Greater Rage & Mighty Rage

Races & Classes

Scarab Sages

Greater Rage and Mighty Rage -- Page 11.

"A barbarian must spend 2 rage points to enter a greater rage, and must expend 2 rage points per round to maintain her rage."

The Mighty Rage is similar.

Can the barbarian choose between the different rages? Can the barbarian say "I want to rage, but don't need to go 'greater' and don't want to use all my rage points yet so I think I just do 'regular' rage."? That could be useful but it doesn't say one way or the other. In 3.5 it is pretty well assumed that you don't have much of a choice (and not sure why you would want to go less in that case anyway). Assuming that you make it so that you can choose, can the barbarian switch while raging?

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