Tarlane's RotRL Alpha Discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Male Human Paladin 1

Well, I'm heading out for the afternoon and most of the evening. I'm not sure that my turn will come up again before I go, but in case it does feel free to NPC me to keep things going. Alana will be concentrating on the dog again, and Jereth will try and help her finish off the little beast. Catch you later and I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

Liberty's Edge

Depends on what god the oats are getting sacrificed to. They might need fiber and enjoy the gift.

And no worries. I'll be heading out myself in probably an hour for the night. I am finding it amusing though, the party split and the one group is like fighting for their life and the others are almost dusting off their hands.


Male Gnome Ranger 1

Hey I had to double move just to get that close... I only have 20 move speed you know!

Liberty's Edge

I only have one answer to that for gnomes!

Short People


Male Human Paladin 1

I love satire! Three cheers for working that song in.

Anyway, I'm back after spending several hours sitting on the BART missing my stop thanks to Google Maps not telling me which one it is. That's the last time I let them plan my outings. I'm going to go relax and make some meatballs and sauce.

Liberty's Edge


You must be up in the bay area then. It seems that mapping software up there hasn't improved much, I remember trying to find the San Francisco Airport back when MapQuest was the only online mapping software available and its directions took me to a golds gym right off the embarcadero.


Male Human Paladin 1

Yep, Bay area is correct. That sucks about the airport thing.

Hey, ever tried to use those new GPSs for your car? A friend was borrowing one and we discovered something interesting about the ones from Garmin. They will take you anywhere in the wold, except to Costco, usually the store where you buy them. It cracks me up.

Liberty's Edge

I can't say I've ever actively used one, however I have a friend who has one that does different voices(they are downloadable, so it will give directions like darth vader and stuff) and he finds that way too enjoyable.


Male Human Paladin 1

Nice. I love the mental image of James Earl Jones telling someone to make a U-turn. Not sure why, but that cracks me up.

What is interesting about that one we were using is that the pronuceation changed depending on which voice you chose. If you chose a british voice it would deliberatly mess up some words, whi8le if you chose an american voice it would get those same words right, but mess up some others. Can be rather confusing when you're trying to get somewhere using a non-local voice.


male Captive2/Rower3/Brawler3
Jereth wrote:

Yep, Bay area is correct. That sucks about the airport thing.

Hey, ever tried to use those new GPSs for your car? A friend was borrowing one and we discovered something interesting about the ones from Garmin. They will take you anywhere in the wold, except to Costco, usually the store where you buy them. It cracks me up.

if you google maps a way from london to NYC it tells you to swim the atlantic

Liberty's Edge

I generally enjoy googles sense of humor. Of the languages you can change their search page to, it includes 'elmer fudd' 'klingon' and 'bork bork bork'


Tarlane wrote:

I generally enjoy googles sense of humor. Of the languages you can change their search page to, it includes 'elmer fudd' 'klingon' and 'bork bork bork'


Bork? I never knew that!

Liberty's Edge

Just hit www.google.com and then click 'preferences' right next to the search bar. You can choose your interface language in the top menu and it has those listed.

That will change all the language of any google generated text(as opposed to the text in descriptions generated by the web pages). Just make sure you know where those buttons are so you can change it back. Its hard to find preferences again when everything is in klingon.


Male Human Paladin 1

I just changed it to Bork, but I guess there's something keeping my software from embracing the beauty of Bork. Ah well. It' still funny. Anybody check out Javaneise?

Male Human Paladin 1

OK, I promise I'm done editing that last post now. Man, I think I redid those last few lines about three or five times.

Jereth wrote:
OK, I promise I'm done editing that last post now. Man, I think I redid those last few lines about three or five times.

I do that too.

I post, read...modify...change....it goes through no less than 5-6 edits before I sign off on a post.

Male Human Paladin 1

Glad to hear I'm not the only one. Three cheers for editing!

On a side note, I'm going to be working on a big project tomorrow with a friend. We're making some plywood walls. I may not be able to post for a good chunk of the day. Just a heads up. I predict that Jereth will spend a good chunk of time trying to find Shayliss as well as guiding the wounded towards the town square. He's willing to let the most badly hurt people ride on Alana's back while he walks her if that is what is needed. He really wants to make sure she is all right, but he just can't say no to someone in need. That can be something to keep Jereth busy should I be unavailable for longer than I think.

Liberty's Edge

Alright guys, sorry I was mostly quiet this weekend. I tried to get a pose up each day at least, but it ended up being a rather busy one for me. We are back to the standard for me now so I'll be on most of the day like normal.



My F5 button will be thankful :)

Male Human Paladin 1

I like to play with fire.

Male Gnome Ranger 1
Jereth wrote:
I like to play with fire.

I just hope I don't stab Jinn's fiance...

Liberty's Edge

I was just listening to Mike Birbiglia's stand up comedy last night, and one of the his lines is that he never had a sex talk with his parents, the closest it ever came was that when he got his first serious girlfriend his father looked at him cryptically and said 'You're playing with fire'. That does sound like Jereth's character at the moment.


Male Human Paladin 1


Young man, very naive, first romantic interest, unknowingly courting disaster... yep that's Jereth. :)

I share your worry Tamai.

Liberty's Edge

I'm posting now(was just waiting in case Jinn got a post up since I suspect he's going to be over with Tamai looking for said fiance.)

But I do have to say, Jereth, are you sharing the concern that Tamai might stab Jinn's fiance, or that you will? It would be an odd situation if characters all over town paused and thought 'I sure hope I don't stab his fiance' at the same time.

I think I need to get more sleep.


Male Human Paladin 1

Heh heh, good point about that. What you call a need for sleep I call comic genius. Then again my sense of humor is considered a little off, or dry depending on who I'm talking to. I prefer the terms Deadpan Sarcasm or Literalism myself.

Liberty's Edge

I just realized you have a +7 diplomacy check. You sweet talker you.


Male Human Paladin 1

*Twirls his long pencil thin mustache.*

Liberty's Edge

I'm so happy. I get to take care of the most beautiful white long hared cat this week. I'd post pictures if I could. I just love cats, but can't afford to keep one long term. Still, I pet sit for some friends and that gets me my cat fix.

This brought to you by Wiglaf's Random Comments. The part of the show when Wiglaf makes a Random Comment. Carry on.

Female Human Monk 1
Wiglaf wrote:

I'm so happy. I get to take care of the most beautiful white long hared cat this week. I'd post pictures if I could. I just love cats, but can't afford to keep one long term. Still, I pet sit for some friends and that gets me my cat fix.

This brought to you by Wiglaf's Random Comments. The part of the show when Wiglaf makes a Random Comment. Carry on.

I want to see the cat though. I love love love cats.

Liberty's Edge

I can vouch for the fact that you shouldn't encourage her with cat's Wiglaf. Otherwise I'll be having to deal with a 'cat hat' at the tabletop game this weekend.


Liberty's Edge

A 'cat hat'? Is that a reference to a cat deciding to use your head as a seat of power? I'm more familiar with cats that love to play DnD, although what rules they use when they bat dice and miniatures around I don't know. I just try to keep them from chewing on everything.

Edit to add: Would Jereth know of the Ten fun facts about Goblins? Should I make a check for that?

Liberty's Edge

No, if only it were an actual cat. Instead its a beanie with cat ears and eyes on it. She's a catfolk in the savage tide game we both play in so she has thought to wear it to a session. Ouch.


Liberty's Edge

That sounds like a pretty neat hat, not something I would wear but still fun. Now, I used to date a woman who liked to wear a cat tail. Seriously, it had a key-ring at the base that you hooked onto a belt loop. Fascinating, but baffling all the same.

Liberty's Edge

You're killing me since I am sure such a product is now going to be searched for.

I have seen one of those before, someone I used to work with wore it at halloween since full costumes weren't an option. At the time I was real heavy into World Of Darkness stuff and I made the comment that she must have frenzied to often to one of my friends there and got a blank look. Ahh, the fate of the nerd to never be understood.


Female Human Monk 1
Wiglaf wrote:
That sounds like a pretty neat hat, not something I would wear but still fun. Now, I used to date a woman who liked to wear a cat tail. Seriously, it had a key-ring at the base that you hooked onto a belt loop. Fascinating, but baffling all the same.

I have one! I have only used it for Halloween though.

And if you've ever seen the anime Inuyasha the hat is based off of Kilala.

Liberty's Edge

If she tries to wear this I am blaming you wiglaf.


Female Human Monk 1
Tarlane wrote:

If she tries to wear this I am blaming you wiglaf.


I no longer have my pants that match the tail, and it's not Halloween. So I have no plans on wearing it.

Though it would be interesting to wear it with my hat.

Female Human Monk 1

Hopefully Jereth has a better time with Shayliss than our wizard in the other group I am playing this with. Her father hates him.

Male Human Paladin 1

I'm hoping so as well, although it would be interesting to see how Jereth tries to overcome said hatred. I'm just interested in seeing where this little side-plot ends up. This is the first time in a long time that I have gotten this deeply into a character. I love it.

What could be even more interesting is seeing how the Holtan family reacts to Shayliss, assuming that the two get serious, given their original plans for Jereth. Add in that he hasn't seen his family in around sixteen years and that could make for more than a few awkward moments.

Oh, and I shall accept said blame for the cat hat if it should come to pass. During college I was part of a student run theater club. We had all sorts of oddness going on. Lots of fun, but confusing to those who didn't pay close attention. One person spent an entire year wearing a Picachu hat, I don't thick I spelled that right, that she found on t5he internet. Very cool person, but the hat through me.

Liberty's Edge

Your character seems to be doing pretty well with Shayliss so far so I wouldn't worry of that Jereth. And while I wouldn't say that Ven is anything remotely close to fond of you, that certainly could have gone much worse. So thats a good thing at least.

I'm glad you are feeling so into your character though, it shows in your RP and I've been enjoying it.


Male Gnome Ranger 1
Tarlane wrote:

I'm glad you are feeling so into your character though, it shows in your RP and I've been enjoying it.


Hehe, even knowing background/personality, I'm still struggling to get Tamai's speech to be in a constant format.. looking something in between a Butler and Yosemite Sam(when mad) when speaking Chelax, and a little more normal vocabulary when talking sylvan.


male Captive2/Rower3/Brawler3

I'm playing with the possibility of collecting wierd items from the adventures and making a hard rock cafe type tavern or museum. He's kinda trying to compensate for his lack of magic

Also Tarlane:
would it be ok for me to scan some of the item cards of the things we find and email it to people who want to see it?

Liberty's Edge

It often takes a bit of time to gt the feel for your character, but Tamai has a lot of really cool hooks to him, I have a feeling he is going to work very well.

And I don't mind at all. I actually have the cards myself, but I don't have such ready access to a scanner, so if you wish to do that it would be great. Also, if any of you want to see any pictures of anything just let me know, I can normally come up with one from one of the books or some of the community created things.

I've slowed down a little bit on getting things up just because I've been busy, but if I don't put something up and link to it on the photobucket and you are curious, please, just let me know and i'll get it there.

And since I'm sure its going to be the first question, sadly I don't think Shayliss has a pic so far, either in the books or community created. She looks like she will start to play a bigger role in the campaign with how Jereth has been acting with her, so I am looking for a good pic of her.



male Captive2/Rower3/Brawler3
Tarlane wrote:

And since I'm sure its going to be the first question, sadly I don't think Shayliss has a pic so far, either in the books or community created. She looks like she will start to play a bigger role in the campaign with how Jereth has been acting with her, so I am looking for a good pic of her.


she doesn't - I asked earlier... lillith was going to try to get something drawn up... but not sure if that ever happened

Male Human Paladin 1

Interesting, I kind of pictured Tamai as something close to Grissom, I think I spelled that right, from Law and Order. A no-nonsense detective devoted to his work and really good at what he does. No solid reason, that’s just the image that comes to mind. The hard rock café idea is pretty awesome. The end result could be very spectacular.

Its good to know that images can be available. But don’t sweat it. If something comes up for me I’ll let you know. I’ve never used item cards before, well not since I played DragonStrike many years ago anyway. Could be fun to take a look, but only if it isn’t too much trouble.

I’m rather surprised about how fast Jereth is falling myself. I had decided before the game started that he would be rather innocent and naive, and its’ almost like he’s taken on a life of his own. I’m almost jealous of the guy. I’m too much of a cynic myself I think. Anyway, good luck with the images. Yep, no pictures of Shayliss, although you do get a shot of her older sister at one point.

Liberty's Edge

I can probably find a suitable image from a different source though. I'm a terrible artist but I make up for it with impressive searching skills so I normally can come up with something. I had intended to pull most of the images from the book and link to them as I mentioned characters and things(like I did with ameiko and such). I figure that way even if its just a temporary enemy or the like you can get a visual on it. I've just been slow with getting ahead on it.

And its always great when a character just seems to take over on his own. For all of its drawbacks, I think its one of those things that is better in this medium then in tabletop play. In a face to face session there are always a lot of distraction that keep you out of your characters head fully, but when you are sitting down and typing its much more like you are writing a story and are able to let the dialogue flow freely on its own.


Liberty's Edge

And I think Grissom is CSI, though I know that one of the Law and Order guys has a name that is kind of close to that. The older detective on the original series was 'briscoe' and that might be who you were thinking of. Or, vincent dinofrio from law and order:ci is 'goren' who is the sort of more odd but very smart one.


Male Human Paladin 1

Oops, yeah I meant CSI not Law and Order. Sorry about that.

Here is a website that has a lot of art on it. Its’ a lot of fun to look at.

I recommend the work of Jonathon Bowser. Lots of beautiful pictures there.

LJ Julek Heller has a great collection of images inspired by King Arthur. Images 11 and 17 do a good job of showing what I’m aiming for with Jereth.

Warning though, some of these images, not the ones I’m pointing too but some of the others, do contain some nudity. Its’ nothing really bad, depending on how you define that, but it is there.

Female Human Monk 1
Jereth wrote:
I recommend the work of Jonathon Bowser. Lots of beautiful pictures there.

I showed him a picture of one, the one on his site called "Cathedral of Illusion" which I think would kinda work.

Male Human Paladin 1

Cathedral of Illusion

This one? I like that. That really could work.

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