the stats for "standard" forces PCs are likely to meet. We need to see more of this in future guides.
What part of the book's contents would you have liked to have seen done differently?
I'll echo the calls for more information on those baddies below Droskar's Crucible. I'm running two campaigns in Darkmoon Vale (see below) and I'd like to expand on this. I've got some ideas of my own, but I prefer to weave my campaigns into the "canon," instead of overwriting it completely.
The problem I have is that Revenge of the Kobold King mentions the resurgence of powers from ancient Azlant, but there is not a single mention of that civilization in the Guide. I realize that RoKK was probably written quite some time after the Guide to Darkmoon Vale and it may be tough to coordinate ideas within different products, sometimes. However, since the dark forces beneath the Crag have been hinted at since CotKK, I would think that we'd get more info about how the Azlantis influenced the region and where Drazmorg and his buddies came from...and why they're showing up now.
I don't mean to sound snarky, with that last comment. It's hard to use the right words to convey tone online. I love Darkmoon Vale and RotKK. I'm just anxious to know more. :) As I said above, I'm running two campaigns in this region. I haven't been this excited about a setting/region book since the AD&D Forgotten Realms boxed set. And in case you aren't sure, that is one of the biggest compliments I can convey about an RPG setting product.
Lastly, as I said in the Guide's print product thread...Mike needs to write more stuff for Paizo.

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What is your favorite part of the book's contents?
I loved the lycanthropes. For such an iconic fantasy creature, they get really short shrift in most fantasy material. Kudos for taking them on!
What part of the book's contents would you have liked to have seen done differently?
I would have liked more on the various adventuring groups in the area. We have at least two canonical references that I know of - the Grey Eagles (CotKK) and of course the Azure... Band? (see this is what I get for posting without my PDFs handy), which is referenced all over GtDV but never once in a coherent fashion. Given that these people are extremely likely to be allies or rivals with the PCs, moreso than most NPCs by quite a bit, I would have liked at least a small section on them.

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Doesn't the Advanced Bestiary have a "dream creature" template? I can't remember at all what it does, but I just assumed that's what you were thinking when you put them in...
IIRC, it works along the lines of a non-lethal Freddy Krueger, but still alive with a physical body outside the dream world.
It's been a while since I've looked it up though.

veector |

Something else I noticed in the book and PDF: The Oldfen map on page 33 doesn't have the keyed locations labeled. I suppose I could guess at where some of them are, but is it possible for us to be shown where O1-6 are on the map?
I have to agree. I really have not see a product where the cartography could have been sooooo good, but just wasn't. :(
1. Map locations not matching the large poster map.
2. As mentioned above, locations not defined.
3. Map scale listed on very few maps.
4. No compass rose on many maps.
C'mon guys...

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Quick question:
I have the subscription which includes the Guide to the Darkmoon Vale, but have requested that it be shipped with my next Adventure path.
When will the PDF for this book be available for me to download?
OK! I've done some research, and it may take a day or two or three to get it sorted out... but there IS apparently a poster map in the book. It just wasn't included in the PDF for some silly reason. Assuming that I haven't been misled by the information that the poster map of the entire region exists, we should be able to get it attached to the PDF and then anyone who has the PDF will be able to nab it.
Everyone's gone home for the day right now, alas... but TOMORROW! I'll see what can be done!

Rauol_Duke |

Quick question:
I have the subscription which includes the Guide to the Darkmoon Vale, but have requested that it be shipped with my next Adventure path.
When will the PDF for this book be available for me to download?
PDF's for subscription items are available when the items ships, which is also when you are charged for the item.

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Heather Goodman wrote:PDF's for subscription items are available when the items ships, which is also when you are charged for the item.Quick question:
I have the subscription which includes the Guide to the Darkmoon Vale, but have requested that it be shipped with my next Adventure path.
When will the PDF for this book be available for me to download?

Dale McCoy Jr Jon Brazer Enterprises |

What is your favorite part of the book's contents?
What part of the book's contents would you have liked to have seen done differently?
Favorite part: Kobolds (nuf said).
Done differently: Single biggest suggestion, I love the poster maps so much, I take them out and laminate them. Problem though is that they are not always in the same place as the book. I would love to have the poster map reprinted inside the book itself, like maybe a half page size so that way I can see how the whole setting fits together without having to go back my poster map. Maybe an inside cover or something. I don't know. My only real suggestion.