Strange Loops; An Eberron game


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Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

Iri passes the bag to Rurin under the table and exchanges a tiny glance with Sillas.

"Down by your right foot. How can you help us?"

"What about the letter Solinthas gave us for him?"

"Right then. My help will come in two forms." Rurin snaps his fingers, and pulls a number of documents from his coat pocket.

"First, let me explain the layout of the bank. The main building is surrounded by an outer wall. Guards patrol that wall in pairs. The main building then has two more levels below the top one. There is a residential area, and the vault area is below that. Like I said, I don't know what your target is, but I'd guess you're going for something in the vaults. Getting there should be your focus. It's going to be tricky, however."

The faint sound of clinking coins can be heard under the table as you speak.

"Not only are there the visible protections in place, like the guards, the porullises, and the bears, there are some magical restrictions in place. For one, there is a Forbiddance spell permanently affixed to the area. In addition to preventing all teleporting in and out of the place, it'll probably kill ya if you don't say the word 'Kundarak' as you enter the place. Nasty stuff, but Lord Brannick's a powerful priest and he has powerful allies. In that regard, there's another nasty critter floating about the place. It's called an Invisible Stalker, and it was a gift from one of Lord Brannick's friends. It mostly roams about; sometimes you can see it shimmer. I have no idea where it is, but it's definitely let loose at night to deal with any intruders. I tell you, I'd much rather deal with the Magebred bears that roam the courtyard at night; at least you know which way to run!"

Rurin chuckles to himself as he drains the drink in front of him before continuing.

"You'll need a password to access the strongbox in question legitimately, but I have a feeling that you are not in possession of the password. There is another way, however. My particular job in the bank is to make sure that the keycharms used to open the strongboxes are in working order. So, I have the process of opening those babies on good authority. You'll need the specific keycharm tied to the box in question, in addition to one of two 'vault security' keycharms. One of these is kept in the vault security office, and the other is carried by Lord Brannick himself. Here, let me mark those two places on your map. Brannicks' office is on the top level, of course."

Rurin taps his finger against his lip for a few moments, thinking. "Hmm, what else is important. Ah, of course! The second half of this bargain. There's a loose window in my office that you can use to gain entry into the bank, should you choose. I'll leave my door unlocked for you, either tomorrow night or the next night. Whenever you'd prefer, though you really should attempt whatever you're going to do at night. Most of the staff will have gone home by that point, and the majority of the guards will be consolidated and trying to avoid the Invisible Stalker. To hear them talk about it, you'd never know they were dwarves!"

"So, any more questions? How about that other half, now?"

Rurin provides you with these maps. This is the First Level, and these are the lower levels. On the first level, the green x is Rurin's office, the red x is Brannick's office, and on the lower level, the other x is the vault security office. Can I clarify any more things?


You deftly climb up the side of the house. Though the windows on the side of the house are locked, you decide that picking them while you're climbing up the side of the building is the least discrete thing possible. Opting to climb all the way to the balcony, you find the locked door there easy to pick open. A partially-glass ceiling lets in a large amount of light to this room, something that is required for the scores of large and exotic plants that fill this room. They are spaced around a number of comfortable looking chaise lounges, and are only beginning to show some need for care. Sweet smells fill the room. A number of paintings hang on the otherwise unadorned walls. A single door marks the only exit out of the room.

Great checks by the way.

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

Pretty maps. Thank you. No, I can't think of anything you're likely to want to clarify (ie where the invisible stalker hangs out). Time for planning comrades. How are we going to do this?

"Thank you." Iri smiles gratefully. "That sounds complex. But thank you. Solinthas sent you this."

She passes the letter over to Rurin.

"Sillas, is there any way you can distract him long enough to get the letter back for a while, once he's opened it? I think we might want to know what it says ourselves. Although,"the thought pauses for a second, "I suppose I could try doing the drink thing if you think it would help. That might distract him."

Male Halfling Rogue 1/ Druid 1

Dahn: Yeah, I'm not even supposed to be that good at Picking Locks, so that one was a relief.
Can I just continue using those Perception/Stealth checks? Otherwise, just roll for me.

Sucking in the sweet scents of the flora, I suddenly feel especially sorry that the house's owner had to be killed.
He seems the sort of fellow it would have been pleasant to discuss gardening and botany with. But back to our task.
(I mentally alert Deerian & Ellirayne of the general scenario once I'm inside.)

Before anything, I'm listening for the sounds of anyone else in the house.
Then, I'll water the plants if I can find a water urn. (Anything else I discover while doing this?)
Then, stealthily as possible, I open the door and step into the next space.

Yeah, awesome map for sure!
OK, some questions, even though I'm not there :-)

  • So the Bears are only in the Yard? Is that small building in the "SE" their pen, during the day?
  • How/where are the gates controlled?
  • What are the 'dotted' walls inside the Bank? (like running vertically thru the left-most pillars)
    Are they all 'waist level' counters like in modern Banks?
  • What is the central area that is square and dark? A vertical shaft? Does it open to the sky/ roof?
    How does it open onto the 1st and Bottom Basement Level?
  • Is that a statue in front of it on the 1st floor?
  • What is up with the hallway that runs along the N & E side? It doesn't seem to go anywhere or connect to any rooms.
  • Rurin mentioned a window to his office, yet his office doesn't have an external wall. Is this a skylight?
  • There's light colored circles on the floor of the Bank. Are these skylights?
  • What are those olive-green strips on the Bottom Basement Level?
  • Some stairs on the 1st Basement level (Guard Living Area?) don't connect to the 1st floor or Bottom Basement... ???
    Is there ANOTHER level below the "Bottom Level"?
  • Where are the safe-boxes located? How do customers normally access them?
    Are they escorted at all times, or left to privacy while in the vault room(s)?

    Phew! I'm sure I'll have more questions, but those are good for now :-)
    If you want, it might be clearer if you could put up an "annotated" version of the maps to clarify some of that stuff...

  • Oh god, this needs to go under a cut.


    Starlan 'Wingy' Benex wrote:

  • So the Bears are only in the Yard? Is that small building in the "SE" their pen, during the day?
    Correct. They stay in that pen during the day.
  • How/where are the gates controlled?
    There is a winch mechanism at the front gate, on top of the wall.
  • What are the 'dotted' walls inside the Bank? (like running vertically thru the left-most pillars)
    If you mean the 'chain' like walls in a kind of L shape on the western part of the first floor, those are the divisions for what is reminiscent of how the tellers would be set up in a modern-day bank. It's a gated area that houses the tellers.
    Are they all 'waist level' counters like in modern Banks?
    For the most part.
  • What is the central area that is square and dark? A vertical shaft? Does it open to the sky/ roof?
    It's a lift. It's used to help transport heavy and large items into the storage level below. It completely bypasses the residential level, and opens straight into the lowest level. It only goes from the main to the very bottom levels.
    How does it open onto the 1st and Bottom Basement Level?
    There is a similar dark square on the very bottom level. It opens at those double doors.
  • Is that a statue in front of it on the 1st floor?
    A magically animated statue, serving as a guard, but a statue nonetheless.
  • What is up with the hallway that runs along the N & E side? It doesn't seem to go anywhere or connect to any rooms.
    There are some secret doors connecting those rooms to that long hallway. Shh.
  • Rurin mentioned a window to his office, yet his office doesn't have an external wall. Is this a skylight?
    Yes, it's a skylight. There are a number of them throughout the bank's top level. A solid and heavy pane of glass is set into the roof using some sovereign glue. Rurin has used some universal solvent to remove the glass.
  • There's light colored circles on the floor of the Bank. Are these skylights?
    Ah, it's a stylized way to represent the fact that there are numerous skylights in the place. See above.
  • What are those olive-green strips on the Bottom Basement Level?
    Those are the rows of strongboxes.
  • Some stairs on the 1st Basement level (Guard Living Area?) don't connect to the 1st floor or Bottom Basement... ???
    Is there ANOTHER level below the "Bottom Level"?
    There are three levels total. The main area is its own map, then I put the two lower levels on the same image to save space. The one on the left is the residential level, the one on the right is the storage. The stairs are confusing, I agree. The important ones that lead up and down are in the middle of the place. The ones leaving the various residential rooms just go up into cramped living quarters for the dwarf and gnome families that reside there. It's a non-floor. Think of them as little attics above each space, but not deserving a map of their own. That should be the last place you guys go.
  • Where are the safe-boxes located? How do customers normally access them? Are they escorted at all...
    The lockboxes are those olive-strips on the third floor. They are normally accessed under the supervision of guards specifically designated as that floor's security. They use the other security keycharm in addition to the customer's own keycharm to open their specific strongbox. They are always supervised.

  • Starlan


    Ok, I'll roll for you.

    Searching the room for a watering can is easy enough. A decanter of endless water shaped like a silver watering can rests on a small side table. The command words are etched in Common onto the thing.

    The room exits onto a large set of stairs. From here you'll be able to access the rest of the house. A number of rooms are dedicated to books, seemingly organized by theme. There's a history room, a room filled mostly with books on religion and the planes, and a large room dedicated to all things arcane and magical. Ornate tables dot this room, and a well-stocked supply of scribing materials are present.

    The main floor houses his kitchen and pantry, filled with a mixture of rotten food, and preserved items. It's quite messy. A number of lounges are present on this floor as well, with still more plants in need of care.

    Walking by a closed door, you feel a slight cool breeze, revealing the presence of a cellar or basement. The door is locked well, however. Listening at the door reveals sounds of rhytmic, metallic, movements.

    Male Halfling Rogue 1/ Druid 1

    OK. Does the door to the cellar (from kitchen) need a key to be unlocked?, or is it just a bar on my side?
    I alert Elli & Dee to the situation with the sound...

    I think we should take care of this, as someone (or thing) is obviously in the cellar.
    I could let you into the house and we enter the basement together thru the kitchen.
    Or I could come out, and try to pick that lock I saw on the outer door going down to the basement.
    That has the advantage of no big folk walking on squeaky floors.
    and without Stealth, too, probably

    In either scenario, I would try and pick the lock as silently as possible to try and maintain surprise.


    OF COURSE I have some more questions about the bank, but I'll post them later :-)

    Sillas listens carefully as Rurin explains, nodding when he finishes "Yes, yes that'll do fine."

    'We'll leave, disappear into the crowd, then I'll come back in a second and get the letter back without risking drawing attention to us.'

    Female Half Elf Sorceress 2
    Rurin d'Sivis wrote:
    Starlan, do you want to maybe go ahead without the twins? I can give you all the information that they would have gathered about the bank through Rurin now.

    Right, okay, so just the thing with the house now? The second I feel caught up I start getting lost again, so I'm sorry for not posting but that's why.

    As I understand things the house should be abandonned but Wingy has signalled to show he's heard a sound. Is that right? If so I'll write up something IC.

    Male Halfling Rogue 1/ Druid 1

    Exactly. By expectations and all outward signs it SHOULD be abandoned (the orchard and plants weren't watered),
    but there is a metallic sound from inside the LOCKED basement.
    So I wouldn't expect it to be the normal householder. Seems more like a prisoner trying to escape.

    ...Since you guys have been 'away', and Dahn seems fine cluing us all in to info we could have discovered about the bank, maybe let's skip RP'ing the Bank part (asking for any info you would have liked to discover), and we can just do the abandoned Wizard-house bit. ...If Dahn's cool with that?

    Yup. Totally cool with that. Because of the rings, you will all, more or less, be on the same page about stuff. Just let me know your plan of action. Want to give me a disable check for the cellar door, Starlan?

    Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

    "I really want to ask him how many other people he's sold this information to. Is there a tactful way to do that?"

    Iri sends out a more general broadcast summarising Rurin's information to Starlan and the twins, adding

    "It's really distracting in here - is there anything else we should be asking him before we hand over the rest of the cash?"

    Distracting is a bit of an understatement. She's never been more grateful for Sillas's confident presence.

    'A way for us to ask him? Not really. But I'll slip back after we leave and see if I can get a little know out of him.'

    Sillas' plan is to vanish into the crowd, leave Iri, shift, go back to Rurin. I'll pretend to be a contact for another group for as long as I can to see what I can learn, and then I'll see if I can lift the letter.

    Are there any exits near his table?
    Are there a lot of people near him?
    Is there somewhere I could unobtrusively change shape on the way back to the table?

    Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

    It's a pub. There'll be a gents toilet somewhere.

    Elli; Basically the plan was that Starlan was going to check out the wizard's house, and you and Deerian would pretend to be picnicking in the grove, mentally alerting him if his cover was blown, basically. All is good on your end, but inside the house, Starlan has discovered a locked door and some sounds of rhythmic movement beyond the door. Sillas and Iri are currently meeting with Rurin in the bar, gathering info about the bank. Make sense?

    Sim; There is a toilet, yes. It's foul smelling, but it would certainly give you a place to do the superman-costume-change-thing. The bar is crowded and rowdy enough that you could get away with it, though your clothes remain the same. His table is near the back of the place, butting up against a wall, but you could approach/leave through the other three directions. The toilets are off to the left of his table.

    "Well? Anything else? I'd like the rest of the coin now, I don't know where else you would get detailed maps from. When are you going to show up, anyway? I don't want to risk leaving my door open every night this week. Tell me when you'll be by."

    'We might as well pay him now. When are we doing the job?'

    Ok, shiny. I'll step inside the toilet for a moment, change my face, and then cast Disguise Self to make my clothes look different.

    Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

    "As soon as we can get hold of Starlan and the twins. I don't think I want him to have too long to betray us in. He can probably earn more by alerting the authorities than he can from us."

    Iri hands over the rest of the money. Discreetly.

    "Thank you kindly. If you don't mind, I have a dwarf to get back to, so why don't we say tomorrow night? Does that give you enough time?."

    Rurin whistles and snaps his fingers, signalling his girl to come back over. The two get back to their shenanigans as if there was no interruption.

    Give me a description of just how you're approaching Rurin as the new-you; what is your angle of approach?

    Female Half Elf Sorceress 2
    DM dahn wrote:
    Elli; Basically the plan was that Starlan was going to check out the wizard's house, and you and Deerian would pretend to be picnicking in the grove, mentally alerting him if his cover was blown, basically. All is good on your end, but inside the house, Starlan has discovered a locked door and some sounds of rhythmic movement beyond the door. Sillas and Iri are currently meeting with Rurin in the bar, gathering info about the bank. Make sense?

    If that's the case then Elli and Deerian will keep up what they're supposed to be doing and will keep an eye out for Wingy. I'll keep an eye on things and will post when needed.

    Male Halfling Rogue 1/ Druid 1

    "There's a rhythmic metallic sound in the basement, and the kitchen door to there is also locked.
    I'll exit out the back porch and come outside, so we can all enter the Basement from it's outer door."

    I imagine it's those type of Basement doors that are at a 45* angle, and open directly onto stairs.

    OK, We should have our plan and positioning together FIRST before I unlock it.
    I would guess some sort of prisoner was locked there, and they're probably hungry.
    We should be prepared though, and definitely make sure who/whatever it is can't escape, in case they're a Cultist.
    It could be a Cultist that the Wizard managed to subdue, before running into the one that killed him.

    Once Elli & Dee confirm on our plan:Disable Device: 21 Woo Hoo! Fingaz on FIRE!
    (I don't even have any Ranks in D.D., so I'm quite impressed with my success so far)

    Starlan;Sorry, that was an oversight on my part. If you don't have any ranks in Disable Device, you can't use it. I just assumed that you had ranks in it as you made a check earlier. I'll let that one through (perhaps you forced your way in), but you'll have to find another way into the basement. Both the door inside the house, and the cellar door outside are locked.

    Ellirayne/Deerian; The picnic thing was just a suggestion with what to do with you guys while we were waiting for your return. If you have something you would rather be doing, by all means, please be doing that. Busting down the door is one option.

    Male Halfling Rogue 1/ Druid 1

    OK. What about the door from the kitchen to the basement?
    Was it also a padlock, or just a bar across it? (or otherwise not needing special skills to unlock)
    EDIT: Actually, could I just roll a Bluff check to be able to try that Disable Device, anyways? ;-)
    "What do you think, Twins? Take the hinges off the outside (or inside) door to the Basement?
    Or all of us whack the padlock at the same time, hope that busts it, and pile in?
    ...Ellirayne, You could do some of that sorceress-type-magic-detection stuff in the direction of the Basement, right?

    The door is made of sturdy wood, and the lock is an internal mechanism; the handle locks the door into the wall-frame surrounding the door, almost exactly like modern doors work. Sim does have disable device, but none of you know it; besides, he's got a bigger project on his hands.

    Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

    "Starlan, we'll be done here soon I think. Why don't you leave opening the door until we can join you? Just in case whatever it is shouldn't be let out."

    Male Halfling Rogue 1/ Druid 1

    OK, I'll look at the libraries, then...
    Roll for me if necessary...

    Sillas follows Irirangi into the crowd and, once they're out of Rurin's sight, says in a low voice "I'll be right back. I'm going to see if I can't get a little more information.". Flashing a confident grin at her, he slips off into the crowd.

    Once in the restroom he'll shift his features to make himself to look like a middle-aged man with sharp features and a slightly aristocratic manner. He'll use Disguise Self to make it look like he's wearing a set of common black clothes.

    Sim smiles slightly to himself, slipping easily back into the role of con artist. He approaches Rurin's table, his expression nuetral and speaks, his voice cold "Rurin d'Sivis. I'd speak to you."

    Starlan; There are large collections of books on a variety of subjects. In game terms, accessing these would certainly give a circumstance bonus on any knowledge checks. Nothing akin to a diary or personal writings is in any of the libraries. That fact actually helps bring to light the fact that, though many rooms have comfortable furniture, nothing resembling a bedroom has been seen anywhere through the house.

    "You would, would you? What makes you think I'll listen? I've been interrupted plenty tonight, so if you have something to say, you better say it fast. Before my next drink gets here."

    Male Halfling Rogue 1/ Druid 1

    Well, after availing myself the opportunity to educate myself from his library,
    My curiosity will be piqued by the absense of a bedroom. (Is there a bathroom!?)
    I will search for secret doors or rooms...

    Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

    Irirangi watches the crowds go by and wonders how on earth Sillas is planning to get more information out of Rurin.

    I hope I'm being over suspicious, but I know my father would tell me to be careful and check everything.

    "Cassio? Are you finding travel fun - you haven't said anything lately."

    Rurin d'Sivis wrote:
    "You would, would you? What makes you think I'll listen? I've been interrupted plenty tonight, so if you have something to say, you better say it fast. Before my next drink gets here."

    "My employer has interest in some information you have. He may have contacted you about his interest. He'll pay, handsomely, for it." Sim says with a small, restrained smile. "Let me buy you a drink and maybe we can discuss this a little more."

    Diplomacy 30 (20+10)

    Well then, by the rules he should be practically on his knees right about now...Nice Roll.

    Rurin studies you for some time, looking you up and down. "Sounds about right. I've got a lotta contacts. I've got a bit of time now, and I've got a fee, too. What is it you want to know?"

    Starlan; Upon inspection, there does not seem to be a bathroom or privy that you can see. Neither are there secret rooms; judging the shape and dimensions of the house from the outside, you can safely assume that 'what you see is what you get'.

    "I am actually enjoying his absence. Don't provoke him. Besides, you should be focused on retrieving this amulet, not dreadful poetry."

    Heh, I'm glad I focused on Diplomacy and Bluff

    Sim nods, motioning to the barkeep to get Rurin another drink "My employer was told that you'd be the one to go to if one wanted to know about the bank's vaults."

    Male Halfling Rogue 1/ Druid 1

    OK, would I be able to take the hinges off or something, to gain entry to the basement?

    Hey guys, I want to find out what this thing in the basement is. Are you coming over here?


    Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

    "Starlan, wait. Sillas went to see if he could get a little more information out of Rurin. We're on our way as quickly as possible .... where are you exactly?"

    "Looks like a lonely night for you, babe.", Rurin says as he motions for his dwarf friend to leave yet again. When the drinks arrive, Rurin grabs the arm of the waitress, finishes his drink in one gulp, and motions for her to bring him another.

    "You have my attention. Speak up while you can. Soon I'll be too drunk to talk to you, Mr....what was your name again?"

    Starlan, you can certainly take the hinges off, using the right tools.

    "Arkev" Sim says easily. "Now, did my employer contact you about our interest in getting into the vaults?"

    Did we see where Rurin put the letter from Solinthas?

    The letter is on the table, unopened still. He's put his empty glass on top of it.

    "The name doesn't mean a thing to me, but that doesn't mean much. I can get you into the vault, if you need, but that kinda information will cost you. I can get you maps, diagrams, security patterns, you name it. But I'll need three grand."

    Male Halfling Rogue 1/ Druid 1

    Do you have a plan about fooling this guy into thinking 2 or 3 different groups are trying to break into the Bank? :-)
    He seems a bit too "far-gone" for that type of thing to matter, but I'm interested to see how he plays out.

    "Okay... Are you on your way, though?"

    Sim's not trying to get him to think multiple groups are after it; he's trying to get Rurin to reveal whether or not he's been contacted by other groups.

    Would it be possible to conceal spell casting with either a Bluff or a Sleight of Hand check?

    Male Halfling Rogue 1/ Druid 1

    Oh yes, that. Any plan on sussing out the Dwarven girl to see if she's really his Kundarak handler?

    Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)
    Starlan 'Wingy' Benex wrote:

    "Okay... Are you on your way, though?"

    "Once Sillas gets back. I can't see him. It's crowded in here and I think someone's going to throw up any second now."

    Surprise Casting is actually the Beguiler's talent. I know it deals mostly with in-combat casting, but it makes perfect sense here. You could certainly do the motions under the table; speaking the verbal components will have to be blended into your speech. Go ahead and make a bluff check for me. If you can think of a creative use for your hands, you can use a sleight of hand check to augment that, as well.

    'Irirangi, be ready to make a hasty exit just in case this doesn't go quite according to plan.'

    Sim frowns "Did no one contact you? An initial payment should have been arranged." his face twisting into a scowl of irritation, he mutters a few sharp words under his breath. Verbal component of Silent Image
    Beneathe the table he takes a bit of wool from a small pouch at his side and performs the last few gestures to complete his spell.

    Bluff 27
    Creating a Silent Image of the letter, on top of the real one. After Silent Image he'll cast Charm Person, using Cloaked Casting to get a +1 to save DC.

    Sim leans forward, placing one hand on the table not too far from the letter. Almost idly he begins to trace circles on the table with his fingers. "But you can get us in? I can arrange the payment immediatly." He lowers his voice, speaking with hypnotic intensity "Help us, Rurin, tell me what I need to know."

    Bluff 28 Casting Charm Person; Save DC 15 w/Cloaked Casting

    Rurin's eyes take on a glaze that is familiar to Sim; glossy, they follow his every word. "You're probably right. I just met with a group, and they paid me in full. They seemed like a well-backed sort, so I even charged them a little extra. Didn't even hiccough at the thought. I can get you in, but I can't let you out. That's up to you."

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