How Close will Alpha 3 be to the Final Beta?

Alpha Playtest Feedback General Discussion

How Close (content/rules wise) will Alpha 3 be to the Final Beta?
Will the Beta consist of 70%, 80%, 90% of the Alpha 3?
-- Just a "best Guess" by the Paizo Crew (Jason, Monte and company)


Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

I'm not sure I understand the question.

Erik Mona wrote:
I'm not sure I understand the question.

I think the OP is trying to get a rough idea about how much of what has been seen in alpha2 is going to be accepted as 'a definite change' and no longer 'ideas to try out' perhaps? Or something similar in intent.

I'm sure a lot of folks are wondering though the final decisions are still a long time away, so i'm not sure how accurate it could be.

Rathendar wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:
I'm not sure I understand the question.

I think the OP is trying to get a rough idea about how much of what has been seen in alpha2 is going to be accepted as 'a definite change' and no longer 'ideas to try out' perhaps? Or something similar in intent.

I'm sure a lot of folks are wondering though the final decisions are still a long time away, so i'm not sure how accurate it could be.

Ya, basically along this line.

I would like to start using the Alpha Rules (as soon as V.3 comes out) in our campaign. (but I don’t really want to “play test” rules).

I just wanted to know if the Alpha 3 rules will be "slightly" changed (10%'ish change), “moderately” changed (30%'ish change) or “significantly” changed (70%’ish change) compared to the Beta rules.
- or maybe you guys just don't know at this point?

Any info would help-


Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I'm not sure they can even realistically answer the question.

If Alpha 3 comes out next week, then Jason has all of June and part of July to make changes to it. Let's take the left over of May and combine it with July and call it 2 months.

That's two months of playtesting before the beta print.

Now, people can continue to do what they've been doing... posting about how they think rule or class X would be if they were writing this.. or they could spend that time playing and posting about things that work or don't work. Continue to provide constructive feedback on the rules as their present instead of of more untested opinion.

From the threads I've looked at, there are a lot of issues that go back to alpha 1 that still haven't been address that may be answered once the rules are in their complete form (like how a Wizard's bond item becomes magical for enhancement when normal items can't be made masterwork as per SRD, and obviously a wizard can't "make" a masterwork item and be bond to it at the same time for reduced cost at level 1... or I don't think so.)

So the rules could be very different or very much the same depending on how much useful feedback Jason gets on them.

I'm hoping more Sorcerers get slain so that some of the melee touch abilities go away. ;)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Of course, the next few weeks will tell us for sure, but the bulk of the material in the Beta will be relatively similar to the alpha. Don't expect sweeping changes and all that, is what I'm saying. To a certain extent, the year or so of playtesting that goes on with the Beta is going to be when the fine tuning happens; the alpha was simply a "get the document built into a playtestable format" stage. We decided to make that stage open to the public simply to keep everyone as informed as we could.

So yeah; the beta will look relatively similar to the alpha, except that it'll contain all the other elements of the SRD that the alpha hasn't included yet. It's during the extensive beta stage of the playtest that we'll really see how things like sorcerer bloodlines, barbarian rage points, and the new cleric domains (to name only three big changes to the game) play out.

Liberty's Edge

James Jacobs wrote:

So yeah; the beta will look relatively similar to the alpha, except that it'll contain all the other elements of the SRD that the alpha hasn't included yet.

By this I'm guessing you mean prestige classes, unmodified feats, spells, and so forth?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Timespike wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

So yeah; the beta will look relatively similar to the alpha, except that it'll contain all the other elements of the SRD that the alpha hasn't included yet.
By this I'm guessing you mean prestige classes, unmodified feats, spells, and so forth?


Paizo Employee Director of Games

Mr Jacobs is right here. I feel it important to note that we have let you guys see Beta material before the Beta is even out (such as the revised skill system). Normally, those new rules would be held for the Beta. As it currently stands, much of the Beta will be similar to Alpha release 3.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing

Jason Bulmahn wrote:

Mr Jacobs is right here. I feel it important to note that we have let you guys see Beta material before the Beta is even out (such as the revised skill system). Normally, those new rules would be held for the Beta. As it currently stands, much of the Beta will be similar to Alpha release 3.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing

Regarding the skills revision being in Alpha 3, I feel that this shows just how much pursuit of perfection (or at least of excellence) matters to you guys. :)

Keep it up!

Dark Archive

As I understand it the beta will actually replace the need for the SRD, correct? Not like the Alpha where we still need our SRD. And for that matter the Beta will include the PHB & DMG SRD info, but not the MM, right?

Paizo Employee Director of Games

Charles Evans 25 wrote:
Jason Bulmahn wrote:

Mr Jacobs is right here. I feel it important to note that we have let you guys see Beta material before the Beta is even out (such as the revised skill system). Normally, those new rules would be held for the Beta. As it currently stands, much of the Beta will be similar to Alpha release 3.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing

Regarding the skills revision being in Alpha 3, I feel that this shows just how much pursuit of perfection (or at least of excellence) matters to you guys. :)

Keep it up!

I should point out that the skills system is being tinkered with on a very small scale for release 3, not nearly to the extent as between release 1 and 2.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Will the mysterious 12th Iconic be in version 3, or will we have to wait for the Beta?

Mistwalker wrote:
Will the mysterious 12th Iconic be in version 3, or will we have to wait for the Beta?

Hope we don't have to wait till Starbuck gets the fleet to Earth before we see the 12th one...

Dark Archive

BERTG wrote:
Mistwalker wrote:
Will the mysterious 12th Iconic be in version 3, or will we have to wait for the Beta?
Hope we don't have to wait till Starbuck gets the fleet to Earth before we see the 12th one...

Ugh...horrible pun.(BSG rocks, though)

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Mistwalker wrote:
Will the mysterious 12th Iconic be in version 3, or will we have to wait for the Beta?

The 12th Iconic is a multiclass character (fighter/sorcerer reportedly.) With that in mind and the fact that they won't be ordering/needing art with him in it yet for the APs, I doubt we'd see him until the final version comes out. They then could stick an action shot or three with him into the book.

The only thing that could change that is if mutliclassing were to take up more space in the book then it does in the PHB. Like having something similar to apprentice levels back (that many of us want) or a table for multiclass spellcaster progression... other then that, I don't see Wayne's version of him in there.

Just my opinion though. :)

Liberty's Edge

Charles Evans 25 wrote:
Jason Bulmahn wrote:

Mr Jacobs is right here. I feel it important to note that we have let you guys see Beta material before the Beta is even out (such as the revised skill system). Normally, those new rules would be held for the Beta. As it currently stands, much of the Beta will be similar to Alpha release 3.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing

Regarding the skills revision being in Alpha 3, I feel that this shows just how much pursuit of perfection (or at least of excellence) matters to you guys. :)

Keep it up!

Second That!!!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I find it more annoying then anything else. I liked the first version, I like this version, I'm worried I'm not going to like the next version.

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