McKellen as Gandalf- again


Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Try to act surprised.

Ian McKellen will again take up the robes of Gandalf the Wizard in the cinematic adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien's fantasy classic "The Hobbit" a British film magazine reported Wednesday.

But McKellen's publicist warned that final arrangements were yet to be made.

"Of course he wants to do it, but nothing's been agreed or signed," Clair Dobbs said.

Empire magazine's Web site quoted McKellen as saying that director Guillermo del Toro told him he would again be playing the white-haired wizard.

"He confirmed that I would be reprising the role," the magazine quoted McKellen as saying. "Obviously, it's not a part that you turn down, I loved playing Gandalf."

Liberty's Edge


How's that?

OMGOMGOMG!!!! I loved him in LotR, but I thought there was no way he was going to get the part again! I AM SO STOKED!!!!!


What!?! They're going to let him play Gandalf again! After he did a terrific job last time and became a iconic figure in cinema!?!

I'm Shocked! How could THAT happen!?!


~shocked and awed look~ He is going to be Gandalf AGAIN?!?

Is that good?

Sharoth wrote:

~shocked and awed look~ He is going to be Gandalf AGAIN?!?

Is that good?

I think it is a good thing!

It could have been Michael Gambon. I was so scared of that.

EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
Sharoth wrote:

~shocked and awed look~ He is going to be Gandalf AGAIN?!?

Is that good?

I think it is a good thing!

~grins~ I think so too. However, since we were asked to be suprised, I was making sure that my act worked.

Sharoth wrote:
EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
Sharoth wrote:

~shocked and awed look~ He is going to be Gandalf AGAIN?!?

Is that good?

I think it is a good thing!
~grins~ I think so too. However, since we were asked to be suprised, I was making sure that my act worked.

Your right, I guess we were asked to act surprised. I will try it again.

Sharoth wrote:

~shocked and awed look~ He is going to be Gandalf AGAIN?!?

Is that good?

Oh My God, that is wonderful news, are you sure? This is so totally awesome. I can't wait for the Hobbit to come out. Wow, now I got to find someone to go with. Wow, now I really got something to think about. Thanks for the wonderful news, this is so cool. You just made my day!

How did I do?

~Holds up a scorecard that reads 8.53 ~ Can you do better than that?


Ggr-rog-nard wrote:

~holds up a scorecard 6.35 ~

Would it help if I got up and danced?

Sovereign Court

Whee! Happy nerd joygasm!

"" wrote:

[...But McKellen's publicist warned that final arrangements were yet to be made.

"Of course he wants to do it, but nothing's been agreed or signed," Clair Dobbs said.

Empire magazine's Web site quoted McKellen as saying that director Guillermo del Toro told him he would again be playing the white-haired wizard.

"He confirmed that I would be reprising the role," the magazine quoted McKellen as saying. "Obviously, it's not a part that you turn down, I loved playing Gandalf."

The cynic in me reads this as "But McKellen's publicist wants to stoke up the fans to make sure that he gets the price he's asking to reprise the role." Which is fair enough, he'll do a good job, and the continuity may reassure fans that the quality should match LOTR.

EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
Would it help if I got up and danced?

~lewd grin~ It depends upon what KIND of dancing!!! ~grins and runs from Eileen's wrath~

Sharoth wrote:
EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
Would it help if I got up and danced?
~lewd grin~ It depends upon what KIND of dancing!!! ~grins and runs from Eileen's wrath~

Forgets to duck and takes a high heel in the back of the head!

Daeglin wrote:

Which is fair enough, he'll do a good job, and the continuity may reassure fans that the quality should match LOTR.

We can but hope. But I don't think McKellen will have forgotten how to act in the years since Return of the King so I agree that he should be a safe bet, and Guillermo has done nothing but floor me (in a good way) since Blade 2.

WOW! That is awesome!

EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
Would it help if I got up and danced?
~lewd grin~ It depends upon what KIND of dancing!!! ~grins and runs from Eileen's wrath~
Forgets to duck and takes a high heel in the back of the head!

~goes down in a heap~ Groans! Medic!

Liberty's Edge

What's a gandalf?

Andrew Turner wrote:
What's a gandalf?

Argh! It's an unbeliever! To Cirith Ungol with you!

Andrew Turner wrote:
What's a gandalf?

~groans~ If I were not in need of some serious medical help, I would show you who Gandalf was! ~groans~ Medic!

Sharoth wrote:
Andrew Turner wrote:
What's a gandalf?
~groans~ If I were not in need of some serious medical help, I would show you who Gandalf was! ~groans~ Medic!

Sigh, you can be such a big baby at times. Sure I threw the shoe, but I didn't throw it THAT hard. (Helps Sharoth to his feet and removes the wedged shoe from his head, fills the hole with cotton).

Andrew Turner wrote:
What's a gandalf?

Where's my hot poker!

EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Andrew Turner wrote:
What's a gandalf?
~groans~ If I were not in need of some serious medical help, I would show you who Gandalf was! ~groans~ Medic!

Sigh, you can be such a big baby at times. Sure I threw the shoe, but I didn't throw it THAT hard. (Helps Sharoth to his feet and removes the wedged shoe from his head, fills the hole with cotton).

I thought Sharoth had a fairly good AC. Must be a pretty decent shoe.

Dark Archive

It's dragonbane. That's the key.

OMG! I'm so shocked I'm using proper grammar and correct spelling!

Trey wrote:
EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Andrew Turner wrote:
What's a gandalf?
~groans~ If I were not in need of some serious medical help, I would show you who Gandalf was! ~groans~ Medic!

Sigh, you can be such a big baby at times. Sure I threw the shoe, but I didn't throw it THAT hard. (Helps Sharoth to his feet and removes the wedged shoe from his head, fills the hole with cotton).

I thought Sharoth had a fairly good AC. Must be a pretty decent shoe.

+5 Pump

Dark Archive Contributor

EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
+5 Pump

HA HA! A much needed laugh in the morning. Thanks Eileen! :)

Mike McArtor wrote:
EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
+5 Pump
HA HA! A much needed laugh in the morning. Thanks Eileen! :)

Your welcome!

Since (in cinema terms) this is going to be a prequel, I'm wondering if Christopher Lee might turn up as Saruman again, possibly in less-than-bad-guy mode.
(Okay, in the books Saruman's gone bad by now, but I'm wondering if Jackson et al might choose to show the assault on Dol Guldur as being where a cinema version of Saruman starts to make the 'pragmatic' decision given what he sees that he's fighting against otherwise.)

I hope since they are doing the Hobbit and a whole new Hobbity thing, they leave in Beorn and other side characters. I could have done with a little less combat in LotR if they could have worked in Tom Bombadil. I think Jackson did a good job, but I think what he took away from Tolkien was very different from what I ended up with.

Like, wow!

The Hobbit.

I am so surprised.

(Sarcasm aside, McKellen does rule, and believe it or not, I was his waiter long long ago in a restaurant in Canada. He left me an awesome tip. One of my theater friends had to explain to me who he was and why he was there.)

Kruelaid wrote:

Like, wow!

The Hobbit.

I am so surprised.

(Sarcasm aside, McKellen does rule, and believe it or not, I was his waiter long long ago in a restaurant in Canada. He left me an awesome tip. One of my theater friends had to explain to me who he was and why he was there.)


In addition to Gandalf, he was also fantastic in Richard III and Gods and Monsters.

I don't remember too much about that night other than the fact that he and his friends had some special coffees and desert. I was working in a nice cafe near a theater packed neighborhood.

I do remember that all of them were very gracious people. Knowing that they were actors, I guess most of them had probably spent a few years waiting tables themselves.

Sovereign Court

That's cool Kruelaid, I have a similar story as I was waiter to John Waters and had no idea who he was.
(Btw, Richard II was a great movie!)

I could have cooked for Isabella Rossellini, but I was off that night. Probably for the best, as apparently the waitress biffed the order.

I would have been excited, but I heard McKellen will be doing a reinterpretation of his previous Gandalf role under del Toro's advice; this time he'll secretly be a kindly, wise communist sympathizer trying to bring down the fascist tyranny of Smaug and his falangists.

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