Jagyr Ebonwood |
This thread is for the purpose of identifying and correcting potential imbalances between the sorcerer bloodlines. Jason has already acknowledged the error I found in which the Abyssal bloodline grants Intimidate as a class skill, even though the sorcerer already has it as a class skill. Jason is working on coming up with a replacement skill for this.
It has been pointed out by many posters that the bloodlines need to be balanced against each other, most recently here:
A few of the abilities still make you wonder. One bloodline [Celestial] grants wings usable 1 min per level per day and another [Infernal, Draconic] grants unlimted use of wings.
Fey 1st level touch is once a day for 1 round effect while the Corrupting Touch lasts for several rounds.
I think a little look at these similar abilities between bloodlines and balancing them to a more uniform set of standards would smooth over a bit of the bumps that remain.
So, after you've looked over the bloodlines and played with them a little, what inequalities or imbalances do you notice?
What can we do to fix these?Lord Tataraus |
As an exercise, I compared the Arcane and Destined bloodlines. The skill, feats, and bonus spells didn't stand out as one better than the other (IMO), but there were some issues in the powers:
(Metamagice Adept/Fated) - Arcane has the upper hand by a long shot, the luck bonus is just too limited especially when compared to the power of metamagic. It is a nice bonus, but it doesn't come up much.
(New Arcana/It Was Meant to Be) - More spells = more power, the reroll just doesn't measure up, its the same kind of thing as why the Luck feats from Complete Scoundrel aren't that great.
(School Power/Within Reach) - Destined gets the better of these, cheating death > limited higher DCs - to me the DC boost just doesn't seem like much compared to the Destined's potential, though the differences in frequency probably even it out.
(Arcane Apotheosis/Destiny Realized) - Destined gets the better of the two IMO, you effectively have 80% critical immunity with perks, much better than slot-burning for charges (expensive slot-burning at that) and updated Metamagic Adept
Summary: In the end, they both seem to balance out, so at 20th level they are pretty balanced, however, in between they swing from Arcane being the best at low levels to Destined finally coming back and matching it higher up the level ladder.