Homosexuality in Golarion

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

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Alain's not sufficiently incompetent to make a worthwhile Joxer. Which is why Bruce-ing him doesn't work. Frankly, when I see Alain's mug, his voice turns into that of the horribly mischaracterized take on Simon Belmont from Captain N: The Game Master.

That, or Norm Spencer, aka 90's X-Men: The Animated Series Cyclops.

In any case, I'm happy with female barbarian, female paladin, female inquisitor, but I really, REALLY want Isaiah Mustafa Swashbuckler.

...though I recall this and think maybe I should not be so strident...

Silver Crusade

Jessica Price wrote:
I support more Isaiah Mustafa in everything. :-)

Who he?

Liberty's Edge

This guy.

Silver Crusade

Alice Margatroid wrote:
This guy.


Good swashbuckly attitude.

Silver Crusade

the question may be more asked "which is heterosexual?"

If you read the comic you already know two homosexual characters--they have shown them.

They have yet to show us a heterosexual couple from the iconics

Sovereign Court Contributor

TheAntiElite wrote:

Getting back on topic, would it be cliché to want the Shaman to be the trangender iconic based on two-spirit tradition? On the one hand, it would not be the worst way to bring in an almost Amerind-motiff if done well and respectfully the way that Sajan is the Vudrani iconic in a way that was tasteful and not at all caricatured. On the other, it IS a sort of real-world transplanting without suitable adaptation to make sure enough of the serial numbers were filed off.

Also, I must derail again purely because I have still want an Isaiah Mustafa-esque Swashbuckler and a Terry Crews-like BloodRager, but in light of remembering that The Once and Future Doogie-Barney-HowserStinson himself, Neil Patrick Harris, once made a turn in the advert series as well, I have been secretly projecting him onto Balazar, and this may have consequences down the line if Erik Mona should find out, up to and including having me purged from the boards and/or universe.

Also, I've been trying to find a way to redeem Alain as a character, but not even loaning him The Chin's mighty pipes works.

I think there are entirely positive and mythically appropriate reasons to bring over that concept to Golarion. Shamans are specialists in being "other" in a powerful way and, yes, the wisdom of the self being immutable even if the body and its perceptions are mutable.

+1 to Isaiah Mustafa being the look for a swashbuckler...

Karal mithrilaxe wrote:

the question may be more asked "which is heterosexual?"

If you read the comic you already know two homosexual characters--they have shown them.

They have yet to show us a heterosexual couple from the iconics

Valeros seemed to be displaying a potentially heterosexual orientation in the comic. At the very least, he hits on Merisiel in the first issue. Though that doesn't preclude him being bi.

I'm pretty sure Merisiel is bi, not homosexual. I'm pretty sure James Jacobs has stated that somewhere, maybe in his Q&A thread.

So, one homosexual, one bisexual and one possible heterosexual. So far.

Elves are generally sorta pansexual.

I didn't go through the HOLY FREAKIN' COW 92+ pages!? of the thread, but I did look through the first page and I'm looking over this last page. Whatever number it comes to.

My favorite PC is Darsadi Callinova, a female Varisian Sorc. She is very heavily based on Seoni. My character 'likes guys', and I have fun and I'm comfortable roleplaying that even though I don't 'like guys that way'. I want to use a world setting where EVERYONE is welcome. My wife prefers to play females, she isn't comfortable playing 'dudes'. She is very happy using Amiri for reference. Amiri has armor, she's not all T&A. There are *strong* female characters that wear more than chainmail bikinis such as Kyra and Seelah. They are not all pasty white guys, though I do happen to *be* a pasty white guy.

I'm also very happy to know that in PFS play, name-changes and gender-flipping of a pre-gen, particularly for new level-1 players but not exclusive to them. I know of females that exclusively play males because of bad experiences being hit on as females online & in RPGs.

For my personal comfort, I would not want to have people of any given orientation "getting jiggy with it" openly as a matter of putting it all out on parade. That isn't what I'm looking for. But I am very VERY happy that Golarion as a world setting, and Pathfinder as an RPG is about being inclusive and inviting, rather than focused on pasty white guys being surrounded by chicks in chainmail bikinis.

I don't have a problem with a "Jack Harkness" character in Golarion. I think a "Jack Harkness" would make a great iconic, revealed as such in a comic or some such.

Dr. Frank-N-Furter, not so much. There is a difference between "Namaste, I accept and welcome you" and "I'm here and I'm queer, ___ me!"

Thank you, Paizo!

Silver Crusade

So, I'm playing a Paladin of Arshea in PFS PbP. I'm suddenly confused on how I list gender on my character sheet so that my GM knows what's up.

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Note it as progress bar with birth gender on the left and target gender on the right with a series of dots drawn above to show the transition process.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

After 5 years this thread is still going strong. The Paizo community always amazes.

Silver Crusade

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Drejk wrote:
Note it as progress bar with birth gender on the left and target gender on the right with a series of dots drawn above to show the transition process.

I can't do that. Every time I draw a series of dots, I have to draw Pacman eating them.

Shadow Lodge

Trans iconic = Ezren. Look at the pregen sheet in the second printing of the Beginner Box for confirmation. It shows "him" in "his" natural state.

I downloaded the pregen sheet for Ezren found here, but I don't see anything indicating he's trans. Care to elaborate, or provide a different link? (I do not own the Beginner's Box.)

Alternatively you can just go to page 313 of the Advanced Player's Guide :P

Ah, he's wearing a girdle of opposite gender, there! Brilliant!

Silver Crusade

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I still don't understand why it's listed as a "cursed" item. Crossdressing would be a heck of a lot easier if you didn't have to worry about padding.

Silver Crusade

Krystin wrote:
I still don't understand why it's listed as a "cursed" item. Crossdressing would be a heck of a lot easier if you didn't have to worry about padding.

Legacy issue combined with it not being caught in time, IIRC from earlier in the thread. It does carry that nasty 1% chance of rendering someone completely sexless too, so it's not really safe.

There are some safer alternatives that have been posted by the Paizo crew upthread and/or elsewhere though, some for those that want temporary changes and those seeking a permanent one. :)

Silver Crusade

Ah, here you go!

The price on the cord makes it seem more likely to belong to Arshean sects as a whole, which lends itself to some nice ideas about how they might operate.

Shadow Lodge

For those wondering what I meant....link

Krystin wrote:
I still don't understand why it's listed as a "cursed" item. Crossdressing would be a heck of a lot easier if you didn't have to worry about padding.

Because it does it whether you want it to or not, and it's irreversible barring more magical intervention.

Doesn't look anything like Ezren... I mean, where's "his" cane? /shrug

Shadow Lodge

Terraneaux wrote:
Krystin wrote:
I still don't understand why it's listed as a "cursed" item. Crossdressing would be a heck of a lot easier if you didn't have to worry about padding.
Because it does it whether you want it to or not, and it's irreversible barring more magical intervention.

Yeah. Are we really gonna go so far down the PC path that just because a small minority of PCs might like it's effects, it's no longer a "cursed" item? Because you can do the same thing for most cursed items.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I've said it before and I'll say it again. The girdle IS a cursed item. Now myself as a trans* person? I'd pay good money for it. But for a cisgendered person? It effectively MAKES them trans* and forces the hell that is not identifying with your body on to them.

Silver Crusade

Mikaze wrote:

Ah, here you go!

The price on the cord makes it seem more likely to belong to Arshean sects as a whole, which lends itself to some nice ideas about how they might operate.

thanks for the link ;)

Shadow Lodge

Detect Magic wrote:
Doesn't look anything like Ezren... I mean, where's "his" cane? /shrug

In reality, I figure someone put the wrong piece of art in the wrong place or something. 'Cos yeah....not so much Ezren right there.

Liberty's Edge

Krystin wrote:
I still don't understand why it's listed as a "cursed" item. Crossdressing would be a heck of a lot easier if you didn't have to worry about padding.

For those who are perfectly happy with their bodies, gender and sexuality, an item that gives one an involuntary magical sex change operation can definitely be considered a curse.

Darn, Cori Marie totally ninja'd me...by nearly three hours.

Louis Lyons wrote:
Darn, Cori Marie totally ninja'd me...by nearly three hours.


Detect Magic wrote:
Louis Lyons wrote:
Darn, Cori Marie totally ninja'd me...by nearly three hours.

Well, ninja were highly skilled in impersonating various people, often people of gender different than their own - and Cori has many years of experience of living as a member of not exactly own gender...

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Cori Marie wrote:
I've said it before and I'll say it again. The girdle IS a cursed item. Now myself as a trans* person? I'd pay good money for it. But for a cisgendered person? It effectively MAKES them trans* and forces the hell that is not identifying with your body on to them.

Two items

The cursed girdle of gender disjunction
For trans people the girdle accentuated the wrong gender, people with no gender it made them both, multi gender people it removed gender alltogether, and the usual female-male swap.

The girdle of gender choice - this item allows you to select any gender.

Digital Products Assistant

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Removed an unhelpful post.

Apparently there is a unpublished alchemical gender changing elixir. One of the NPCs in Wrath of the Righteous used it. It also seems a bit expensive as well.

And to give such an elixir a basis in Golarion rules I will start to stat it out.

Elixir of Gender Change Price ????gp
Craft Alchemy DC 30, required spells Polymorph.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
The Minis Maniac wrote:

And to give such an elixir a basis in Golarion rules I will start to stat it out.

Elixir of Gender Change Price ????gp
Craft Alchemy DC 30, required spells Polymorph.

There would also be a need for a permanency effect. Otherwise you're kind of stuck at shelling out 1440 gold pieces a day for potions, and while that's acceptable for a high-level adventurer...

Silver Crusade

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So everyone's reading Gabrielle Harbowy's Inheritance here on the blog, right? Cause Keren and Zae are adorable. :)

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

(it's also the first human/gnome romance that I can recall that didn't make me feel awkward)

Liberty's Edge

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I never read the web fiction, but the art of Appleslayer in the 2nd chapter has convinced me to give this one a go.

omg giant fluffy doggyyyy so cuteeeeeee

EDIT: also just saw the Zae art in chapter 3, cutest gnome ever; sold.

Liberty's Edge


"Maybe he thought you were a snack. He's a big one."

Zae laughed. "I'm not very tasty."

Keren raised an eyebrow, glancing at her sidelong.

"All right, then: I'm not very filling. Is that more accurate?"

Heeheehee. Giggling so hard at this.

I swear I'm not a perverted 14 year old.

Alice Margatroid wrote:

"Maybe he thought you were a snack. He's a big one."

Zae laughed. "I'm not very tasty."

Keren raised an eyebrow, glancing at her sidelong.

"All right, then: I'm not very filling. Is that more accurate?"

Heeheehee. Giggling so hard at this.

I swear I'm not a perverted 14 year old.

Yeah, we are almost sure you are at least 18...

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

My god, they are absolutely adorable!!!!!

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

And just when our resident ... compassionate ... conservatives ... thought that the worst aberration ever to come out of Seattle was a half-orc Paladin romancing a transgender m/f, Paizo decides to up the ante.

Well played, Mastah Suttuh, well played.

Liberty's Edge

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I may declare Keren x Zae my Paizo OTP. So cute I'm gonna die.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

On a serious note, this story is amazing, please more, novel preferably.

Oh and have them encounter Sir Jeggare and Mr Radovan.

Senior Editor/Fiction Editor

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Really glad everyone's enjoying "Inheritance"! I was curious to see how folks would respond to a story that, while full of adventure, is really about a romance between two characters, but it appears that everyone was as charmed as I was. :)

I suspect you'll be seeing more of Gabrielle around these parts in the future!

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Gorbacz wrote:

On a serious note, this story is amazing, please more, novel preferably.

Oh and have them encounter Sir Jeggare and Mr Radovan.

This whole thing is rather squee-worthy and awww-some.

Dark Archive

Really enjoying that story so far.

Silver Crusade

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
James Sutter wrote:

Really glad everyone's enjoying "Inheritance"! I was curious to see how folks would respond to a story that, while full of adventure, is really about a romance between two characters, but it appears that everyone was as charmed as I was. :)

I suspect you'll be seeing more of Gabrielle around these parts in the future!

"Inheritance" made me squee and giggle. It's not easy to make a 194cm tall bald "Walter White? Broke him badly last week!" lawyer/teacher giggle. Like a small girl.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Karal mithrilaxe wrote:

the question may be more asked "which is heterosexual?"

If you read the comic you already know two homosexual characters--they have shown them.

They have yet to show us a heterosexual couple from the iconics

I'm PRETTY SURE that, my headcanon aside, canon-Valeros is hetero and involved with Imrijka...

Senior Editor/Fiction Editor

Kittyburger wrote:
Karal mithrilaxe wrote:

the question may be more asked "which is heterosexual?"

If you read the comic you already know two homosexual characters--they have shown them.

They have yet to show us a heterosexual couple from the iconics

I'm PRETTY SURE that, my headcanon aside, canon-Valeros is hetero and involved with Imrijka...

Despite the surprising amount of NSFW fan art of those two floating around the internet, I don't think we've ever actually said they're an item. :P

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