Request: Appendix A – Rules Light (Lite).

Alpha Release 2 General Discussion

I honestly like what is happening with the Pathfinder RPG, but in many places, the alterations seem…overambitious. Is it possible to have a small section included in the back of the book devoted to quickly transitioning a 3.5 group?

Patches for the largest offenders (the CMB section would be ideal here), skill amendments (description repetition not likely required, a page reference should be sufficient), and the sections purposely omitted from the SRD (xp + creation) would be perfect, without all the spell / item / class / race changes. If desired, the players could easily read through and choose to implement the upgrades in their entirety later, but in the meantime some “quickplay” rules updates would be heavenly.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

That sounds like a nice idea for a web enhancement. The page count would be large enough that the content might not fit in the print book, but small enough that the content wouldn't take a lot of printer ink to print from a pdf.

When I read this yesterday, I thought, “Oh wow, awesome idea!” But now I wonder if doing it via web enhancement wouldn’t be a “Why buy the cow…?” kinda deal.

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