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To stop the cluttering of the thread in the Gamer Connection now we're all full I thought we should shift over here.
Here's a reminder of the creation rules:
- Human characters aged between 18 and 25 who have lived in Clearbrook all of their lives.
- PFRPG rules.
- Any class except wizard (there just isn’t the magical reference material in the world). Anyone of a spellcasting class won’t have access to spells at the beginning of play, weird things may have happened around them from time to time, but no direct spellcasting yet. Same goes for familiars/animal companions, not to begin with, you might have a close pet but no innate bond yet.
- 28 point build as per DMG which can be done easily here
- You are an average person, an exceptional example of an average person with your stats and skills, but still average. Your day to day job is probably something decidedly average; shopkeep, farmer, midwife etc.
- Linked to the above: 1 free rank in a profession or knowledge skill related to your trade.
- All dice rolls will be done using invisible castle.
- Standard HP: Maximum hit points for 1st level plus your Constitution modifier and any other bonuses
- Roll for gold - if you roll less than average take the average.
Dahn: Something blacksmithy
Pat: Cleric/Healer
Malvoisin: Fighter/Woodsman
Stormwatcher: Bard/Carpenter
Lazaro: Sorcerer/Weaponsmith
Rev Rosey: Rogue, maybe?
Lazaro & Dahn: If you both stick with metalworking I'd suggest you work together as I don't see Clearbrook having more than one forge but there could be a few workers there as the one forge would be supplying all the outlying farms.

Kai Reinor |

Starting gold =40. So I can take the average 75 than, right?
Edit* I'm not sure if anyone's asked yet, but will multiclassing or Prestige classing be allowed?

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Starting gold =40. So I can take the average 75 than, right?
Edit* I'm not sure if anyone's asked yet, but will multiclassing or Prestige classing be allowed?
Yep. Take the average :) Multiclassing is fine and dandy. Prestige classes will largely depend, they're a possibility but they will need to fit with what your character has been up to, all in all it's a maybe - throw ideas at me and I might say yes.

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Kai Reinor wrote:Yep. Take the average :) Multiclassing is fine and dandy. Prestige classes will largely depend, they're a possibility but they will need to fit with what your character has been up to, all in all it's a maybe - throw ideas at me and I might say yes.Starting gold =40. So I can take the average 75 than, right?
Edit* I'm not sure if anyone's asked yet, but will multiclassing or Prestige classing be allowed?
I was thinking about a fighter/sor myself so I was thinking Eldritch Knight, Abjurchant Champion something along those lines for PRC's. When you think about it fits my character being a local weaponsmith.

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Loving what you guys have so far :) I'm working my end to make this as fun and interesting for you as possible too. Starting with this:
Yeah, I badly mangled a coastal village map in photoshop but it works! Heh! I am about to start adding numbers and detailing what the main builings are but you guys have first dibs on buildings - so if one screams out as a good home/place of work for your character then just let me know :)
Also, in addition to character stats and a rough background if you could take the time to answer the following questions about your character it'll mean I can even more effectively tailor stuff to make this a more in depth RP experience (feel free to spoiler your answers if you don't want the others to find out as yet):
2) Does your character have a significant other? Or a bit of a crush on someone in the village?
3) Does your character have an enemy?
4) Does your character have/did they have a mentor of note?
5) When's your character's birthday? (using the Golorian months: Abadius, Calistril, Pharast, Gozran, Desnus, Sarenith, Erastus, Arodus, Rova, Lamashan, Neth, Kuthona - each with 30 days in them)
6) What do they do in their spare time?
7) What is their most prized posession?
8) What are their hopes and dreams for the future?
Don't worry if you can't answer them all, I just thought it'd be a fun way for people to develop their characters and for me to come up with really applicable story hooks.

Kai Reinor |

2) Does your character have a significant other? Or a bit of a crush on someone in the village? He wouldn't call it a crush or anything like that, but Kai has always like Sam sister, Abby. Mostly because of the way she annoys her brother.
3) Does your character have an enemy? Lets not say enemy. Lets say competetion. Before he started training to be a smithy, even before his fathers disapperance, he's always had a rivalry with Sam Transon. If one learned how to use a knife, you could beat the other one learned to use a sword, and so on.
4) Does your character have/did they have a mentor of note? Not really. Kai grew up being taught by his father and others at the local smithy, but he was never to interested there. If he considered anything or anyone a mentor, it would be characters from the old fables he heard.
5) When's your character's birthday? (using the Golorian months: Abadius, Calistril, Pharast, Gozran, Desnus, Sarenith, Erastus, Arodus, Rova, Lamashan, Neth, Kuthona - each with 30 days in them) Kuthona 23(I thought it appropriate, being I was born on the 23rd of Dec.
6) What do they do in their spare time? He likes to spend most his time across the river on the NW bank. Kai usually lays backs and watches the clouds drift by. On the rare occasion he practices his sword play.
7) What is their most prized posession? He wouldn't call it prized, but his father sword. It was one the few things found of his father and it was passed on to Kai. He loathes to carry the thing though, perferring something lighter and faster.
8) What are their hopes and dreams for the future? Not be carrying on the "family" legacy of being metal workers. Kai's always felt like he belonged somewhere else.

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Malvoisin checking in....
I'll have some character info up later today.
Thanks for the update :) Can't wait to see what you come up with, i'm writing all sorts of background goodies for the village for people so if I'm slow to respond it means I'm typing up ideas in word or adding notes to the map in photoshop :D

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Also - you know me and skills/feats/BAB incompetence - if I've got anything horribly wrong, tell me.
Ah rogue skills, always a bit of a pain in the rear as they get so many, and need them all!
Looking at your skills I see you have a number of ranks in a couple of things but we are using PFRPG rules so;
Skill Skill Check is Equal To:
Untrained = 1d20 + Ability modifier + racial modifier
Trained = 1d20 + Skill ranks + ability modifier + racial modifier
Trained Class Skill = 1d20 + Skill ranks + ability modifier + racial modifier + 3
With max ranks being your hitdice, so for you, 1. Also some of the skills have been compacted. I PFRPGed your skills and you'll notice that the change makes Abby just as good, if not better, at things :) Like so::
Appraise +2 (int)
Bluff +1 (ranks) +1 (cha) +3 = +5
Climb +1 (str)
Craft(Locksmithry) +1 (ranks) +2 (int) + 3 = +6
Diplomacy +1 (ranks) +1 (cha) +3 = +5
Disable Device +1 (rank) +3 (dex) +3 +2 feat = +9
Disguise +1 (ranks) +1 (cha) +3 = +5
Escape Artist +3 (dex)
Heal +0
Intimidate +1
Know (local) +1 (ranks) +2 (int) +3 = +6
Know (nobility) +2 (int)
Linguistics +2 (int)
Perception +1 (ranks) +0 (wis) +3 = +4
Perform +1 (cha)
Profession (laundress) +1 (ranks) +0 (wis) +3 = +4
Ride +3 (dex)
Sense Motive +1 (ranks) +0 (wis) +3 = +4
Sleight of Hand +3 (dex) +2 (feat) = +5
Spellcraft +2 (int)
Stealth +1 (ranks) +3 (dex) +3 = +7
Survival +0 (wis)
Swim +1 (ranks) +1 (str) +3 = +5
Use Magic Device +1 (ranks) +1 (cha) +3 = +5
Also, as open lock runs off of disable device I'd exchange your 'Nimble Fingers' for:
Deft Hands
You have exceptional manual dexterity.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on Disable Device and
Sleight of Hand skill checks.
(I factored the change in feat into the above)

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Oh and a note for Stormwatcher when he checks in: they're guessing Weds for Alpha 3 so if you want to get stats & skills down for your bard and do backgroundy stuff we can leave some blanks on your sheet until Weds. The start of the thread should just be social anyways somissing bits of info for a couple of days is no big!

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Map update! Now with labels:
1) Reinor Household
2) Carpenter’s Home
3) Transon Household
4) The Greenhouse. Vauun Woods, aged 30, and his two sons (aged 15 and 12) tend the slightly more exotic crops growing within this greenhouse. Their prices are a little steep for the average villager but well worth it.
5) The Sage’s Residence. Lady Tabetha is an elderly woman who lives alone. Nobody in the village remembers a time when she wasn’t there although a few residents remember the days when she was a young beauty, courted by men for miles around. Rather than settling down Tabetha instead sought out knowledge and always shared it with those around her soon earning a reputation for knowing almost everything.
6) Crafter’s Quarter. This clustering of buildings house the businesses of local craftspeople, most notably the smithy, carpenter, cooper & leatherworker.
7) The Lumbermill. Owned and run by Bulaam Woods, older brother of Vauun, the lumbermill is one of the oldest and biggest businesses in the village.
8) The Bakery. Nola Slater, a down-to-earth middle-aged woman runs this busy bakery, filling the streets around the building with the smells of fresh-baked bread. Daughter of a successful farmer, Nola was always aware that sometimes farming families were sometimes too busy tending the fields and livestock to bake and built this business from the ground up, selling baked goods at very reasonable rates in the hopes of making the lives of the workers in and around Clearbrook just a little easier.
9) Donnell Foley’s Home
10) General Store. The Symon family have always run the village general store and the small warehouses surrounding it. Over the years the Symons have become a small clan, seemingly growing in number by the year as their children are married off young and have children of their own.
11) Clearbrook Dancehall. The people of Clearbrook celebrate festivals at least once a month to keep spirits up and try to stave off the monotony of day-to-day life. In the winter months these celebrations take place in the dancehall. The hall is also used for games and amateur dramatics for the children of the schoolhouse.
12) The Green Lady Tavern. A building made entirely of dark wood, the Green Lady is the favourite meeting place of villagers and the only place to get a good drink, be it alcoholic or caffeinated. Run by the beautiful Clover sisters (Bryoni (22), Rose (20), Dawne (19), Misty (18) & Grace (16)) with the help of their mother Beth. Mr. Clover is a woodsman and rarely seen in the village, leading to the rumour that the Clover sisters aren’t actually his and it’s said that all five girls have different fathers (at least two of them are rumoured to really be Symons)
13) O’Laine Stables. Most of the horses working at the outlying farms around Clearbrook originally came from Kory O’Laine’s stables. Not only does he provide horses but also offers vetinary care to any sick animals that are brought to him.
14) Sheriff’s Office. The village is usually completely devoid of crime, but just in case any wrongdoings are committed, Sheriff Gryffin and his small contingent of watchmen are on call to sort things out.
15) Fishery. The small brook running beside the village is far from teeming with fish but there are enough to keep this fishery in business. As the days catches are usually quite small the price of fish is quite high, but usually worth it if you want something a little different to eat.
16) Maia’s Meats. Maia Thornton (32) is the daughter of a cooper and a weaver, it was expected that she would go into one of her parents careers but to her family’s surprise she instead took an apprenticeship with the local butcher. More surprising still was that the young woman had a talent for preparing meat. With no children of his own the old butcher passed his premises and his business on to Maia when he passed away a few years ago
17) Terren Farm. The only farm within the confines of the village the Terren family set up their small stead twenty years ago, after a harsh winter cut off the village from outlying farms and food got low.
18) The Schoolhouse. Madame Leigh runs this old building almost single-handedly, running lessons for the local youths and taking in any children who have nowhere else to go. Currently in her care are Durval and Miaralle Kent who lost their last remaining relative to illness two winters ago.
19) Mayor’s Manor. Elections are held once every three years to decide upon a mayor, but as long as anyone can remember the mayor has been a member of the Glenn family. The current mayor is one Barthus Glenn and if rumour is to be believed he is going to be succeeded by his eldest son Jed in the next election or one after.
20) Len Harker’s Home
21) Militia Barracks. Local youths are trained, and older hands stay in practice in the arts of combat here in the barracks. Everyone knows that chances of these skills being needed are slim but having the barracks sits well with the village’s ‘better safe than sorry’ outlook.
22) Community Temple. The entirety of the village celebrate religious festivals and come to pray here at the temple. The main shrine is to Erastil but there are small areas set aside for various good deities.
23) Home of the Healer. The home and workplace of Tristian Desnos, the aging healer of Clearbrook, he has healed the great majority of ills that have plagued the village and his wife Fianna is a skilled midwife who helped deliver almost all of the village into the world.
24) Clearbrook Cemetery
Obviously the houses can be moved around if you don't like where I've put you for now, but hopefully that'll help with your backgrounds and getting a feel for your characters' home.

Malvoisin |

Kayos, my initial thought for Donnell was that he should be a Ranger, but I went with Fighter instead, just because the ranger class hadn't been released yet. If Alpha 3 rules are indeed set to come out on Wednesday, should I hold off and create him as a Ranger 1 instead? Ranger really would be my preference of favored class, and I'd multiclass him that direction anyway, with your leave. (Unless I hate the new rules, but I seriously doubt that).
Whatcha think?

Isabella Glas |

Hello Peeps, sorry took so long, but oh well wrote out one background, and then it, kind of got lost when saving, arrgghhh, but second time lucky yay me. Maybe I just spent too long pondering over things with it.
Wednesday coolio, will probably wait till the nice Bardy stuff is out before proper creation though.

Isabella Glas |

1) Does your character have any family? feel free to expand on this as much as you want; names, ages, what they do for a living.
Iz only has her father, Loric.
2) Does your character have a significant other? Or a bit of a crush on someone in the village?
Probably has nice little crush, on a much older Entertainer, or possibly a childhood friend.
3) Does your character have an enemy?
Not really, maybe she has a rival, a girl in the village which sees her as a threat to having any man she wants
4) Does your character have/did they have a mentor of note?
Only that kind travelling enteriner from long ago, who she would like to see again.
5) When's your character's birthday? (using the Golorian months: Abadius, Calistril, Pharast, Gozran, Desnus, Sarenith, Erastus, Arodus, Rova, Lamashan, Neth, Kuthona - each with 30 days in them)
15th Neth
6) What do they do in their spare time?
Look after the house and manage the shop, learna dn practise news songs, tunes and stories. Make intruments, take walks along the stream and woods, entertain the children and of course, look after her wonderful Father.
7) What is their most prized posession?
Her first instrument, a wooden flute, and her mothers deep blue and green dress her father gave her for her 15th birthday.
8) What are their hopes and dreams for the future?
To be part of an enchanting tale, and make her mother proud, as Iz is sure she watches over her. Wants to see her Father properly happy again, and see him supported, so he doesn't have to struggle any more.

Abby Transon |

Smith and Abby are orphans. Their parents died in a house fire about 6 years ago. Since then Smith has worked hard and Abby hasn't. She has just started doing laundry (including a delivery and collection service). She's reasonably good at that.
2) Does your character have a significant other? Or a bit of a crush on someone in the village?
Not at the moment. Abby's best friend is probably Kai who she nagged to teach her rapier and dagger skills when Smith got stroppy and said it wasn't a skill she'd ever need. She has a minor crush on Len Harker.
3) Does your character have an enemy?
Abby is her own worst enemy. She will always feel guilty about the death of her parents - she forgot to take bread out of the oven because she was reading and the chimmney caught fire. She doesn't like fire at all and sometimes has nightmares.
4) Does your character have/did they have a mentor of note?
She adores Smith in her own wierd way, and she's got a certain respect for Lady Tebetha who Abby is fairly sure is not fooled by her reward collection activities.
5) When's your character's birthday? (using the Golorian months: Abadius, Calistril, Pharast, Gozran, Desnus, Sarenith, Erastus, Arodus, Rova, Lamashan, Neth, Kuthona - each with 30 days in them)
Desnus 21
6) What do they do in their spare time?
Practises making locks. Lady Tebetha gave her a book and she's read it from cover to cover. Watching Smith at work showed her how to use tools and she's used her ill gotten gains to buy a locksmith's kit. She's getting good. It's a secret. The Compleet Locksmythe really is complete - it also details keys to other worlds. Nobody knows what she's up to. If she can't do that, she wanders round the village listening to gossip and saving it up for her next petty thieving exploit.
7) What is their most prized posession?
The Compleet Locksmythe and her tool kit.
8) What are their hopes and dreams for the future?
She'd wants to do something better than Smith. She wants to stop having nightmares. She really wants The Compleet Locksmythe to the right.

Kai Reinor |

For Kayos
Mostly with his father not allowing anything not doing directly with forge work, I'm looking for someone who Kai could learn from, and hoperfully not have his father find about.

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The domain powers you would have access to, but he'd see them both as skills rather than magic. His calming touch he'd see as being good with people and the wooden fist as the occasional lucky punch.
As for spells, he isn't granted them as standard to begin with but he may have noticed over the years that 'odd' things happen around him (spells may go off but he won't see them as spells, he may unintentionally use a cure spell over a bandaged wound and when it comes to taking the bandage off a day or so later the wound will have healed - he'd probably put it down to a good salve applied to the wound and the person being a fast healer etc etc)

Pat o' the Ninth Power |

The domain powers you would have access to, but he'd see them both as skills rather than magic. His calming touch he'd see as being good with people and the wooden fist as the occasional lucky punch.
As for spells, he isn't granted them as standard to begin with but he may have noticed over the years that 'odd' things happen around him (spells may go off but he won't see them as spells, he may unintentionally use a cure spell over a bandaged wound and when it comes to taking the bandage off a day or so later the wound will have healed - he'd probably put it down to a good salve applied to the wound and the person being a fast healer etc etc)
Thanks. Should I "memorize" spells, or just wait for the gods/DM to intervene?

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Thanks. Should I "memorize" spells, or just wait for the gods/DM to intervene?
Feel free to write up what you'd 'memorise', that way I know what sort of flavour of spells to go for when the gods/I decide to intervene ;)

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I've gotta admit it sucks writing my background. One, I'm not to good at it to begin with. I think this stims from the fact none of the groups, non-pbp, never cared for writing backgrounds. Two, I'm trying to keep in short, but I'm find it hard.
Feel free to add to what you have so far as and when you come up with ideas, maybe jumping into the game thread and seeing how he acts in play will help you round out background ideas.
I like what you have so far :)

Samuel 'Smith' Transon |

1) Does your character have any family?
While both his parents died in a fire 6 years prior, and Abby is his only living blood family, Smith considers the whole of the community as part of his family. First and foremost he looks after Abby, but every nail and horseshoe he pounds is for the good of the community.
2) Does your character have a significant other? Or a bit of a crush on someone in the village? Smith is too much of a working man to have any time for courting, tho he does not resist courtship himself. He has had a few relationships in the past few years that have sizzled, and no one is calling him now.
3) Does your character have an enemy?
Laziness. The selfish.
4) Does your character have/did they have a mentor of note?
Losing his father at a young age turned him inward. He is self-taught in terms of his metalworking, and his combat skills developed out of his own initiative. His prayerbook has served as the font of inspiration and self sufficiency that he has needed to spur him on. His dedication to hard work ensures his success.
5) When's your character's birthday? (using the Golorian months:
Lamashan 25
6) What do they do in their spare time?
When not working at the forge, he divides his time between patrolling the wilderness outside Clearbrook, caring for household things and his sister Abby, praying, and practising his martial skills.
7) What is their most prized posession?
His hammer and prayerbook are ties, for sure.
8) What are their hopes and dreams for the future?
Smith wants to do his part to ensure a safe community. Right now that means to continue doing what he's doing. If his role in the future is required to change, he's willing to take up any responsibility necessary.