
Races & Classes

Can someone clarify the Necromancers ability to control 8HD undead creatures to me?

It seems a bit much for a 1st level character to be able to use that kind of ability. Am I miss reading something?


Dark Archive

onesickgnome wrote:

Can someone clarify the Necromancers ability to control 8HD undead creatures to me?

It seems a bit much for a 1st level character to be able to use that kind of ability. Am I miss reading something?


As far as I (and seemingly others) understand it, this ability just increases the control pool you get from Animate Dead. The ability does not itself grant you control, just capacity. You need to get the Undead under your control somehow else. (i.e. through Animate Dead).

Which then raises the point, why does my 1st level necromancer have a signature ability that can't be used till level 7? As far as I know, this hasn't been addressed.

TK342 wrote:

Which then raises the point, why does my 1st level necromancer have a signature ability that can't be used till level 7? As far as I know, this hasn't been addressed.

I think the key point is why only the necromancer class of all the specialist wizards, is the only specialist who does not have a working signature ability.

Does that mean they get to use the Universalist abilities by default even when specializing in Necromancy until they use the ability?

Universalists don't get an ability either. It does mean that you can cast whatever spells you want until you get to level 8, though obviously learning tons of what will become opposed spells kind of sucks.

Actually, do you lose your power for *preparing* or *casting* opposed spells. If the latter, you cna prep spells from your opposed schools and reserve them until half your army has been lost in battle.

Orion Anderson wrote:

Universalists don't get an ability either. It does mean that you can cast whatever spells you want until you get to level 8, though obviously learning tons of what will become opposed spells kind of sucks.

Thaks so that would be a Yes regarding getting to use the non existent Universalist ability. :)

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