Races, Favored Classes, and Multiclassing.

New Rules Suggestions

Liberty's Edge

I really like what Paizo has done by adding an additional favored class to each race. That being said, one of the things I've disliked about 3.5 is exactly that favored class idea.

In 3.5: If I run a Dwarf and decide I want to be a Rogue/Fighter. Thats ok. Either class can be higher and an unlimited distance from each other. However If I run a Rogue/Ranger I need to stay withint 1 of each other or take a penalty on EXP

The Same holds true for P3.5 except now I can have Cleric or Fighter for that same Dwarf.

The suggestion my significant other put forth was what if instead of 'Favored Classes' we had 'Non-Favored Classes' where the EXP penalty would be applied. A Favored Class would have a totally diferent game effect....like the reverse...an Experience bonus.

As an example:


Favored Classes: Cleric or Fighter. Non-Favored Classes: Bard or Sorcerer. If I ran a Dwarf and had no other classes but Fighter. Fighter/Cleric or Cleric I would receive a +20% EXP Bonus.

If I multi-classed with any other classes I lose the +20% and any classes other than Fighter or Cleric have to be within 4 levels of each other, which can be of any distance away.

A Non-favored Class (Bard or Sorcerer) would have to be within 1 of any other class excepting the Favored Class or a -20% EXP penalty would incur.

*Furthermore No class may have more additional classes than he has favored classes.

Here is how I would envision the Favored Class/Non-Favored Class Breakdown

Dwarf: Favored- Cleric or Fighter. Non-Favored- Bard or Sorcerer
Elf: Favored- Ranger or Wizard. Non-Favored- Barbarian or Paladin
Gnome: Favored- Bard or Sorcerer. Non-Favored- Barbarian or Fighter
Half-Elf: Favored- Any (limited to first two classes chose. Non-Favored- None
Half-Orc: Favored- Barbarian or Cleric. Non-Favored- Bard or Wizard
Halfling: Favored- Bard or Rogue. Non-Favored- Barbarian or Paladin
Human: Favored- Any (limited to first two classes chosen). Non-Favored- None

This came out of the discussion of why an Elf couldnt be a Fighter/Rogue without staying within 1 level of each other or incurring the experience penalty. It allows this to happen as long as the two classes to be with 4 of each other....though there still is a perk for those folks staying favored....It also has a clause to keep too much class dipping to occur.


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Well, under Pathfinder there is no XP penalty for multiclassing outside of your favored class. The favored class grants a hit point bonus to those who take levels in it. So your dwarven fighter/rogue never gets an XP penalty...he just doesn't get a bonus hit point for the levels he takes as a rogue.

Liberty's Edge

Now i looked all through the Alpha and didnt see anything on Multi-classing...Can you direct me to where that is...(now granted looking through something on the computer through adobe can be tricky)

Page 11 wrote:

Favored Class

Each race has a favored class, representing its natural affinity for a specific set of skills and abilities. Whenever you take a level in your race’s favored class, you receive +1 hit point. Humans and half-elves frequently get this bonus, unless they multiclass. You do not gain this bonus for taking levels in a prestige class, regardless of its focus or theme.

Liberty's Edge

I did find the rule on Favored Classes though...It looks interesting. Thanks, now all i need is a page number for multi-classing *chuckle*

Dread wrote:
I did find the rule on Favored Classes though...It looks interesting. Thanks, now all i need is a page number for multi-classing *chuckle*

There is non right now. Therefore it's unchanged for now.

I like the base concept but it might be just one additional rule too much, if you know what I mean.

I too voted for an XP-Bonus for leveling in favored classes instead of the stupid +1 HP, but this idea wasn't really welcomed those days.

The most liked idea is still the +1 Skill point, but only because several classes still linger with 2+INT, I guess.

Maybe your idea could be used like this:

Favored Classes: You can always multiclass in or out of these classes
Non-favored Classes: You can ONLY multiclass with your favored classes
other Classes: You cannot multiclass with your Non-favored classes

This rule, while restrictive, would help reduce weird race-class combinations that tend to kill some of the settings flavor.
But then again...

The concept is very good in my opinion. The only aspect I don't like about it, is that the classes are actually listed. Instead of listing the 2 favoured classes and 2 non-favoured classes in PF, just mention that the campaign setting should set these classes. This allows for much more flexibility in campaign design. Another possibility is to list these classes as an example.

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