Strange Loops; An Eberron game


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On the third day of your travel, Iri receives another Sending from Solinthas, his ghostly visage appearing to her briefly.

"Priestess, I have made contact with the gnome you are to meet in Passage. Ask for Rurin d'Sivis at the Dancing Angel Alehouse"

You may respond with a message of your own, immediately, of 25 words or less.

Docking in Passage, you are relieved to see that there are a few Lyrandar Airships already docked. None are quite as ostentatious as yours, but it helps to blend in, nonetheless.


"So, the crew wants to know how long we're sticking around here. I know you have some business here to take care of, but I don't know how long it will take you. What should I tell them?"

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)
Solinthas wrote:

On the third day of your travel, Iri receives another Sending from Solinthas, his ghostly visage appearing to her briefly.

"Priestess, I have made contact with the gnome you are to meet in Passage. Ask for Rurin d'Sivis at the Dancing Angel Alehouse"

You may respond with a message of your own, immediately, of 25 words or less.

"Holy one, we will go there at once on arrival. Is he expecting us and does he know our business? We will be well prepared."

Iri hopes that the last part is true.

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

The three day journey give Iri something rare. Time to think. For the first time, she allows herself to consider what life might be like without a head full of people. She does this cautiously, touching at the new idea without really exploring it.

Having grown up with her voices, it's only since the ring added more to the mix that she's even considered whether her own "people" could become embodied. Of Aphra, Cassio and Benefor she has no doubts at all, but Dahl ...

Dahl is another story and one she's not quite ready to explore. There is also no way she can even touch on the possibility without alerting him to her ideas, and just for now she's unwilling to do that. She lets the voices chat randomly, only adding the odd comment here and there, tentatively contemplating a life that is really hers alone.

Male Halfling Rogue 1/ Druid 1

Besides caring for Dragonheart, I enjoy exploring the lay-out of an airship, which I'd never been on before. I'll also talk to the crew and learn what I can about them, though I obviously need to keep our group's intentions somewhat secret.

As we depart from Sharn, I'll point out a distant column of smoke as dust from a herd of dinosaurs being transported from Talenta to market. As we continue, I'll point out land marks or areas known for especially delectable fruits.

What is the set-up for the air-ship docking tower in Passage?
How is the town layed out around it?

For most of the journey Sillas seems content to quietly watch Khorvaire slide past them, far below. Reflecting on the situation he's found himself thrown into and more specifically, what it will mean. 'How long can I maintain myself, without even the fortress of my own mind as sanctuary? How soon before I can no longer conceal the truth from them? Irirangi, Merreck, Tara, all of them. How soon before I must watch it all fall to ruin?'

With their arrival at Passage, Sillas pulls himself more into the conversations he's only idly listened to for the past few days.
At the captain's question he looks to Irirangi and then to the twins "Well..."

'I've no idea how long this will take. How long can the airchip stay before it garners suspicion, either from the locals or the crew?'

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

"With a little luck we might not need long. We can pick up the information we need from the Ambling Pumpkin or whatever the inn is called, and go to Stormhome to make plans. The airship won't be conspicuous there, it's practically the home town for airships isn't it?"

Male Halfling Rogue 1/ Druid 1

"Yes, let's visit this contact of yours, Iri, and get a feel for the rest of the town.
I might want to walk around the neighborhood where what's-his-name,
the unlucky Xen'Drik-ologist kept his apartment. I just want to see who his neighbors are.

We might as well not try and disguise ourselves,
since Dwarven questions could probably discover who left Sharn with this airship...
But we can scout thins out, and take a subtler approach our next visit..."

"Well, let's get moving then. Move your skinny little legs. We have a fiend to free."

Your presence in Passage does not seem to draw undue attention. Not yet, anyway.

Near dusk, and ambling around town, it's not long before you sight the Dancing Angel Alehouse. It is conveniently located near the docking tower, and a small trickle of people seem to be flowing into it.

By no means do you have to go into the Alehouse and meet with Rurin now. If you'd like to scout out the area for the wizard's home, you can do that as well. Please make the requisite Diplomacy (for gathering info) checks. In addition, while any of you are interacting with anyone in the town, I'd like a brief description of how you are doing so. Disguises, turns of phrase, weird twitches, anything that would draw or detract suspicion. Oh, and by the way, I found that post where I mentioned bears. Briefly. My fault.

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

"Some kind of plan is needed at this point I think." Irirangi looks a little bewildered at the prospect.

"House and surroundings before we meet Rurin. Let's have more information than we haven't. Dahl - care to repeat and expand on that last comment? Releasing is just what we're not going to do."

"Girlfriend, you know what? You have turned into little Miss Shove Everyone Around lately. Can you stop doing that? It's getting old."

"Speak for yourself, Aphra. When I close my eyes, all I hear is your nagging voice. And Irirangi, you are precisely headed to the Kundarak vault to remove the fiend Tyrankalis from his holding cell. You are indeed freeing him. Do try to keep up, I certainly have been."

Sillas nods "We stay here too long. The longer we're, the more likely it is we'll draw attention to ourselves. We could split into two groups; one group to meet with Rurin and one to poke around the wizard's home and see what else they can discover."

'Aphra, you're not helping things. A plan is needed. Anyone is welcome to volunteer a plan or give their opinion. Besides, she's the closest thing to a leader we have on this little expedition; it being done at the request of her superiors in the Church.'

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)
Sim wrote:

Sillas nods "We stay here too long. The longer we're, the more likely it is we'll draw attention to ourselves. We could split into two groups; one group to meet with Rurin and one to poke around the wizard's home and see what else they can discover."

'Aphra, you're not helping things. A plan is needed. Anyone is welcome to volunteer a plan or give their opinion. Besides, she's the closest thing to a leader we have on this little expedition; it being done at the request of her superiors in the Church.'

"Sillas, if you and Starlan come with me to see Rurin, Merrek and the twins can explore the wizard's house. I think I need to be with you, Rurin knows about Solinthas, it's going to look odd if nobody knows him. Let's go. Stay in contact and tell everyone if you find anything interesting. We meet back here in three hours - earlier or later if needs be."

Iri surprises herself being decisive, boosted by Sillas's apparent confidence in her.

Sillas nods to Irirangi "Sounds like we have a plan. Let's get on with it."

'Starlan, I've heard many stories about the bond shared by the Talenta riders and their mounts. How close, how precise, is that bond? For instance, could Dragonheart stay in the skies and watch for anything unusual? I'd rather not be caught unawares by the types who might also be seeking what Rurin knows.'

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

Just to warn you, Iri's Sense Motive, Intimidate and Diplomacy are only +3. The fast sweet talking may well be Sillas's department.

Shouldn't be a problem; I've focused on the social skills with him.

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

One reason for suggesting we split this way.

Great. Splitting up is efficient. Make sure you decide where you will all meet up afterwards. Can I have those Diplomacy rolls and plans from those of you asking about Delphis' home? And can I get Bluff checks from those of you meeting with Rurin?

You split up; some of you begin combing the streets, asking for directions, perhaps as lost tourists. You hope that finding directions to the dead wizard's home is not too difficult.

The rest of you enter the Dancing Angel, a crowded bar that seems to be filling up even more. You scan the patrons, but without a description, it may be difficult to find him on your own. Asking the barkeep, or asking around the tavern, may help.

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

"I guess it would have been sensible to ask Solinthas to describe Rurin." Iri looks crestfallen. "Sometimes I am very, very dumb."

Male Halfling Rogue 1/ Druid 1

Bluff check if relevant: 17

Maybe a general map of the town layout would be helpful...?
I lookout for any spots where young 'punks' hang out. Not to approach them this time, but I'm planning ahead.
...Mainly, I try not to do anything memorable, I'm just trying to get a feel for things.

...Dragonheart could respond to a specific cue, but I think what you're thinking about is too vague. (INT 2 creature)
I COULD direct him to "guard" someone from attackers... But I'm hoping if we're all just low-key nothing will happen.
It seems better not to leave a trail of associations of lyrandar airship-dinosaur-halfling & minor nobles from sharn- etc...

(unless there's a pressing need for Dragonheart, I'll just direct him to stay on board & sleep. I'd prefer if the crew also just stayed on board, just so they can't accidentally share any info.)

It looks like I'm NOT checking out the wizard's house, but I wanted to say my idea was NOT to go asking around about him, or even try to directly investigate the address at all. I thought the most discrete approach would be to figure out what businesses/ homes/ etc are adjacent or behind the wizard's house. From inside those, a scroll/spell to dimension door/ pass thru stone/wood/etc could enter his house without anyone seeing, since you'd be inside another building, and presumably plenty of people regularly go in and out most of the neighboring buildings. But I'm not going now :-)

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

Starlan is free to go with the twins! It was just Iri making a burbling plan - she does that a lot. Go tell her she's an idiot and needs to boil her head :D

'Ah, never mind then.'

Irirangi Biasharan wrote:
"I guess it would have been sensible to ask Solinthas to describe Rurin." Iri looks crestfallen. "Sometimes I am very, very dumb."

"Don't feel too bad about it." Sillas says quietly, scanning the room nonchalantly, looking for any gnomes. "In all likelihood, Solinthas doesn't even know what our man looks like. I'm guessing that Rurin figures that if we're willing to pay his fee, we'll also be willing to poke around a little to find him. Keeps him safer that way."

Bluff, if necessary 18; Perception 17

Sillas gestures to the crowded bar "Come on. Let's get a drink and laska few questions."

'He might be waiting for us; he may have asked Solinthas for our descriptions so that he could make the first move.'

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

Iri engages her brain and tries to help Sillas out.

Aid another: Bluff, Perception: (1d20 3=11, 1d20 3=12)

Male Halfling Rogue 1/ Druid 1

"So, you two haven't been to Passage before, either, have you?
I suppose we can at least stretch our legs, and get a feel for the town.
I'm also interested in this Wizard's house, which is probably being watched by the cultists,
but maybe we can find an entry from the neighbor houses, or the property behind his.
You sorcerous-types might have some means of bypassing something as simple as a wall, right?"

I figure we'd just stroll the town, shopping maybe, to get a feel for it's layout, including around the Bank. (+inside?)
One of you could pick up an appropriate scroll or 2 at a magic shop to help get thru a wall, if that works.
After the less controversial stuff is taken care of, we can see about finding a "back" way into this chap's house.

Perception = 21 (23 Hearing), Diplomacy = 23

I'll assume that we discussed this before actually landing.
SO, I'll say that I directed Dragonheart to glide above the town before our airship actually came close.
(I didn't want Dragonheart and our airship associated at this point.)
If I need Dragonheart, I can call him down as he'll be able to watch us from high above.
After we leave town, he can re-join the airship further north from town, by a landmark I point out. (edge of forest?)

Sorry for the delays, guys, I was kinda waiting on the twins. I don't think they'll show, so I may end up running them or leaving them behind for this portion.

Those meeting with Rurin.


The gnome is easy enough to find. Asking around seems to generate a few interesting responses; "What, does he owe you money too?" "You guys partying early tonight?" "Yeah, he's around here. Just don't let him stick you with the tab." He seems to have a bit of a reputation, but it seems friendly enough. You don't manage to arouse any suspicion.

The barkeep only needs to nod in the direction of his table, and the ostentatious little gnome sticks out like a neon sign. He's currently at a table with a young female dwarf. They're sitting pretty closely and giggling a lot.

How you approach is up to you. You still have the note from Solinthas, and you know he's given Rurin a heads-up about you.

Those scouting the town for Dephis' home.


The town of Passage is surprisingly metropolitan for its size. Being a necessary conduit of travel for the region and beyond, all manner of shops, taverns, businesses, and cultural representation can be found here.

Luckily, asking and wandering around town is fruitful. Literally. Deep in the city, a moderately sized fruit farm has been built. Though no one is tending it currently, it shows the work of care and respect. A talented farmer has cultivated this sprawling copse of fruit trees and berry bushes. However, the fruit looks ripe, but it remains unpicked. The beginnings of the ripest fruit have already dropped to the ground around the garden.

This small grove actually backs onto Delphis' property. Though his home shows no signs of life, it shows no signs of defense either. It should be easy enough for Starlan to break into, should he want to.

Unlike the Kundarak bank, however. This structure has several guards posted along the perimeter walls, and even more near the main entrance. A small patrol circles the perimeter walls.

What scrolls are you looking for? A scroll of Ethereal Jaunt is too rare for a place like passage. Scrolls of Stone Shape are readily available at 375gp each, but their effects are far from inconspicuous.

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

"Sillas, I think this is where you step in."

"I'd guess that buying him a drink will go down really well."

'Let's wait a minute and watch him, try to feel out his manner.'

"Indeed it will. And that drink will probably multiply greatly by the time the night is through." Sillas says, watching the gnome carefully as he once would have watched a mark.

[ooc]Any check I should make, or no?

Male Halfling Rogue 1/ Druid 1

OK, I want to wait for Elli & Dee, but it doesn't seem they've posted so recently... HELLOOO!?!?
If we investigate the Bank (like walking in, and asking how renting a lock-box works),
it seems the Twins have the aura of respectability that would help...? What do you guys think?
In any case, that would happen before we investigate the house...
Dahn: What types of buildings are adjacent/around the Bank?

The Wizard's House:
I'll see if I can learn from any passers-by if the fruit is OK to pick, and why nobody has picked it. I don't let on that I know anything about the Wizard's house behind the grove, though of course if there's juicy info people blurt out, all the better. Elli & Dee could either roll their own Diplomacys, or Aid Another to add +2 to my roll from before (which was 23). After taking care of that, if we want to try sneaking in, my Perception roll (21/ 23 hearing) is looking out for any suspicious characters watching us, and if there's anything in the grove or house. If we try sneaking in, one or two of us should play "lookout", so we can be sure we're not observed while trying to enter...


Dahn:Probably the types of spells I was thinking of are too high Spell Level. But it doesn't like we need them now.
I'll see what the Twins think before saying how I'll proceed... (Or DM-PC as you see fit, Dahn...)

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

Scions of House Lyrander seem like good candidates for hiring a lock box to me. They've got the added bonus of being able to ask a lot of nosy questions without it seeming like anything other than normal Lyrander paranoia. Go for it.

Iri is happy to let Sillas take the lead on talking to Rurin. He seems to know what he's doing.

"It's your call Sillas. I have no idea how to do this."

"Has it ever occurred to you that our education lacked a few things? Like how to pump random strangers for information? Mama can't have thought I'd ever need to do it or she'd have had me going to after school classes along with violin and epic poetry."

DM Dahn

How's Irian looking from Passage? Keeping tabs on information for Joseph here.

Sillas looks at Irirangi for a moment and then laughs. Grinning broadly he replies "Indeed, there are a few important skills we were never taught."


Dragonheart calmly soars above you and the town, waiting for further empathic instructions.

There aren't really any buildings near the bank. It's located somewhat near the edge of town in what is, surprisingly, known as the 'Bank District'. It's structure most closely resembles a kind of keep, with a gated wall surrounding the main building.

You learn that the fruits are fine to eat, but it's not something that's widely encouraged. The fruit is intended to be used to make various fruit wines. The people you speak to also point out that the grove is an extension of Delphis' property. They don't seem to know why he hasn't harvested it yet, and they certainly don't know that he was a wizard.

You don't hear or see any suspicious activities outside of Delphis' home. Inside is a different matter. There are a number of entrances. The ground floor has a main entrance that is fairly visible. It also has a number of windows. The second floor has a number of windows, as does the third floor with the added quality of a balcony overlooking the grove. There's also a locked cellar entrance around the back of the property.


Irian's presence is just as visible in Passage as it is in Sharn.

Keeping an eye on Rurin is easy enough because of his flamboyant nature. Things start to get rowdy, and eventually someone brings over a small tumbler filled with a unknown dark liquid. The dwarf woman unbuttons her blouse partly, and lays down on the bar table. The liquid is administered to her chest and cleavage, and Rurin happily drinks it up. The dwarf squeals and giggles, and you're all left wondering what kind of angels dance here.

Nudging Sillas in the ribs, Merreck adds; "I'd like to try that! Well, not with a dwarf. And probably not with you. Hmm..."

Merreck begins to scan the room for someone suitable enough.

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

"Do you think it's compulsory? I don't have a lot of cleavage."

"Are you volunteering?"

"Girlfriend, don't even think about answering that."

"Ah forget it, then." Merreck says, rolling his eyes. "Listen, I'm going to go find something to drink. If you ever decide to meet with the gnome, instead of just ogling his dwarf, I'll be around. It's probably for the best that just you approach him anyway. The less people, the less of a crowd, and the less attention can be drawn."

Sillas nods "If we need your expertise we'll let you know." he says, with only a hint of good-natured sarcasm in his voice.

Once he departs, Sillas sighs and looks at Irirangi "Well, let's get this over with."

Sillas approaches the table where Rurin sits and after a moment speaks up "You're Rurin yes?"

Diplomacy 20

Rurin barely looks up from his drink; "Sure am. Who's askin'?"

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

"Us." Iri gazes at the gnome and his companion with frank curiosity. Even Sillas's extravagant birthday celebrations hadn't prepared her for this. It's a whole new world.

"Ah, did the old man send you? That must be it."

He practically pushes the dwarf off the table, clearing most of it with a sweep of his arm. "Move along Keira. This is business. I'll see you later." She leaves in a huff, still covered in liquor.

Motioning for you to sit down with him, Rurin takes a moment to judge both of you. "That is what this is about, isn't it? I don't owe no one any money."

Male Halfling Rogue 1/ Druid 1

Elli & Dee, did you two want to talk up the Kundarak Bank and see what we can learn?
It seems better to take care of one thing at a time,
and I'd rather do this first before checking out the Mage's house...?

Sillas shakes his head "No, at least you don't owe us anything. If the 'Old man' refers to a chap named Solinthas, then yes, that's why we're here."

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

"Do we give him the letter now? I'm pretty sure Solinthas doesn't know what this place is like." Iri's thought sounds bewildered but amused.

"Yeah I get you. I get you."

Rurin looks around him before he motions you to come closer. Almost in a whisper he says; "If you can be discrete, so can I. Look, I don't know what you need from that bank, or who the rightful owner is. That's the last thing I'm interested in. What I am interested in is my fee. I have a standard rate of three thousand. That's pretty fair, considering whatever it is that you need access to is probably worth a great deal more than that."

Rurin's smile reveals a gleam of brown teeth.

"And I need it upfront, of course."

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

"I don't think we should pay him everything at once Sillas. My father would say "check the quality before you commit to purchase."."


Sillas shakes his head "You know how this works. Half upfront to show you we're good for it, then half after you've shown us its worth our coin."

"Sure, slide the coin across the floor, using your feet. I'll count it while we chat."

Starlan, do you want to maybe go ahead without the twins? I can give you all the information that they would have gathered about the bank through Rurin now.

Male Halfling Rogue 1/ Druid 1

Sure, that sounds like a good idea. Let Rurin drop that info whenever is convenient...
My actions at the house seem mostly independent of the details at the Bank.

OK, I guess I'll slip up to the house, checking the windows & doors, climbing up all the way to the balcony if I don't find any unlocked (or un-lockable) windows on the way up. I'll leave Elli & Dee amongst the trees, but closer to the road, to serve as lookouts and decoys (looking like they're picnickers). If I find entry, we'll decide how to proceed from there...
Climb: 25, Stealth: 22, Disable Device: 15 (if necessary)

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