Arnim Thayer |
So we tried today replacing Rage points by going back to a "X per day" mechanic. Here is how we used it.
Can be used once per day - additional times per day gained every time a Rage power is learned. Rage lasts 3 + adjusted CON modifier rounds. Fatigue lasts an equal amount of rounds as rage.
Rage Powers
Rage points from Beta = minimuml level for gaining rage powers. Some Rage powers can be taken multiple times for additional effect (i.e. Increased Damage Reduction and Swift Foot).
Rage powers can only be activated once per encounter. If a Rage power is used, fatigue lasts twice the amount of time as rage.
So far it seemed to work,but we only had two combat encounter this session.
Anyone else willing to try it and list their results?
Arnim Thayer |
I'd rather see the barbarian spending rounds of rage rather than being exhausted longer, as mechanically, its more similar to how rage points currently work.
I am open to suggestions on how to make that work. We were just testing this on the fly, so rules were made rather quickly. That said, NO ONE in my group has liked the feel of Rage points, though.
seekerofshadowlight |
The rage points are much loved here. I wish the mechanic had been used for all x/day powers.Smite,preform,ki pools and so on.Its such a nice easy mechanic that gives the player a feeling that he has control over his character and over how his powers really work. No longer is a barbarian a one trick pony,now he has a range of times and ways he can rage.
hogarth |
I am open to suggestions on how to make that work. We were just testing this on the fly, so rules were made rather quickly. That said, NO ONE in my group has liked the feel of Rage points, though.
Would you like it better if it were called "rounds of rage" instead of "rage points"? E.g. "Your barbarian can rage for 35 rounds today. If he uses Animal Fury, that counts as two rounds of rage."
KnightErrantJR |
Yeah, given that a basic rage burns at a rate of 1 round/point, you could easily say that the barbarian can rage X number of rounds per day, and that each activation of a rage power shortens his rage by X number of rounds.
To be honest, while rage points don't bother me at all, calling them points does sound a little "unbarbarian-like," so it might not be a bad idea to phrase it this way anyway.
Remmington Steele |
I love rage points! They give a Barbarian much more flexibility! If your only problem is the Rage X/day thing for PrCs, thenkeep in mind that that is a bad prereq anyways, as Extra Rage acan always bump up that number anyways. If you still have an issue, just determine a conversion. I believe someone has already done that on these boards.
Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
Keldarth |
I like psionics and I also like rage points and rage powers... And no, they don't feel like the same thing to me.
Saying that every class features that uses a point-based mechanic feels like psionics is like saying that everything that uses a feat-based mechanic feels like "fightery". Rage points are an abstract concept, a unit of measure, and caring about if they're called points or rounds or whatever is not doing any good to the playtesting process.
Does every class with prepared spells feels like a wizard? No way...
Let's keep the class mechanics and the class flavour apart.
John Landan |
I don't care for elemental rage either, its too "magical". Rage pwers should be extraordinary in nature and onlt related to actual melee effects, like attack, damage and defense.
That said, I was thinking on the issue of raging barbarians killing themselves when coming out of rage. An idea occured. How about a rage power that prevented death from rage?
Cling to Life (Ex):As an immediate action, a barbarian may spend two rage points when she is brought to fewer than 0 hit points from loss of the rage condition, stabilizing the character at that current hit points, but remaining unconscious, even if the barbarian would otherwise remain conscious. Hit points less than -9 are brought to -9 and stable with the character unconscious. This only applies to hit points lost from coming out of a rage.
lastknightleft |
Cling to Life (Ex):As an immediate action, a barbarian may spend two rage points when she is brought to fewer than 0 hit points from loss of the rage condition, stabilizing the character at that current hit points, but remaining unconscious, even if the barbarian would otherwise remain conscious. Hit points less than -9 are brought to -9 and stable with the character unconscious. This only applies to hit points lost from coming out of a rage.Thoughts?
I actually love this as opposed to WotCs you rage while unconcious.