Strange Loops; An Eberron game


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Male Halfling Rogue 1/ Druid 1


Could you help me?
I don't HAVE any of the Eberron material, I've just looked at it before: What is Stormhome?
Thanks a mucho :-) (p.s. so, did I have a location for any of those ideas?)


, Stormhome is an inhospitable rock of an island off the coast of Aundair. Or at least, it was before the Lyrandar weather mages got a hold of it. Controlling the weather is what they do best. Now, it is a perfect paradise. Literally. The weather is ALWAYS perfect, because it is controlled. House Lyrandar has their 'main base' there, if you excuse the term. Likewise, the 'Queen' of House Lyrandar resides there. During the war, as the Dragonmarked houses remained neutral (and profitable), it was a haven for spies, contacts, turncoats, double agents, and vacationers. Imagine. Anyone else have something else to add? This is my first Eberron game, bud. So we're lost together.

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)
DM dahn wrote:
Poor Iri, ranks in Diplomacy next level, right?

Ranks in healing more like. Since technically she's supposed to be able to do that and is a rather meagre +3 at the moment.

"Stormhome and Passage are close enough to each other for it to make sense for us to travel together."

She thinks for a moment.

"Sillas could be right about your uncle as well. He sounds very talented, just not very moral. He might be counting on you following him but he's probably also counting on your family pride to make you come alone. Why not surprise him?"

Male Halfling Rogue 1/ Druid 1

DM dahn wrote:

The imagery of the cove in Hawaii is, well, it's pretty spot on. If you look in the right place, you'll find just that. Good guess.
nice... if I hadn't been to a place like that, it wouldn't have occured to me.

Female Half Elf Sorceress 2

Ellrayne gives a slight nod at Iri's words before turning in her seat to look up at her brother with a slight smile. "It may be time to borrow father's ship" She decides aloud with the slightest of grins, knowing how often they've both dreamt of captaining it.

Male Halfling Rogue 1/ Druid 1

"Well, I can say I'm willing to help you two sort this out. Certainly if this Uncle of yours might be able to clear up the story behind these 'rings'... So you think heading to Stormhome is the best bet on tracking him & your mother down?"

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

"Oh, I'm happy to help. I really am. But I've got to be honest and say that it's partly because I really don't like the idea of your uncle overhearing us any more than he may already have done. It's not the only reason, but it is one of them. Just so you know.

"I found an island in your arms,
A country in your eyes.
Arms that chained us,
Eyes that lied."

Enchanted Ellirayne, I see the pain of your betrayal. Let us help you find solace. We will go to Stormhome. My green-eyed paladin will take us."

"Yes, I'll go as well. This affects all of us, and we must all work together to solve the puzzle before us."

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

Taking Deerian's assent for granted, now that Ellirayne has agreed, Iri looks around at them all.

"So, what's the plan now? Going to the bank to see what we can find out there, followed by a stop at the temple to reassure Solinthas and getting an advance sounds good. Ellirayne and Deerian have access to transport, Merreck can tell us where to go if we need help there and ... oh, I really, really should go and talk to Joseph."

She stops for a second, thinking.

"One more thing - we should probably stick together. I hate to keep harping on about inquisitive ears, but until we can find out who else might be on the ring loop, we should be very, very careful what we think.

"Clear everyone? That means you too, Dahl."

"Good luck with that one girlfriend. If you can find a legal way of shutting up Cassio you'll get my gratitude. Not that I think that's even possible. Cassio - that last bit of verse - TA-CKY"

A knock is heard on the door, and it pushes open. "Sillas, you in here?"

Merreck pokes his head in. "Hey. You sure are. As are the rest of you. Ready to party again? I don't know about you all, but my head is pounding today. I almost didn't make it here to meet you. I gave your description to the server and she pointed me over here."

Merreck pauses. "What? Why are you all looking at me like that? Did I interrupt some secret club meeting?"

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

"Sillas - do you want to ask him?"

Iri's face lights up at seeing Merreck again.

"That map is one of the most astonishing things I've ever seen. I can't tell you how much I want to go to all the blank bits on it. Oh - I'm sorry about your head, can I help?"

"Oh, that map? It would take a lifetime or two to fill it all in. Probably more if we wanted to get into any detail about it. I just hope my legs don't give out too soon! And my head's fine. I'm not sure you can do anything about it, anyway. I'll probably just have a little sip of wine. Hair of the dog, and all."

Sillas grins at Merreck, gesturing for him to take a seat with them "Just the fellow I wanted to see. Come in and get something to eat, or drink, if you think that's the wiser course."

He waits for Merreck to make himself comfortable before leaning forward a little and speaking "Merreck, friend, I've got a favor to ask you. We need to tap your knowledge of the world, but for now I can't tell you exactly why. We have a few questions that you might be able to answer. Feel like playing professor?"

'Ask him whatever you want, Irirangi.'

"As long as I don't have to wear a stuffy blazer, I'm in. What do you want to know?"

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

"Can we start with assuming I'm completely ignorant and go from there. We need to go to Stormhome and Passage. For what might be different reasons, but might not. What are they like? My tutors always say start with the basics. Build the big picture, then fill in the details..."

Iri trails off.

"Now is maybe not the time for a lecture on scholarly practice. I'll be quiet."

Male Halfling Rogue 1/ Druid 1

"Aahhh.. Excuse me, the novelty of all this, going along with you all in an airship WITH Dragonheart to this Storm-Home Island is quite distracting, but I thought of one important thing:
For Stormhome it's probably quite the standard thing, but airships probably aren't the most common visitor in Passage. So if we want to not leave a high-profile trail to follow, we probably shouldn't show up in Passage jumping off our own House Lyrandar airship, if we wish to keep our departure discrete and anonymous... Given our plans there."

I'm not particularly prejudiced one way or the other, but if we get the Twins' situation looked after first, they'll be in a much clearer space of mind to assist in the other scenario... And we can hopefully be more prepared for that with a bit more time... What d'y'all say? If we're agree on a basic approach like that, maybe we can all take care of these little things like visiting banks, contacts, etc, here in Sharn before taking off...???

Male Half Elf Fighter 1/Sorcerer 1

"I'm not too sure that it would be that uncommon.. Passage is a reasonably sized City but if you really think it's a problem then Fairhaven is between the two and as the captial we should be safe." Deerian looked at his sister awaiting her counsel. "But I would quite like to keep a quick way out around me all things considered."

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

Iri is pretty tunnel visioned on this one. Solinthas is a huge figure in her world and she's not about to let him down. Her main concern is getting to the bank before anyone can confirm Delphis's death. She's aware that the twins will not be really concentrating until their family issues are more sorted, but she's trying to save the world. Also, she's kind of winging it, because if she doesn't keep pushing the plan ahead she's scared she'll be too frightened to do anything at all.

Of course having Sillas along would also be a nice bonus. She's tunnel visioned, but she's also sort of, kind of getting a bit attracted here.

Male Halfling Rogue 1/ Druid 1

"Well, I haven't been to Passage myself, but I thought it would be wise to not leave the Dwarves a very specific clue to our identities or affiliations. A quick get-away is definitely a very good idea, but so is an anonymous one. Maybe we can figure out the best plan for Passage while tracking down you two's Uncle, hm?"

let's get all the info/help/money/gear we can here in Sharn and then take off. maybe stop off in Passage just to get the hang of things. if it happens easy, fine, otherwise, take off to the island to help the Twins' scenario, and return to Passage more prepared for what we need to do...?

Starlan 'Wingy' Benex wrote:
"Well, I haven't been to Passage myself, but I thought it would be wise to not leave the Dwarves a very specific clue to our identities or affiliations. A quick get-away is definitely a very good idea, but so is an anonymous one. Maybe we can figure out the best plan for Passage while tracking down you two's Uncle, hm?"

"I'm with Wingy here. Traveling in an airship belonging to a high ranking member of the House Lyrander isn't exactly going incognito. While quick getaways are good, a slower but quieter ones are better."

Sillas stares idly at his hands, feeling the old excitement at a tough job returning. After a moment he looks to Merreck and asks "This is a long-shot but, Merreck, is there anywhere near passage that an airship could be hidden, just for a little while? Ellirayne, how big is the smallest airship that you could use without arousing too much suspicion or interest?"

"Wait just a minute now. An airship? Where are you guys going? Aundair? Crazy. The only reason you'd want to go there is for the wine, and I'm sure we can get some of their finest, imported."

Merreck leans back in his chair; "Well, the city of Passage sits on the shores of Lake Galifar, serving as a crossroads for commerce in western Aundair. In addition to a thriving fi shing community and a center for trade, Passage contains a huge House Orien enclave. This enclave serves as one of the house’s operation centers and makes the members of the house prominent among the city’s social elite. One key feature of the city is the lightning rail station that includes a massive maintenance and repair facility. It's pretty much the place to go, if you're trying to get somewhere by land. Kinda like Sharn, and the Lyrandar airships. But don't think that Lyrandar doesn't get a piece of the pie. Ships are constantly moving back and forth from Stormhome and Passage, often stopping in the capital, Fairhaven."

Merreck looks at the twins; "If you're planning to move around Aundair and not expose yourselves as dragonmarked House members, you'll need a disguise. I don't know what your plan is, nor am I fishing for answers. Chances are, you'll be recognized pretty easily. Especially in an airship. In terms of docking the thing, there's not a tremendous amount of places outside of city centres to do it. Unless you're a skilled pilot, you may run the risk of crashing the thing. There's plenty of places to hide it. Sillas, most of that area is filled in on your map. It was a hazy time, but you can check it when you go home."

Info on Stormhome lifted right out of the ECS


Stormhome (Large city, 14,280): The large island
off the northern coast of Aundair was once a bleak, stormblasted
outpost at the entrance to Scions Sound. In 347
YK, House Lyrandar petitioned to turn the island into
a house enclave, and the crown relented—with the caveat
that it could maintain a protective force there to monitor
comings and goings at sea. Three years later, the weather
mages of Lyrandar had changed the climate of the island.
While cold weather and storms raged around it, Stormhome
became a temperate paradise.
Today, Stormhome remains the crowning achievement
of House Lyrandar’s skills and abilities. The city that bears
the island’s name serves as the primary headquarters for
the house and the seat of its matriarch. Aundair considers
the island to be an extension of its nation, and House
Lyrandar continues to permit an Aundairian force to use
part of the island as a base. The Aundairian navy patrols
the northern coast, stopping at Stormhome for supplies
and to escape the bitter wind that blows across the bay.
In addition to the presence of many of the leading
members of House Lyrandar and their retainers, a
number of other wealthy nobles regularly visit the city.
It has become something of a vacation spot, and House
Lyrandar has permitted House Ghallanda to establish
elaborate resorts within the city limits to cater to its guests.
During the Last War, the place was mostly left a lone by
attacking forces due to House Lyrandar’s neutrality and
diplomatic position. It became a meeting place for spies
and a hotbed of clandestine activities, a reputation that it
continues to hold in the current day.

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

"Where's the nearest place we could hide an airship then? We need to get to Passage somehow, but it would be nice to turn up inconspicuously ... or, would it?"

Thinking aloud, Irirangi looks at the assembled company.

"Can't we take advantage of having dragonmarked heirs with us? If we're going to be noticeable, let's be really noticeable. Give people a reason to think we're there that's got nothing to do with the reasons we're there. Theatrical diversionary tactics. It's worked before." she adds, thinking of her own diversionary tactics arriving at Silla's party the previous evening.

"Well, you could park the thing at the docking tower in Fairhaven, and take the Orien Lightining Rail in to Passage. Or you could try to land the thing in some poor sod's farming field, outside of Passage. Either way, you guys sound like you've got quite an adventure planned.", Merreck's eyes glint with excitement.

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

"You wouldn't believe how much of one Merreck."

Iri smiles like a flash of sunshine - "Or maybe you would. How good are you acting skills?"

"It depends on the role, fair lady. A drunkard, a louse, a misanthrope, a wanderer, and a dilettante I can pull off pretty convincingly, I'd say."

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

"You could be bear-leading two dragonmarked heirs on a tour of their ancestral home easily, couldn't you? Everyone knows dragonmarked heirs only get the best and are highly capricious."

Iri smiles at the twins - "I don't mean that you two are, just that it's a good reason for you to travel with Merreck."

"Travel? With them? Have you two really never been to Stormhome? That's so strange. There must be a reason...No matter. I'm not in the secret ring club, after all. Are you sure you want me gallivanting around with you?"

Merreck ir’Tharias wrote:
"Travel? With them? Have you two really never been to Stormhome? That's so strange. There must be a reason...No matter. I'm not in the secret ring club, after all. Are you sure you want me gallivanting around with you?"

"I can't think of anyone better for the job. A little knowledge of the locale couldn't hurt."

"Why are you going there anyway? Did something come up last night at the party? I must have missed it. Or, is it something to do with all this ring nonsense? Either way, if you need help, Sillas, I'm there for you."

Merreck takes a big breath, and exhales.

"So, when do we leave?"

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)
Merreck ir’Tharias wrote:

"Why are you going there anyway? Did something come up last night at the party? I must have missed it. Or, is it something to do with all this ring nonsense? Either way, if you need help, Sillas, I'm there for you."

Merreck takes a big breath, and exhales.

"So, when do we leave?"

Iri looks serious. "The twins have some family troubles they'd rather not advertise, so we offered to help."

"It's the truth, or part of it anyway."

"Leaving - well, as soon as we've finished up a little business here I think. And I don't know about anyone else, but I should leave some kind of note for my mother I suppose."

"What the hell kind of note is that going to be girlfriend? "Sorry mom, just popping across the world to rob a bank with some people I met yesterday"? That's going to go well."

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

"Keep the thoughts to yourself Aphra. I warned you. I mean it."

"Although, I thought I'd just say I've been called on temple business. Which is true."

"You've turned into a whole bunch of no fun at all since you met Mr Tall Dark and Handsome and the Ring bearers. Have it your own way."

Iri blushes.

"I'll let my family and friends know as well. It shouldn't garner too much attention, me taking a short trip."
Sillas pauses for a moment and then leans forward in his seat "So, when do we leave?"

'Not exactly a blank space, but a start.'

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

"Who knows? Even the best known place can have blanks to fill in if you look closely enough."

"Soon. We need to start soon. The news of ... well, we need to speak to this person in Passage quickly."

Male Halfling Rogue 1/ Druid 1

"So... Should we leave today?
If you're taking an airship, would one of you (the Twins) need to stay up to pilot it, if we were to travel thru the night?"
I would want to leave a note with the Guild, and try to meet with Zillia again, before leaving...

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

Iri nods.

"I think so. Although Sillas, won't your friends think it's a little odd of you just vanish? Wingy and the twins can pretty much do what they want, and my mother ... well, she won't be happy whatever I do... and I should probably write a note to Keegan and tell him I'll be away for a while... and we need to get some money from Solinthas. I don't know. I've never done anything like this before... But in principal, today sounds like a good idea. This evening anyway." she concludes.

"I've talked a little about traveling, so it shouldn't seem too odd. Especially since Merreck is going too. I can be ready by this evening, I just have to make a few preperations, and tell everyone I'll be gone."

"Well, I'll follow and lend my advice wherever I can. I'll probably be ready to go by this evening as well. Just let me get my things!"

Male Half Elf Fighter 1/Sorcerer 1

"We should be ok to keep her up.. The elemental does the work so a small watch should be fine. I don't want to speak for Elli.. Ellirayne but for myself I can make ready to leave as soon as a ship is prepared."

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

"Will some of you come with me to the temple? I'd like Solinthas to meet you. After all, he's entrusting us with a lot of money as well as a lot of responsibility."

"A lot of money, eh?", Merreck asks, rubbing his hands together, "Is this temple business related to the Lyrandar business? Private Houses and Churches don't usually work together."

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

"I wouldn't say their interests always coincide, but in this case they've got some points in common. Forgive me Merreck, Sillas trusts you and if it was safe for you, I'd trust you too. But it isn't and I can't."

"Forgive my asking. If I'm to risk my neck over any of this, however, I deserve to be told. If not, I trust you. Sillas. I'll see you all soon. I need to go home and prepare. When and where shall we meet? Lyrandar Tower's private dock?"

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)
Merreck ir’Tharias wrote:
"Forgive my asking. If I'm to risk my neck over any of this, however, I deserve to be told. If not, I trust you. Sillas. I'll see you all soon. I need to go home and prepare. When and where shall we meet? Lyrandar Tower's private dock?"

"You do deserve to be told. I agree, and I wouldn't willingly keep a secret from someone willing to help on a friend's say so, but it isn't my information to part with. If you come to the temple with me and I vouch for you, then Solinthas can explain in person and you can decide if this is really something you want to be mixed up in."

Iri squirms. She is really unhappy with the idea of Merreck putting his life on the line without full information.

"So, some of us are going to Passage, and some of us are going to the Temple? Just point me where you need me. I'll help where I can."

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

"Not quite. All of us are going to Passage. This evening. Anyone who wants to can come to the temple. This morning."

Iri stands up. "Starting now. Because if I don't go now and get brave, I won't be going anywhere at all."

Merreck drains the rest of his glass, and sets a few coins on the table.

"Alright then, I'll join you. Let's be on our way. Wouldn't want to keep the good man waiting."

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