Fighter with Focus

New Rules Suggestions

Fighters. I think deep down we all love the class for its promise of customization in the utmost. However, in some ways it delivers, but in others it doesn't. Combat isn't all about dealing physical damage to foes. There is plenty more to it than that. Seriously, go challenge a person to a fight. You'll find that there is a lot of pushing, positioning, posturing. There's a lot of searching for the chance to strike, a lot of faking attacks, a lot of watching for tell tale movements in order to dodge, a lot of playing mind games, and there is even more than that - and that's just in real life with your two mitts!

Fighters in Dungeons and Dragons have to deal with a lot more than face to face, fist to fist combat. They have to contend with hostile dungeons, and flying, magically protected, magically attacking Dragons! They need to be much more capable at fighting than any "real world" fighter might have been. All these notions that the Fighter is just a regular guy need to be dispelled. The Fighter is a combat mastermind, a true champion at arms, and an awe-inspiring master of a thousand perfectly executed martial techniques.

In Pathfinder, the new Combat Feats available to Fighters are excellent. A GREAT step in the right direction for our master of the battlefield. However, they are only that - a step. There are more to take. The Weapon and Armor Training abilities introduced, while welcome bonuses to be sure, don't address the difficulties that all Fighters must at some point come to face - terrible truths: Sometimes no amount of armor can save you. Sometimes no matter how hard you swing you just won't connect. A Fighter needs to be able overcome his shortcomings in these two most basic tenets of fantasy combat or he's too easily going to become worthless in a battle between Wizards and Warlocks.

Well, I do have my own ideas for the Fighter, and they are ideas that follow the tenets of Backwards Compatibility and Add, Never Subtract while simultaneously bumping the Fighter to a place of better Game Balance. Here I present to you the Fighter with Focus. Tell me what you think. I add more options to the Fighter player, while taking none away, and allow the class to overcome obstacles that cause all Fighter players to cringe.


Hit Dice: d10

Attack Bonus: As normal, of course.

Saves: When you create a Fighter character choose either Fort or Ref. This save has the "Good" progression, while Will has the "Poor" progression (A normal Fighter's Fort save has the "Good" progression, while a normal Fighter's Will save has the "Poor" progression).

1. Combat Focus, Weapons Adept
2. Bonus Feat
3. Defensive Training
4. Bonus Feat
5. Ever Vigilant
6. Bonus Feat
7. Uncanny Dodge
8. Bonus Feat
9. Tide of Battle
10. Bonus Feat
11. Weapons Expert
12. Bonus Feat
13. Action Without Thought
14. Bonus Feat
15. Deadly Precision
16. Bonus Feat
17. Sight Beyond Sight
18. Bonus Feat
19. Weapons Genius
20. Bonus Feat, Defensive Mastery

Class Skills (4 Ranks per level): Acrobatics, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Escape Artist, Intimidate, Perception, Ride, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Stealth (The class skills have been expanded, and the skill points per level have been increased to reflect the addition to skills. If Fighters are to be masters of combat then they'd better be able to use any skill that could feasibly be used in combat, eh? This new list combined with the choice between Fort or Ref in good save allows for much greater player choice in what type of Fighter the player would like to play.)

Proficiencies: Remain the same, of course.

Combat Focus: Fighters are expected to be alert, ready to take advantage of the flow of the field in an instant. By spending a move action, a Fighter can enter a focused state of mind. This state lasts for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 Fighter level +2, and during the focus the Fighter gains a +2 bonus to the saving throw of his choice (chosen upon gaining the focus). As a swift or immediate action the Fighter can voluntarily end his focus to reroll a single d20 roll. Fighters cannot gain Combat Focus outside of battle for the state of mind and body needed to achieve this simply doesn't exist except in those conditions.

Weapons Adept: Every morning a Fighter picks a weapon he is proficient with, and practices the hell out of it gaining bonuses to hit and damage with that weapon for the rest of the day. At 1st level the bonus gained is +1 to attack rolls with the chosen weapon. Starting at 4th level he adds +2 to damage rolls with the chosen weapon. At 6th level he gains a further +1 bonus to attack rolls for a total of +2. At 10th level he adds a further +2 to damage rolls for a total of +4. At 14th level he gains +2 to attack and damage with all weapons of the same damage type as the chosen weapon (this bonus stacking with the bonuses earlier for a total of +4 to attacks and +6 to damage). At 18th level he gains the benefits of the Weapon Mastery feature of the standard Pathfinder Fighter with the chosen weapon. (This feature completely replaces the Weapon Training feature of the Pathfinder Fighter.)

Bonus Feats: At every even level, Fighters gain a bonus feat in addition to those gained from normal advancement (meaning that a Fighter gains a feat at every level). These bonus feats must be selected from either fighter bonus feats or combat feats.

Defensive Training: At 3rd level the Fighter chooses a specific defensive style with which he will assume throughout his career between Armor Training, Competency Training, or Deflective Training. (This feature completely replaces the Armor Training feature of the Pathfinder Fighter.)

Armor Training - A Fighter that chooses Armor Training gains a bonus to AC while wearing any type of armor equal to +1/four Fighter Levels (rounded to the nearest +1). Additionally, when a Fighter wears armor he gains Damage Reduction depending on the Armor Type. Heavy Armor grants DR 2/--, Medium DR 1/--, and Light none. Finally, while wearing armor a Fighter reduces the armor check penalty by 1 for each +1 to AC he would normally gain from this ability.

Competency Training - A Fighter that chooses Competency Training doesn't rely on armor quite so much as his fellows. These Fighters gain a +1 competency bonus to AC per four Fighter levels (rounded to the nearest +1). All allies who can hear the Fighter gain 1/2 this bonus (rounded down) as the Fighter offers defensive advice. Double these bonuses for any character while he or she fights defensively (this includes the bonuses granted to allies).

Deflection Training - A Fighter that choose Deflection Training hardly relies on armor at all, but defends himself with his weapon. These Fighters gain a +1 deflection bonus to AC per four Fighter levels (rounded to the nearest +1). Any adjacent allies gain 1/2 this bonus (rounded down) as the Fighter attempts to parry attacks that might target them as well. While fighting defensively a Fighter may parry any ranged attack targeting himself or an adjacent ally as the Deflect Arrows feat (though the Fighter needs not have an open hand).

Ever Vigilant: While benefiting from Combat Focus, a Fighter of 5th level or higher gains a competence bonus to Perception checks made to oppose the Stealth checks of his enemies equal to 1/2 his Fighter Levels (rounded up). Further, he does not suffer the penalties of being Blinded against any foe he has detected through his Perception skill.

Uncanny Dodge: As the Barbarian class feature. A Fighter never gains Improved Uncanny Dodge.

Tide of Battle: A Fighter of 9th level or higher may spend an immediate action to voluntarily end his Combat Focus and move up to his base speed. If he does, he cannot regain his Combat Focus for 1d4 rounds.

Weapons Expert: By spending an hour in practice with a single weapon, a Fighter of 11th level can switch to that weapon the bonuses granted to a weapon by his Weapons Adept feature.

Action Without Thought: While benefiting from Combat Focus, if a Fighter of 13th level or higher fails a save against a Mind-Afflicting effect, he ignores its effects until his Combat Focus expires or is ended.

Deadly Precision: Whenever a Fighter of 15th level or higher confirms a critical hit on a creature that creature must succeed on a Fort save (DC 10+1/2 Fighter Levels+Fighter's Con modifier) or be slain outright.

Sight Beyond Sight: A Fighter of 17th level or higher may spend a swift action to voluntarily end his Combat Focus at gain the benefits of True Seeing for 1 round. If he does, he cannot regain his Combat Focus for 1d4 rounds.

Weapons Genius: By making at least one attack roll with a single weapon for three rounds, a Fighter of 19th level or higher can switch to that weapon the bonuses granted to a weapon by his Weapons Adept feature.

Defensive Mastery: At 20th level a Fighter has reached the pinnacle of his protective proficiency (say that three times fast!). He gains stupendous benefits from his choice in Defensive Training.

Armor Training - The Damage Reduction granted by your armor increases to DR 9/-- for Heavy Armor, DR 6/-- for Medium and DR 3/-- for light. Additionally you ignore all speed restrictions of the armor you wear.

Competency Training - You are ready for anything. You add the bonus to your AC from your training to your Initiative as well, and all allies that can hear you gain 1/2 this bonus (rounded down). Any character who fights defensively adds this bonus to the saving throw of that character's choice (chosen upon choosing to fight defensively).

Deflection Training - You push away attacks with ease. Increase the deflection bonus granted by your Defensive Training by +2. Further, whenever a foe attacks you or an adjacent ally, if you're fighting defensively, you may substitute the target's AC for an attack roll made at your highest bonus. Each time you do this you forfeit an attack of opportunity for the round. You can only do this as many times as you would be entitled to make attacks of opportunity.

Sovereign Court

This would definitely make a fighter more interesting. I initially thought of merely increasing the number of combat feats all kinds of nifty abilities.

I find the Combat Focus extremely good. Get a bonus when it's on, but a chance to expend it for some great bonus. The defensive trainings need some fixing though. I don't see a reason why wouldn't everyone pick competence training.

A similar thread about combat feats and what they should offer a fighter is here.

Deussu wrote:
This would definitely make a fighter more interesting.

That is about 50% of the idea. The other 50% is to actually make it capable of fighting, even through some really tough times.

Deussu wrote:
I initially thought of merely increasing the number of combat feats all kinds of nifty abilities.

Not sure what you mean here.

Deussu wrote:
I find the Combat Focus extremely good. Get a bonus when it's on, but a chance to expend it for some great bonus. The defensive trainings need some fixing though. I don't see a reason why wouldn't everyone pick competence training.

By you find the focus to be extremely good do you mean overpowered or do you mean it's just a really nice ability?

While I would like to increase the power of Armor Training, I do think Competence and Deflection are roughly equal. Remember that Deflection gets added both to your touch and flat-footed AC.

Deussu" wrote:
A similar thread about combat feats and what they should offer a fighter is here.

I'll have to check that one out.

BUMP for feedback?

In general I like it. The weapon and the defense enhancements look good, and I like the focus mechanic.

I don't like giving all Fighters Uncanny Dodge. It might fit some Fighters but not all Fighters.

I'm not sure what Competency Training is suppose to represent. The other two defense options are concrete, armor and blocking, but the competency option is a little vague.

I don't like putting a cool down on combat focus (like Tide of Battle and Sight Beyond Sight do). I'm not fan of duration tracking and I try to avoid it if possible. For Tide of Battle, I'd just drop it the cool down; the character had to give up a move action to gain focus, so the ability is only changing when the character takes that move action. I'm not sure about Sight Beyond Sight though.

Joshua James Gervais wrote:
In general I like it. The weapon and the defense enhancements look good, and I like the focus mechanic.

Considering the class is based around Focus, that's good! :) My goal was to keep nearly the same attack and defensive bonuses that the Pathfinder Fighter got, but to add more depth without adding any unwanted flavor or style to the Fighter. He's still a highly skilled Fighter - and that's still it.

Joshua James Gervais wrote:
I don't like giving all Fighters Uncanny Dodge. It might fit some Fighters but not all Fighters.

Yes, I see what you mean. Any suggestions on an ability that might fit here? Perhaps Immunity to Fear?

Joshua James Gervais wrote:
I'm not sure what Competency Training is suppose to represent. The other two defense options are concrete, armor and blocking, but the competency option is a little vague.

I suppose I should clarify. Competency Training is just someone who has familiarized themselves with fighting in the most general sense possible. These fighters know so much about so many different styles that they can dodge, block, etc more effectively and can give sound advice to their allies to do the same.

Joshua James Gervais wrote:
I don't like putting a cool down on combat focus (like Tide of Battle and Sight Beyond Sight do). I'm not fan of duration tracking and I try to avoid it if possible. For Tide of Battle, I'd just drop it the cool down; the character had to give up a move action to gain focus, so the ability is only changing when the character takes that move action. I'm not sure about Sight Beyond Sight though.

I suppose you're right, Tide of Battle doesn't need the cool down. Sight Beyond Sight probably doesn't either now that you mention it. The cool down was intended to be a balancing factor, but it may not be necessary.

EDIT: And I again realize that I can't edit my original post... and I don't know why.

bkdubs123 wrote:
Joshua James Gervais wrote:
I don't like giving all Fighters Uncanny Dodge. It might fit some Fighters but not all Fighters.
Yes, I see what you mean. Any suggestions on an ability that might fit here? Perhaps Immunity to Fear?

A couple ideas come to mind:

- Something that works like Evasion for Fortitude saves, though I'm not sure how many Fortitude partial effect are out there.

- A counter attack ability, which might be really fun but might also slow combat down a little.

- Something else in the vein of Tide of Battle that helps the Fighter be a little more mobile and a little less reliant on full attacks.

bkdubs123 wrote:
Joshua James Gervais wrote:
I'm not sure what Competency Training is suppose to represent. The other two defense options are concrete, armor and blocking, but the competency option is a little vague.
I suppose I should clarify. Competency Training is just someone who has familiarized themselves with fighting in the most general sense possible. These fighters know so much about so many different styles that they can dodge, block, etc more effectively and can give sound advice to their allies to do the same.

Okay, that's a concept I can get behind. Though I'm a little wary about the bonus to other character's AC--it's the sort of thing I think I'd end up forgetting during play.

bkdubs123 wrote:
Joshua James Gervais wrote:
I don't like putting a cool down on combat focus (like Tide of Battle and Sight Beyond Sight do). I'm not fan of duration tracking and I try to avoid it if possible. For Tide of Battle, I'd just drop it the cool down; the character had to give up a move action to gain focus, so the ability is only changing when the character takes that move action. I'm not sure about Sight Beyond Sight though.

I suppose you're right, Tide of Battle doesn't need the cool down. Sight Beyond Sight probably doesn't either now that you mention it. The cool down was intended to be a balancing factor, but it may not be necessary.

EDIT: And I again realize that I can't edit my original post... and I don't know why.

Yeah, it seems the forum doesn't let you edit your posts after a while.

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