Difference between Pathfinder Standard Shipping and USPS Package Service?

Customer Service

Hi there,

I've just switched my subscription shipping options to "Hold subscription items for monthly shipment" and saw that there is a "Pathfinder Standard Shipping" option.

Other than the cheaper price, what is the difference between this option and the USPS Package Service?


Dark Archive

Kamelion wrote:

Hi there,

I've just switched my subscription shipping options to "Hold subscription items for monthly shipment" and saw that there is a "Pathfinder Standard Shipping" option.

Other than the cheaper price, what is the difference between this option and the USPS Package Service?


I wondered the same.

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

They are basically the same thing.

The "Pathfinder Standard Shipping" rate was the introductory shipping rate for the launch of Pathfinder.

Cosmo wrote:

They are basically the same thing.

The "Pathfinder Standard Shipping" rate was the introductory shipping rate for the launch of Pathfinder.

Awesome. Thanks!

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