Firestorm More Powerful??

Combat & Magic

Why the boost to firestorm, which is a cleric and druid spell, when spells like polar ray, horrid wilting, and meteor storm remain the same?

Firestorm is only a 7th level spell for druids and 8th level for clerics and does 20d6 damage to everyone in a huge area + 6d6 burning per round.

Polar ray targets 1 person and does 20d6 damage as an 8th level wizard spell (there's no save, but still a single target spell).

Horrid Wilting is an area, but is also an 8th level wizard spell and does 20d6 damage.

With the changes to Save-or-Die I'm starting to come around to those arguing for more effective evocation spells, but making the cleric and druid better at nuking things than a wizard is just plain sad.

Eric Tillemans wrote:
Why the boost to firestorm, which is a cleric and druid spell, when spells like polar ray, horrid wilting, and meteor storm remain the same?

Meteor Swarm has already been changed (slightly), and so has Incendiary Cloud. Hopefully Polar Ray will be next. (I don't think there's anything wrong with Horrid Wilting -- it affects multiple targets and does typeless damage.)

hogarth wrote:
Eric Tillemans wrote:
Why the boost to firestorm, which is a cleric and druid spell, when spells like polar ray, horrid wilting, and meteor storm remain the same?
Meteor Swarm has already been changed (slightly), and so has Incendiary Cloud.

Ok, for my first pick in the spell draft I'll take Firestorm and you can have Incendiary Cloud

Eric Tillemans wrote:
Ok, for my first pick in the spell draft I'll take Firestorm and you can have Incendiary Cloud.

Fire Storm: (Level)d6 fire damage, save 1/2, SR = yes, big area, possibility of catching on fire

Incendiary Cloud: 10d6/round fire damage, save 1/2, SR = no, medium area, blocks sight

They both have their own benefits, I guess. I'll probably stick with Summon Monster VIII, though.


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