Magic Item Creation Costs - Clarification

Combat & Magic

I'd like some clarification on the magic item creation costs. I think the original 3.5 wording was also confusing (though it may just be me being dense), but hopefully we can fix it. Here's the blurb on page 111:

Multiple Similar Abilities: For items with multiple
similar abilities that don’t take up space on a character’s
body, use the following formula: Calculate the price of
the single most costly ability, then add 75% of the value of
the next most costly ability, plus one-half the value of any
other abilities.
Multiple Different Abilities: Abilities such as an
attack roll bonus or saving throw bonus and a spell-like
function are not similar, and their values are simply
added together to determine the cost. For items that do
take up a space on a character’s body each additional
power not only has no discount but instead has a 50%
increase in price.

Ok, what if I'm making an item with multiple similar abilities on an item that does take up space on the body (such as a belt)? Under the heading of Multiple Similiar Abilities there is no mention of price for a slotted item with multiple similiar abilities. I suppose I would assume the 50% increase in price for each additional ability as listed under the 'Multiple Different Abilities' section, but this really should be spelled out more clearly.

Next, the Table 17-2 states that the price of an item with Multiple Different Abilities should 'Multiply higher item cost by 2', but in the text under 'Multiple Different Abilities' you should simply add the values of the abilities together to determine cost. Which is correct? Or am I reading the table vs. the text wrong and just not understanding? Whether there is an error here or not I think it could be written more clearly.

I don't like bumping a post, but I'd like some feedback on whether or not I'm just confusing myself on these issues or that there is actually a problem with the clarity of these rules.

I think Pathfinder doesn't change the standard D&D3.5 rules here. So, everything is just as it was there.

1) Pricing magic items is an art, not a science. There are no rules for pricing newly created items, there are only guidelines.

2) The first method for pricing a magic item should be to compare it to existing items and price by relative power.

Multiple Similar Abilities: This category only applies to abilities that require an action to activate, and that are basically mutually exclusive (using A means you cannot use B or C this round). It should also probably be true that MSA's should draw on the same pool of finite resources. If an item could cast CLW 3/day, CSW 2/day, and heal 1/day, those would be different abilities, not similar. If however the item had 5 charges/day and those spells cost 1/3/5 respectively, then they could be considered "multiple similar abilities".

The only core rules example of this form of pricing is in Staff's. It does not apply to constant powers, or abilities that could be used at the same time. To be honest, it's best to leave this to Staff's. Trying to apply this to any other magic item will probably only cause problems.

To extend from #2 above, before you try to price an item, you should separate each ability an item has and price them separately. As if each ability were it's own item. Then to determine the final price, act as if you were starting with the most expensive ability (as a unique item) and adding the other abilities like you were adding to an existing item, so each additional ability costs 50% more than usual.

If you want a more specific answer, then define this belt that you are (hypothetically) making. It's probably safe to assume that no belt will have "multiple similar abilities".

Derek's got it about right - basically you will almost always use the "+50% for the 2nd highest cost ability and below.

This only applies to "body slot" items, because items that do *not* take up slots cost +100% already.

The table note "Multiply higher item cost by 2" however could indicate a change that the text didn't catch up to. That would be an interesting way of handling it - make the most expensive cost twice, then add whatever you want... also a very broken way - it would encourage adding tons of similarly priced qualities.

On a only somewhat related note, I will say the one redeeming quality (IMHO) of the Magic Item Compendium was to issue an official rules change to exclude certain qualities, in certain spots, from incurring the +50% cost. Basically the ability boosts, in their associated spots, deflection, resistance (save and energy), etc., don't cost extra in certain spots.

It will be interesting to see how PF prices the belts with multiple stats on them.

DerekDyer wrote:

1) Pricing magic items is an art, not a science. There are no rules for pricing newly created items, there are only guidelines.

2) The first method for pricing a magic item should be to compare it to existing items and price by relative power.


I actually consider myself pretty well versed in determining the value of a newly created magic item using the 3.5 rules, but I started this thread because I always felt the wording of the 3.5 rules was very confusing and I would prefer Paizo not copy/paste this section of the rules. I would like the 'guidelines' to be clearer. A good example is your response to me Derek...someone trying to understand magic item creation costs would learn much more from your response than from reading the actual rules and it doesn't have to be that way.

Just bumping this thread once to see if there are any other comments on this issue.

Hello Eric

Here is how I have always interpreted the 3.5 rules and I think I am literally correct. For your belt as it takes up a slot you can ignore the Multiple Similar abilities portion of the 3.5 rules text completely. That should clarify things a great deal. In my opinion that rule will go the way of the dodo anyway when the final rules come out.

As far as the text vs the table goes I have always gone with 2x cost rather than +50%. I de-constructed a few items and they seem to follow this pattern.

I will be spamming the boards with what changes I think should be made to the item creation rules and I look forward to your feedback.

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