Luka Kordić |
I think the lizardman and the goblin should be core anyway, they most often are for me and adjusted so they don't have a level adjustment. Goblins are practicly a staple of my games since they provide the PC's of any city a relatively friendly and open shady or grey organisation to deal with (in good ways and bad).

Steven Purcell |

Off hand my thought is with some tweaks and improvements Orcs, Goblins and Kobolds could be made equal to the core 7 and all of Aasimar, Tieflings, Hobgoblins, Duergar, Lizardfolk, Gnolls, and Bugbears would lose their LAs all being only +1 anyway. Other races (ogre, centaur, minotaur) would either see a reduction or complete elimination of LA since although the LAs are +2 that gets spread over 4-6 racial HD. Drow and Svirfneblin would still have an LA but it would be 1 less than normal, although this depends in part on whether they would get the upgunned racial traits from the 3P core 7 and their additional current racial abilities. Derro and a few others might also be affected, although I'll need to take a closer look at various races to make any further suggestions