3.5e Monstrous Races Conversions in PRPG?

Races & Classes

Hey everyone,

I might just be blind and over looked it, but does anyone foresee any trouble with converting monstrous races in PRPG? I'm thinking specifically of a Drow and Lizardman conversion.


off hand they will probe be one LA lower.

I think the lizardman and the goblin should be core anyway, they most often are for me and adjusted so they don't have a level adjustment. Goblins are practicly a staple of my games since they provide the PC's of any city a relatively friendly and open shady or grey organisation to deal with (in good ways and bad).

Off hand my thought is with some tweaks and improvements Orcs, Goblins and Kobolds could be made equal to the core 7 and all of Aasimar, Tieflings, Hobgoblins, Duergar, Lizardfolk, Gnolls, and Bugbears would lose their LAs all being only +1 anyway. Other races (ogre, centaur, minotaur) would either see a reduction or complete elimination of LA since although the LAs are +2 that gets spread over 4-6 racial HD. Drow and Svirfneblin would still have an LA but it would be 1 less than normal, although this depends in part on whether they would get the upgunned racial traits from the 3P core 7 and their additional current racial abilities. Derro and a few others might also be affected, although I'll need to take a closer look at various races to make any further suggestions

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