Curse of the Crimson Throne - 4th Edition

Curse of the Crimson Throne

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Shadow Lodge

I recommend that you go with the flow and only have a vague target level in mind mind for each of the modules and for the end point of the AP.

My plan is to end the AP with my players on level 15-20 and level 2 to 4 times through each module. As each encounter is designed by me to be at the characters level (give or take a level) and based only stylisticly around the Paizo original then I find I never have to worry that the adventure as written is going to be too tough for my players. If I feel the players are behind where I want them to be in levels then I can add a few more encounters or cut back, but I am half way through AoE now with players at level two so things are pretty much on track.

I guess my mottos here areno plan survives contact with the enemy and I guess don't sweat the small stuff

steelwhisper wrote:

I recommend that you go with the flow and only have a vague target level in mind mind for each of the modules and for the end point of the AP.

My plan is to end the AP with my players on level 15-20 and level 2 to 4 times through each module. As each encounter is designed by me to be at the characters level (give or take a level) and based only stylisticly around the Paizo original then I find I never have to worry that the adventure as written is going to be too tough for my players. If I feel the players are behind where I want them to be in levels then I can add a few more encounters or cut back, but I am half way through AoE now with players at level two so things are pretty much on track.

I guess my mottos here areno plan survives contact with the enemy and I guess don't sweat the small stuff

The problem I have with this suggestion is that my players have a very specific target level in mind (30). One of my players developed his character with the Demigod Epic Path in mind, and will be disappointed if we stop before he has a chance to explore this element of his character.

I guess my real question is whether the last two adventures in CotCT really feel Epic. I want the characters and players to really feel like they are big mama-jammas in the world when they hit 21st level, with world-shaking encounters and consequences. I feel, though, that they are actually just mid-level style adventures (which, of course, they are) that will leave my players feeling like something is missing. Thus, the concern that I should only use CotCT up through 20th level and then come up with something a bit more heavy for the last ten.



Shadow Lodge

I ran this encounter last night as part of the 4E Curse of the Crimson throne campaign I am running with six second level characters. Only five players were able to make it last night so the standard difficulty encounter which I designed for them was a little tougher than expected. Great fun though.

The set-up was a rough square (twenty by twenty) with a sewer entrance marker in the centre and a number of market stalls placed throughout the square. The players enter from a three by three square on the southern portion of the map and are allowed one turn of movement before the Otyugh emerges.

Encounter : Otyugh Uprising!
This encounter takes place in a marketplace in Old Korvosa. The PC’s are drawn to the market by shouts of alarm and when they approach they begin to feel tremors in the ground beneath their feet. They reach the market just in time to witness an enormous explosion from under the cobblestones in the centre of the market and see an Otyugh burst forth from the sewers below. From the gaping hole thousands of rats begin to emerge and swarm over the marketplace. There are injured and trapped civilians under the rubble and overturned stalls.

Otyugh ( 300 xp) MM211
Tactics: The Otyugh will remain close to the hole in the centre attempting to grapple targets with it’s 3 square reach. It will fight to the death.

2x Rat Swarm 125 xp each MM219
Tactics: The swarms will start next to the hole and attack the nearest PC or group of PC’s. They will fight to the death.

Skill Challenge: Rescue trapped citizens 300xp
Description: There are rats everywhere, swarming all over the marketplace. There are a number of people trapped under the rubble and overturned stalls who are in danger of being killed by the rats. You only have a limited time to save them. For every failed roll or turn that passes without a successful roll being made one person will be eaten by rats. Six people must be saved before three die for the challenge to succeed. (Standard complexity 2 six passes before 3 fails)
Primary Skills: Athletics, Diplomacy, Intimation

Athletics (DC15): You lift rubble from a trapped citizen or pull someone free from a cart and help them to relative safety.

Diplomacy (DC10): you call out for help rallying the people of the markets to help rescue the trapped citizens. You will gain +2 to subsequent Athletics rolls on a successful Diplomacy roll. After a successful roll no further benefit can be gained from diplomacy.

Intimidation (DC10): The people milling in the marketplace are either afraid or looking after their own safety. The can however be forced to assist through threats and intimidation. If successful a number of the more reluctant of the onlookers will help to free the trapped citizens. You will gain +2 to subsequent Athletics rolls on a successful Intimate roll however a failed roll will drive the onlookers away preventing any further attempt at Intimidation.

Total Encounter xp: 850

I might actually end up DMing this as a 4th edition game. I think I'd shoot for 4 levels per module, and then, if they characters want to get truly epic, do as you mentioned, Arc, and do something with the other artifacts of Kazavon and, finally, a meeting with the dragon.

But that's a LONG ways off.

On second thought...

We play weekly, and I don't have the time to do this conversion. We're just going to use Pathfinder.

I'd like to run it in 4E, but it'd just be too much work. I'm afraid my group is, by default, going to stick with 3.5 / Pathfinder, primarily because the quality of the adventures is so much better than the garbage Wizards started 4E out with.

I was really disappointed with the quality. Who knows, they may improve the quality, but, they missed the window of opportunity with me. They should have come out with kick butt adventures, but instead they came out with garbage.

I'm with Pathfinder, I guess. Not because I don't like 4E, but because Wizards just blew it.

arkady_v wrote:

On second thought...

We play weekly, and I don't have the time to do this conversion. We're just going to use Pathfinder.

I'd like to run it in 4E, but it'd just be too much work. I'm afraid my group is, by default, going to stick with 3.5 / Pathfinder, primarily because the quality of the adventures is so much better than the garbage Wizards started 4E out with.

I was really disappointed with the quality. Who knows, they may improve the quality, but, they missed the window of opportunity with me. They should have come out with kick butt adventures, but instead they came out with garbage.

I'm with Pathfinder, I guess. Not because I don't like 4E, but because Wizards just blew it.

Don't give up on 4E too quickly. I have been running CotCT in 4e and found that the conversion isn't that difficult. There was a slight learning curve, mostly regarding changing my mindset from trying to match creature for creature in each encounter to a looser encounter "feel" approach, but once you have a little practice, the conversion is quite simple. The hardest part, though, is the fact that, depending on the level at which you plan to finish, you may have to add quite a few encounters. I have found that there are several good Dungeon magazine adventures that fit well in the gaps.


RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Hi there... I just wanted to congratulate everyone for the talent and creativity displayed here - great work, guys!

@ Arcesilaus: How is your game going? have you squared off the PCs against the croc family, and if so, how did it go?

@ Pop'N'Fresh, thanks for the skill challenge suggestion for Lamm's Lambs.

@ scytale2: thanks for the Harrow Point uses, I'll use those.

@ steelwhisper: great otyugh encounter! how many in your party, if I may ask?

I just recently started running 4e and decided to bring the CotCT adventure path over with me to run for a new group I started.

My party consists of six PCs (cleric, fighter, ranger, rogue, wizard, warlock). In our first session last week I got them through the beginning of the adventure (preludes, Zellara's home and the Harrow reading) and left them outside the fishery deciding what to do next; the ranger and the rogue had just decided to try the alleyway.

I made two versions of the shark (whom I affectionately named Frieda), one elite and one standard (I tend to favor the former since it will be facing the PCs by itself). I offer them up to the masses, PEACH.

Frieda the jigsaw shark Level 4 Elite Skirmisher
Medium natural beast (aquatic; mount) XP 350

Initiative +6 Senses: Perception +9; low-light vision
HP: 84; Bloodied 42 [see Blood Fury]
AC: 18; Fortitude 19; Reflex 18; Will 16
Speed: Swim 9
Action Points 1

Bite (standard; at-will)
+9 vs. AC; 1d10+4 damage

Iron Jaws (standard; at-will)
+9 vs. AC; 1d6+4 damage, and target is grabbed

Blood Fury (minor; encounter) * Healing
The first time Frieda the jigsaw shark bloodies an enemy, it spends a healing surge and regains 21 hit points. It gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls and a +2 bonus to all damage rolls against bloodied enemies until the end of the encounter.

Alignment Unaligned Languages: -
Skills: Athletics +11
STR: 18 (+6) DEX: 15 (+4) WIS 15 (+4)
CON: 18 (+6) INT: 2 (-2) CHA 8 (+1)


Frieda the jigsaw shark Level 5 Skirmisher
Medium natural beast (aquatic; mount) XP 200

Initiative +6 Senses: Perception +9; low-light vision
HP: 66; Bloodied 33 [see Blood Fury]
AC: 19; Fortitude 17; Reflex 17; Will 17
Speed: Swim 9

Bite (standard; at-will)
+10 vs. AC; 1d10+4 damage

Iron Jaws (standard; at-will)
+10 vs. AC; 1d6+4 damage, and target is grabbed

Blood Fury (minor; encounter) * Healing
The first time Frieda the jigsaw shark bloodies an enemy, it spends a healing surge and regains 16 hit points. It gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls and a +2 bonus to all damage rolls against bloodied enemies until the end of the encounter.

Alignment Unaligned Languages: -
Skills: Athletics +11
STR: 18 (+6) DEX: 15 (+4) WIS 15 (+4)
CON: 18 (+6) INT: 2 (-2) CHA 8 (+1)

My other question right now is, has anyone done any work to convert the Reefclaws in EoA or the Nosferatu in 7DtG?

Any help or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.


Mauricio Quintana wrote:
@ Arcesilaus: How is your game going? have you squared off the PCs against the croc family, and if so, how did it go?

Things are actually going quite well! We are just about done with EoA ...

The PCs just defeated Vreeg in the Dead Warrens and returned Gaekhen's body to Croft. The battle with Gaedren went reasonably well: I initially established the upstairs as 2 distinct encounters, but (as I should have expected) the PCs tried to clear the whole building in one swell foop. This left them nearly exhausted, which was good, actually, as the fight against Lamm would have been a bit of anticlimax, otherwise. (This is an example of the learning curve involved in designing 4th ed. encounters: the theory is simple, but it takes practice to figure out the art.) I set up Gaedren as an NPC rogue (more work than was necessary) with 3 crocodile buddies.

My players made it clear to me from the outset that they wanted to run the campaign to 30th level, so I am inserting a couple more sidequests in order to get them to 6th level (they are 4th now) before I move on to 7DtG. We are going to run 'Shut-In' from Dragon 128 followed by a closely connected 'Funeral Procession' from Dragon 135. I am trying to reformat my .doc file to make it readable as a post to share with y'all. I'll see if I can't do that soon.


The Exchange

Mauricio Quintana wrote:

Frieda the jigsaw shark Level 4 Elite Skirmisher
Medium natural beast (aquatic; mount) XP 350

Initiative +6 Senses: Perception +9; low-light vision
HP: 84; Bloodied 42 [see Blood Fury]
AC: 18; Fortitude 19; Reflex 18; Will 16
Speed: Swim 9
Action Points 1

Bite (standard; at-will)
+9 vs. AC; 1d10+4 damage

Iron Jaws (standard; at-will)
+9 vs. AC; 1d6+4 damage, and target is grabbed

Blood Fury (minor; encounter) * Healing
The first time Frieda the jigsaw shark bloodies an enemy, it spends a healing surge and regains 21 hit points. It gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls and a +2 bonus to all damage rolls against bloodied enemies until the end of the encounter.

Alignment Unaligned Languages: -
Skills: Athletics +11
STR: 18 (+6) DEX: 15 (+4) WIS 15 (+4)
CON: 18 (+6) INT: 2 (-2) CHA 8 (+1)


Frieda the jigsaw...

My Jigsaw

Jigsaw Shark Level 2 Elite Skirmisher
Medium natural beast (aquatic) XP 250
Initiative +2 Senses Perception +11 ; blindsight 10
HP 74; Bloodied 37
AC 18; Fortitude 18, Reflex 17, Will 14 ; +2 saving throws
Speed swim 10
Action Point 1
Bite (standard; at-will)
+10 vs. AC; 1d10+3 damage
Blood Frenzy +1 to hit and +2 damage to blooded targets
Blood Pursuit (immediate reaction, when a bloodied enemy within 2 squares of the shark shifts or moves; at-will)
The Shark shifts 1 square closer to the enemy.
Combat Advantage: If the Jigsaw shark has combat advantage it deals
an additional +2d6 damage on its attack
Alignment Unaligned Languages -
Str 16 (+3) Dex 15 (+2) Wis 12 (+1)
Con 13 (+1) Int 1 (-5) Cha 2 (-4)

probably didnt need to be elite

Scarab Sages

I was directed to this thread from other posters and will start posting my conversions on here. Here is my "other thread" if you wanted to see what we had there.

I was also thinking of setting up a wiki to help organize the material conversions people are using. What does everyone think of that idea?

Lastly, can contributing authors who feel like sharing what they have so far, please email me at josiahknight 'at' gmail 'dot' com.

Josiah Knight wrote:

I was directed to this thread from other posters and will start posting my conversions on here. Here is my "other thread" if you wanted to see what we had there.

I was also thinking of setting up a wiki to help organize the material conversions people are using. What does everyone think of that idea?

Lastly, can contributing authors who feel like sharing what they have so far, please email me at josiahknight 'at' gmail 'dot' com.

In many ways I think a Wiki is the way to go as everything else just becomes one long disorganized thread.

I'm running second darkness right now in 4E. I'm pretty much trying to convert things to be as equivalent to the AP as possible. I've found that my characters have gotten a little behind in the xp, when originally I had anticipated the opposite. They are supposed to being Children of the Void at 4th level, but started it at the beginning of 3rd level. I'm going to run another adventure between Children of the Void and Armaggedon Echo to help get them caught up a little. However I anticipate that when they finish the path they will be at about the same level as their 3E equivalents would be.

I'm about to formally kick off this Adventure Path using 4E rules for my gaming group -- two PCs had previously avenged themselves on Gaedren Lamm, but the other 3-4 PCs will join in this Thursday.

Though I haven't really been tailoring the opponents, I did create the following channel divinity power for the player of the Hellknight:

Channel Divinity: Fiery Rebuke of Asmodeus
Encounter * Divine, Fire, Implement
Standard Action * Area burst 1 within 5 squares
Target: Each creature in burst
Effect: Before the attack, you can inflict your Charisma modifier fire damage to an ally within the area. If you do so, you gain a +2 bonus to the attack roll.
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: You push the target a number of squares equal to your Wisdom modifier and inflict 1d10 + Charisma modifier fire damage.
Increase damage to 2d10 + Charisma modifier at 21st level.

A very rough draft of my take on Blood Veil:

Blood Veil - Level 8 Disease

Endurance: improve DC 19, maintain DC 14, worsen 13 or lower

The target is cured. <> Initial Effect: The target loses one healing surge that it cannot regain until cured. The target takes a -2 penalty to its Will defense. <> At the end of each extended rest, the target takes 10 damage. Each time the target becomes bloodied, it gains ongoing 5 damage (save ends) <> Final State: The target cannot be healed above its bloodied state and is dazed. If the target is reduced to 0 hit points, it dies immediately.

Thoughts? I have 2 concerns:

1. It is too deadly, with too many effects. I was trying to maintain the 3.5 Con and Cha effects and fear I might be trying to do too much.

2. It isn't deadly enough. This disease should be fatal to a normal human (within about a week). But, I had a hard justifying giving the PCs a disease that might kill them, through a couple unlucky die rolls. I guess there's nothing saying the disease has to affect NPCs and PCs the same way ...


Scarab Sages

I have created a wiki to help collaborate our efforts. Currently it is a hidden website (mainly so my players don't access it).

If interested in gaining access to the wiki (and contributing ideas and suggestions), please register here:
Edge of Anarchy Wiki

Contact with any questions.

Scarab Sages

Josiah Knight wrote:

I have created a wiki to help collaborate our efforts. Currently it is a hidden website (mainly so my players don't access it).

Contact with any questions.

The wiki is up and running at the following website now.

Edge of Anarchy Wiki
(Edge of Anarchy Wiki Registration)

I have given access to everyone who has registered so far. I am also putting conversions people have made on here on the wiki (with appropriate credits). If you want anything taken off there, please let me know.

Happy Gaming,

Scarab Sages

We now have 10 DM's registered (and thus able to add content) to the Curse of the Crimson Throne wiki. If interested, please register and add your ideas, concepts, and requests so we can work together.


Josiah Knight wrote:

We now have 10 DM's registered (and thus able to add content) to the Curse of the Crimson Throne wiki. If interested, please register and add your ideas, concepts, and requests so we can work together.


Is this wiki/conversion still viable? I've registered, but apparently do not have access.

I don't think it's viable.

Has anyone run through Edge of Anarchy and Seven Days to the Grave in 4E? Do you have notes?

I have converted my game (currently in the midst of Escape from Old Korvosa) to 4E, and I will be converting the rest of the adventure path. I was thinking of posting a simple blog with the material, and it would be nice to have the first and second adventures converted, too. Anyone want to collaborate? Or just send me your notes and I'll credit you for helping?

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